Chapter 10
After telling Emily to watch the kids. Th guys and I grill Ashley for all the details before heading downstairs. Just as we were about to exit the hotel a girl around our age cam running up to the hotel. She was panting with her hair a mess and several cuts and bruises on her arms and legs but she looked determined. When she saw us her eyes lit up. Running up to us she asks “ which one of you is Matt. Confused the others point to me. The girl sighs in relief. Then she reaches into her pocket and pulls out…. Megan’s pocket knife! Grabbing it from the girl I look it over. It really is Megan’s knife. It had her name engraved on it. It is the twin to the one dad got me. “ how did you get this” I ask hope beginning to spark. The girl looks at me and when she has caught her breath confidently says “ meg sent me” the feeling of hope surges. “ where is she. Is she ok” I ask grabbing the girls shoulders. Her face falls and she shakes her head. “ she helped me escape but the monsters were planning on eating us. Now that I gone they will probably eat her sooner once night falls.” tears roll down her face as she says this. I look at the guys they nod. We bring the girl who introduced herself as Brianna upstairs to the other. We grab some of our guns and after getting directions from Bri we head out and begin walking to the parking garage that Bri described. When we arrive the guys and I silently climb the ramp. As we reach the fourth floor we can hear a hoarse grating laugh. Seeking cover behind one of the cars I look around. There tied to one of the posts of the parking garage was my sister and she was surrounded by four monsters. The largest of the monsters drew a long clawed finger down Megan’s face ending at her navel all the while taunting her, laughing in her face. Meg somehow managed to stay calm through all of this. Her face was at peace but i knew what she was really thinking. She wanted to rip this monster limb from limb. But still she remained calm in the face of death. The exact opposite could be said for me. I was livid. The blood was rising to my face and I had to clench my fist to keep from going crazy. I looked at the others and Kane's face was as red as a tomato which was strange for him. Jason was looking around looking for anything that could be used as an escape route.while we were observing the situation i felt a tap on my shoulder. Whipping around i nearly hit Bri in the face. My heart was racing but i managed to calm myself. “I want to help” she whispers sliding next to me. I nod we would need all the help we could get. Suddenly the eerie silence was broken by a loud howl. Looking through the car window i could see that Meg had kicked one of the monsters closest to her. Then she began screaming. “ you leave them alone you filthy beast” she yelled kicking and wriggling in her bonds but they were tied too tightly. But that didn't stop me. She started cursing so colorfully that if mom heard the things she called the monsters she would have washed megs mouth out with soap. She kept cursing for at least 10 minutes causing the monsters to back up afraid of being kicked again. The largest monster stood firm. He growled deep and menacing. I look back to the guys. They nod. We all knew we had to act and fast. Pulling out the guns we brought as well as the ammo we aim at the monsters. I take aim at the lead monster and fire a shot directly at where it heart should be. The monster stumbled back and we took this as an opportunity. While Bri ran to free Meg, the guys and I provided all the cover she could need firing multiple shots to keep the monsters at bay. When Meg was finally free we began to back up towards the ramp. Keeping my gun pointed at the main monster I was horrified. The wound where the monster had been shot was rapidly closing until it looked like it had never been injured. We back up faster until we reach a well light patch of sun. The monsters hesitated, clearly disliking the sun. This was our chance. We ran making sure to stay in the light as we made our escape. We didn't stop until we reached the hotel. When we made it to safety i look back at my sister pulling her into a huge hug. She was trembling slightly with a few cuts and bruises but she was ok. Kane and Jason join the group hug. We stay like that for a minuet before pulling apart. Meg than walks over to Bri pulling her into a huge hug too. “ thank you” said meg once she releases Bri. Bri smiles and nods. Together we head upstairs to pack our things and leave. We were worried that once night the monsters would chase after us with their heightened sense of smell. Once we arrive back at our rooms Emily and Riley basically dive bombs meg knocking all three of them to the ground laughing. Riley was crying as he clung to megs shirt. Together we pack our things everyone ignoring Ashley as we do so. She keeps trying to talk to Jason but he isnt having any of it. Every time she gets close to him he glares at her and moves away from her. This makes her even more upset and she starts trying to stare meg down even though she is much smaller than her. Meg just ignores this and continues to pack her things. Once everything is loaded into the bus we depart. I drive the bus while meg rests in the back with Bri we decide to sleep in the bus for the night in case we have to make a quick getaway. As we stop for the night i look over at my sister who is asleep. I'm just so glad she is ok.
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