Chapter 4
The car is completely silent as we head down the street and away from the house. Looking into the rearview mirror I can see Riley kneeling on the back seat next to Emily and Matt. He is staring at our house as it gets smaller and smaller until it disappears completely. As I drive I take a closer look at our surroundings. The streets are completely empty and all the shutters of the houses are drawn is so silent that the only thing you can hear is the whistling of the wind between the buildings. Luckily we have not seen any monsters so far. After driving for half an hour we entered a forest. The trees looming over the car seem dead and the grass is a light shade of brown. Red leaves were falling from the trees coating the road in front of the car creating a red carpet of leaves. As I drove over it we could barely hear the crunch of the dry leaves. The forest is super eerie. There are no chirping birds or the sound of woodpeckers drilling holes into trees and no squirrels clambering through the branches of the trees. The silence is so scary that Kane reaches over and and connects his phone to the radio so that we can listen to some music instead of sitting in this eerie silence. Finally after half an hour drive we leave the forest behind and drive into the city. Suddenly riley pulls on my sleeve. “ Meg . I'm hungry”. He says. I nod and pull up into the nearest Mcdonalds. While the others stay in the car I head into the back. I worked at a McDonalds for a year to save up for my van so I knew my way around the kitchen. As i make a couple of big macs and some fries i look around the kitchen to see if i can make some chicken nuggets for riley since they are his favorite. When I'm done i grab some sauces and head back to the car. Once everyone has eaten i start up the car which shows that we needed to get some gas. When we arrive at the gas station i began to fill up the car. Just as i finish up i hear a strange scratching noise. Turing i can see a monster huddling in the shadow of the building. Its dark eyes fixed on me. It looked hungry but it seemed hesitant to step out into the light. Quietly i put away the gas nozel. Backing up slowly i open the drivers side door. Hopping back into the car i slowly back out of the gas station. Looking behind us i can see the monster reaching out for the car but the minuet a ray of sunlight, breaking through the clouds, touch its horrible skin, the monster shrank back its skin blistering more than it already was . turning back to the road i drive down the street as fast as i can. After another half hour we strop for a stretching break. While the others stretch i pull out matts baseball bat which i packed as it was our only way to protect ourselves. Luckily we all got back into the car without incident. Our little break brought back some happiness. For the rest of the ride we played road trip games like i spy. Finally we reach the coast. We drive along it and riley is pointing out everything he sees. This is his first time at the ocean so i can understand why he is excited. Finally we reached Newport and we headed to the Newport Harbor shipyard. After locating the giant superyacht which was named Tranquility, we head over to the nearby supermarket to grab some food. We made several trips to bring as much food as possible to the ship. After that we made 7 trips in the full van. Kane picks the lock on the fence and we pile all of the food into the kitchen on the yacht. Then we began filling the yacht up to the brim. I say goodbye to my care for what could be the last time. When everything is in place Kane starts up the yacht and we are once again on our way. After half an hour of sailing i head up to the bridge. Kane was still steering the ship.” Kane? “ I ask when I arrive at the bridge. He nods completely focused on steering the ship “ will you teach me how to steer the ship?” i ask he nods. For the rest of the night Kane shows me how to maneuver the ship and how to read a map. After a few hours we stop the boat and had off to sleep for the night.