Doctor Mary:223Please respect copyright.PENANAqVwIt05Hx8
We have to admit that Shirley has changed. It seems that he is doing his best to be the girl in his dreams. This means a whole new personality and identity. Some boys regress due to trauma or insecurity. Some have an interest in diapers as a fetish. I do not think that Shirley's interest in diapers is a fetish. I am not sure why he suddenly has this interest. There are no medical problems. Shirley is also more interested in girl's clothes. Aunty thinks that he has been suppressing his femininity and now allowing himself to be who he truly is. This could be true. All his life, he was influenced by his parents who would never have accepted his feminine side. Now he has freedom. I am not so worried about this at all. The choices that Shirley is making are his own decisions.
Susan:223Please respect copyright.PENANAUbmosSBOG8
Aunty told me that I should support Shirley more. She told me that he could be a girl in a boy's body and does not want to grow up and prefers to be a baby. This is so hard to understand. I know that Shirley was sent here because he could not accept that his foster brother was girly. Now he could be girly himself. If this is true, then I will still be his friend. It does not matter if he thinks he is a girl. It matters what is in his heart. I am the only one who could see that he had a good heart when he came here. It did make me smile that maybe Aunty was hinting that I share my clothes with him. It would be like having a twin sister. Shirley's hair was getting long, and he was complaining that it came into his eyes. So I offered to cut it so it did not. In the end, he had bangs. I was proud of my work even though the bangs did look like something that a toddler girl would have. The important thing is that Shirley loved it.
Austin:223Please respect copyright.PENANAGJ9jdwl1te
OK, Shirley has changed. He is no longer the bitter arrogant bully anymore. He was being nice. Aunty told me that he could be a sissy and even want to be a baby. I could understand this. Shirley has been using a pink pacifier when he sleeps as well as a stuffed animal. I do not know if he realized that I had seen it. If he does he does not seem to care. To be honest, even though it is weird, I do not care either. He is being nice and that is the important thing. I also have secrets that I do not want people to do. To be honest, I do know how much I can accept it. I do not understand sissies. I will just turn a blind eye to it all.
Shirley:223Please respect copyright.PENANAri2iYmXp4W
I have discovered something lately about myself. All my life, I have judged others and treated many like dirt. I was never happy. I may have thought I was happy, but I was not. I was bitter and judgemental. Since I started to be like the diaper girl in my dream, I have been happy. I know it's weird to want to be a baby girl. I do not care. It makes me feel happy and I feel safe and I get attention. Aunty notices me a lot more now. The problem is that Susan no longer has the diapers. I secretly took one of her dresses. So I made an important decision. I will be the diaper girl and everyone can know this. I needed Aunty to know this. So tonight, I wet the bed on purpose. To be honest, it was not fun waking up in a wet bed.
Susan:223Please respect copyright.PENANAupUcaW0BhO
Shirley told me we needed to talk. First, he admitted that he had taken my dress. I already suspected that and as a way of supporting him, I said that he could borrow it as it no longer fitted me. Then he told me that he wet the bed. Somehow this did not surprise me. I asked him if he was ok as it seems he was acting more like a sissy and baby. Shirley shrugged his shoulders and said he was just being himself. This is who he always was and he never was brave enough to show it. Then he carefully asked if I was still his friend. I told him of course I was. When he went, I could not stop thinking of how much Shirley changed. I know he read the book about Aunty's nephew being a girl. I also know that Shirley wanted Aunty's attention. Was he doing this because he wanted to please Aunty and get her attention?
Shirley:223Please respect copyright.PENANA5TQlGQnEUu
I have been wetting the bed for a few days now and Aunty noticed it. I asked me what was wrong. I told her that I started wetting the bed. I did not tell her that I had been doing it on purpose. Aunty told me a lot has been happening in my life like the death of my parents, my old foster family and now the orphanage. She told me it could just be a phase. I said in an embarrassing voice that maybe I needed diapers. This made Aunty smile and say that not many 11-year-olds would want this. She said she would think of a solution. I told her that I was not like other boys. When I went back to my room, I was frustrated. I thought that she would want to see me in a diaper. After all, she persuaded her nephew to wear them.
Aunty:223Please respect copyright.PENANAVS0F0bUxdh
I am proud of myself. So Shirley wet the bed and even suggested that he wear diapers. This confirms to me that deep down he is more of a baby than an 11-year-old. I would not mind if he wore diapers. Boys tend to be nicer and easier to be with when they are sissy babies. Shirley would make a cute girl. Still, I told him that we would think of something. This seemed like the professional answer. Somehow I doubt if this is a medical condition. Maybe we are going to see who Shirley is and not how tries to convince people he is.
Shirley:223Please respect copyright.PENANAUYPRTXoYbE
Aunty came and put a rubber sheet on my bed. She said that it would stop the mattress from getting destroyed. It was not the same as the diaper girl in my dreams, but it will do. Every time you sat on the bed, you could hear a lot of noise. Rubber sheets sure do make their presence known. I know I am becoming more and more like a baby. I use pacifiers when I sleep and now I have a rubber sheet. Who cares! I am happy and it makes me special. I have felt as if the whole world was against me and only bad things happened to me. Now it is as if I decide what happens to me and do not care what people think. I have continued to wet the bed on purpose. I remember the first time I did this, it was hard. Now it seems to be getting easier.
Austin:223Please respect copyright.PENANAUPjrm5OYxG
It was right as Aunty told me. Shirley must be a sissy boy under that tough image he has. When I came into the room today, he was looking at himself in the mirror wearing a summer dress. I pretended not to notice. It's not like he got mad either when I came in. Shirley just looked in the mirror and ignored me. I must admit that no one would ever think he was a boy if they just met him. He is very cute. I have never seen him as being cute before. I just told him and told him that I never knew he liked dresses. Shirley smiled and said there were a lot of things that I did not know. This made me laugh as well. There are a lot of things he does not know about me either.
Susan:223Please respect copyright.PENANAoc0Bi9ZRwr
Shirley is so happy these days. He told me about the rubber sheet and that he still dresses up. He keeps asking me do I think that he is weird and if we are still friends. I told him that Aunty thinks some boys are feminine and they do not mature as fast as girls. Shirley would always be my friend, no matter what he wore or acted. He could be a baby. He could be a sissy. This did not make any difference. I was only worried if other people would understand it. Only a month or so ago, Shirley would have beaten them up. Now he seems to want to be like them. Shirley quickly changed the subject and told me that Aunty now likes him and gives him a lot of attention. I had to smile and say “I wonder why”. I wonder how far Shirley will go to becoming like the diaper girl in his dreams.
Aunty.223Please respect copyright.PENANA3Nd9j1IGF0
Shirley got a rubber sheet and he had a doctor to examine him. The doctor could find anything wrong with him. This confirms my suspicions. I decided that I had to support him. If he was sure of how we wanted to be and it was not dangerous for him or others. I know that I can not be accused of manipulation or brainwashing him. Shirley has made up his mind and he was the one that asked me. Would it not harm him if I just ignored him and did not support him as much as I could?
Jason:223Please respect copyright.PENANAFVq5PwzzGS
I used to like Shirley. However, I notice he only hangs out with Susan. She is a strange girl and does not have any friends. I suppose Shirley has chosen not to hang around the cool children and joined the loser group. I do not know why people do not like Susan. She is not just interested in things a girl her age should be interested in. She is too intelligent, pays attention in class, is not interested in what music is popular and is not fashionable. Now Shirley is in her club. He also shares a room with Austin, who we all know is a faggot. Who knows if Shirley is one as well? My friends and I talked about it, and they told me that he is only 11. He most likely does not know what it means.
Shirley:223Please respect copyright.PENANAcX8e5cMAhy
Aunty came to my bedroom today with girl diapers. She said she would help me get changed every night. I tried to control my excitement and not jump up and down and thank her a few thousand times. I just shrugged my shoulders and told her if that was what she thought was the best, then it was fine. When I was in bed with a pacifier and a diaper on, I never felt as happy as I did not. Nothing could harm me. Nothing could hurt me. I felt loved and taken care of.
Austin:223Please respect copyright.PENANAQccAtS1eMt
Maybe it's wise that Shirley wears diapers in bed. I do not understand why they have to be girl diapers. The elastic on them is pink and it has girly cartoons at the top. Why would a boy be made to wear a girl's diaper? Then again how many 11-year-olds wear a diaper? Maybe the girl diapers are the ones that the orphanage had in their supplies. I do not care that Shirley is a bedwetter. He has supported me since I started getting bullied. So I will also support him.
Jason:223Please respect copyright.PENANAAxxkMn7CQ6
I saw Aunty go into Austin's room with a bag of diapers. Could a teenager like Austin also be a bedwetter? I had to find out, so I snuck into the bedroom when everyone was doing something else. It is true. There was a bag of diapers in there. This was too good to be true? The gay boy was also a diaper boy!
Miss Hawthorne:223Please respect copyright.PENANAyjpAwEbqp5
Aunty told me that Shirley now wore diapers to bed. I did not like this. Diapers are not cheap. Do people think we have a huge budget? I told Aunty if the brat was wetting his bed, we should do what they did in the olden days. We should treat him like one. Let him live the life of a baby in a nursery and whatnot. If he wants to dress as a girl, then give him the full treatment. I am sure that a week after experiencing all this, the boy will be normal again. Besides all this, I am sure that Aunty would love this treatment
Victoria Temple:223Please respect copyright.PENANAn3y7jBxilf
Thanks for reading this part. I hope you will comment. What would you do if Shirley was under your care? I hope to see you in the next part of “Orphan Petal"