Doctor Mary:248Please respect copyright.PENANAaCCsOcO4zY
We have seen Shirley change from the aggressive bully that we first met. This can be because he no longer is influenced by his parents, who seem to have little tolerance for others. Shirley also realizes that he needs others, and I am happy that he has become friends with Susan. He even apologized to Austin. Shirley is changing. The one thing that worries me is his obsession with Aunty liking him. Will this have an impact on how he will act? How much does he want to impress Aunty? Shirley did read the Allie book and maybe thinks that Aunty likes feminine boys. Will Shirley try to make Aunty like him by being someone he is not?
Miss Hawthorne:248Please respect copyright.PENANAyebYf8l4An
It's summer holidays now and that means the children have no school. I am sure that they are delighted. As for me, it means that I have no peace. The children will be here all day and that means high-pitched voices. I can just close my door and hide in my office. This worked for the last few years. The children know that they should not bother me unless there is a fire or something very big. If only we had a huge budget where we could send the children on a summer camp. That is not the case, so I just have to count down the days until school starts again.
Shirley:248Please respect copyright.PENANAncwaLxyyG0
Aunty asked me who the diaper girl was in my dreams and this question was in my head for days. It was only when I looked in the mirror one day that I suddenly realized who she was. I found Aunty playing a board game with some girls and told her that we needed to talk. I had to wait until she was done and this tested my patience. When Aunty and I were alone, I told her that I knew who the girl was. She was me! Then I started crying and told Aunty that I am so confused and afraid. Why was I dreaming that I was a girl and wore diapers? Aunty hugged me and told me that it was only a dream. I should not worry about dreams as they are not reality.
Jason:248Please respect copyright.PENANAoqe6UYs1sO
My name is Jason and I am 14 years old and living at Genesis Orphanage. I was sent here when my mother could not take care of me. She could not even take care of herself. Since I was born, I have been taking care of myself. Living in an orphanage is like living on the streets. The strongest survive. I am nice to some boys here and we are like a gang. There is one person I do not like and his name is Austin. He thinks he is so great, but I suspect he is gay as a doorknob. I do not understand why everyone likes him.
Shirley:248Please respect copyright.PENANAf005gkKVtL
Aunty knows the diaper girl in the dreams is me. She thinks I should not think about it as it was only a dream. That would be true if it was just a dream that I had once. I wonder why I am a girl in the dream. Do I want to be a sissy like Logan is? I am pretty sure that I would look like a girl if I wore girl's dresses. Some people who meet me for the first time think I am a girl. I suppose that is because my hair is nearly down to my shoulders. Before, I would have it someone when they asked me if I was a girl. Now I just blush. I am becoming a wimp! I remember that I beat Logan up for being a sissy. Now I admired that he is a sissy and does not care what people think. I wonder if the diaper girl in my dreams was a hidden part of me that felt like a girl.
Jason:248Please respect copyright.PENANAZNUgyBhDWJ
I have seen Shirley around since he came to the orphanage. I heard he is supposed to be a bad apple that never has anything good to say. Kudos to him as he is still only 11 and has a reputation for someone not to be messed with. You would never believe it as he looks like a wimp and everyone thought he was a girl when he started, He also shares a room with Austin. I tried speaking with Shirley today and asked him what it was like sharing a room with Austin. Shirley just shrugged his shoulders and said that Austin is gay. He must have spoke without thinking, as he tried to take that statement back. I just laughed and told him not to worry. Shirley smiled when I told him that he is cool.
Aunty:248Please respect copyright.PENANANzDprT0Cs4
Shirley seemed a bit surprised when I sat down next to him and started talking to him. I told him that I read about boys in the olden days who wore dresses when they were toddlers. It was fashionable then. I could see that Shirley looked at me in awe. I continued and told him that at times, I notice boys who missed being a toddler. My nephew was 13 when he realized how much he missed it. He remembered how easier life was when he was a toddler. He felt safe and he did not have the stress that he had as a teenager. Shirley asked me why I was saying this. I smiled and said I was just thinking about the diaper girl in his dreams and that he realized that the girl was him. I know what you are thinking… you think I am manipulating his thoughts. He was dreaming about this diaper girl before I could manipulate him!
Susan:248Please respect copyright.PENANAYHCBFFYGCx
Shirley and I were alone today in the TV room. I was flipping through the channel trying to look for something fun to watch. I found “Young Sheldon” on one of the channels. Shirley took the remote and turned it to “My Little Pony”. I had to ask him why he wanted to watch that. It was something that I watched when I was in kindergarten. Why would Shirley want to see a toddler show for girls? Shirley just smiled and did not answer. After we had seen the show for what seemed like hours, Shirley asked me can we go into my room and if I would play hairdresser and fix his hair. Shirley did not mind if it was done in a girl's hairstyle. It was just a bit of fun. I shrugged my shoulder and agreed. One thing I like about Shirley is that he is unpredictable. He would never watch a girl's show or say he doesn’t mind I done his hair like a girl.
Austin:248Please respect copyright.PENANA7HHm6CG4j7
Life can be so hard. My life has been hell for the last week or so. It's all Jason's fault. I have some close friends and I feel that I am a nice person. The problem is that some people do not have a nice bone in their body. Shirley can be a bully at times, but he is an angel compared to Jason. Jason and his gang have been calling me names and laughing when they see me. I know some people think that being punched is bad, but being called gay and the downgrading names that come with that is worse. I try and deny that I am gay. This only seems to make the teasing worse. I could try and beat Jason up, but he is stronger than I am. I suppose the only thing I can do is ignore the teasing and pretend it does not affect me.
Shirley:248Please respect copyright.PENANAiAG9rEuueX
Aunty's talk about young boys wearing dresses and her nephew wanting to be a toddler again even though he was a teenager made me think. It seems as if she liked her nephew being a 13-year-old baby girl. Is this why she told me about him and suddenly has no problem being around me after I told her that the diaper girl in my dreams was me? Did she want me to be a baby girl? It's impossible! I do not wet the bed and I am 11 years old. I am also a boy. Still, I did like seeing “My Little Pony”. Since I saw that program, I have been sneaking into the TV room when no one was there to watch toddler shows. “Dora the Explorer” and “Care Bears” are fun to watch. Maybe a part of me misses being a toddler. Maybe I am like Logan and should have been born a girl. Maybe Aunty knows this and this is why she now likes me.
Jason:248Please respect copyright.PENANA5VTPGeP71S
Today I showed Austin who is the boss. I know he is gay. Shirley told me so. When I asked Austin if he was gay, he denied it. This made me mad and I started beating up as I called him a liar. Austin tried defending himself, but my friends helped me. I do not think there was any place where he did not feel any pain after we were done with him. As he was on the floor crying, I gave him a warning. I told him that we did not want a gay boy at the orphanage. If he did not stop being gay, we would make his life a hell.
Susan:248Please respect copyright.PENANAnYDsb23l3V
I told you that Shirley can be unpredictable and he proved this today. He told me that we should play family. I thought that I would be the mother and he would be the father and a doll the baby. Shirley said that I could be the mother and he could be the baby. This made me laugh but I found out that he was serious. So we played for a while until he said that he did not feel like a baby. Shirley suggested that he try one of my old diapers. I thought this was just a joke, but he already found a diaper. As strange as this sounds, I helped him put it on. Shirley was not finished shocking me. He said it would be best if I wore one of my dresses. So in the end, Shlrley had a dress and a diaper under it. He looked in the mirror and said “Wow, I look like the girl in my dreams.” We played mom and baby daughter for a while when Shirley must have realized what he was doing. He quickly put his boy's clothes on and warned me not to tell anyone about this. The only answer I could think of was who would believe me if I did tell them?
Shirley:248Please respect copyright.PENANAbUoeW5xIEm
It was hard to believe that I suggested to Susan that I should wear a diaper and a dress. I should be so ashamed of myself. I was acting like a baby sissy. Still, all I could think of was that it was fun. It felt as if I was a free bird. Aunty was right. When you're a toddler, you get a lot of attention and don’t have to worry. I was afraid that Austin would ask me what I did with Susan. He could not as he was in pain. Austin did manage to tell me that Jason and his gang beat him up because they thought he was gay. I must have gone white as snow when he said this. It was my fault as I told Jason that Austin could be gay. I should admit this to Austin, but I was too much of a coward to do this. It shows that my problems are nothing compared to what problems Austin has.
Aunty:248Please respect copyright.PENANAeOIBAT2N5A
I am so tired of Miss Hawthorne. She sits in her office all day watching soap operas. She is never with the children here and does not care about them. In reality, it is me who runs the orphanage. I have to deal with children who have too much time because it is the summer holidays and even boys bullying each other. Austin did not tell me he was beaten up. I was not born yesterday, I know exactly what happened. Boys can be so primitive.
Miss Hawthorne:248Please respect copyright.PENANAdyIEXfBSWm
Aunty seems frustrated and I bet she is stressed that the Children have summer holidays. I also bet she is frustrated with me. Aunty should be lucky that she is here. I know her past. I read the diary that her nephew published. She turned her nephew into a sissy boy and tried to kill his mother. It is a good thing that I am a kind woman and have given her a second chance. She is lucky to have this job
Shirley;248Please respect copyright.PENANALdugLYBWeF
There are so many things going on in my head. I feel like I am changing. I feel weirder than Logan. Without realizing it, I opened my bedtable drawer and took the pacifier and teddy bear and went to sleep.
Victoria Temple:248Please respect copyright.PENANAzeBxq4WWnC
Thanks for reading this part. I hope you will comment. Why did Shirley dress as a baby girl? I hope to see you in the next part of “Orphan Petal"