Before everything else, there was nothing but abstraction. Only concepts, within an infinite emptiness. They were for a long long time shapeless and vague. But eventually they became stronger, until they could be defined.
Thoughts about thoughts. About existence. What does exist?
Can something exist if it does nothing and affects nothing?
And so the first concept existed. Effect. Ability.
There was... something. It's not sure yet, but it can be affected in some way. But how will it affect? It will need a form.
And then it was a form. It could move and it could think. And as it continued to think, it would begin having new thoughts, of improvement, of innovation. And it finally developed creation.
These concepts were so powerful that they poured out of the being into new beings. Now there was Thought, Effect and Creation. And the creation would create matter which was formless, and the effect would be able to move it. But they could only interact, not perceive. That was when they developed Sense, which let them touch their creations.
These beings, alone with their own thoughts, would grow bored with only what they themselves knew. This was the first instance of Curiosity.
With Curiosity they desired to know what the others were thinking. They couldn't interact through other methods than feeling. They then created a type of wave they could send to one another to share their thought. This was the beginning of Communication, the social concept.
Now they spoke to one another, sharing thoughts and ideas. They learned and became better. They gained Intelligence.
Intelligence inspired Sense to create a new sense, one where they could perceive one another without touching, and created sight.
Finally, they could see eachother, as well as their own creations. Everything was quite formless and messy. And as they structured their creations more they gained the concept of Beauty.
They wanted to obtain more beauty and more structure. Then they realised that everything was difficult to tell apart... for this reason they wished to create contrast, and that was how Colour was made. Everything became colourful and distinct.
And so they created and created, until everything was cluttered and full of creation. It was too full. It became difficult to navigate and much of the creation was not good. They would then begin to fly through the creations to tear them apart and free up new space, and this was Destruction.
As they began to improve at creation, they would develop limbs that easier allowed them to interact. They found something new in discovery and creation, a sense of Purpose.