Days after the previous fight, Rei, Zekken and Akio are all sat at the table in Rei's house - Pink ribbons, glitter, and plushies are thrown about the place - as they talk about the previous monster, and Zekken's ability, "You know, that's one killer ability you have, Zekken, to force an opponent to play on your turf, it's honestly pretty amazing." Akio says, Zekken looks at him, responding with "Yeah, it's a fun ability... I sort of wish I had something more powerful, something that wasn't just for normal 1-on-1s." as Rei walks over, placing a hand on Zekken's shoulder "It's alright, gooba, not everyone has life-altering abilities." Rei says as she places a spoon full of chocolate sauce into her mouth, mumbling her words as Zekken looks at her with a look of hopelessness "The time-freak who could literally put everyone in a form of stasis, is telling me that I shouldn't ask for more? Please. And stop eating just chocolate, you'll rot your teeth." Zekken responds
"I heard that there's a way to get powers, apparently it's some magical stone or something, you have to digest it, so it's a... you know, a fucked process really, can you imagine having to pass a big stone?" Rei says, laughing as both Akio and Zekken look at each other "Wait... what? There's a magical stone and you're only just telling us?!" Akio says towards Rei, "Oh yeah, I thought you guys wouldn't be too interested in it." Rei responds as Zekken stands up, hitting her over the head "It's not about Akio or myself being interested in it! What happens if a villain gets a hold of that?! Huh? Fucking dumbass. Where's the stone?" Zekken says with a huff as Rei holds her head, keeled over "I... I sort of... already ate it."
Akio and Zekken both glare at Rei as both say in unison "You... what.", "I ate it! Alright? I'm sorry! I didn't know it was magical!" Rei responds in a worried tone, as Zekken looks at Rei confused "Now hold on, that means you were just eating roc-" as Zekken is cut off by Akio, Akio speaks "Well I suppose that we don't have to worry about the stone now, however... That means that your time abilities are going to be changed! You could have a way worse power now!" Akio yells at Rei, as Rei turns pale white "W-What?! I didn't even think about that! I don't want something boring like boxing gloves!" Rei cries out as Zekken side-eyes her "Watch it, Rei."
Rei keels over, vomiting onto her floor as Akio rushes over, rubbing her back "Are you okay?!" as Rei drops to all fours, shaking throughout her whole body "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Akio says as he looks at Zekken "Do something!", "The fuck am I supposed to do?! Reach down her stomach and grab it?!" Zekken yells back, Akio stares for a moment, a drop of sweat going down his face and dropping onto the floor "S-Shit... You're right, what can we do... Come on Rei, you got this!"
Rei vomits once more as she stands to her feet, her hair changing colours from the black hair with dyed purple tips to a now cosmic glow, Zekken and Akio takes a step back in awe "What the hell is your power now..." Zekken asks as Rei looks at them "Huh? I'm... not sure, I really wish I had a way of knowing." She says as a manual appears in front of her "Oh, that's convenient!" She says, grabbing it and reading through it, Zekken and Akio come over, looking at the pages as well, Akio points to the ability name and description on one of the pages "Wait, here! Here it is! Your ability name is 'Wish', anything that you wish for becomes reality, there is no limits... and no restraints..." Akio says slowly and clearly as Zekken sighs "So, she ate rocks and becomes god, and I'm still stuck with my gloves?! Fantastic! What a lovely fucki- Wait... Rei, can you wish for me to have a better ability?!" Rei shrugs as she smirks "I wish for Zekken to have no ability!", and with a flash of Zekken's body, his ability was removed, he tries to activate it to no success as he turns to Rei "You're dead."