Guysss i'm gonna do Xiao from Genshin because like yes. Btw is is pre-written I already wrote this about a month ago
--------------------------xiao x reader---------------------------------
I gather my energy as I storm into Primo Geovishap's lair. It growls furiously as my teammate hits it with attacks left and right. I dodge out of the way quickly as its tail smacks the ground behind me.261Please respect copyright.PENANANqurlLPMoW
“Hey! Behind me!” I yell, dodging. My partner, Lumine, sends a wind tornado gusting into the Geovishap’s tail, injuring it a bit. I take its distraction as an opportunity to jump off of its earth spikes and clash with it head-on. With all the force I can, I smash my dual blades on the Geovishap’s head. It falls backward, not expecting the blow. I pant, out of breath as Lumine sends a wind blade directly at the Geovishap’s weak point.261Please respect copyright.PENANAZRSFn71Frb
“Good job Lumine, give me a second.” I wipe my forehead and charge back to the enemy. I slice it repeatedly with the dual blades, causing it to rage, almost smacking me with its giant, earthy tail. I jump up into the air as Hydro explodes from the Geovishap's attack. It manages to hit Lumine. She cries out as it hits her face. I run over as fast as I can and hold her in my arms, moving both of my dual blades to one hand and slicing at the Geovishap.
“We need backup,” Lumine says, gritting her teeth.
“How are we going to get back up from out here?” I ask, fending off the Geovishap.
Lumine closes her eyes to think but looks up at me.
“I have one solution, but it’s only in case of an emergency.” Lumine mumbles.
As she finishes her sentence, the Geovishap sends a pyro attack directly at me. It burns my skin, barely missing Lumine as I hold my hand over her face. She exhales and cups her hands around her mouth.
“Xiao!” She yells.
I see a few emerald streaks in the distance, and the Geovishap tumbles over, crashing at my feet.
“You called?” A voice says, walking up to Lumine. 261Please respect copyright.PENANAC2M4JIoJi5
“Ah, Xiao!” Lumine smiles, getting out of my arms.
He has black hair with seafoam green streaks in the front.
He has yellow eyes and a muscular build.
He’s about 2 inches taller than me.
“Who is that?” I say, looking him up and down.
“My name is Xiao. Nice to meet you.” He holds out a hand for me to shake, but instead, I walk up and hug him.
Lumine looks at me and shakes her head, widening her eyes.
“You’re so cute!” I smile.
He doesn’t respond.
His facial expression is blank. I can see that he loses interest in me quickly. His eyes flash over to Lumine, who is barely even bleeding.
“Lumine.” He says calmly. “Are you alright?”
He tries not to look worried, but I can tell he’s protective over her.
“I barely got hurt.” Lumine smiles. “y/n held me in her arms and fought the Geovishap at the same time!”
Xiao looks over to me again but then looks back to Lumine.
“I’m sorry for calling you. It wasn’t an emergency but-” Lumine looks flustered and embarrassed she had to call Xiao.
He puts his finger on her lips.
“Sshh, I told you to call me anytime there’s something you need.” He says quietly. “Stop apologizing. You’ve done nothing wrong.
He sits by her on the ground, bandaging up her knee. Lumine’s eyes flash to me. I raise an eyebrow and smile smugly.
“Hey~ you two, I need to piss. I’ll be gone for a while” I start to whistle a Mondstadt folk song. Lumine looks at me helplessly as I leave her and her lover boy alone. I climb up to the cave opening and lean where I’m not visible from where they’re sitting. The space is open and hollow, so everything, even a whisper, echoes.
“Xiao! Please! Don’t worry about me!” Lumine smiles.
“You always seem to be with the wrong people at the wrong time,” Xiao says as he finishes bandaging her knee.
I roll my eyes, assuming he’s referring to me.
“You want to know something?” Lumine smiles. “y/n saved me, like- she means a lot to me.”
I put a hand to my heart and tried hard not to audibly express my admiration for Lumine.261Please respect copyright.PENANAQF5BJfYC6y
“I love you too girl!” I yell, but then cover my mouth, realizing I ruined their moment.
Xiao looks at Lumine with a confused expression.
“What does she mean, she loves you? And girl?” He asks, standing up.
“She’s a supportive best friend.” Lumine smiles, embarrassed. “She doesn’t mean that in a relationship way.”
“Okay.” He says, beginning to leave.
“Hey, Ciao, or whatever your name is.” I grab the back of his shirt, accidentally pulling his hair.
He turns around, I assume he’s slightly irritated, but his calm facial expression doesn’t show it at all.
“Xiao.” He mumbles.
“Hey,” I smile. “If you want to be a better man for Lumine, see me every day.”
His serious expression almost masks his blush, but not completely.
“Call my name, and I’ll come, only If I have time.” He says, looking away.
I pull him in for a hug once again and he just stands there.
“Okay, first lesson here.” I smile, looking at him as he stands about the equal level to me. “When somebody hugs you, wrap your arms around them.” I take his arms and wrap them around my neck.
“I know how to hug people. I just don’t feel like hugging you.” He says, looking up at me with his yellow eyes.
“Just pretend you’re hugging Lumine.”
He wraps his arms around me and I smile, patting his head.
“Good job Xiao!” I smile, spinning around.
He rubs his eyes and yawns.
“If I bother you, just tell me to fuck off.” I smile, taking my hair tie out of my hair, sending my long brown hair loose.
He seems zoned out and I can see his eyes uninterested, waiting until he can leave.
Lumine climbs up the cave walls and Xiao looks at her. I walk behind Xiao and tie up his hair with my hair tie.
“Lumine! Isn’t he cute!” I smile, presenting his hair.
He covers his lower face with his hand and looks away flustered.
“S-stop.” He whispers to me, flustered, making sure Lumine doesn’t see.
“Anyway! You should give him a hug goodnight Lumine!” I smile, pushing the two together like dolls. Their bodies collide with each other and Xiao holds Lumine in his arms as she’s about to trip. I smile deviously, looking at the commotion I created.
“y/n!” Lumine yells as I walk away.
I watch Xiao’s eyes follow me as I walk away from them.
I guess I made an impression, I love making impressions.
~ 1 week later ~
I wake up with Lumine in the bed next to me. I suddenly create a master plan in my head. I walk out to the balcony and stare at the sky, the sun rising in the still-dark morning sky.
“Xiao!” I yell.
He doesn’t appear.
I yell his name again, and again, and again until he finally appears. He’s still in his normal clothes and I notice my hair tie on his wrist.
“It’s so early.” He groans. “You don’t look like your life is in danger.”
“Okay, go get in bed with Lumine.” I smile, giggling to myself.
He looks at me, his serious expression fading away.
“No way.” He mumbles.
“It’s either me or her.” I smile, staring out into the sky, the moon disappearing.
“Do you know how weird It would be in bed if Lumine was next to me?” He pauses. “I’d be creeped out, seriously.
“What about me?” I tease, playing with his seriousness.
“I wouldn’t be creeped out, I’d be spooked.” He says it all seriously.
Not even a laugh or an expression.
“I love you shorty.” I smile. “You tell it as it is.”
“Don’t call me shorty. I’m taller than you.” He says, looking at me with a creeped-out expression “And stop telling people you love them, It’s weird.”
“Xiao, keep me company until the sun rises, please?” I beg, smiling at him. “No, you’re tired.” He mumbles.
“Then I’ll go to sleep, these hotel beds aren’t bad.” I smile, opening the balcony door.
He walks into the hotel room and crawls into my bed.
“Hey,” I whisper, getting in bed with Lumine.
Xiao turns to face me.
“Sweet dreams, shorty.”
He doesn’t even protest. He just rolls over and stares at the ceiling.
(Xiao’s Perspective)
I stare at the ceiling, lying in the bed across from y/n and Lumine.
I play with the hair tie on my wrist.
Y/n is so strange. I don’t think she knows that I don’t sleep.
I catch myself thinking about her extroverted personality, and how different she is from Lumine.
Lumine deserves better friends, Y/n is so weird.
My head starts to hurt as my mind wanders. My past comes back to me and I run to the balcony so as not to disturb anyone. I start to grip at my hair and writhe in pain as I think about all the destruction I caused when I was enslaved. I think about the Yakshas, all that died except for me. Bosacius, Indarias, Bonanus, Menogias, and the ungrateful one who had to watch them all die, Alatus. I start to groan, revisiting the vibrant memories of the past. Devouring others’ dreams, losing the kind and gentle soul I used to be. I hear footsteps and my mind goes blank once again. A hug from behind, my eyes go wide, staring into the distance of the sunsetting sky. I hear nothing anymore, only screams from my past. I feel tears running down my cheeks, I don’t move at all. Arms wrap tightly around my waist, I feel comforted and my terrible past disappears temporarily from my karmic debt.
“Xiao,” The voice hugging me says. “It’s alright to cry, I won’t look at you.”
I couldn’t speak, only warm tears fell down my cheeks. The voice from behind doesn’t let go or move once. They stay by my side. Even as the sun rises, as I waste precious time, they stand, unmoving.
“Thank you, Lumine,” I whisper, turning around.
Instead of the expected, I see Y/n standing with her eyebrows raised.
“Aww, you thought I was Lumine?” Y/n obnoxiously smiled. “Just go tell her you love-”
“y/n” I interrupt. “I am eternally grateful for you.”
She looks at me and smiles.
“Nah, no need to be grateful, I was just helping you out.”
Without thinking, I pull her close to me into a warm hug.
“You don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t there,” I whisper to her. “My thoughts take control over me sometimes, I could’ve jumped over that railing, you never know.”
I see her eyes smile down at me as she hugs me even tighter.
“You know what, Xiao?” She smiles, finally letting go of the hug. “You can always talk about whatever you can’t talk about to anyone else to me, I promise I’m a good listener.”
She leads me back out to the balcony and laughs as she points at some birds flying. I laugh a little without her seeing, how can somebody like that be so comforting?
“Xiao Is that a vermillion bird?” She yells, pointing into the sun.
I look over quickly but she sighs.
“You missed it!” She yells, alerting the nearby birds to fly away into the light sky.
“Those are only mythical creatures,” I say, looking at my shoulder.
“Hey, I believe in them!” She smiles, putting her hair into a messy bun.
I look down at my wrist at the hair tie and look over at her.
“Hey, put my hair up too,” I say, throwing the hair tie to her.
She barely catches it, but runs over and smiles.
“I lo-” She coughs, trying to cover her words. “You’re so cool, Xiao, I admire you.”
She ties my hair up into a ponytail. It kind of hurts, but I don’t say anything.
In the side of my vision, I see Lumine looking at us through the glass door, y/n’s hands still in my hair.
“Lumine!” y/n smiles as she opens the door.
“I never called Xiao?” She smiles, looking at me.
“Oh, long story.” y/n laughs, finishing my ponytail.
Lumine runs to hug me and y/n looks at me, smiling. She wraps me In a warm hug.
My eyes follow y/n as she leaves and closes the curtains, leaving me and Lumine alone.
“Xiao,” Lumine whispers, her words tingling. “Wrap your arms around me.”
I try to hide my blush as I wrap my arms around Lumine.
My face gets hot and my palms start to sweat.
“Xiao, why are you so tense?” She whispers.
I look down and look up at her again.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper to her, my heart rate picking up.
“y/n wants us to be together,” Lumine whispers. She tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear gently. “She’s so overbearing.”
Lumine lets go of the hug. I watch as she walks inside.
I look out into the purple sky and try to calm down.
My heart is still racing from that hug.
“Xiao!” I turn around quickly and see y/n running over to me. “Will you come and eat with me and Lumine, pretty please?”
I nod.
“I owe you,” I say, walking inside the hotel room.
y/n shakes her head. “Of course not.”
261Please respect copyright.PENANAmtSuzD4P58
(y/n’s perspective)
261Please respect copyright.PENANAYZl91aRnkn
“My gosh!” I smile, looking at the breakfast buffet. “There’s so much to choose from!”
Xiao goes straight to the almond tofu. I swear I see him smile. He piles it up on his plate and I follow, getting almond tofu too.
“Isn’t almond tofu delicious?” He smiles.
My heart melts seeing him smile. He looks so precious.
Lumine goes around the buffet, trying different kinds of food on her way.
“Xiao?” I smile as he eats the almond tofu with a smile on his face.
“Yes?” He responds.
“You should smile more. You look so cute when you do.”
He looked at me and I could see a blush spread across his cheeks that were stuffed with almond tofu.
He covers the lower half of his face with his hand and glares at me.
Lumine returns to the table with a plate piled with delicious food.
“I couldn’t eat that much.” I smile, looking over to Lumine’s plate.
“I’d rather eat snow.” I think of Dragonspine.
Xiao looks up at me but then continues eating.
“Okay. After this, do you guys want to go to a party to celebrate defeating the Primo Geovishap last night?” I smile as the two pile their faces with food.
“I’ve never been to a party before.” Lumine smiles, rubbing her cheek.
“I haven’t either,” Xiao says, getting up to get more almond tofu and ice.
“You guys are so boring!” I smile as I finish my plate.
When they both return I flash the idea at them.
“Well, want to go tonight for the first time?”
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