No Plagiarism!luMwyBce93P8bIgrj6GIposted on PENANA What was she like? 8964 copyright protection293PENANA8pyMegYREB 維尼
She was lovely, like you, my child. And sang like the birds in the trees. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAa0gDjZp6IB 維尼
Her eyes stare up at me, her mouth closed around a mint leaf. She is strong for her age, malnourishment has yet to overtake her. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAgPxeU6RVLs 維尼
She was a fighter, too. Just like you. With pretty curls like the roots of a tree and a laugh that would make people stop and smile. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAh0Ta4KRihL 維尼
I still smile when I think of her. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAbPRyxV6mtC 維尼
Tell me her story again, please. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAM05QQorxcY 維尼
There is so much to tell her. Every time I feel as if there is more. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAe09q6wLgMT 維尼
Long ago, in a house just like this one 8964 copyright protection293PENANAFe311pLlm0 維尼
There was a girl. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAENAg37BBS5 維尼
Her life was a stage and she lived to perform on it. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAO6GQbt2gqT 維尼
She danced until her shoes fell off and sang until dawn 8964 copyright protection293PENANA3ENE8MRXFk 維尼
Made bets with snakes and drank with spawns. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAlY57bFIg94 維尼
And every night when the sun peeked through the cotton candy clouds- 8964 copyright protection293PENANAHYwtsbwH4f 維尼
Wait! 8964 copyright protection293PENANAgTdfKH5U67 維尼
The wisp of a girl gasped in my arms. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAiMqWLMCR9D 維尼
Were the clouds really made of cotton candy back then? 8964 copyright protection293PENANAPe3mTw1eCk 維尼
I chuckled. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAMgPmwsx9PA 維尼
Yes, my dear. The clouds were made of cotton candy 8964 copyright protection293PENANA4L35QVlLSw 維尼
And when the sun peeked through them, 8964 copyright protection293PENANAFQR7E8RhkT 維尼
She would climb the tallest tree 8964 copyright protection293PENANAqAEHlIJvHm 維尼
Pluck them from the sky, and command the sun to go back down, 8964 copyright protection293PENANAcgQN7rEUfG 維尼
So she could dance another night through 8964 copyright protection293PENANAuJgHhDBfdK 維尼
But one night the snakes came, 8964 copyright protection293PENANAdGQ8RqWiRs 維尼
Chained her up, 8964 copyright protection293PENANA7EtNC5xM8V 維尼
Took her cotton candy clouds, 8964 copyright protection293PENANAYYJmKkYaZv 維尼
And clipped her wings. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAbpndKmCZ49 維尼
The confusion gathered in her face. 8964 copyright protection293PENANA7D6OmBa9ba 維尼
I thought she made bets with the snakes? 8964 copyright protection293PENANAabzhFXogdT 維尼
I pet her head, cherishing the ignorance. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAX9j4RWYN2J 維尼
You never trust who you gamble with, child. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAVq5Id1ru85 維尼
She shook her head, bewildered. She does not understand. But one day she will. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAixgzeb1wJK 維尼
But even without wings a bird can still sing 8964 copyright protection293PENANA9nQhYLbge0 維尼
And fly on her voice with wings of melody 8964 copyright protection293PENANAovNxRCCrYx 維尼
So even when they put her in a cage 8964 copyright protection293PENANAayPhTYmx7q 維尼
She put on a show 8964 copyright protection293PENANAXZg0tYfag5 維尼
And danced with a snake 8964 copyright protection293PENANAZmCXTaDmB5 維尼
The child tugged on my arm. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAqui5d9RaPg 維尼
Why would she dance with a snake? 8964 copyright protection293PENANA2yYJizXj3O 維尼
I rubbed my chin, thought for a moment. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAECd4JlN7ry 維尼
Perhaps because dancing with death is better than a certain one. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAT40EXG0gqK 維尼
I wasn’t really sure. Somehow, I knew why, and somehow, I didn’t. 8964 copyright protection293PENANA1SVwtvHHAS 維尼
Or perhaps she thought she could change him 8964 copyright protection293PENANAk1HGnV8EuQ 維尼
And was tricked into loving him far more than she should. 8964 copyright protection293PENANABcNNDZ2GPA 維尼
We will never know for sure 8964 copyright protection293PENANATU39Ay3EYs 維尼
But what I do know for sure 8964 copyright protection293PENANAwcj9320ntS 維尼
Is that the story is not yet over, so you mustn't interrupt me. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAxBp7NpqlRf 維尼
I poked her in the tummy, a giggle coming out of the small gossamer of flesh on my lap. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAgzVd26iGB6 維尼
She played their little game, not so much for them, but for her and the snake she loved 8964 copyright protection293PENANAsySBw8lsc3 維尼
She danced and danced 8964 copyright protection293PENANA7KTaBzfuu8 維尼
Sang her way to the top 8964 copyright protection293PENANAhcVPhQU1aL 維尼
And left the rest at the bottom 8964 copyright protection293PENANAbLZuhGearA 維尼
She sang her way home 8964 copyright protection293PENANA1pPvqdozyC 維尼
And the snake followed her. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAI6dk8VhFxM 維尼
The snake had bitten someone, quick and hard 8964 copyright protection293PENANAZhOWbcSISz 維尼
Just so he could pursue her back to her abode 8964 copyright protection293PENANA7a5euS95JY 維尼
For a spell they were happy, blissful beyond measure 8964 copyright protection293PENANAstX1aGgvj0 維尼
But life is never so simple 8964 copyright protection293PENANAx4dutKY5lB 維尼
And the snake bit again. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAqB2XvNINnW 維尼
With love in their hearts and hand in hand 8964 copyright protection293PENANAQ0RJTy560o 維尼
The Songbird and the Snake ran away with the summer 8964 copyright protection293PENANAdyNgDQchgp 維尼
The child waited in my arms. Impatient for the rest. I paused for another moment. 8964 copyright protection293PENANA4nG9pBw55P 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAFhn8AZHg6z
8964 copyright protection293PENANAWvhY7nYoCu 維尼
Until the snake found the poison. And used it on her. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAC8tyRZbmnb 維尼
Her eyes grew wide. 8964 copyright protection293PENANADIBtx8GehM 維尼
He said it was over 8964 copyright protection293PENANA9zUjS6DK98 維尼
He said it was done 8964 copyright protection293PENANAvb9nplsA6z 維尼
He said that he didn’t want to hide anymore 8964 copyright protection293PENANAoWUeZkevma 維尼
And she was the only loose end 8964 copyright protection293PENANArioVS5tMdV 維尼
Wounded and hurt, broken and bruised, the songbird took flight on her verse 8964 copyright protection293PENANAGJZVAAdnwZ 維尼
And left him 8964 copyright protection293PENANAEqGvHqfzq3 維尼
Forever. 8964 copyright protection293PENANANA7PwDXBlE 維尼
The silence that followed was always deafening in my ears, as my child found something to say. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAzOh8sKwaZ6 維尼
Is she the one who named me? 8964 copyright protection293PENANAZQlM37Imf9 維尼
Yes, Katniss. She discovered your plant. Now off my lap, it’s time to leave. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAExpfNvcUnA 維尼
When she shimmied down onto the floor, I barely felt it. All she has is words to quell her hunger. I grabbed my coat, coal dust staining my hands and face like a brand. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAaZZjjILVDF 維尼
Remember, my little songbird. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAGPRuEJyYRl 維尼
Yes Daddy? 8964 copyright protection293PENANA1MCiY1c6zC 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAC6hyZ1jcTa
8964 copyright protection293PENANAzStFTm4pkW 維尼
It’s not over till the Mockingjay sings. 8964 copyright protection293PENANAkoXygfDO2l 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAMUmCXBpXIZ
8964 copyright protection293PENANA2hkd4W2upM 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANA7EiDxE1hGw
8964 copyright protection293PENANAY00QqB8D5n 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAoHGLfnnfNk
8964 copyright protection293PENANAFgHUIIU730 維尼
-----------------------------8964 copyright protection293PENANAgU5WPi8HmL 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANA6F55dwlVnu
8964 copyright protection293PENANAh8lYNUmMIn 維尼
I don't know how I feel about this :P It was very rushed(As is everything I do these days)8964 copyright protection293PENANAGK5kZyR8Oy 維尼
8964 copyright protection293PENANAHy1IdjD6hZ 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAAeXSsG1eE9
8964 copyright protection293PENANAaihH4nIDUe 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAx2okKaHr5n
8964 copyright protection293PENANAdcEF5OBmXu 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAOlevyYGYmM
8964 copyright protection293PENANAAaa6l3Gdr1 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAcXVTXj3bga
8964 copyright protection293PENANABJfQnfPi9Y 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAPRgAi3Rp9x
8964 copyright protection293PENANA1OGqQwnTLx 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANA56xIY6X5vY
8964 copyright protection293PENANACZDklvDEgN 維尼
8964 copyright protection293PENANAdADrz24B6m 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANALkYfgChGaZ
8964 copyright protection293PENANAULt92ctQf9 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAkOMBuM1w1G
8964 copyright protection293PENANAbY8KsSe6dD 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAYIuPSklAK0
8964 copyright protection293PENANAA0xfbgSLCL 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAYENwk7ROtj
8964 copyright protection293PENANANgzQxWFn85 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANADac8aB3nIE
8964 copyright protection293PENANA3viZ1lYnpT 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANArdocOTIE7b
8964 copyright protection293PENANAdLUVGQls1c 維尼
297Please respect copyright.PENANAYje6BXzgJ6
8964 copyright protection293PENANAgFXcRQYvay 維尼