Legend of Linkle: Chibi Great Adventures
Lucky—In Which Malron Is Herself
Linkle knocked heavily on the door of Talron's home and waited for Malron to answer it, "Hey, Malron!"
Malron smiled as she opened the door, "Hey, Linkle, Dad's just about to head to the forest to pick some mushrooms—and not eat them all, I hope!"
"I'll be fine." Talron assured, a sack in his hand to carry the mushrooms back, "I'll be in town the rest of the day, so Malron, you have to manage the place alone today."
"I've got it, but for now Linkle and I have some plans." Malron held up her finger before he added anything to this, "That you confirmed before you realized you slept two afternoons away and haven't restocked our apothecary."
"Oh, well, as long as they get done." Talron sighed, "I should be home about noon tomorrow if I don't fall asleep somewhere first."
"Love you, Dad, later!" Malron smiled as he jogged pass them, then turned to Linkle, "So...archery practice?"
"I thought you'd never ask!"
The day came and went without incident, Linkle and Malron tied the first round, and spent the rest of the session shooting each other's arrows to splinters, after that, Malron gave Linkle some cooking lessons. For once, it was just the two of them, Talron wouldn't interrupt them, nothing would go wrong.
"So, Linkle, I hope you're ready for dessert!" Malron pulled a pie out of the over and Linkle's jaw dropped.
"Oh, wow...Malron." was all that Linkle could find, this was going to be the best pie ever, she could tell, the crust screamed "flaky, buttery, yummy", and she almost did too. She gave herself credit for having more self-restraint than that, though.
"Well, I started on this before he figured out we were out of mushrooms, at this point, he's basically hiding from Syrup." Malron cut out to slices of pie, and gestured to the sitting room, "She knows he's away, too, I'm sure, or she'd have kicked the door down and search the place."
Linkle smiled, there were several reasons this would be the best pie ever.
They sat together and mostly focused on their dessert, but when it was over, they were left on the couch, together. Linkle turned to Malron and held a low, growling tone as she wondered what to say.
Before the idea even cast it's shadow, Malron had one of Linkle's hands in her own. Linkle felt the other hand on her shoulder and took a deep breath. Why was she so scared when she had beaten several monsters in her life?
She tried to think of a reason, and found that no such reason prevailed, Malron had been her best friend since as long as she could remember, Malron had always been there somewhere, and now it was just them.
Linkle held onto Malron's hand and rested her other hand on Malron's cheek. Linkle felt like their faces were pulling at each other, like gravity or polarity or something.
"Attracted." Linkle felt like time had stopped, it was just them.
Then she heard the door opened.
"I'm home!"
Malron sat upright, and grabbed the plates to find out who was here, interrupting her moment with Linkle, "Who are you?"
Linkle followed and found a tall, lanky man with a mustache and affinity for green and purple, "I," the man began, "am Ingo, your ranch hand, I ran here as soon as your father found me and offered the job, you must be Malon."
"Malron." Malron corrected.
"Okay, Marin."
Ingo held out his hand and she shook it, "Please, just call me Manager, my name's just one of those things, you know?"
"Manager, got it." Ingo replied, "well, I should go and find the inn, I'll be at work in your father's place first thing in the morning!"
"Goodnight, Ingo." Malron waited until she hard footsteps echoing away from the path, then maybe a whistle noise as she clenched her fists.
"Um, I'll see you tomorrow, Mal," Linkle hugged Malron and backed up, "goodnight."
Malron calmed down. As bad as her father's timing was, she had to admit, she was lucky.
Mini Author's Note: So close...better luck next time!
Lucky Dreamer
Linkle felt like their faces were pulling at each other, like gravity or polarity or something.
"Attracted." Linkle felt like time had stopped, it was just them.
Then she heard the door opened.
"Linkle, I'm home!"
Linkle rolled over and opened her eyes. She'd forgotten that she lived at the castle now, with the Sheikah who regularly guarded the halls.
"How did patrol go, fight anything?" Linkle inquired drowsily.
"Just the urge to run back here early!" Malron smirked.
Linkle yawned and sat up, "What time is it?"
"Oh, midnight, somewhere around there; I guess I woke you huh?" Malron smiled sheepishly.
"It's fine, I heard the door open." Linkle was a light sleeper anyways, but having her dreams interrupted generally annoyed her, but not when she woke up into a better reality, she thought it lucky.
Mini Author's Notes: This is because I also wanted her to wake up, and so I made two of them.
The Lucky Kiss
Linkle felt like their faces were pulling at each other, like gravity or polarity or something.
"Attracted." Linkle felt like time had stopped, it was just them.
Then she heard the door opened.
Talron managed to wrap up things early, and ran home as quickly as he could. Milk delivered, and mushrooms not eaten up this time, Syrup would be impressed, maybe, but certainly surprised. He couldn't wait to see the look on his daughter's face when he returned early.
He opened the door to his home and the first thing he saw was Linkle embracing Malron, he dropped everything.
Linkle and Malron jumped when they noticed him, but at last he left them alone long enough for a kiss, for that much, they counted themselves lucky.
Mini Author's Notes: And that concludes the trilogy.
Aryll loved to talk about ships, there were all different types of ships, schooners, flatboats, kayaks, battleships, Linkle stopped her there.
"That's me and Mal!" Linkle announced.
"Uh...you do realize that two people doesn't make a ship, right?" Aryll wondered.
"It means 'relationship', me and Mal are the best ship...ever, on land or sea!"
"Ships don't sail on land!"
"I know, that's why me and Mal are the superior ship!"
"Ha, I'll give you this, a love boat, maybe, but nothing like Aloft, she's the best ship ever, and she's only getting better!"
The two paused as someone announced that they ship something, and Linkle shrugged noisily, eager to defend the title of 'Best Ship', "Yeah, well, can your ship...inverse color scheme?"
Linkle brought Aryll to the port in Castle Town, and pointed at the blue ship with red trimmings, "See the color? The best ship can inverse color!"
"I...disagree." Aryll crossed her arms and frowned as Malron stepped behind Linkle, wearing a smug grin and a green dress, along with a belt with a gold buckle, and from there the green was orange, along with brown boots that weren't as high as Linkle's were. She cringed as Linkle removed her cloak, revealing a rd flower in her hair, a blue undershirt instead of the white she often wore, her skirt, Aryll noticed, was lavender, "You...seriously went to the trouble...to mix her usual dress with her blue sundress?"
"Hardcore shipping." the pair replied in unison, and proceeded to show off their one handed handshake, "We even swapped jewelry!"
"W-well...my ship can...sail...fast, too, it's the fastest ship in the Hylian Fleet!" Aryll stomped her foot, impassioned when the topic of the Aloft came up.
"Well, can you ship fly?" Malron crossed her arms and Aryll furrowed her brows, slack jawed until they held onto each other and were suddenly propelled into the sky, over the Great Sea.
Aryll turned around to find Syrup holding her gust bellows behind her, looking very suspicious. Suddenly a villager that Aryll just barely recognized ran over and pointed at the sky, "I ship it!"
Aryll got an idea.
"Hey, Linkle," Malron called out, "we've got a present outside!"
"Oh, wow, really?" Linkle jumped up from breakfast and grabbed her cloak, and followed Malron outside, and what she found was a rectangle box, "I wonder what this is?"
"Let's find out!" Malron readied her saw to cut the corners, when Aryll ran up to watch them.
"Oh," Linkle laughed, "this is a ship in a bottle! Aryll loves these—wait, it's nameplate...Aloft is...the ship, but the color's been inverted."
"As you can see, I ship it!" Aryll shouted, and then Syrup turned her gust bellows onto the ship in a bottle.
"And look, it can fly!" Syrup laughed, "Obviously a superior ship!"
Mini Author's Notes: This was something that had to be done!
The Struggle
Linkle felt the pull of the Dark Side, strong and fierce, begging her to draw and feed it her emotions. She learned not to, though, and pushed it to the back of her mind, and instead use a calming technique. Tingle was the most powerful foe she faced yet, but was he the Master...or the apprentice?
"The Dark Side is strong with you." Tingle remarked with a smile, "Your thoughts betray you, I can see...ah...sister...you have a little sister."
"B-back off, who do you think you are, sensing my thoughts?!" Linkle paled as a laugh erupted from Tingle's throat.
"Impa never told you about your father, did she?" Tingle wondered, almost absentmindedly, and with that same lift in his voice like he was putting on airs.
"My father," Linkle's voice dropped to a whisper, "I've never worried to much about who my father was."
Tingle grinned, "I am you father!"
"What?!" she screamed, "That's impossible!"
"Why, you sent him out for takeout not five minutes ago?"
"No, I mean...that's impossible, m-my father died in the Great War! I-I have a picture of him, he-he has my nose and eyes!" Linkle protested.
"You cannot deny what you feel to be true," Tingle set his lightsaber on his side, green cape dancing in the cold Snow Peak evening behind him, "you are my father, and heir to the Fairy Kingdom, come with me, together we will reclaim our lost empire, and rule as father and son!"
"Wait, what?" Linkle didn't feel terrified, just confused.
"I always wanted a son. You will help me fulfill my unrealized fantasy of playing catch in the early light of dawn, and making 'smores over an open fire, and I don't care what people say, boys can like 'smores, too."
"And one day you will be married, and ascend the throne, reclaim our lost legacy."
"Um...I hope you're joking."
"I'm serious."
Linkle glared at him and drew her lightsaber, "You're lying to me!"
"Well, okay, maybe I skipped over a few great grandfathers, but-"
"Wait...how old are you?"
"Ancient...and powerful!"
"So...I'm the Fairy Princess, then? Oh, I always wanted to be a Fairy Princess!"
"I thought you always wanted to be a Hero."
"I did, but that was something else I wanted to be."
"And I always wanted to fly to the moon." he said, crossing his arms disbelievingly.
"Well," Linkle shrugged and grabbed her crossbows, "why wait?"
Malron climbed the mountains to find Linkle, and looked up to see a shooting star and heard a voice yell, "That's no moon!" shortly before a supernovae appeared in the night sky.
"Hey, Malron!" Linkle called to her from up a hill.
"Hey, Linkle," Malron sluggishly made her way up the hill, "time to go back to camp, the yetis are closing the base soon."
Using the Force to guide their sleds, they made it the the yeti's mansion in record time, and had some hot cheese, pumpkin and fish soup, and fell asleep by the fireplace, in the fawning female yeti's arms, while her husband held her close by his side.
Mini Author's Notes: We all know the yeti thinks Hylians are cute, but then, she thinks a lot of stuff's cute...yetis make such a great ship, who knew?
Ganondorf's Return
Linkle bounced off a wall and pass Malron, who landed on one of Ganon's blades. Malron leapt into the air and strung an Arrow of Light, and loosed it on the bipedal pig's tail, then Sheik ran towards Ganon and struck his tail when he turned to swing at Malron.
Somehow Ganon broke free and his first action was to clog a river and lure the heroes into the riverbed, "Mal!" Linkle cried out, not expecting Ganon to have reflexes capable of knocking Malron out of the air.
Linkle ran across the riverbed, using her Pegasus Boots to run across the sludge, and jumped onto the shore, "I'm fine...we need a better plan until Aryll shows up!"
Linkle pulled Malron to her feet and turned to Sheik who was slung into the tree above them. After several snaps, Sheik was able to slow her fall and landed without a scratch, "She's going to be here soon...but someone has to be behind this, someone with the tech to open the Nopeverse!"
"You rang?" Tingle floated above them on a red balloon and drifted above Ganon, "My friend and I here broke out using this—the Tingle tuner!"
Linkle shot at the green controller in Tingle's hand, but he turned and his balloon popped instead, "Where'd you get that?!"
"Get that? No, no, no, you misunderstand, Tingle had it all along! I just tuned it to the matching frequency of the Nopeverse field generator, and entered the password that I had a guard outside Hyrule Castle change for me for ten Rupees...the password was 'Zelda', all capital letters, because the classics never get old!" Tingle replied mirthfully.
"Is the Tingle Tuner waterproof?" Sheik inquired, her hidden eye on Linkle, who was scaling the tree wall blocking the river.
"No, but I don't see any river here, do-" Tingle shrieked as a flood of trees and water hit him, and the Aloft ran over him and Ganon. The villains surfaced, dazed from the excruciating amount of pain that somehow didn't kill them, and the Tingle Tuner, fried, malfunctioned and zapped them. The Tingle Tuner apparently worked as a Nopefield Disruptor, so they instantly faded into the Nopeverse and out of this reality.
"Superior ship!" Aryll yelled, fist in the air.
"No!" Ganondorf roared, forcibly reverted to his human form, "Another curse on you, Zelda! From now on, whenever you dress as Sheik, people will refer to you as a guy! And Mallory, whenever you try to ride into the fields before Castle Town, you will be stopped and escorted to the castle because they'll think you're a Gerudo! And Linkle...oh, Linkle, I curse you and your spirit, you and I will fight for-"
Ganondorf paused, shocked to find Malron standing on his torso, scissors in her grasp, "Nope." she whispered. A snip later and she jumped off of him, and he spiraled down to the floor of the Nopeverse.
Mini Author's Notes: Ganondorf will cough up that tongue and regenerate it in a few centuries, unless Tingle nerds up another Tuner.
Mal Function
Malron worked at Castle Romani, a famous and popular hotel, as the receptionist since her dad was asleep somewhere, and just back from lunch to find a red haired gentleman in a tuxedo with red, white, and green patterns in the cuffs of his sleeves, "Hello, sir, here for a room?" she inquired.
"Yes, I'd like one under the name of 'Ganon', if you have any available rooms." he replied pulling his hand back along his red hair.
"Here you go!" she smiled, handing him his key.
"Thank you." the guest went up the stairs and Malron snickered at the name she signed in the book.
"Hey, Mal, what's funny?" Linkle leaned over the counter and looked around, "Your dad around here?"
"He's napping right now, but look what I did." Malron pointed at the newest name in the book, and Linkle smirked as she leaned down.
"Gannon..oh, Mal." Linkle smirked.
Malron somehow woke her dad up, swept the floor, cooked dinner, and helped Linkle with the cuccos. Sometimes Linkle thought she had powers.
Later that evening, during Linkle's hour long stare at the mayor's house, Malron opened the window, removed her glasses, and leapt into the air.
That night, Linkle saw a red shooting star and heard someone yell, "It's Sheikah Time!"
She knew that wasn't Malron, after all, she was scared of heights.
Linkle walked into the kitchen for a cookie, but as she walked in, a broom swept underfoot and she fell into Malron's arms, "Ah! Mal!" Linkle shouted.
"That's what you call me." Malron smirked.
Linkle smiled mischievously and growled, "Get Noped."
"Eh? I thought that was just for bad guys." Malron smiled, laughing sheepishly.
Talron walked into the kitchen and found Malron holding a half eaten cookie in one hand, her other hand's fingers fingers on her lips, which were curled into a grin, her face as red as her hair.
"Malron, you okay there?" Talron asked, "You going to eat that?"
"Yeah, Dad." Malron breathed.
Talron shrugged and left, "Must have been a really good cookie."
Mini Author's Notes: Perfect way to end it, I think!945Please respect copyright.PENANA7LiBf3QKIn