Legend of Linkle: Chibi Great Adventures 9: Holiday Special974Please respect copyright.PENANA1dzll9HjIA
It's The Great Pumpkin, Malron!
Linkle knocked on the door to the ranch house and eagerly awaited Malron to answer it.
"Mal, Mal, the Great Pumpkin's going to rise soon!" Linkle cried.
"Wait, slow down a minute...who or what's the Great Pumpkin?"
"The Great Pumpkin! He rises from a select pumpkin patch, he's very choosy, I just heard about him last week, and I think you're going to win!"
"Win...win what?" Malron inquired, completely confused.
"Win the favor of the Great Pumpkin! You're awesome, and he's going to know that, and rise from the Kakariko Village pumpkin patch tonight!" Linkle held her arm, "And I was hoping you'd watch with me."
"Aw, well...sure, when are we going to watch for him?"
"Tonight, he should rise in about an hour!"
Malron sighed and jabbed at her Whisper Cube for the eighth time, "Linkle, it's been two hours...I think our snack supply's run out...and the clouds are starting to block the moonlit."
"B-but, he has to...he's the Great Pumpkin." Linkle sighed.
"Well, I'll come back with some more snacks, and we can continue our watch...you'd think Dad would be here with snacks, he likes bringing us stuff so much...though there does seem to be a pattern, now that I think about it." Malron looked around and patted Linkle's head, "Did you hear that? Sounds like...something crawling out of the ground."
"I hear it...do you think-" Linkle smiled and stood up next to Malron.
"Let's go find out." Malron waved Linkle over and they began their search, when, suddenly, a large figure rose from the patch.
"Mal, look, it's the Great Pumpkin, he's rising, ha, ha, ha!" Linkle jumped up and down the Great Pumpkin yawned, and Linkle turned to squeeze Malron, "It's him, it's-"
Talron stepped into the moonlit and Linkle frowned, "Hey, girls, what's all the raucous?"
"Uh, we're just out here looking for the Great Pumpkin...hey, Linkle, you're sure it's not tomorrow?"Malron suggested, "Maybe you got excited and forgot which day we're dealing with?"
"No, I have today marked on my calendar with super excited, multicolored ink." Linkle sighed.
"I'm sure he's out there...maybe next year he'll rise in this patch, it's our first year for pumpkins, there's probably a large pumpkin field out there...maybe in the woods."
"Or in the sky." Linkle groaned, "Maybe I was wrong."
"This is the first I've heard of this Great Pumpkin business," Talron sighed, "but to me it sounds like one of those stories about the Great Fairy...she's supposed to rise from a magnificent fountain, but I haven't seen her yet, and I've seen plenty of fountains."
"Uh, Dad...her's is a specific fountain." Malron pointed out, "But then, you do have a bad habit not knowing what you're doing, and then suddenly appearing in weird places...like a ship you previously had no clue existed."
"It's these here 'mushrooms—they're magical!" Talron opened a bag and started chowing down on mushrooms, when Linebeck walked up behind him.
"Hey, folks, what's going on?" Linebeck inquired.
"Waiting on the Great Pumpkin." Malron sighed, "He hasn't showed up here, so maybe-"
"Ha, ha, ha, ha! Oh...ha, ha! Oh, me, that's...wow, that's funny," Linebeck wiped his eyes and caught his breath, "see, I made that up, too! I had a really strange dream, and figured, you know, it was probably whatever Talron's snacking down on these days, but it haunted me, so I wrote it down! I didn't actually think anyone would be so, uh, trusting. Anyways, I though it was-"
"Well?" Linkle watched Linebeck, who stood frozen until he spun around wildly, "What did you think it was?"
"Pretty obvious that nothing like the Great Pumpkin exists...but now I'm not so...sure?" Linebeck looked around some more, then kicked the bag out of Talron's hands, "Everybody listen! That...rustling sound, like something crawling."
"Who else is passed out around here?" Malron wondered.
"Wait...Linebeck, my grandma used to tell me about the Great Pumpkin, how old are you?" Linkle squinted at him and crossed her arms.
"Um, not that old, kid...but it does seem like...my grandpa told me about the same thing." Linebeck sighed.
"Well, mermaids are real." the Wayfarer added, sitting up near where Talron passed out.
"Dad, how many people have you been splitting these mushrooms with?!" Malron demanded. Before she got an answer, the ground below her cracked and shifted and she bumped into Linkle, then held on as the ground drifted away from them, and a large stalk rose up between them, along with one next to them, "We're on it, we're on the Great Pumpkin, Linkle!"
"I know, isn't it wonderful?!" Linkle shouted.
"I may have never told you, but I'm scared of heights, really, really, really scared of heights!" Malron screeched.
"Don't let go of me, then, everything will be okay!" Linkle promised, glancing down at the ground.
"Don't look down!" Malron yelled, gripping Linkle's shoulders, "Sheesh, where was this stalk before? Pumpkins are supposed to grow on the ground, right?!"
"Maybe it was a little pumpkin before it suddenly got larger?" Linkle suggested, "And I thought not looking down was something you did when you were scared, why should I not look down?"
"Because if you look down I'm going to look down to, and then I'll freak out and we'll both fall down!" Malron screamed.
"Just hold on and everything will be okay! Wow, the stars are co close!"
"I don't want to look up either, I'll lose my footing—ah!" suddenly the pumpkin stopped rising, and Malron pulled Linkle closer, "I know what happens next!"
"What happens next?" Linkle asked excitedly.
"When the bough breaks, the cradle will-" Malron shrieked as she found a pale demon cutting the stalk with a ridiculously large saw, "oh, hello to you, too! I'm sorry, but I heard the MC was on a pumpkin, so I had to cut it down, lickety-split, you know?"
"Who are you?!" Linkle shouted, pulling out a crossbow, "Hold me steady, Malron!"
"Are you crazy, you might shoot the stalk!" Malron cried.
"I never wanted to fight a demon in the sky, but it looks like I have no choice!" Linkle swung her left arm back to make her cape flutter, and pulled the trigger, hitting the demon in the head.
"Ah...that hurt...I guess. Oh, look at the split!" the demon pulled out a salt shaker and sprinkled its contents on the split in the stalk, then licked it, "Lickety-split, get it? Oh, wow, tastes like cucco!"
"He's crazy!" Malron screamed.
"I am Lord Ghirahim, fear my name in your last moments together! This ship's going down!" Ghirahim snapped his fingers and reached his arm around to grab the rapier that appeared behind him, then spun around, letting the end of his blade drag against the snapping stalk, "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"
Malron pulled Linkle close to her and squinted. After a few moments Malron looked around, "Did we crash yet? Where'd the stalk go...we're flying up higher, aren't we?"
I think so," Linkle turned around and saw a white figure fading, "or maybe he fell."
"What? Is this the power of the Great Pumpkin?" Malron looked around and crossed her arms, "You know, I'm actually not sure why I was so scared of heights, it's actually kind of nice around here! Whoa, I take back!"
"Eh?!" Linkle found herself suddenly crushed to Malron again as they descended. Suddenly they heard a yell, and looked over the side to find Ghirahim under the gourd.
"Ah, get me out from under this...my arms, my beautiful arms...actually, my everything...I feel like a pancake." Ghirahim groaned, "Pancakes, I'll never think of you the same way ever again!"
"Now, Ghirahim, begone from here!" a voice boomed.
"So...the Great Pumpkin is protecting Hyrule, then?" Malron wondered, as Ghirahim vanished.
"I guess so...that was so awesome!" Linkle cheered.
"Yeah, it was. Where'd Dad and Linebeck go, though?" Malron pinched her nose, "Uh, Great Pumpkin, is anyone else under you?"
"No, it would seem your father and his friends have gone home." the Great Pumpkin boomed, "They are safe...also, I must commend you on your pumpkin patch, it has been centuries since I've seen one so well tended, I will have to come back next year...just...try to grow a circle of grass so you know where I'll be next time...and before you ask, no, I'm not the pumpkin, but the spirit controlling the pumpkin...remember, even the most unlikely pumpkin can become worthy of the title of the Great Pumpkin...that said, don't let this pumpkin rot, it deserves a better fate than that."
"O-okay...guess we'll have a pie or something." Malron decided.
"Hmm, I'll help!" Linkle offered, "Let's get started right away!"
"How are we going to move this pumpkin, though?" Linkle wondered, "It could fill the whole front room!"
"It is a big pumpkin."
"Maybe we could move it through the power of-" Linkle jumped back as the pumpkin exploded, and stared as Talron dusted off, Linebeck and the Wayfarer were with him, "You too, Linebeck?! The Great Pumpkin spirit wanted us to use that in something...like a pie!"
"A pie?!" Talron exclaimed, and suddenly the trio were rewound to before they exploded the pumpkin, and they could hear a shout of, "On three, men! One, two, three!" and the pumpkin was rolled away.
"Malron, what just happened?"
"I...I don't know...could we both be having the same fever induced dream?"
"I know, right? That was...strange."
"Well, at least I might have help this time."
"Ha, ha, make them do all the baking!"
"Yeah, we've got target practice and stuff!"
Mini Author's Notes: Yeah...Ghirahim's connection to that world was weak or some random excuse here...Ghirahim was here because I wanted a "G" rating..."G" for Ghirahim!
Malfunction Mark II
Linkle thought it was a dream for a moment, she always wanted to ice skate on Lake Hylia when it was winter, so now that Malron and her finally set out, it was like a dream, especially since Talron hadn't jumped out of nowhere. It was too good to be true.
"Malron?" Linkle sighed. She was going to say it, she just had to say them over and over in her head for minute.
"Yes, Linkle?" Malron's words always had a way of warming her up, especially when they were holding hands—which was actually necessary for the ice skating dancing thing they were doing—so she was really warm now.
"Oh no, what if my hands are sweaty! Wait, they might not be, but if I panic, they will be! Must...remain-"
"Calm! Huh?"
"Huh? I was going to ask...you seem pretty uncomfortable."
"What? No, I...um...I alright." Linkle stuttered.
"You sure?"
"Yeah...I'm fine...but you're finer."
"Ha, thanks, Linkle, but if the game's flattery-"
"No game...Malron...u-um I love you." Linkle stared up pleadingly at Malron in a way that made her think of Epona's telepathic request for apples, or a puppy that wanted more food even though it had some right in front of it.
"You...you love me?" Malron asked, surprised. Linkle was sure it was that kind of dream where Talron doesn't mess everything up, but she couldn't be sure.
"Uh-huh! I really love you, and I...what do you think about me? Could you ever fall in love with a cucco shepherdess with delusions of grandeur?"
"You love me?"
"Y-yes...Malron, I-"
"D-does not compute," Malron's head tilted to the shoulder repeatedly and smoke poured out of her ears, "does not compute, does not—love...function unavailable, hardware crash, activating safe mode, sub setting fetal position initiated. Standby for diagnostics. Requires repairs, automatic repair function activating."
"M-Malron!" Linkle cried.
"Malfunction, malfunction."
Linkle jumped upright and found that she was back in her room, suddenly the door fell in and Aryll ran to her side, "It's okay, Big Sis! Little Sis is here!"
"I...I'm okay-"
"Nonsense, my little sister senses were tingling!" Aryll objected, pulling out tea and a storybook.
"Uh, I appreciate it-" Linkle began, when Malron fell out of the ceiling.
"Don't worry, Linkle," Malron began, "I've got-"
"Wait, please tell me you're not a robot?!" Linkle shouted.
"Robot? I don't know what a robot is, but that's some kind of nightmare you must have been having." Malron remarked.
"Wait a second-" Aryll turned to Malron, then back to Linkle, "Oh...well, I kind of ship-"
"Hey, Linkle!" Talron shouted, mere moments before crashing through a wall, "Hey, Linkle, the world's on fire, time to go save the day!"
"Huh?" Aryll shrugged, "Anyways, Malron ex Linkle is my OT-"
"Oh, Linkle, save the world from catastrophe!" Talron shouted, running through a different wall this time.
"Will you please let me support my sister's canon rel-"
"Repairs! The world is falling apart and needs repairs!" Talron cried.
"Linron for the-"
"The moon is falling, hurry, smite it back into orbit before we all suffer a terrible-"
Linkle bolted upright and took a few shallow breathes, "That was incredibly meta!"
"Tell me about it." Malron yawned, rolling over to smile at Linkle, "I wish this dream would never end."
"U-uh, me too, but isn't this kind of my dream?"
"Maybe we're sharing the same dream?" Malron smirked.
Mini Author's Notes: :-}
Party Loud Enough To Wake The ReDead.
Linkle looked up and down the busy streets of Castle Town, everyone wore a mask, along with a matching costume. She took a moment to appreciate the amount of effort spent in preparation for the event, then went off on her search for Malron.
"I see you're all dressed up!" Linkle smirked flopping one of Malron's ears.
"And you...bunny ears?" Malron shook her head, "At least people won't ask about me, they'll probably think it's a theme or something."
"Yeah...I tried to find some purple bunny ears, but they were all out, some guy named Ravio bought up the whole stock." Linkle shrugged, "I think this works though...if only your transformation gave you three tails, you could go as a Keaton!"
"Uh...Keaton stuff's kind of for kids anyways, though, right?" Malron scratched an ear and sighed.
"You could probably get away with it, people still say 'kid' to you, right?" Linkle shrugged, "But I still wasn't expecting the ears."
"Allergies...convenient...unexpectedly enough." Malron pressed her nose against her shoulder and groaned, "Anyways, may as well try to enjoy the party, huh? I wonder where the princess is?"
The pair found a strangely costumed person named Sheik in the grand hall of Hyrule Castle, dancing with no particular style, and sampling all the treats on the table, obviously not Zelda. Suddenly a cacophony of moans and otherworldly screeches scratched the air.
"I heard the expression of waking the dead, but...this is just mad!" Malron shook her head, "Guess we should fight this!"
"Hang on, look at that." Linkle pointed at Sheik, who had begun dancing again, the ReDeads followed the cosplayer of the shadow tribe's steps, and paraded out into the fields, Linkle and Malron followed and watched as Sheik danced and attacked the monsters, blending the two in a way that proved fatal to the monsters.
Sheik dropped her disguise and as the light faded, only Zelda remained, "My nightmare was right, then."
"Hey, Zel!" Linkle waved and the startled princess turned around, "Whoa, so that was you?"
"Y-yes, but...don't say anything about it, it's a secret to everybody." Zelda blushed as she spoke and turned away, then a blue haired witch crash landed nearby.
"Hey, Linkle, guess who I'm dressed as?" Maple chortled, betting that Linkle could never guess.
"Um, Irene, world famous witch of legend?" Linkle answered.
"W-what, how?!"
"Oh, you know," Linkle giggled, "She was always your favorite character in 'Keaton's Great Adventures!'"
"Great, now I owe Syrup twenty Rupees!" Maple slammed her fist into her hand and took off again.
"You read it too?" Zelda inquired, blushing and smiling, making sure no one else was within earshot, "I really liked issue nine, it was a holiday special and Keaton and the sidekick pony were on the Great Pumpkin, it was so magical."
"T-too meta for me!" Linkle shouted, waving her hands.
'What's wrong?" Zelda inquired, "Did something like this happen?"
"Tell me, when did issue nine get released?" Linkle said pointedly.
"On the day of the Festival of Time, earlier today. I'm at the part where Irene shows up and Keaton...oh, let me just show you, I have it here!"
"No, don't!" Linkle shouted, but it was too late. It was then revealed that the story was not a story, but a parallel universe that recorded the future of that particular day's week, and all the answers were spoiled.
And then some kid named Link hit the reset button on reality.
MANs: So many self-aware stories!
Tricks Are Treats
Malron waited by the door in her pirate costume, when she heard a knock at the door, "Jump scare y-ah!"
"Boo!" Linkle yelled, in a red hood.
"Little Red Riding Hood does not yell 'boo!'" Malron shouted.
"She can yell what she wants!" suddenly Linkle grinned, "Why, Red Beard, what a beardless chin you have!"
"All the better to...uh...um, tap my chin with?" Malron shrugged.
"And those crystal blue eyes," Linkle stood on her toes and stared at Malron, her whole face adopted her hair color, "are enough to make the sky green with envy...and your beautiful skin puts Ghirahim to shame."
"Y-you're supposed to just say 'trick or treat', dummy." Malron muttered.
"Trick or treat," Linkle grinned, "dummy."
MAN: Bet you didn't see this coming! Um, I mean the update itself, not this particular one, but that too. Anyway, yeah, fun times...too bad I killed the surprise for the rest of the holidays...or did I? There, now it's a secret again...except maybe not...or is it? *Waves arms around mysteriously* It's a secret to everybody!