Legend of Linkle: Chibi Great Adventures 8
The Legend of Linkle, RWBY Inspired, Setting is of My Hyrule Academy Story
Linkle had never been to the warrior school before, despite being a full two years older than her little sister. Once there she found the sparring hall where her sister had trained, with a blade that looked similar to Aryll's.
The instructor at the sparring hall asked Aryll to get her sister up to speed on things, so they found themselves in the empty building before class.
"So, what do you think?" Aryll.
"I think," Linkle said, pointing at the weapon on the desk, "that's a nice blade."
"It's also a wand!" Aryll beamed proudly, "But you need magic to use it as anything other than a blade. It looks like you have two weapons on your footwear, though. Those are new...the resent Malron gave you, right?"
"Oh, yeah, they're crossbows...u-um, they...might double as a melee weapon...if you strike like you're punching something."
"Well, sometimes that happens...it's better than being stuck with a sword, though."
"I can use magic, too, my element is fire!"
"That's handy...so, do your crossbows have a name? You also need a theme song, school rules."
"Um...for a name...I'll get back to you on that."
After training, Linkle found herself in her room, which she shared with a silent swordsman, who spent most of her time sketching. While not talkative, she smiled when she talked about her father, though she said nothing of her mother, the deep lines on her face said enough.
"Probably corruption...the war against the Gerudo not too long ago saw intense training on knight mages, her mom was probably one of the many who's soul couldn't handle the frequent and unrelenting training." Linkle tried to think of something else, "S-so, brothers or sisters?"
"Only child. I...my father always dreamed of having a son, yeah? You may have met him, he was kicked out of the Hylian Knights and went on to become a captain, he works in the sparring hall...before you ask, he was kicked out because the other knights are spineless, gutless cowards, yeah?"
"So, uh, what's you're theme?"
"My theme is...that training song about being swifter than Zora's River, more serene than Lake Hylia, and more mysterious than the Goddess of the Moon."
"Oh, and that part where they only send daughters when he asked for...oh."
"It's a joke in our family, yeah?" Ashei shrugged, "What's yours?"
"Haven't thought of one...or a name for my weapon." Linkle furrowed her brows, "But my element is fire, so I should come up with something...fiery."
A week later the school was overrun with monsters, and when Linkle showed up, an electric rendition of a famous instrumental piece played. She leaped into the air and held down the triggers of her crossbows, "Come on Ember Celica! Twin Flare!"
Several blasts erupted all around her. And when she landed, fire cloaked her, "I burn."
Mini Author's Notes: Yeah...Linkle's fire based and has two guns...and is stronger when the heat's really on, or at least, her compass does a thing.
Revenge of the Witch, Return of the Puppy
Syrup finally had it, the perfect hex! Malron would have endless sneezing fits, no one liked those, and Maple and Linkle would get tired of hearing her sneezing and eventually abandon her, leaving to feeling guilty, and one feeling pathetic! It was the perfect revenge. She smiled to herself and waited for the three to enter the hut, as foretold by the Elder Script.
She smiled to herself as she gestured to the chatting group, unaware of their imminent demise, well, sneeze, but demise sounded more ominous. Something strange happened, though, apparently the last curse Syrup inflicted on her wasn't completely removed, as two ears popped out of the side of her head when she sneezed, Linkle immediately noticed that.
"Ah, how cute!" Linkle scratched Malron's left puppy ear and Malron closed an eye as Linkle's arm moved her hair into her face.
"Hey, cut it out." Malron stepped back scratched her ear, "Ah...great, now I can't stop, it's like sneezing."
"Ah, I get it." Syrup laughed, "She's resisting the sneeze curse because of the already present puppy curse...which means one will occur when the others effect ends."
"What to you get, Syrup?" Maple raised an inquiring eyebrow and Syrup smiled.
"Nothing, nothing at all." suddenly Syrup's nose grew longer.
"Ha, I knew I could sneak a curse on you sometime! Now, did you do this to Malron?"
"N-no!" Syrup's nose grew again and knocked a cup of tea onto the floor, "Fine, I did...whenever she sneezes, she'll get those cute puppy ears, and the unnerving urge to scratch them will drive her crazy!"
"This isn't fair!" Malron yelled cupping her puppy ears.
"Don't worry, as long as you're sitting down, Linkle can scratch your ears." Maple smirked, "There, Syrup, your curse is ineffective."
"Uh, I...um, Malron, you know I love you, but I can't scratch your ears forever." Linkle sighed.
"Ah, but she'll also howl at the moon, and whimper all night, just like a puppy!" Syrup cackled and then coughed, "Don't smoke, kids."
"You're evil!" Linkle stepped forward and pointed at Syrup, "Return Malron to her true form...which is this sans ears. I mean this form without the puppy ears! Don't play smart with me!"
"Oh, but do ask that I turn her to the way she was, so I can turn her into a puppy and gloat about how you're wish is granted!" Syrup laughed.
"Don't worry, Linkle, I'll hold her off, you just run to town and buy a dog house," Maple turned to Malron, who was growling in a corner, scratching her ears, "and maybe a cone or something, hey, stupid, you're going to hurt your ears like—oh, man, hurry, Linkle, before I can only think of her as Puppy!Malron...too late, buy her a collar, and a name tag, and dog bowls, and a chew toy."
"I'll be back before you know it! Don't worry, Malron, just hold on!" Linkle cried, running out the door.
"I'll try!" Malron replied uncertainly.
"Alright, so, you think you can hex with the master?" Syrup snarled at Maple, "Show me what you managed to learn from me."
An hour of howling in pain later, and the door flew open.
"Am I glad to see—Linkle?" Maple winced at the red and gold suit that Linkle wore, and watched as she finished tinkering with the compass's chain. Linkle put the compass on and smiled as it came to rest over her heart.
"I am the golden light, the burning pyre...I am...Fe-Mail!" Linkle sparkled in a beam of light that broke through the hole in the roof.
"Female?" Syrup and Maple asked in unison.
"Fe, the periodic table's symbol for iron!" Linkle explained, "And I'm in mail armor, so...i-it's a pun."
Syrup frowned at Maple, who snorted in amusement, and glared at Malron, who couldn't stop laughing, "I bet you told her this? Nerd."
"Hey, Syrup," Maple wagged her finger, "don't pretend that you're not a nerd, too!"
"I still have a better sense of humor that Linkle's sidekick over there." Syrup gasped, "And why am I just letting her explain and not trying to hex someone?"
"Shush, Linkle's still talking." Maple returned her attention to Linkle, who'd been trying to explain it again to Syrup.
"Never mind the joke, the only way to save Malron from the curse is through me!" Syrup roared.
"Hmm, I have just the thing, then!" Linkle opened a bottle of water and splashed it at the hag, "Water fixes everything, according to the label!"
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha I'm melting, I'm melting into a helpless giggle fit!" Syrup laughed, sinking to the floor, "Whew, that was funny, you thought that's my weakness...what witch has that as a weakness?"
"U-uh," Linkle hid the 'How to Slay a Wicked Witch' guide behind her back and shook her head, "n-no one?"
"Right, now, then, Iron Girl, let's fight, you and me!"
"It's Fe-Mail!" Linkle roared, charging at the witch.
"Banana Slip!" Syrup yelled, gesturing at the floor.
Linkle danced around the peels and finally found her footing, one hand under her compass, "One Shot!"
"W-what?" Syrup winced at the name and stared at Linkle, "What kind of attack is that? Anyways, might as well take away your compass, worse than a curse for you, I bet."
Syrup took one step and a blast of light exploded from Linkle's compass, leaving the witch slightly charred. Maple poured water on her boss and smiled sheepishly, three seconds later, Syrup unleashed her super charged gust bellows, but between the four of them, their was no way they'd be one shot defeated, so to compensate for that, the house went up.
"Alright, folks, emergency exits are...there, there and there," Maple shrugged, "but honestly, I wouldn't try jumping out those windows if I were you, kind of cramped. See ya around, Syrup!"
Linkle scooped Malron up in her arms and leaped out the window, while Maple flew up the fireplace. Syrup tried to open the door and fly out like a normal, self-respecting human who didn't like being creative unless it was hexing, but...the door, for some reason, didn't budge. The house didn't land...at least, not in their general location.
Somewhere in the middle of the desert, two witches chanted, or rhymed, none of the Gerudo present were sure which it was, but right in the middle of it, a small hut fell down and crushed them, leaving only their feet sticking out from under it.
"Yay, they're dead!" the Gerudo cheered, "Now we don't have to be heartless invaders, because the wicked witches are dead!"
"Oh, hey, I feel a musical number coming up!" Aveil sang, "Dear Goddess of the Sands! You must have sent a hero or more from other lands! To save us, to liberate us...we thank you very sweetly, for handling this so neatly!"
Suddenly Syrup wandered out, looking around, "Where am I? What year is it?"
"Are you the Goddess of the Sands?"
"No." Syrup shook her head and turned away, "Just no."
Aveil turned to the Princess of Gerudo, "You should knock."
Nabaru turned around and knocked at the door, "Goddess, I know you're in there...my people have been asking where you've been, you told us to wait for you, and we're trying to, but if you would just-"
"Go away, Nabaru." Syrup ordered evenly.
"Okay..bye." Nabaru turned to the others and shook her head, "Might as well enshrine her, though."
MAN: So, yeah...this was fun. And maybe epic?!
Amused Antics: Ganondorf, Demonic Marionettist
Ganondorf's game show got violent, fast. Everyone knew it would come down to this.
Ganondorf laughed, moving the puppets on stage, "Linkle attacked the Sages, Malron alongside her-"
"Ahem, Ganondorf?" Linkle tapped her chin, "just what are you doing? Is this me? Why am I shooting those Sages?"
"Because...it's fanfiction, deal with it." Ganondorf snorted derisively before turning back to the puppets, but Syrup cut the strings, "Hey!"
"Hey yourself, there's kids watching! Now we've got to bump the ratings up!" she whipped out her gust bellows and blasted Ganondorf to the moon.
It was there that he found a hidden evil, long sealed up in the core of Farore's Eye and realized that if someone gave the cursed mask to someone and control them through the mask, then that someone would have a really apocalyptic situation to boast about.
And it was at this moment a certain Skullkid waltzed upon the grand stage, all the while, Ganondorf was unaware he was playing into the hand of a greater puppeteer, call it fate, destiny, a curse, or a random author who strayed off the path of convention.
MAN: I think I'm serious about the moon's name...or at least for a nickname, after all, the moon's always held a fascination with people, being so mysterious and...distant, so the Oracle of Secrets and Mysteries (read: Goddess of Secrets and Mysteries) may even live there, and in a region's resident sentient tree when the local Hero needs a secret.
Also, I'm so serious about Ganondorf's title, it's perfect, imagine in TP's style, Ganondorf's boss title is "Ganondorf: Demonic Marionettist", and he'd have all these string based attacks, and cause party members to attack each other and...now I'm getting ahead of myself!
Tales of Zelda, Obvious Zestiria Reference is Obvious
Linkle climbed the Tal Tal Mountains in search of truth, justice, and spiritual power. She drew the Master Sword from the Temple of Time and sallied forth on a mission to quell Malevolence and stop the Lord of Calamity. Fi warned her that though she may be the Shepherd, she is not fated to even meet the Lord of Calamity.
"I'll take my chances." Linkle smirked as they left the stalls and marble of Castle Town far behind them.
"Linkle, there is only an eighty percent chance you could withstand the power of his domain, and a twenty-two percent chance of a battle in which you walk away alive." Fi paused before providing a solution, "Perhaps you can find others to recruit to your cause, I predict a dramatic rise in a success rate in your favor in that instance."
"Well, I'll find more people, then." Linkle said decidedly.
This brought her to the first person, who was not only scared of heights, but was also a natural combatant, having picked up the bow at an early age, but for now Linkle only knew her as the redhead who was stuck at the top of a mountain, her name was Malron.
Within weeks Linkle had four Squires and fairies who would aid them in battle, and acquired the spiritual powers, the only thing left was the grand finale, a showdown with Ganondorf, the Lord of Calamity.
Linkle turned around to find the Hyruleans who followed her on the treacherous path, all pure of heart enough to communicate with the fairies, Sari, Rutilah, Dargun, and Malron, with the fairies, Windi, Savi, Rocki and Redi, Linkle and Fi made five, and with their powers of Armatus, they stood a better chance of with Ganondorf than Fi could have predicted, but just because they could stand a chance didn't mean much until the final results were in.
"I was wondering when you would appear again, Shepherdess," Ganondorf laughed as he rose from his throne, "our last engagement was cut short."
"I...I'm not afraid of you anymore!" Linkle took a step forward, eyes trained on Ganondorf, "I've seen how you turned...and I've learned something invaluable on my journey."
"Good, because it ends here!" Ganondorf drew his sword and rushed at the small party, but they Armatized and blocked, the powers of wind, earth, water, and fire sending the four away, leaving Ganondorf in the middle with Linkle and Fi, the duo blocked and parried Ganondorf with Fi's blade or Linkle's shots. Ganondorf jumped up and sailed backwards on a dark gale and regarded them with amusement, "Ha, ha...how very amusing. Share with me, what did you learn? That no one is safe from the power of corruption, or that creatures of light are drawn to evil like a moth to the flame?"
"I learned...that nobody asks for this! Even you had a vision, sure your path was uncertain, but you wanted what was best for your people!" Linkle held her compass out, "Now...embrace the Flames of Purification!"
"Ha, ha, ha...only you can stop me, do you realize what that truly means?" Ganondorf inquired, weaving past Linkle's shots, "It means that I'm even more powerful than one can naturally achieve! I've embraced this change, it fuels me, I only regret letting you slip through my fingers!"
"Linkle," Fi called out, "there's a zero percent chance that he's attempting to deceive us to us, and a zero percent chance that he can be Purified, and a fifty percent chance that you can kill him before he unleashes the full power of his Triforce of Power."
"There's got to be some other way!" Linkle danced around Ganondorf as he started his attack.
"You can still seal his Malevolence using the Master Sword, but at his current power level, it would be impossible to to impale him and absorb it without first stunning him." Fi dive-bombed into Ganondorf and faced Linkle, "The power of the Seeker should be sufficient, it will take time, but if you channel enough energy, you could, in theory, unleash a powerful attack that would blast the Malevolence away from Ganondorf's Heart, leaving him vulnerable and stunned, but there's a one hundred percent chance that you will be completely exposed during the process, you will not be able to do this successfully unless you are in an Armatized state. While using the Armatus I can focus energy, while you attack, block, dodge, whatever is required in this fight, but it will be up to you to summon the name of the attack."
Linkle nodded and raised her hand, "Goddess' Sword!" Fi vanished in Linkle's frame and Linkle's appearance altered to display Fi's colors, the Master Sword in one hand and a crossbow in the other, and her compass started glowing, "And the name of the attack will be...Light Burst."
"Confirmed, charging Light Burst now." Fi's voice echoed in Linkle's head and the compass began giving off a faint glow, "Be aware that Ganondorf is trying to charge his power, as well, the only way to stop him is to stun him, but he cannot stop us so long as you remain conscious and fully functional."
Linkle nodded and noticed the Squires using attacks she knew to have stunning qualities. They battled Ganondorf for a full minute before the attack was ready, but when Linkle unleashed the attack and charged to impale him, he transformed into a large, green, boar monster, "U-uh, Fi, explain this!"
"This is Ganondorf's final form, when he is up against a challenge he, like you, can increase his power beyond his normal limits, such is the power of the Triforce of Power. He is able to maintain this form indefinitely, whereas your compass does not alter your form nor is it known to provide such long lasting boons.
"He's also summoned Bokoblins and Iron Knuckles!" Rocki announced, "Leave them to me and Dargun."
"That's right, Brother, we've got the small fries!" Dargun confirmed.
"They're hardly anything 'small' about them," Rutilah pointed out, "so Savi and I will help."
"My arrows can temporarily stun him," Malron remarked, "even if they aren't arrows of light, which is good, since fire and ice are faster. Redi and I will fight him with you, Linkle."
"Alright, let's hit him with everything we have!" Linkle charged in, weapons ready, "Fi, can you charge the Seeker up?"
"It will take longer this time, the Seeker must first cool down, and then I must charge for another Light Burst." Fi informed.
Ganondorf's twin zwiehanders kept Linkle on her toes, but with Malron stunning him and Dargun and Rutilah keeping the grunts off her back, she remained unharmed until the time for the Light Burst arrived, but before it did, Fi had yet another report.
"As I was charging, I analyzed Ganon's skin, in this state his skin is too powerful to be cut alone, I will call on the Lords of the Land to aid us in battle, two of them are already present, Rutilah and Dargun will need to Dearmatize, leaving Malron as your only Squire."
"I wouldn't count on that!" all present turned to find Aryll and Ashei, blades drawn.
"Take us on, yeah? Your little sis looks up to you, and you've taught me that killing these monsters isn't the answer...so let us help!" Ashei kept her eye on the little red fairy that flew up to her.
"Linkle, she can see us, too!" Redi chimed.
"Fi, give them the Pact!" Linkle split from Fi and backflipped away from Ganon, "I can hold out for a little while!"
Soon the new Squires and the Lords of the Land arrived, Linkle called on Fi and after the bright light of the seven Lords of the Land blasted through Ganon's hide, leaving tears in his armor-like skin, Linkle wielded the Master Sword, two slashes that intersected across Ganon's forehead, ended with a stab that pierced his forehead, and unleashed the might of her compass, "Fall into the void! Light burns your soul! Nopeverse!"
Those gathered witnessed the maelstrom of light that absorbed Ganondorf, and as the light faded, they looked up to see that Ganondorf's domain had vanished.
"You did it, Linkle." Zelda breathed, smiling at the blue sky above them, "You've saved Hyrule, the world...I don't know what to say."
"Well," Linkle shrugged, "it's all in a day's work for the Shepherdess! I'm just surprised you're a Lord of the Land."
"Me too...I suppose we have this power not only to aid you, but to lead our respective lands." Zelda smiled, "Hopefully it'll help restore the castle."
Suddenly they head a surprised grunt from the stairs behind them, Fi translated for the green clad adventurer, his name was Link, and he wanted to be the Shepherd. They had a lot explain, but maybe he'd settle for being a Squire, he already had a fairy named Navi traveling with him.
MAN: Here this thing is, I basically fused the functions in ToZ (Shepherd, Armatize, Flames of Purification, domain, Malevolence) and gave it a Legend of Linkle overhaul, hope you had fun reading this, and I'll see you next update!1070Please respect copyright.PENANAg6RiXNdQCm