“i hope you don’t think that shits fair” Bored Billie Eilish
this relates to me in many ways but mostly between me and my friend S. she knows me really well and i know her, well i thought i did. i always viewed her as my big sister but i don’t really anymore. she knows how easy i can be won over, how gullible i can be, how vulnerable i can be sometimes. she uses that to her advantage. she knows if she takes stuff out on me i won’t do anything about it. fuck i wish i could do something about it. S always starts arguments with me, usually about things i love and she knows that makes me annoyed. then she says mean things to me and because i won’t do anything about it she just does it more. maybe i won’t text her for a bit but then the next day she’ll write me a paragraph saying she sorry and stuff. that shit isn’t fair.