“you found another one but i am the better one” -Lucid dreams Juice WRLD
okay so there was this guy i dated let’s call him V. he was literally the male version of me and we were great together. bare in mind he wasn’t even an online one so we actually hung out and stuff. anyways a few months later of us dating he started saying some weird shit like ‘they found out’ like bitch who tf is THEY? then he broke up with me, then we got back together then we broke up again. he cut off contact completely like out of no where and i found out he moved like 5 hours away. this was all a few years ago btw. now cut back to a couple months ago i saw him walking around where i live. like he’s not supposed to be here?! i texted him cause i was too scared to actually talk to him and was like i just saw you and you look so different. then he got his gf on me saying apparently i’m flirting with him. like sorry? anyways let’s just say i found this girls tiktok and she makes fairy videos. literally the definition of “you found another one but i am the better one”