i’m almost 15. what is happening. i wasn’t even meant to make it to january and now it’s late september. i’m in year 10, ive chosen all my GCSE options, ive chosen the subjects that are gonna stick with me for life. i am terrified. i have mock gcse’s next year and my actual gcses in 2 years. i’m terrified but i can’t wait. after my gcses im free. i’ll be 16 almost 17 by then and the first thing i wanna do is go to mylove. im a magnet to my girlfriend and i just feel the urge to wanna be with her every second. i miss being in her presence and looking at her beautiful face. i can’t believe i found a girl like her. i’m truly blessed. but i still cannot get my head over the fact im literally 15 in 72 days. it still feels like im 13 and its the middle of 2023. i hope younger me is proud of the person i am now. i know she wouldn’t be proud of the damage ive done to myself within the past few years, im not proud of it either. the constant reminders of it whenever i get changed or when im having a shower. and the fact im still struggling with it to this day. i think i will for a long time actually, im a month clean now but i dont know how long that’ll last. i wonder where ill be when im 16/17 and id just finished secondary school. i guess we’ll have to seeeeee