not everybody is perfect there is so much confusion about it the rights and wrong we do is a lesson we hold dear i myself ask who am i helping? and who am i? As a person who has nothing but nightmares no one understands how many acception as humans we make we chose some rights and some wrongs how are we able to comprehend anything under the circumstances and yet still feel alive while trapped in a pit of dispare i'm not perfect some say i'm a friend some say i'm an angel and yet here i am writing as a world of monsters unfolds i fell in love with a guy named Avrie Clayton Lee and and he is the world to me but we have so many bumps in the road things may never work out no matter how hard i try but let me tell the story. i met Avrie Lee it wasn't today or the next it was in January of 2024 on an remake of discord and yet he was the first friend i had ever made but he was nothing more than that till i broke up with Matt and now avrie is gone too i hope i didn't make the wrong choice.