things were different here in union high school and i was avoiding everybody else except for Dallas and my brother's friends i was choosing to change my stasis and yet i was going to be doing cheer i had a fun year last year besides the fact i was bullied but finally i was gonna prove that i was someone who wasn't just a easy target i my like to keep my nose in the book but i was still shy and quiet unless i was talking to my boyfriend Dallas Reid but things went south after a week of dating him we broke up sometime this February and it leaves pains and aches was the beatings really worth that one kiss? i never truly understood what love was like especially at age 17 i was older by a year then Dallas but that didn't mean anything my feelings held strong i was a young writing with hopes to make a difference and i enjoyed every moment till this week where i felt a lonely pitch in my heart all i can do is write and wait to see the out come but even then i knew nothing was the same my mistakes lead me down many roads where it's hard to choose whats right for me when my heart has no desire to move from my path maybe that's where i went wrong maybe i'm not so perfect on the inside but why do people suggest i am when i see all nothing but wrongs i've done no one is perfect and neither am i maybe its best i keep it that way