He sat in class, clutching his headphones over his ears. The sound of the television shook the room, sending vibrations in the air that fucked with his head. It was too loud, his music not loud enough. He shook, near the verge of tears, overwhelmed by the sound and the lighting of the room. He couldn't handle it. His friend tried to grab his arm, and he jerked away from his friends touch, eyes wide, afraid.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," his friend whispered. "Want me to leave you alone?"
He shook, trying not to cry, frantically trying to find something, anything, that he could use to communicate other than his own voice. He grabbed his chromebook and typed, freaking out, about the overwhelming senses.
"Alright," his friend nodded. "That sounds rough.. Want me to see if you can go to another classroom for now?"
He nodded thankfully, and his friend got up. His friend made it to the substitute and explained the situation to her. His friend came back, leaning over the table. "You can go," his friend whispered.
"Should I take my things?" he asked, his voice raspy and cracking.
His friend shook his head. "No, I'll grab your things for you at the end of class."
He stood up quickly, rushing out of the room, smiling softly while playing with the fidget toy his friend had given him. "Thank you, brother," he whispered as he turned the knob to the next classroom.