The spiritual power from Ashley and Ashton’s telepathic lovemaking screwed with the minds and souls of the gods. This brought about instabilities. One such instability hastened the approach of a large meteoroid that was headed toward Earth anyway.
The sibling-spouses were enjoying a romantic night on a beach beside a coral reef which was once beautiful but now bleached in large swaths due to ocean acidification by human carbon dioxide emissions. A warm breeze was blowing. They lay side by side after midnight in the very early morning of their birthday and gazed up at the sky, where they saw shooting stars.
“Let’s make wishes,” said Ashley.
One of their wishes was this one by Ashton. He closed his eyes and said, “I wish to know whether something may ruin our summer and if so, what it is.”
The shooting star promptly fulfilled his wish by showing him and Ashley a vision of the meteoroid hurtling towards Earth.
“Oh, no, that’ll hit Earth, destroy this beautiful beach and finish off the poor coral reef,” said Ashley.
“We won’t let that happen, will we?” said Ashton. He looked up to where the shooting star had been. “Thank you for this very useful and important birthday gift!”
Literally thinking as one, they instantly came up with a solution. First, they took off their pants. Then, Ashley rolled onto her brother-husband such that she lay on him facing upward. The masculine man’s dick straightened, stiffened, hardened, and started spewing spurts of pre-cum. The pre-ejaculate flew tens of feet high and then fell onto Ashley’s thighs, lubricating them. Ashton thrust his member between his sister-wife’s thighs, and a session of passionate intercrural sex ensued. Because they shared their sensations and feelings, Ashley needed no stimulation, either vaginal or clitoral. In less than two minutes, both reached the point of no return. Ashton’s dick and Ashley’s clit, a.k.a. girl dick, made a mighty violet spark that sent out a lot of X-radiation.
Now, Ashton’s dick had many superpowers. One of them was that whenever he wanted to hit something with his spunk, be it in the divine world or not, he could feel in his boner exactly how to aim it at the target and then fire his seed with perfect precision. Firing from between his sister-wife’s thighs, his first spurt went straight to the very top of the gods’ realm. It was joined by his wife-sister’s girl-cum and her squirt juice. At the peak of the divine world, the love fluids made a plant sprout the wonderful smell of whose blossoms made the gods be nicer from then on and whose spirit enriched those of the deities. Ashton aimed his second sperm spurt at the incoming meteoroid. In an instant, the super cum hit the attacking projectile and blasted it into a thousand pieces with a bright flash thanks to its speed, heat, and very high electric charge. The latter brought about a Coulomb explosion. Ashley’s womanly strength was no less than her husband-brother’s manly might. With equal firepower as his masculine fire mountain, her feminine geyser shot a death beam at the projectile and vaporized the pieces which Ashton had made it burst into, preventing the pieces from causing damage on Earth.
“What a great firework!” said Ashley, looking back and forth between the explosions in the sky above on one hand, and on the other hand her firing cannon and her brother-husband’s shooting member rhythmically sticking out between her thighs. Then, she said in a mock disappointed tone, “But bro-hubby, where’s the bang?”
“I guess I’ll have to bang you with more ferocity.” Ashton shoved his still erupting volcano repeatedly between Ashley’s thighs. It was nothing new that his cum flew at arbitrarily high speeds, but his spear now reached higher than normal speeds as well. He thrust with ease, but his thrusts were so powerful that his dick broke the sound barrier and made sonic booms. You may ask why the gism he shot at the meteoroid didn’t also cause sonic booms. Well, his cannonballs were so fast that the air molecules didn’t have time to react to them at all.
“There’s your bang to go together with the firework,” he said smugly.
No longer having to aim at anything, the newlywed siblings rode out their joint orgasm with wild passion. Their love juices flew hither and thither and would have damaged satellites hadn’t they used telekinesis to change the paths of their genital bullets. Many Smith sperm cells in the semen Ashton threw up into the sky weren’t content to just stay there, fly off into space, or fall to the ground. They swam with such strength that they came out of the semen droplets. Once airborne, Ashton’s glowing and whip-wielding seeds actually flew straight towards Ashley and streamed into her vagina and then her womb and oviduct. Finding no eggs to fertilize there, they left her snatch again and headed into the gods’ realm. There, they and the pollen of the flower that the twins’ love-juices hat let bloom in the divine world fertilized many an absolutely immortal high goddess’s ova and many an utterly immortal high god’s sperms. Ashton’s seed and the flower’s pollen did the same with the germ cells of many a super-god. Filled with Ashton and Ashley’s spiritual strength as well as the bloom’s in addition to that of the gods and super-gods, whose souls had been impregnated by the telepathic outburst of the Smith siblings’ orgasm, a uniquely mighty generation of demigods was born in the divine world.
Some of Ashton’s and Ashley’s cumshots did something else. They sent out magical, infinitely fast (and sometimes even faster) light to drive themselves forward through space faster than light. Yes, they used light as rocket fuel. The loads of gism changed their shape depending on the need. As smart missiles, they sought out aliens who bullied other living beings. Some of them blew up such aggressive entities or their technology. Other loads of Smith semen impregnated the aggressors, both male and female, with human-alien hybrid children who possessed good characters and grew up to better their extraterrestrial parents and teach them good morals.
“What an awesome session of birthday sex!” said the twins as one.
Chapter End Notes:66Please respect copyright.PENANAH8TMLG6J5a
Would NASA be interested in working together with Ashton and Ashley to shoot down dinosaur-killer-level asteroids?66Please respect copyright.PENANAzUhQVfvd9J