Chapter Start Notes:75Please respect copyright.PENANALZIRJN4SBA
Two main characters come up with a pretty, well, unconventional way to stay in the game. Their gambit may shock some of you at first, but I bet the shock will quickly turn to fascination, all the more since they do it for a worthy goal: winning the prize money to invest in nature conservation. After reading this chapter, please tell me in the comments: Have I foretold your reaction correctly?75Please respect copyright.PENANA7u56SY6th7
Gwen’s twin friends made telepathic contact with her, and she pleaded with them to somehow make their team win. The soul-sharing twins thought about the problem together, and with their mental and spiritual link, they came up with a solution at once.75Please respect copyright.PENANAZKAcsQwXP9
“The rules say that the number of team members to cross the finish line must be the same as the number of team members to cross the start line, right?” they telepathically said.
“Yes,” answered Gwen telepathically.
“They don’t say that all team members who started have to finish, do they?”
“You’ll see soon enough.” With this foreshadowing statement, the telepathic talk ended.
The surfers kept a respectful distance from the tall and long triangular fin high on the wave but continued to concentrate on the race. Despite being one man down – or rather one woman – Ashton and Ashley went on to race against the others with iron determination.
“Are you blind or stupid?” shouted over Raymond. “You’ve lost a team member, so you’re out.”
“Don’t draw false inferences,” shouted back Ashley.
“You might want to take Logic 101 to help you avoid such mistakes,” added Ashton.
“Good for you! Keep on going!” cried their parents. They didn’t see their children or the other surfers directly because the wave blocked their view by now, but they saw them on a large screen which had been set up by the tournament organizers.
“What are you babbling about?” shouted one of Raymond’s friends over to the Smith siblings.
“We wanna win, right?” yelled Ashton.
Ashley shouted, “And as the saying goes: twincest is wincest.”
Both siblings went on, “Therefore …”
They surfed near to each other until their matching blue and violet boards touched side by side. Sharing a supernatural telepathic link, they coordinated perfectly so that their vehicles behaved as one. One twin stood with their right foot on the fore end of the board and the other with their left so that they faced each other. Then, they surprised everyone. Raymond’s and his friends’ eyes got wide. The siblings started kissing one another. Each ran their hands through the other’s wavy brown hair and stared into the other’s ash grey eyes. Ashley drew in her brother’s super manly and fresh smell, free from any bad odors, for like herself, he was a very cleanly person. Ashton likewise savored his sister’s flowery fragrance. With their elegant hands, they held one another’s long and narrow faces with the long, straight and high-bridged noses and the skin as white as the foam of the sea around their surfboards. Ashton looked in wonder at his sister’s supremely fair face with the high forehead and cheek-bones, in so many ways a mirror image of his own. Ashley admired her brother’s unbelievably handsome face with the non-protruding jaws, like her own, and the pronounced chin.
Then, the full siblings’ hands roamed over their sleek but well-trained bodies. They groped each other’s dainty and very firm butts and caressed one another’s skin, which was free of flaws. With her fine and nimble fingers, Ashley felt up her brother to admire his six-packs and played with his well-kept beard, which took after their father’s. Ashton stroked over his sister’s narrow waist and slender arms and legs and massaged her dainty and perky breasts through her bikini bra. He took it off her and felt no difference in firmness.
Ashley’s boobs were bouncy, not in the sense that they swung around (they were much too firm for that), but in the sense that if something, such as Ashton’s fingers, pressed against them, it was thrown back with considerable force. This bounciness of the sister’s breasts greatly gladdened the brother, and his dick got hard and started shooting spurts of glowing pre-cum, which punched little holes into his swimsuit pants. Through their emotional and spiritual link, they felt each other’s arousal, so the sister’s clitoris (girl dick) got hard as well. The young woman’s clit and the young man’s dick produced an electric spark between them that burned through their pants. Wielding telekinesis, they directed their genital sparks so as to stimulate them further.
What truly amazed the siblings with the single soul was the mind-boggling telepathic sex they were enjoying, which energized even the souls of the deities, for the twins’ telepathic prowess topped that of the gods. This mental and spiritual activity of Ashley and Ashton was so strong that it filled the siblings’ genitals and thereby the latter’s electricity with supernatural power. The flashes and crackling of their sparks made the supernatural powers that saw or heard them get high. This affected the all-seeing and all-hearing gods above all. It was a lucky happening for the surfers. Being not overly nice, the gods had planned to crash the summer party with a thunderstorm. But now that they were high and saw rainbows everywhere and felt overwhelming and very deep spiritual experiences, they had little interest in ruining the summer atmosphere.
Ashton and Ashley Smith were so thrilled by having sex with each other as soul-bonded twins surfing on a monster wave in which a sharp-toothed predator prowled that Ashton got so hard that his dick made the hole the spark had burned wider and stuck through his swimsuit pants, spewing pre-cum with virility and vigor. The spurts of the steaming hot fluid that landed on Ashley were a token of her super manly brother’s burning desire for her. Eying the small hole burnt into his sister’s bikini pants by her and his spark, he thrust forth his hips. Hot, extremely hard and stiff and springy like a steel spring, his virgin crotch lunged forward and did the rest, ripping open the small hole and diving into Ashley’s incredibly narrow, warm and slick virgin vagina like a shark diving back into the ocean after jumping out of the water.
“Oh yeah, sis!” shouted Ashton as his penis was squeezed by his sister’s snatch.
In the same moment, Ashley cried, “Oh yeah, bro!”, as the long and thick appendage stretched her. Her boobs began generating zapping electric arcs between their nipples. Her spiritual motherly potential filled her mammary sparks with supernatural power that made the gods even happier, leading them to bless many a good person and curse many a bad person.
Since the Smith twins had both telepathic and physical sex, their pleasure was at least twofold that of normal sex. Because each felt the other’s pleasure as well as their own, their pleasure was again doubled – not to mention all the higher-order feelings, where one felt how the other felt what joy the one felt, and so on to infinity and beyond. And the fact that they were twins, both spiritual and physical, gave the whole affair an extra note … though it was in fact their sex that spiced up their twinhood, not the other way round.
They crowd gasped when they saw the Smith siblings engage in sexual intercourse with each other.
“What the heck?” said Mrs. Smith in a shrill voice when she saw her children on the big screen do it atop their surfboards.
“What the heck? You mean what the f–” corrected her husband.
Gwen was spellbound by the fact that her best friends, the two true full siblings by blood, mind, and soul, were having full-fledged sex with each other on all levels and beyond. It was a magnificent sight to behold their well-toned bodies melt together and an awesome experience to feel their minds mingle in thought and emotion.
“What are they doing? What are they doing?” said the reporter in the sensational tone typical of sports commentaries. “They’re thrusting in equal unison as they’re surfing this gargantuan wave. But what is the reason for this incestuous, this sibcestuous, this twincestuous coitus of theirs?”
The overseer was no telepath, but he was a smart man, so he quickly understood what the twins were up to. “Hehe, they’ve spotted the loophole in our rules. Good for them!”
Chapter End Notes:75Please respect copyright.PENANAVhKyAHD98j
Would you have thought of the innovative way which the smart twins came up with to get their number of team members up again?75Please respect copyright.PENANAp3wgKhILi6
At what point did you guess what they were up to?