Spurred on by their burning desire for one another and their will to win, the identical spirit-bonded twins rhythmically thrust their groins together in perfect harmony befitting spiritually linked siblings so fast that their hips became a blur. Their hearts raced no less quickly. Each felt not only his or her own eagerness, but also that of their sibling. The delight of giving one another such over-the-top pleasure was overwhelming. Desperate for release, both hers and her brother’s, Ashley massaged her twin’s penis with her snatch muscles so strongly that even a god’s cock would have been crushed to mush. Only one dick was strong enough to withstand the onslaught of her pussy: the one that fit into it perfectly, like only a twin brother’s burning crotch fits into his identical twin sister’s slick snatch. Yes, Ashton’s boner was hot as hell, both literally and in the sense that the young man felt it overflow not only with pre-cum, but also with pleasure and the need to go off. Not only could everyone see that the blood-related and mind-related siblings with the one spirit were sharing great pleasure, but the two telepathically sent out their emotional high for gods and humans to feel.
“Someone’s envious,” said the siblings through their bond. “We’ve gotta be careful.”
“I can’t bear them enjoying themselves so much.” Raymond nodded at the twins. “Let’s pull them apart.”
He and his friends surfed to the Smith siblings. Seawater droplets filled the air from the wild ride, spicing up the twins’ kisses with a salty touch. Two of Raymond’s team latched onto Ashton and the other two onto Ashley, whereupon they tried to yank them away from each other. To their surprise, the twins used their hands to try to dislodge their competitors’ grips instead of holding on to each other. Raymond and his friends smiled, believing that now that the siblings had let go of one another, it would be easy to separate them. But oh, how wrong they were! Ashley and Ashton had let go of each other only with their hands. Yet there was still a grip keeping them together stronger than any hand’s … the iron grip of Ashley’s pussy on her brother’s boner. Pull as they might, Raymond and his friends didn’t manage to pull the twins a tenth of an inch apart even though only the head of Ashton’s dick was currently sticking in his sister’s snatch. Then, Ashley tightened her vaginal muscles from the outside in, pulling her twin’s sword in up to the hilt and yanking the handsome young man from his two competitors’ grip. They grabbed him again, but they couldn’t stop the identical twins from having amazing sex. With nothing but the strength of her snatch, Ashley rhythmically pushed Ashton’s cock out until only its head remained inside and then pulled it back in balls-deep. Thus having their hands free, the siblings could fight off the attack of Raymond and his friends.
When the twins were free, they jumped up from their surfboards. Sharing a passionate kiss with his sister and sniffing the intoxicating fragrance of her brown hair mid-air, Ashton briefly pulled out of her and fired his pre-gism at their attackers. Raymond and his friends howled when the scorching hot projectiles of passion hit them. They hastily dispersed and left the twins to land on their boards and continue their lovemaking undisturbed … other than by the minor distraction of having to concentrate on surfing and constantly watch out for the shark, of course.
The siblings felt their orgasm come nigh. Their kisses grew needier. Their moaning got ever more desperate. Their caresses over each other’s snow-white skin became faster. But before their genitals fired, their telepathic sex reached a first highlight, a purely spiritual supernova of emotional sexual energy bringing about tremendous joy and unspeakable bliss. This was lucky for the twins, for in just that instant, the shark jumped onto them from behind. But Ashton and Ashley’s twin telepathic orgasm stirred the gods’ spirits and made their emotions run wild. This affected the laws of nature and of logic and the relationship between oneness and plurality. A side-effect of this was that the shark briefly turned into two sharks highly charged with like electrical charges, so the copies pushed each other aside and thus missed the twins. It turned out that Ashley and Ashton hadn’t been just lucky, but that their smart twin link had let their orgasm manipulate the gods in that particular way on purpose. An instant later, everything was normal again.
Ashton and Ashley as well as Raymond and his friends and the other contestants surfed up Stonemason River on the monster wave, whose top was higher above them than their goal, the apple, was in front of them. The twins made out while glancing sideways to look ahead as before. Despite having just come spiritually, their kisses were needy and full of passion, panting and hot breath, for the spiritual and mental aspect of their sex drive had immediately resurged and the physical aspect of their sexual tension had not yet been released. Their kisses were spiced with the fire of twincestuous passion and the salty spray from their and the other surfer’s boards. Their eyes burned with far more desire than the shark’s. Ashton massaged his sister’s breasts while kissing and screwing her and enjoyed the wild beating of her heart and the god-charming magic electricity between her boobs. Ashley caressed Ashton’s back, waist, and thighs as she matched his thrusts and enjoyed the pulsations of his precum-spurting boner. Their sexual strain built up like the voltage between two oppositely charged Van de Graaff generator domes charged by the belt.
And then, everything went quick. Telepathic twins Ashton and Ashley Smith felt their sexual pressure rise from their hearts and soul like molten rock and gas from the magma chamber up the chimney of an erupting volcano. They felt the tingling of imminent sexual blast in their genitals. The siblings grabbed one another’s steeled butts and made a few final very hard thrusts accompanied by choked groans, moans and cries. At last, they came in the same instant, this time both telepathically and physically. And what a splendid joint orgasm it was! Surfing the wave alongside Raymond and the other competitors, the twins hollered one another’s names as they sexually blew up like Krakatau did volcanically. They saw stars and then light brighter than all shine of the gods combined. Their soul uniting with itself and their minds connecting with one another in all ways imaginable and unimaginable, they experienced unspeakable bliss as their orgasm washed over them. And what made the whole affair so much greater was that they shared all of their fantastic feelings and emotions, which topped even the splendor of the divine world. Ashton and Ashley Smith were physically, mentally and spiritually human Earthlings through and through, and they beamed their divinity-topping stirrings and feelings out to such an extent that their close family and friends and the gods and spirits could share in their happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were happy for their children, but they still chose not to know the details of their son and daughter’s sexual escapade. Indeed, they had taken off their glasses so that they wouldn’t see the details of their kids’ private parts connecting, so they all the more didn’t want a part in the young pair’s sex emotions. Gwen, on the other hand, was mesmerized by the sight of her twin friends getting it on with each other atop their surfboards riding a gargantuan wave, and was now all too happy to share in the brother and sister’s telepathic sexual bliss.
“I might’ve left that water wave, but I’ll sure surf this mental and spiritual wave to the end,” she said.
The physical aspect of the twins’ orgasm was impressive as well, if not to say amazing. Their sex organs went bang and sent out literal and figurative waves of electricity. Ashley’s pussy clamped down on her brother’s cock with a force rivaling the bite of the aquatic predator that was swimming around somewhere in the wave she was riding. Ashley’s urethra became a geyser as she squirted and had a female spunking, spraying her seething hot glowing juices of passion all over her brother. Although they scalded him in a few places, the ineffable pleasure he was sharing with his sister suppressed any pain he might have felt from the steaming hot liquids.
Vaginal juices drenched Ashton’s genitals, which weren’t idle either. His balls tightened and pulled up, and in the same instant his sister spunked, he did as well. His dick went off like a cannon and threw up like a layered volcano going Plinian. Like the former’s cannonballs, his seed was very fast and possessed great push, and like the latter’s lava, gas, and ash, his seed was scorching hot. It was also electrically charged, like normal or supernatural thunderclouds and the stuff thrown out by a fire mountain making volcanic lightning. In these respects, it was like Ashley’s light yellow clear squirt fluid and her thicker white female ejaculate. The genital juices exchanged a veritable thunderstorm. Ashton fired his sperm into his sister’s pussy with merciless might. His dick ran amok in her pussy and would have wrecked every other vagina, even a goddess’s, like Mt. Vesuvius wrecked Pompeii and Herculaneum. But this was Ashley Smith, his soul-linked twin and match in every respect. She was thrilled beyond measure by receiving her brother’s seed. She screamed Ashton’s name several times as his crotch shelled her insides with a brutal barrage. It was a magnificent sight to behold that supremely handsome and masculine brother have sexual intercourse with his supremely beautiful twin sister whom he shared an eternal supernatural bond with.
The siblings held on to each other as if for dear life, but the recoil from their genital guns flung them apart and many feet through the air. Ashley was tossed over the heads of Raymond, his friends, and the other surfers on that side of the wave, who watched her somersault through the air with awe. The same thing happened to Ashton and the surfers on the other side. Thanks to their surfing skills, the twins managed to cling to their boards and land on the wave without falling over despite having made several somersaults. Although they were now on opposite sides of the wave near the river’s banks and thus over a hundred feet apart, Ashton fired his seed spurts into Ashley’s pussy with perfect precision. One reason for his enormous firepower was the strength of the muscles in his nether regions. Another one was the great length and thickness of his genital gun. Yet another reason was the very large volume of his gism. A fourth one was that his urethra narrowed a lot near the tip of his cock, releasing very thin, high-pressure, and high-speed spurts of semen.
“He’s taking after my dad and me. Hehe,” said Mr. Smith to his wife.
“And she’s taking after my mom and me,” replied Mrs. Smith.
Since Ashton’s white and literally shining ropes of semen were extremely fast, the ballistic path they took was only slightly curved, so the other surfers, who were between the twins now, had to duck in order not to be hit by the scalding yet life-giving fluid.
“Yay! It’s done!” called Ashley.
Indeed, her twin’s sperm cells swam so fast that they reached her ovum almost at once. Once her germ cell was fertilized by Ashton’s seed, she immediately felt the soul of her and her brother’s spirit child go into the newly formed zygote.
“Yeehaw!” she yodeled. “I’m pregnant by Ashton!”
With his booming voice, the overseer said through the loudspeakers, “What smart young people Gwen Hammond’s teammates are! They’ve just got the number of their team members back up to the original three.”
“Darn!” hissed Raymond and frowned.
“Yesss,” hissed Gwen, and her friends’ parents smiled.
“What a clever move!” said the reporter, who was as astonished as the TV watchers he was talking to. “What a nifty way to raise the number of members in your team! Because they have three members again just like at the beginning, they still have a chance of winning the race.” The camerawoman zoomed in on Gwen. The reporter said, “And this is Gwen cheering her teammates on, hoping them to win so that the three of them – or rather four of them by now – can spend the money on shark and ray conservation as well as protecting sturgeons and gars.”
Thanks to this intention of theirs, Gwen and her teammates had the sympathies of many onlookers.
“Speaking of sharks, where has the shark in the wave gone to?” continued the reporter.
As if to answer that question, the shark jumped on Raymond. One of the surfer’s teammates spotted the hunter by chance and yelled. “Watch out behind you!”
Raymond turned around and gave a shriek.
“I wouldn’t mind if that shark meat-lover got eaten by a shark himself”, said Gwen as she watched the event on the big screen. “Then life would run full circle and justice be done.”
Alas, Gwen’s wish was not fulfilled. The shark had jumped with such strength that he flew over Raymond and dove back into the water equally elegantly as Ashton’s dick had dived into Ashley’s vagina.
Filled with an astonishingly deep satisfaction at having got his sister pregnant, Ashton turned 90 degrees on his surfboard and aimed his cock, which was literally a steaming and smoking gun, backward. Ashley did something similar. She had been holding her brother’s semen and her vaginal juices in her snatch under high pressure. The male and the female fluids of passion reacted violently with each other to raise the temperature and pressure even further. Ashley faced forward and unleashed the mixture from her snatch. Ashton got decent recoil and thus propulsion from his dick’s weakening spunking, but it was no match for the recoil Ashley got from her vaginal rocket engine. Leaving a fiery trail behind her, she surfed high onto the wave and passed behind the other surfers to her brother.
“Save the rest for later,” said Ashton through the link, and Ashley closed her pussy and held the rest of the boiling reacting mixture inside.
Ashton’s ejaculation subsided. The twins had no time to bask in the summer sun or their post-coital afterglow, though, for they had a race to win.
The surfers passed the line midway between river mouth and prize apple. Fittingly, the band started playing Ricky Martin’s song Cup of Life.
“Yes, go, go, go and get that prize, kids!” shouted Mrs. Smith.
The will to win veritably spewing from their eyes, the surfers gazed at the apple ahead. It was only seconds now until the race would be decided. Raymond went ahead. His surfboard with the fire streaks painted on it carried him ever closer to the object of his desire, leaving Ashley on her violet board and Ashton on his blue one further and further behind. But then, Raymond slowed his approach; he had seen that if he passed by the apple pole so far ahead of the wave’s summit, he wouldn’t be able to jump high enough to reach the fruit. He had to let the wave carry him up closer to the apple instead.
The Smith siblings, by contrast, did the opposite. They held on to one another and Ashley faced backward and unleashed her burning genital rocket fuel anew. They sped forward like a speedboat, almost flying over the water. They took a little wave before them as a ramp to catapult them up to the apple. Their surfboards now worked as airfoils and gave them lift.
“Oh, no! Those twincestuous eco freaks!” hissed Raymond as he looked down on the many feet high hanging apple, so high was he on the wave already. In fact, he and his friends were surfing on its very top over a thousand feet above the ground.
“Don’t worry!” called one of his friends. “The wave is beginning to break down. Look!”
The wave was indeed starting to roll over. Its crest began tumbling forward, taking the surfers with it. Many sank in the water masses as they came crashing down, but not so Raymond and his friends. “Yeehaw!” they cried as they slid down the side of the falling water mountain. They stretched their hands out for the apple of winning. Ashley and Ashton did the same. Both teams were only moments away from grabbing the fruit.
Chapter End Notes:77Please respect copyright.PENANAQRaSNXkIuw
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