When the bell finally rang, Megan walked briskly through the door, brushing past Jake as she went; she didn't even glance his direction. She tried not to let it bother her that he was actually here, but she was starting to wonder if this was such a good idea after all. Maybe giving him the opportunity to meet her friends was a little more risky than she'd first thought. She knew in her heart he probably couldn't turn them against her; that would be him destroying her wish, and he probably couldn't actually do that. But she still had her doubts. She just wished she knew what he was really up to.
There were two lunch periods at school, but Megan had known without a doubt that he'd have the same one as her. So far, he'd been in every single one of her classes, and she didn't see why that would change now. She wanted to march over there and ask him what he thought he was doing, but she couldn't. She didn't want to risk looking like some bully who was just picking on the new kid for no reason. Instead, she decided to just keep an eye on him. A very close eye.
Megan had been pretty sure that Jake would be eating alone. After all, it wasn't like he knew anyone here except her. As she sat there staring, she couldn't help but feel just the tiniest bit sorry for him. She wondered vaguely if maybe she should let him sit with her and her friends. She knew all too well that there was nothing more humiliating than having to eat by yourself in a crowded cafeteria.
It took about two minutes before someone sat down next to Jake. Megan's eyes widened as she recognized Greg. Why would Greg be sitting next to Jake? Sure, they'd ended up being partners in Spanish for those stupid dialogues but so what?
Megan thought back to Spanish last period, getting mad all over again. Of course, Jake didn't seem to have any problems in the class. Megan had kind of been hoping he would, especially when Mr. Clarinval asked those questions, but he didn't. Megan listened as Mr. Clarinval asked Jake where he was from, something about his family, and about four other questions that Megan couldn't even figure out. And each time, that stupid genie answered perfectly, using words Megan hadn't even heard of! How was that possible? It's not like he'd ever been in school to learn it before. Probably just magicked his way into knowing it, she thought darkly as she continued to stare him down.
And of course Greg had taken one look at Jake after that and figured he'd picked a great choice for partners today; after that little display, of course they'd end up eating lunch together. A few minutes later, Kurt joined Greg and Jake. Then Mike.
Megan tried not to glare at them from across the room. But even if she did end up staring a little, she knew it was more than justified. This whole thing just seemed so contrived; how else would Jake really have made friends so fast? And with Greg of all people? Still, Megan didn't say a word. After all, it wasn't the guys' fault – they were just hanging out with some new kid as far as they knew.
"Megan, are you ok?" Stacey asked.
"Sorry, what?" Megan asked, bringing her attention quickly back to her own table. Everyone was staring expectantly at her, so she tried her best to focus.
"You looked a little mad there." Stacey told her.
"No, I'm fine." Megan lied. "I was just thinking about what homework I had."
"You think Mrs. Boyd'll be checking this week?" Karen asked, obviously buying it.
"Who knows?" Megan shrugged. She found herself wondering if Jake would take hours to do the homework too.
"I think I'm going to skip those questions tonight." Tara announced. "I'm not going to have time to do that and study for Ms. Harle's test."
"I haven't even read the last three chapters yet." Karen sighed, looking depressed.
"Hey!" Jen said suddenly. She turned and gave Megan a wicked grin. "You should see if you can get that test put off 'til Monday."
"How am I supposed to do that?" Megan blinked.
"By being your regular old wonderful, popular self." Jen grinned.
"You should totally try it." Tara said, a gleam in her eye. "Then I could study and still have time to go out tonight."
"That would never work." Megan told them flatly. Were they out of their minds?
"It might – the teachers love you." Stacey pointed out.
"Yeah – time to see how popular you really are." Jen said, giving her a wicked grin.
Megan tried in vain to protest, but nothing she said would convince them – especially with Jen egging them on like that. She was supposed to help Megan keep this secret, not go blabbing to the whole world about how Megan could do whatever she wanted! Megan was really starting to regret telling Jen about all this.
With no real excuses available to her, Megan finally agreed. She was still pretty sure it wouldn't work, but what else could she do? Besides, even though she would never really admit it, she knew she probably wouldn't get in trouble anyway, and it would get her friends off her back.
She sat down at her usual lab table in the back and got out her book, Jen and Greg coming up beside her. Jen plopped down next to Megan, and Greg sat down in the chair opposite his girlfriend, where he'd been sitting since they'd started dating.
Of course Jen had this class with Megan; it was the only time she'd ever actually been sorry that her best friend was sitting next to her in class. If Megan didn't ask about that stupid test, Jen would devote the rest of the week to mercilessly teasing her about how she chickened out.
"Class, we have a new student with us today. Please try to make him feel welcome." Ms. Harle said, but Megan wasn't even paying attention. She'd heard that stupid new-kid-of-the-day speech so much it hardly even fazed her anymore. That is, until she heard the sharp intake of breath coming from the seat next to her.
Megan looked up and saw Jen staring wide-eyed at the kid making his way down the aisle towards them. Oh, great. Megan had completely forgotten that Jen would now know about her deal with the genie. Her heart started to sink as Jen quickly turned her head to focus on Megan.
"What is he doing here?" Jen hissed at Megan.
"Uh, well..." Megan mumbled, eyes trained on the tabletop. She struggled in vain for something to say, but Jen's tone was making it kind of hard to come up with anything good.
"Seriously, Megan. Why is he here?"
"You know him?" Greg whispered, surprised.
"...Yeah, kinda." Jen muttered.
"Really? How?"
"History, right?" Jake asked as he approached the table.
Megan jumped; she didn't even know he was there. Jen eyed him coolly for a minute, and Megan wondered if Jen was going to get up right then and there and announce that he didn't belong.
"Yeah, history. That must be it." Jen said finally. Megan tried not to look relieved.
Jake sat down in the seat next to Greg – directly across from Megan.
"Where's Carl?" Megan asked.
He'd been sitting in that seat all year, so why was it suddenly empty? She narrowed her eyes at Jake – what did he do?
"Who?" he asked.
He did a good job of looking confused – really good, actually. But Megan still wasn't buying it; what else could have happened to him?
"You know – the kid who used to sit there." Megan told him.
"I asked him to trade." Greg broke in. He looked almost as confused as Jake. "Why?"
"When did you ask?" Megan wanted to know. She still wasn't convinced the genie wasn't somehow behind this.
"At lunch...Is everything alright?" Greg started looking from Megan to Jen.
"Fine." Jen told him finally. But she still sounded suspicious. Then she turned back to Megan. "You still going to ask about that test?"
"You still want me to?" Megan asked. After everything that had happened, she'd completely forgotten about it.
"Of course! Not all of us can just pass the way you do."
Megan gave Jen a look, but didn't say anything. With both Greg and Jake sitting there, Megan didn't think there was a lot she could say.
She might not have really wanted to ask about changing the test, but there was no way she could back out. If she thought Jen would make fun of her before, it was nothing compared to now. Now, Jen would not only think she wimped out, but that she was too shy to do it in front of the genie she'd invited to school.
"Fine." Megan tried to say it like this was no big deal, but she wasn't sure if she succeeded. Cautiously, she raised her hand.
"Yes, Megan?"
"Would there be any way to get the test postponed until like Monday?" she asked slowly, sounding almost as apologetic as she felt.
"I told all of you over a week ago that it would be this Friday." Ms. Harle said sternly, narrowing her eyes just the tiniest bit. But Megan couldn't help but notice she didn't say no.
"I know. It's just that we have to read six chapters for English, and there's a paper due in history, and there hasn't been a lot of time for studying...And, well, it would be really nice if we could have the test on Monday instead – to make sure we're all ready." Megan finished lamely. Maybe she wasn't as good at this whole persuasive speech thing as she'd thought.
Ms. Harle stared at her for a minute as if thinking. A lot of kids were looking hopefully between Megan and the teacher. As Megan waited for the response, she realized she wasn't even nervous – it had been so long since she'd actually gotten in trouble for anything at school that she didn't even bother to worry anymore.
"Why don't you stay after class and we can discuss this?" Ms. Harle said finally. Megan nodded, eyes wide. Did she actually just get in trouble?
She heard a snicker from the seat across from her. She turned and saw Jake trying desperately to wipe the grin off his face.
"I'm so sorry." he whispered through his laughter. "Just ignore me – please."
He put his hands over his mouth, but it didn't seem to help much. Megan just stared at him. Suddenly, she knew exactly why her plan hadn't worked; it had to be his fault. This whole thing was too much of a coincidence otherwise – the first time she got in trouble since her wish was the same day he showed up? She didn't think so – especially with him gloating like that.
When class let out, Megan made her way up to Ms. Harle's desk, trying halfheartedly to come up with some sort of excuse. Or maybe an actual apology was needed. What she really wanted to do was blame Jake, but she knew no sane person would ever buy that.
"I know this school year hasn't been easy for you." Ms. Harle said after the last of the students had left the room. Megan tried not to laugh – that was an understatement. "But I've been really impressed with how you've turned it around the past couple of weeks."
"Thank you, Ms. Harle." Megan said, surprised.
"Do you really think you'll need the weekend to study?"
"It'd be nice."
Megan gave a kind of shrug. She tried not to get her hopes up, but she couldn't believe it – was she really getting her way on this? Ms. Harle sighed.
"Now, it's only because I'm so impressed with you that I'm even considering this." Ms. Harle told her. "But I will give some thought to moving the test to Monday."
"Thank you!" Megan said, feeling both giddy and shocked.
"No promises – but I'll think about it."
Megan thanked her teacher again and hurried outside. Of course, Jen was there waiting for her.179Please respect copyright.PENANAMINxCqakUH