Megan tried not to be unhappy at the sight of her friend standing there, but really – she knew anything Jen had to say would only be bad news.
"What's he doing here?" Jen whispered, eyeing students as they walked by, as if Jake would appear at the mere mention of his existence.
"I might have gotten that test changed after all." Megan said, hoping to change the subject. Jen blinked.
"I thought you got in trouble for that." she said finally. "Like for going against the teacher or something."
"Nope – she wasn't even mad."
"So what happened?"
"She just asked me if I thought it'd really be helpful." Megan told her.
"Just like that?" Jen looked pretty skeptical – especially for someone who knew about the whole everybody-loves-me thing Megan had going on.
"Yeah, basically." Megan said. "I mean, she didn't actually say yes – just that she'd think about it. But no one's actually said no to me so far."
"So is that why you brought him here? To make sure it works?"
"Well, not exactly." Megan admitted slowly. Jen's eyes narrowed.
"Then why?"
"Well, he wanted to come to school." Megan shrugged.
She might have spent the entire day regretting her decision to let him do this, but she wasn't quite ready to admit that to Jen yet. Especially since it was obvious that Jen thought it was the kind of mistake only a complete moron would have made.
"So you just let him?" Jen's disbelief was written all over her face. Actually, she seemed way more shocked than Megan thought was really necessary.
"Sure, why not?" Megan asked defensively.
"Why not?" Jen repeated, aghast. "Because now he can make your life miserable at school."
"What are you so upset about?" Megan tried to keep from snapping. "I thought you liked him."
Wasn't Jen the one announcing how cute he was to his face and telling Megan how she should thank him for getting her that date with Greg? Besides, as far as Jen knew, there hadn't really been a downside to their popularity, so what was the big deal?
"I do like him – when he's at home, granting wishes like he should be. But letting him actually come to school with you?" Jen shook her head. "It just seems like you're starting to lose focus here."
"Trust me, I'm not."
Megan didn't think she needed to explain how carefully she'd been watching him all day. Besides, that would mean explaining that he had managed to insert himself into every one of her classes. Somehow, Megan didn't think Jen would be all that impressed with that bit of information.
"Just tell me it's only for today." Jen sighed. Megan winced.
"Well..." she trailed off.
"Really?" Jen looked exasperated. "And you don't see a problem with it?"
"Well, why not?" Megan asked defensively. "Besides, I got a free paper out of it."
Sure, Megan knew it might not have been the best idea. Actually, she'd been pretty sure she'd be telling him tonight that he wouldn't be coming back. But now, she wasn't so sure; she didn't like the implication that she didn't know what she was doing. It might have been true, but that didn't mean she wanted to hear it so condescendingly from Jen. And the more Jen talked, the more sure Megan was that she was going to let that genie – Jake – come as long as he wanted, just to prove Jen wrong.
"Who cares about your paper? He doesn't belong here – he's not a person."
"I know that." Megan sniffed.
But watching him talk to the guys at lunch had left her not quite as sure as she had been. She knew of course that he wasn't human, but he might be just enough of a person to make a friend or two.
"His job is to stay at home and grant whatever you wish for – not to go roaming around the school, doing whatever he wants. And don't think he won't try to trick you." Jen added.
Megan actually laughed.
"I'm serious." Jen told her. "It's what they do, right?"
"I know." Megan told her. Then, against her better judgment, she admitted, "Actually, he's tried a couple times."
"Really?" Jen's eyes widened.
"Yeah – but don't worry." Megan added quickly, before Jen could say anything. "I've got it under control."
"I hope so." Jen said, but she didn't look convinced.
It took a while, but Megan finally managed to answer all of Jen's questions. And once Jen was convinced that Megan wouldn't be making any more drastic mistakes in the next twenty-four hours, she finally let Megan go.
Megan headed out the door, towards the bus that would take her back home. Of course, Jake found her there. He walked up next to her and leaned casually against the brick wall that lined the front of the school, as if he did this kind of thing every day. Megan set her jaw and stared straight ahead.
"So, how'd I do?" he asked her casually. She was pretty sure only she could detect the note of worry in his voice.
"You were fine." she told him curtly.
What she wanted to do was scream, especially after the way Jen had been talking to her for the past ten minutes. But he hadn't technically done anything wrong yet, and she wasn't ready to let him know just how much he'd gotten under her skin.
"So this is alright?" he asked, sounding a bit cautious – like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"You mean aside from the fact that you're in all my classes?" she asked, unable to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.
"I thought you'd like that." he told her, shrugging. "That is, it's easier to keep an eye on me."
"You don't think it's a little weird?" she practically spat.
"It's just an amazing coincidence, isn't it?" he said neutrally. But Megan was pretty sure she saw a grin flicker across his face. She found herself clenching her fist, but he continued on. "Besides, this way if you want a wish, I'm right there, at your service."
"But you couldn't be at my service while in some other classes?" she asked, eyes flashing.
"Would you like me to change it?" the genie asked, being intentionally oblivious.
"No. This is fine."
At least this way she could make absolutely sure he didn't mess anything up for her, she told herself. She still didn't like it, but she was supposed to be the one in charge here; she didn't want him to know just how annoyed she really was.
"So where are you supposed to go after this?" she asked.
Of course, he was supposed to go back to her room – back to that bottle. But there was no way she was taking him home with her now – not after all that had happened, and definitely not on the bus. She didn't see why he should get rewarded by her taking him home like he was actually a friend. Besides, there was no way she was explaining his presence to either of her brothers.
"Home." he shrugged, eyeing a group of kids who'd gotten in line behind them and were now just a little too close for comfort.
"And how are you going to do that?" Megan asked, shifting away from the group.
She appreciated that he was trying to be subtle, but she did kind of need to know. How else was she supposed to make sure no one else was home to see him when he finally showed up?
"Really?" he sounded surprised. "I was planning on getting off in about six stops and then going back to your house. I'll probably make it back before you do."
"Wanna bet?" Megan found herself grinning; she got off at the fourth stop. If she hurried, she'd probably be able to make it home before he even got off the bus.
"I'd love to." he replied, returning the look. "What do I get if I win?"
"Nothing." she told him, suddenly not in the mood for this. "You'd just cheat anyway – just appear in the room whenever you decide it's convenient."
"It's not cheating – it's being smart."
"It is cheating. If other people can't do it, you can't either."
"Like wishing for whatever you want." he nodded, sounding like he completely agreed with her. Megan set her jaw.
"That's not the same." she snapped.
"Why not?"
"It just isn't." she told him.
She couldn't explain why, but she knew it wasn't. He looked at her sideways, a grin slowly spreading itself across his face. Quickly, she decided to change the subject.
"So what am I supposed to call you anyway?" she asked. It seemed weird to call him Jake, especially since there was no way it could ever be his real name.
"Jake's fine." he said, shrugging. "Or Jakob. Or whatever you want to call me." He dipped his head an almost imperceptible amount.
The door opened on the bus, and he followed her down the aisle. She sat down in her usual seat towards the back, and of course he joined her.
"But that's not your name." she told him, once she was sure no one was listening.
"Are you sure?" He grinned in that way that set Megan's teeth on edge.
"Positive." she told him.
"And why's that?"
"Because how could it be?"
Megan stopped herself from pointing out that it was too normal for someone like him. Still, it did make her wonder – could he really have a name? And if so, how come she didn't know it?
"It's an old name." he said, seemingly unaware of Megan's train of thought.
"...Is it your real name?" she asked finally.
"It is."
"Really?" she asked, almost believing him. He just gave her a look.
"So why didn't you ever tell me?" It seemed like a pretty important thing to just never mention.
"You never asked." he said.
"Are you serious?" That had to be the worst reason she'd ever heard. But before she could tell him that, he spoke up.
"Would you really have cared what I said my name was?" he asked pointedly. Megan stared at him for a full minute before answering.
"...I'd like to think so." she said finally. But she wasn't sure if she really would have.
"It's fine." the genie shrugged. "Most people don't."
"Have you ever tried telling them?" Megan asked optimistically, even though she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer.
"A few times."
"And what happened?" she pressed.
"It made everything worse. A lot worse." he told her. But he didn't say any more.
"I'm sorry." Megan said quietly.
"Not your fault." He gave a kind of shrug and turned to stare out the window.
"So that's the name you were born with?" Megan found herself asking before she could stop herself.
"Yes, actually."
"So you were born then? You didn't just like spawn or something?"
As soon as she said it, Megan wished she hadn't. It was so stupid – what was she thinking? Jake actually turned away from the window, giving Megan a funny look.
"Yes, I was born. To a perfectly nice, normal lady – without hooves or anything."
"Really?" Megan had never thought that he might have actually had a mom. That almost made him sound human.
"Mmm." He gave a short nod but didn't say any more. Megan though for a minute.
"So Jake, huh?" she asked finally. He looked at her and grinned.
"You know, it's been a long time since anybody's called me that."138Please respect copyright.PENANAHHclb6sK1R