The next few days at school were great. Of course, everyone still treated Megan like she was wonderful, but she was kind of getting used to it. It was still annoying, but she figured it was just the price she'd have to pay for the ability to only turn in half her homework and still pass.
And since she and Jake had talked about her not using her last wish, even he seemed better. He was a lot more relaxed, not worried about what was going to happen to him. Until last period on Wednesday.
Megan had been taking notes when she heard a sharp intake of breath coming from the seat across from her.
"Are you ok?" Greg asked.
Megan looked up. Jake was gripping the sides of the lab table, looking pale.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
He looked up at her, and Megan could see the worry written all over his face. Something was going on. She knew he probably wouldn't tell her with Greg sitting right there, but maybe he'd give her a hint – she'd never seen him look so bad before.
"I'm fine." he told her, his face getting that neutral expression Megan had come to dread. If he was looking like that, something was definitely wrong.
"Later?" Megan asked, trying not to look as worried as she felt. He was obviously trying to hide something, and she didn't want to blow it for him.
"Yeah." he nodded stiffly.
As soon as class got out, Jake pulled her into the hallway.
"What's going on?" she asked him.
"I think I might have made a mistake." he told her.
Megan wasn't sure if the pained expression on his face was from admitting he'd messed something up, or from the implication of what that meant.
"What are you saying? What kind of mistake?"
She got the distinct impression that they didn't have time for these cryptic statements – not the way he was looking.
"I don't know – maybe it's nothing." Jake shook his head, but he didn't look any less nervous. "Just...when you get home, move the bottle, alright?"
"Ok." she nodded. "Jake?"
"What's happening?"
"It's just a feeling I have." Suddenly, a panicked expression hit his face. "I have to go – I'm sorry."
"Ok..." Megan said, not quite sure what happened. He took off, heading down the hall.
"I'll see you at home then?" she called after him.
"I'll try." he said, not slowing down.
I'll try? What did that mean? She hurried after him, but when she reached the corner he was already gone.
Megan didn't even bother to go to track practice – instead, she had Jen drive her straight home. The entire way there, Megan kept going over it in her mind. Something was definitely wrong. And as soon as she got home, she was going to find out what.
As soon as they pulled into the driveway, Megan leapt out of the car. She ran through the house, up the stairs and into her room. She looked around frantically, not quite able to believe that Jake wasn't there. How could he really not be here with an explanation? She looked over at her desk and her heart nearly stopped. There was a light layer of dust covering all but a small circle where the bottle had rested since she found it. But the bottle itself was gone.