The next hours are just one big blur. I must have gotten on a plane, but the only thing I recall is walking into the library where the other cadets were.
The library was massive, lined with a full rainbow of books. The books come in different types; there are the new-looking ones, shiny and bright colors. The older books look to be near the back, almost all of them covered in dust, and their leather or plastic spins colors had faded with use. At the very near edge with newer books, three rows of people stand, all at attention. Maids and butlers occupy one row, while the other two rows are filled with soldiers.
“Ah,” an older lady starts. “All the Tests have been completed, and all the cadets are here. As a tradition, you will be assigned two guards, and a maid or a butler.
“Alyx Vasilios, you have been assigned Milo Wildoak and Calypso Caddel.” Gasps run through the library, and echo off the walls. “Your maid,” the lady continues, ignoring the gasps, “is Lilah Damaris.
Two guards step out of the formation and walk towards me, while a maid scurries in and follows closely behind. The male, Milo, is wearing the same outfit, not having time to change like me. Calypso has dark black eye makeup surrounding her vivid green eyes. She has two black strands at the front of her red hair, and it matches the leather jacket she wears. The maid is just wearing a simple maid dress, light blue with a white apron.
The maid motions for me to follow and I chase after her, with both of the guards flanking me.
The maid races down the corridor and up a flight of staircases, taking a sharp left turn to a long hallway, with matching doors on both sides for as far as I can see.
She leads me to the first one and pushes it wide open. Inside is bookshelves lined with tons of books. Hidden in the shelves are two doors. I wonder where it leads then note the bed in the back corner. Next to that is a desk covered in parchment and ink, probably for writing.
“This is your room, Miss. We can move or add stuff, just let us know and it will be done by the end of your classes.” The maid, Lilah says, stumbling on the occasional word, almost like a stutter. Both of the guards stand at the door leading to the hall, but at a noticeably far distinct from each other. “Your schedules are on your desk, but I can show you how to get to all your classes now.” She says turning back to the hall again.
I study both of the guards. I’m not surprised when the boy from earlier is there. What's his name, Marty? Mike? Milo! I don’t recognize the girl, but I catch her sizing me up.
“Can I just sleep? Today has been so stressful.” I don’t need it, I just don’t want to have the tour now. And what harm could it give to Read a little?
The guards make eye contact, and the girl and the maid start walking to one of the doors on the bookshelf.
“You can go too,” I start, shifting my tone, “ I don’t want a guard, so you and your… girlfriend can figure out whatever you need to because something is going on between you. I don’t want to be stuck with your tension.”
He looks at me, his eyes showing shock, but nothing else changes. He quickly nods and runs through the door Lilah and the other guard went through.
I head to the bed and plop down on it. Although I knew that I would pass, I wasn’t expecting so much to happen in so little time. In a week, I dumped my boyfriend, left my friends and family, and am now in a whole new place with a whole new batch of people. Would I ever get as good of friends as Allessa and Logan? I hope so, but I don't want anyone to ever replace them.
I give up on reviewing my day, head to the shelf, and start looking through the books to Read. I pull out four books, the one from earlier, one about Greek mythology, one about a little wizard boy, and one about U.S. history, a place I'd never heard of, but get board of the books quickly and decide to explorer my room further. When I get to the two doors.
“Calypso, you have to ask her. She did this on purpose. I know neither of us can act like everything is normal. The gal already knows something is off between us” I can’t help but put my ear to the door. I guess something is going on between them. It's not right to eavesdrop, but what could have possibly happened?
“First off, you know my mom would never listen to me. Second off, what are you planning on telling Alyx? We can’t just request a switch, she would have to ask, and that's never going to happen. Face it, you’re stuck with me.” Calypso snapped, not sounding very happy about it.
I try to get a better angle, but I hit the door, and I fall through to the room Calypso and Milo are in. Calypso glares at me, and Milo glares at Calypso.
“Hi,” I wave awkwardly, hoping that Calypso doesn’t decide to stab me with the dagger at her waist.