The cream-coloured goop feels damp and sleek as you comb it through your hair, but the full-length mirror in front of you shows that the results are well worth it.
A nice, clean shirt with a modestly-stylized leather jacket and dress pants completed the look. You let a smile tug at your lips, a smile that told the world ‘I don’t need someone else to love me, because I have enough love for myself!’
The mirror reflects an upside-down frown that doesn’t quite reach your eyes. You’re going to have to work on that.
A vibration to your left alerts you to an incoming text. Picking up your cell, you attempt another smile – a little more natural, good – and answer the text from your date, Lucy.
Sorry I can’t make it tonight! Family emergency! Maybe another time! Say hi to Una for me!
No, no no no. Take a deep breath: Inhale~… And exhale~.
Okay, you're fine. Now reply. To the ‘Family Emergency.’
I’m sorry to hear that. Yeah, another time. I’ll hold you up to that, lol!
A sigh escapes you and your reflection deflates. Great, just great. You got stiffed! And worse, you got no other female friends to ask out on short notice. You can’t even cancel the double date; Una would never let you hear the end of it. You two were solid, not only lovers, but best friends to boot! There was no such phrase as ‘too weird’ in your relationship! You even showed her your secret kink!
‘I thought she liked the Burger Bed!’ Your mind-voice pouts.
Maybe it was because you told her that she looked better in the beefy Patty suit then the lettuce one…
“Heh.” Yeah, that may have been one reason. Well, you know you look good, staring at your made-up reflection. Hell, you would probably date yourself, if you could…
‘Wait a minute!’
The mirror returns your devilishly handsome smirk with its own as you grip the smooth wooden frame.
“Hello, good lookin’.”
You could see your datemates chatting animatedly at the table, stuck in their own world. Una succeeds in making Softcore Goth look classy – her quirky dark curls styled down to organized chaos. A white, lightly embodied blouse clothed her pale figure, a faux black rose sticking out from her breast pocket.
… She let you wear that, once…
A coy chuckle echoes from her date, Jill, who decided to play foil and dress in her ‘Solarpunk’ orange gown, complete with sun-themed jewelry that caught the light of the restaurant’s lamps above them alluringly. Una probably just told her that turtle joke.
She called you a pussy, only to leave you for one.
You look at the full-length mirror you brought, giving yourself a challenging grin.
‘Well, wait ‘til she hears this one about the guy and the mirror.’
“Hey, Ladies.” You greet them, letting your chest puff out a bit as their gazes follow the mirror – as you set it right beside you and angle it to yourself. Deep breaths, don’t laugh!
“Uh, where’s your date?” Jill asks. Una puts a breadstick in her mouth. Probably already knows what’s up.
“This is my date!” God, you hope that doesn’t sound as overly ecstatic as you think it sounds. “Thought I’d embrace the single life and start loving myself more. There’s no problem with that, yeah?”
~So it goes~
‘Don’t laugh! Don’tlaughdon’tlaughDON’TLAUGH!’
Too bad Una couldn’t hear your thoughts; she chokes on her water as you give the mirror – ‘him’ – a wink. Jill is doing her best avoiding the elephant in the room by focusing on her lasagna and psychology funfacts. You wonder how well she’s doing psychoanalyzing you.
You swirl some spaghetti with your fork and chomp down, then another fork-full for Him. Oops! He got some on his cheek! You point to your cheek, him mirroring you.
“No, no.” You chuckle, using your napkin to wipe his mouth. Then you wink at him playfully… And he returns it! You can’t help but look away, cheeks fired up, and lock eyes with Una. She must think you look so awkward like this, but it’s… God, this has been such a great night!
“Hahaha!” Every muscle in your body – and his – shakes as your laugh bellows out in the taxi. “That was great.” You HAVE to do that again! Una certainly enjoyed it, you could tell, even asking Him some questions – much to Jill’s annoyance. Maybe she’ll come back to you!
He gives you a hopeful look, his eyes bright, welcoming, and unjudgemental. His smile, full lips slightly stretched and swelling with reassurance. His whole face was blushing scarlet from the fun you both had tonight.
… Then again, Una and Jill make a real nice couple… They had their own inside jokes already, and Jill seemed to listen to Una whenever she needed to rant – sometimes you would tune her out because of some little thing that happened to you that week.
You think you saw the driver look at you two funny, but, you know what? Who cares!
Never has a sunset been more enjoyable than it is right now, with a nice summer breeze combing through your hair, the smell of sea salt and champagne intermingling orgasmicly, and the sand – rough but warm – cushioning you both for the perfect view.
“These past couple of weeks have really been something.” You mumble, glancing over to him. His face is the portrait of confident serenity. To think, you started going out with him just to get back at your Ex, now you hardly even think of Luna! “To us.” You raise you glass and a gratifying ‘clink’ echoes across the bay.
You moan like a cat in heat, your heartbeat syncing to every rhythmic thrust in this symphony of passion. Your erections squeak together like a metal guitar solo. You’re SO hot, sweat dripping off of you and splashing onto Him as you both repeatedly gasp in unison for air, madly grinding into the bed so hard ti could only be a matter of time until a crack ends the song. The scent of bedroom intimacy has long since overtaken any oxygen, but it doesn’t matter: He is your breath! The spell does its work, enchanting you by drowning out any other thought or voice except the one command to please Him!
“Eugh… “Your eyes flutter open, the scent of musk flaring into your nostrils. You take in the familiar sight of your moderately tidy room before turning in bed. Every muscle aches and sticks when you move, but eventually you turn all the way around to see… You.
Your reflection.
You fucked a mirror! And it SUCKED!
“Euraaagh.” You groan out, turning around so fast you fall out of bed and onto the cooler carpet.
Way to go fuck yourself!