23: 51
Munitions factory
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"Come on! Move those lazy limbs of yours and work! Our war machines need all the weapons they can get to expand and destroy our enemies. We need to meet our quota of tanks, bombs, mortars, aircraft, armor, and gunships by the end of the week or else you all pay for your insolence with your lives!"
Tabb glanced up from his machine to glance at the Ryptar who was supervising them. Ever since SFF had stormed the city, they had taken over the utilities, power infrastructure, and the military echelon and put them to use for their own gains. Tabb could deduce that their vanquishers were preparing for a military operation of a large caliber or maybe even to beef up the defenses of the new lands they annexed. If it was the latter, did it mean that there was a massive counterattack being planned by either Fantine, the Capital, or the Kingdoms? If so, he would welcome one. After all, it was past overdue.
"You'd think the Kingdoms or the Capital would send in a relief force to expel these Gooba rats from our homeland by now. It seems that was even too much to ask. What in Felyn's name are they doing while we suffer?"
Tabb glanced over at the Kithar male to his right, his light gray fur adorned with ebony stripes, as he worked on forging the wheel of a Lumbar troop carrier. The older Kithar guessed that like himself, this male had a family that he hadn't seen in days and was embittered being in forced servitude for this tyrannical military force that had brutally annexed their home. He would give his right paw to see his wife, Bekkan, and two kits rather than being stuck in this factory that had rightfully belonged to the Kithar people. If an invasion was possible, he had assumed their natural enemies, the Kaneens, would have been behind it or maybe any criminal syndicate like the Onimusha gang or the Northern Ork Brigade rather than a full-fledged military organization like the Survivalists.
"Perhaps they have their hands full right now," Tabbe suggested to his fellow Kithar as they worked. "I mean there are many terrorist groups or criminal gangs that have risen in power during the era of lasting piece. The Orks have recently gotten bolder, even allying with the Narghols , goblins, and imps to raid nearby cities and villages. Perhaps-"
The butt of a 0.301 rifle connected with his back silenced him. Reeling in pain, Tabb glanced behind him to see the Ryptar supervisor, flanked by two SFF guards with red patches on their shoulders, glare down at him with his white reptilian eyes complete with a black slit. The bright overhead lights gave the reptilian's black and red scales a sickly glow. The plume of red hair on his neck reminded him Galaysian Roc.
"Silence!" The Ryptar snarled in its hissy and gravelly voice. "If the quota for the night isn't met, I'll personally disembowel you all!"
The reptilian being flexed his palm, revealing claws as sharp as razor blades that gleamed in the overhead lights. Tabb didn't doubt that the scaly inspector meant good on his threat.
"What are you worthless balls of fur gawking at? Get to work!"
Earlier that evening, Sythe had dashed across the grassy plains under the magenta and violet clouds that was an indication of the setting sun. Several moments later, he had appeared before the electrical fence that guarded the entrance to the obsidian-colored base with glowing red windows. The windows reminded him of a Zathurossian Beamer vehicle with its sleek ebony build and red-tinted windows that resembled eyes of a Kuraight Crawler. As he marvelled at Base 64's design, he had to ask himself how it came to be the only Outer Territory base to avoid being bombed by the Fantine planes. Hearing footsteps on the dirt, the Hylian's ebony eyes fixed on the guards with the blue berets, clad in black flak jackets with the SFF emblem displayed on it, that were approaching him. To a typical layman SFF tech or mechanic, these men might appear as human males, but those dark goggles hid their glowing eyes while their armor covered their metallic innards. These were the components that made up the Cyborean race, a race that S.I.N. herself belonged to.
"Identification, please?"
Hearing the monotone and emotionless drawl of the Cyborean guard, Sythe revealed his HoloCard and showed them a glowing projection of himself. The guards took off their lime-colored goggles and used their neon red and blue eyes to scan the small blue projection of the official's identity. Once satisfied with their assessment, the guards activated a switch and the doors bristling with purple electrical charges opened and the Hylian was ushered quickly ushered inside. He was greeted by the sleek walls and glowing red overhead lights as he was led to a large conference room where various figures that the Hylian Survivalist recognized as high-ranking officers or officials of SFF. Around them, SFF soldiers and guards patrolled the perimeter although it wasn't clear to him whether their purpose was to protect the attendees or to shoot them in the case of any hint of treachery. It could probably be both.
"This way, Official."
Sythe was ushered toward an open seat, the same obsidian-color of the walls, between General Breda of the 22nd Reserve Regiment and Merv the Merkorian, the crustacean-like leader of SFF's Terrorist Control Force, an anti-terrorist branch of the SFF military machine designed to take on insurgents in areas of their control. It seemed to the Hylian that they needed a task force like Merv's more than ever now. Ahead of him sat the foreman of the subjugation of the Kithars, Sgt. Devolle, while to his right sat Haly'ya, the high-ranking officer of SFF's espionage and counterespionage corps whose icy blue eyes and platinum blonde hair reminded the Hylian of the Ice Lands, the smaller rival kingdom of the Great Iskartan Ice Kingdom. Perhaps that is where she might have hailed from. On the other side of the director of the Outer Territories operations sat,Ulric the Blood Elf, the Captain of the Outer Territories Air Defense Forces. The air space of their new conquered territory needed to be defended and that task fell to Ulric.
I can't say I like the lad's no nonsense attitude, but he is an exceptional captain and aviator.
The moment the top echelon of the Survivalist's Outer Strike Team congregated around the dark table, a teenager bearing the royal blue uniform of an SFF steward activated a few holographic projectors. The images of Mithros, Skritsk the Kaos warlord that acted as S.I.N's enforcer, and S.I.N. herself apparated in the middle of the table in a pale ghostly light. Mithros's cold gray eyes scanned the room before he cleared his throat to speak.
"So I hear that despite our recent successes in the Outer Territories as well as the Great Expanse Region, those Fantine flies have laid waste to our secret bases, let me emphasize the word SECRET, and demolished our supplies and weapons necessary for the next dreg of our operation. Yes, we have the Kaneen government as well as their military on our side, but that is irrelevant. Once we have finished conquering every insignificant corner of the Offworld, we will absorb their lands for our own. After all, we take what is ours. Sgt. Devolle, if I recall correctly, did you not send an air division to render Fantine ineffective?"
The nervous look on the Dathorian was apparent as he struggled to answer to his superior. "Y-yes, commander. The squadron that carried out the attack reported it successful to me. "
"Then how do you explain their ability to take you unawares?" Warlord Skritsk roared, his amber eyes glowing pale in the holographic projection. "Someone was really sloppy. Heads will roll, by Narghus's heart, I demand of it!"
"Hold your tongue, Skritsk!" S.I.N.'s eyes narrowed as she spoke up for the first time. Her voice sounded mechanical yet it held a sinister tone that demanded obedience. "Despite the blunder caused by someone in our ranks, that's under the assumption that we don't have a spy in our midst, the true might of SFF is barely dented. Dr. Narvid, report to me the progress on the Silent Killer Prototype."
Sythe watched as the dark-skinned humanoid from Jayachandria rose and adjusted his large glasses. "Yes Supreme Leader, we are in the post-experimental stages of testing the Squamaton elements on the fighter-bomber. Exceptional results have been yielded so far. It should go into production within a couple of days."
Dear Halyax, his voice is worse than Riptar claws on glass!
A devious smirk formed on S.I.N's lips. "Excellent. If things progress as planned, not only will Fantine fall, but so will the Capital and the rest of the blasted kingdoms. They won't know what hit them once we grasp the Offworld in our iron fist. We will liberate the people of the kingdoms from the poisoning influence of the Capital. What's on your mind, Mithros?"
Sythe had seen the furrowed brows and the frown on the Supreme General of SFF's forces face. "I have a hunch that our foes are planning a massive move against us. The surgical strikes that have demolished the infrastructure of our secret bases may only be a prelude. I suggest we be ever vigilant, especially our forces in Kithan. We may need to send a message to Governor Lupin and the rest of our Kaneen allies to be vigilant and to perhaps bolster our occupational forces in Kithan."
"So you want us to bolster our defenses around the Outer Territories-Kithan corridor? " Captain Rena of the SFF Ranger Battalion 18 spoke up, her bright blue eyes piercing the atmosphere as dark as her hair. Her fist, as pale as her pierced face, rested underneath her chin as she addressed her superior. "I will gladly lend a third of my force although I need the rest for an operation to cut into the Great Expanse."
"You wouldn't even need to send more than squadron," S.I.N. replied, tying her long brunette hair back to reveal olive skin coating the area above her neck while the lower half contained metal parts. "Colonel Guraff and General Breda will send their forces to augment ours. Also, send a message to Lupin that if he delays in sending a sizable defense force to Kithan, we will retaliate."
A few Cyboreans and Sanguines, possibly S.I.N.'s aides, appeared at her side as she spoke. The Cyborean leader of the Survivalists narrowed her gleaming pupil less eyes as a devious grin formed onto her face. It seemed to Sythe that she was behaving like a child that had won a trip to TeloWorld.
"I have great premonitions for the future of our revered organization. The people beg to be released from the clutches of our enemies. In due time, Fantine and the Capital will crumble to ash and fade in the pages of time. They will be nothing but a vague memory. Hail Survival!"
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