Top Secret SFF Airbase
On the southeastern edges of the Outer Territories.
"Sergeant Stew, what's new?"
The lime green Mantis-shaped Entymol greeted his comrade, a fellow Entymol who was a black and olive green fly, as they decided to take their break outside of the electric fence that housed one of a few scattered SFF Airbases that were established across the uninhabited Plains. The master plan in building these small bases that housed the Survivalist arsenal as well as their aircraft was to lay the groundwork for the next SFF territorial expansive that was supposed to be the largest in half a century. If all went well, the Survivalist Federation Force would annex a large chunk of the northernmost territory of the Offworld.
"The usual, Lt. Pydd." Stew joined his comrade seated on the tan and green ground outside the base. The hum of the purplish security fence permeated throughout a 40 yard radius as the sun shone above in the fair sky. "Guard duty over the technicians and mechanics who are not motivated enough to contribute. Why join up with the Force if you lack the drive or vision of a better future for our world?"
The green Entymol raised one of his six arms to shield his face as he stared up at the sun. "You know, you should shift the blame to the Ideological Conditioning for this one. We needed every new recruit possible since we were understaffed as a result of SFF's major defeat many years ago."
"It was like that, huh?" Stew grunted. "Tell me again how did a Survivalist Force at full strength face a massive humiliating defeat at Gorlag's Fist?"
"You can blame the combined forces of the Capitol, the Great Kingdoms, and Fantine X. Fortunately, those groups don't realize that we are back and we gain more ground each day." Pydd's red eyes, supported by green eye stalks, fixed upon the smoke in the distance that came from the Kithar lands, rising into the sky like the breath of a volcanic beast. "When our control is cemented over these Outer territories, I hope SIN plans a downward push into the rest of the Offworld regions. If we move swiftly, then Fantine nor the Capitol could see what hit them."
"I heard that the aircraft strike force from Base 64 hit Fantine's HQ and caught them flatfooted," Stew responded. "Fantine will be out of the picture for sometime now."
"True," Pydd muttered. The croaking of a Ronas tree frog from nearby cut through the morning air. "Now we have the Capitol to deal with. Let's hope the rest of these scumbags fall like dominoes."
Fantine HQ
Fantine Control Room
The Exact Same Time
"Sir, the reports from the Finch are coming in."
Mikhail glanced over at the technician at one of the large screens in the Control Room. Beside him stood his second in command Calhoun while Zayda and Sentery stood over at the controls, giving orders to the men and women working over the screens. The Director of Operations leaned over and squinted at the technician's screen to see the layout of one of the Survivalist air bases outlined in bright blue amid a green background. Due to the lack of recent patrols and the lax air defenses, Mikhail assumed that the Survies weren't expecting anyone to stumble upon or strike their base.
"Hmmm, they are so confident in their abilities that they assume their failed attempt to put us out of commission had really succeeded." The Director chuckled. "How about we show them what we are made of and how our organization has lasted for centuries and not even a terror army organization like theirs can outlast us?"
"Should we contact Ari and the rest of the Air Corps?"Sentery asked. "They are scouting out possible SFF positions around the Kithar homeland as of now.Maybe they can take out these bases while their attention is diverted elsewhere?"
"That was exactly what I was planning." Mikhail motioned for an aide to send the message.
"Sir, if I may posit an idea?" Zayda approached the Director. "Why don't we send our Shocktroopers and ground forces to capture these bases. They could provide useful intel on SFF logistics. We could see what kind of militaristic ventures they have in store for the future."
"Nice suggestion, but that won't be necessary. Our ground forces are required for the offensive I have planned at sundown." Mikhail stretched his knuckles as his dark eyes glanced around the dark room illuminated only by the blue hue of the computer lights. "Besides, SFF would only alter their plans once we get our hands on their intel."
"Oh?" Zayda crossed his arms. "What do you have planned?"
Mikhail just winked. "The liberation of Kithan. The Survivalist bastards will be too busy licking their wounds that they won't see what hit them until it is too late. Let us show the world that we don't play around."
The Great Expanse
A short while later
"Alright guys, it looks like we have a message from Headquarters. We are to strike several SFF targets in the Outer Territories!"
Flying high in his green and orange Double Eagle, Ari relayed the message to his wingmen and lieutenants. The other aviators then linked up either behind Ari, Adlan, Or Strygar.
"Oh boy, so we actually get to fire on our targets rather than scout them out like drones!" Ludwig chattered ecstatically through the vox system.
"That's correct!" Ari confirmed. "Now, Alpha flight will be led by me, Beta by Adlan and Theta by Strygar, we will each target at least one hidden SFF base and obliterate any resistance we may receive further down the road. Who's with me?"
"Aye!" All voices sounded in unison.
"Great! Now let's kick some Survy arses!"
Loud cheering erupted as dozens of Fantine warplanes linked up together to fly their sorties against their arch-foes.
SFF Airbase
A short time later115Please respect copyright.PENANAJLb3ARkKRm
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"Hey Pydd, you hear that?"
From where he lay, the insectoid SFF officer frowned as he narrowed his eyes in concentration, trying to discern what his fellow Entymol had heard. Sure enough, the rumbling sounds of plane engines resounded across the open ground.
"Maybe it's the Hellhounds or Cobras coming in from a sortie?" He shrugged.
"No aircraft are due back until 5:00 nor are anymore scheduled to take off from what the ATC briefed us."
Pydd then glanced over at Stew before glancing up to see a raptor-shaped aircraft shoot by, followed by several more in succession.The two officers then shared a look of pure terror. SFF warplanes aren't painted with a green or orange color scheme. Before any of them could emit a sound, deafening explosions shook the ground, knocking both of the Survivalists to the ground. Perhaps they had severely underestimated their foe as Fantine wasn't as out of the fight as they thought. Hopefully, the repercussions weren't as grave as things seemed.
In the airspace above the same base, Ari tilted his Double Eagle to the side as he surveyed the damage being done to the SFF base. From the bright cockpit, he noticed explosions still blossoming throughout the minor base. The red-orange mushroom clouds of flame erupted here and there on the enemy base as several Fantine warplanes zoomed by like birds of prey. So far, situation : normal, all f%^ked up.
"Beta and Theta, what's the status of your strikes?" Ari inquired over the vox.
"We have SNAFU on my bases!" Adlan responded.
"FUBAR on the bases we struck!" Strygar's voice crackled.
"Excellent!" Ari smiled as he leveled his warplane to survey the crushing blows being done to the hidden enemy base, or one the Survivalists thought they could hide. "The Feddies thought we wouldn't discover their pathetic little bases, but they forget who they are up against."
"You bet!" Strygar laughed. "You'd have assumed that an organization as sophisticated and militaristic as theirs would have proper defenses in place, but we really caught them flat-footed."
"Maybe they were allocating their resources to their military operation in the Kithar country,"Adlan suggested. " Either way , we caught a break."
"Alpha Lead, check your 10' 0'clock!" Wolfgang, one of Ari's wingman shouted.
Ari craned his neck and spotted a royal blue Hellhound that had survived the initial bombardment through his green-tinted helmet try to take off to avoid the fate its sister aircraft had suffered.
Not this time!
Ari swooped low like an eagle coming in for his prey and squeezed the button on the control stick. Bright green laser fire streaked from his aircraft and turned the enemy Hellhound into scattered scraps of metal on the runway.
"Bingo!" He shouted."I think we battered them enough! Let's report back to Headquarters." The aviator's eyes then flitted over to see the Fantine Comets and Lightning returning to regroup with their lead. "It's time to go home."
Back at the Fantine briefing room, an aide brought Ari's report to Mikhail. Seated on the tan leather seat, the Director of Operations leaned back as his eyes scanned through it. A deep smile played upon his lips as he read through it. Mikhail then glanced up at the representatives of all of Fantine's Divisions from the Ground Units to the Intelligence Division. Taking a breath, the veteran Fantine Director began to brief his underlings about his plans for Kithan.
"Brave men and women of Fantine X, I bear some really enlightening news. Our Air Corps led by Ari have successfully put the SFF bases out of commission. Now we won't have to worry about our Survivalist foes taking us by surprise. Any additional SFF units heading to Kithan will not escape our all seeing eye. In a matter of hours, we will have all our available forces prepare to liberate the land from the oppressive Blue Skull! I will be on the frontlines myself for this! Who is with me?"
The building trembled with the hurrahs of the Fantine volunteers as the fire in their veins ignited. It is time to turn the tables on the Survivalists!
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Above is the reference for Ari. With Fantine now striking back at the Survivalist Federation Force,will the momentum be on their side? Below is an example of an Entomyl look (on the left).
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