"Are we almost at the prison compound?"
From inside the dark green APC, all eyes were trained on Bartleby, the Kithar rebel who accompanied the Fantine squad, as Tarkhun asked him a question that was on the mind of the Fantine crew in the Tortoise. In response, Bartleby stared out the window of the green armored car as they rode on through the battle-scarred metropolis. The vehicle and its escorts jolted as they ran over the broken metal of damaged hardware while a soft squelching sound could be heard each time they ran over a body, regardless of it being friend or foe. The view outside was dismal as it was reminiscent of an apocalyptic scene where a fiery tornado tears through a town. Bartleby turned his orangish eyes back to his escorts.
"It should come into view once we turn the corner, although I know it will be heavily guarded and barricaded."
"That won't be an issue for my crew," Joey replied as he fixed his glowing goggles over his eyes. The product of a union between a Rosellian military man and a Gallikh woman, the junior commander of Fantine's Infantry Corps, stood over 6 feet with a burly build. His strawberry blonde hair was cut short in a crew cut while his bright green eyes shone brightly in the dim lights inside the APC. "Their feeble little defenses are no match for our armor and our air support. There is no way that those skull-faced mutts will be able to stall or deny your people freedom from their imprisonment. "
As the geared-up officer placed a reassuring hand on the Kithar rebel's shoulder, Bartleby glanced out the porthole of the Tortoise as the battle outside raged on. The guns of the APC shot laser after laser against any obstacle that they had encountered in their bid to rendezvous at the detention center. The Kithar insurrectionist watched as humanoids, fur-covered beasts, or cold-blooded scalies clad in dark combat armor collapsed amid a hail of green and red laserfire. As they rammed through several burned-out or burning vehicles, Bartleby noticed that many of the buildings were bombed out, in flames, or had their doors and windows blown out.
I sincerely hope that my kin had used this moment to either take shelter underground or refuge elsewhere in neighboring towns or nations. The Great Expanse has several villages that would take in refugees. If not, there are plenty of open spaces there out of sight of the Survies and their Kaneen hounds. Besides, the Backbone Mountains has hidden caves or grottos out of the sight of SFF aerial devices. Perhaps the Avians of Ornithon could pitch in to assist as who in their right mind would refuse refugees fleeing a war zone. Let Khanika and my nephew and niece be alright.
The hatch above opened as a couple Infantry members of Fantine were hoisted inside, borne by their comrades. The Kithar rebel leaned over and gasped as he realized that the top of their heads, even their eyes, were covered in blood-stained Eiberian gauze. Mikhail noticed the Kithar stare at the wounded soldiers and smiled weakly through his graying mustache.
"Such is the sight of battle. It isn't a pretty one, I'd give you that, but no victory comes without cost."
The native rebel knew the veteran soldier had an irrefutable point. There wasn't any war or conflict that he had participated in or studied where the victor hadn't lost anything in exchange for coming out triumphant. As Tarkhun, the Fantine Director's Mayhan head of security, opened his mouth to speak, a high-pitched shrieking sound resonated above the sounds of battle. Seeing a flash from the rectangular plasmoid and spotted a large stone-gray demonic bat creature swoop down and enclose its Riptar-sized claws around an infantry gunner, attempting to pull the screaming Upaw'Han, a gray-skinned humanoid with reptilian/ bestial eyes, into the night. Thinking quickly, Bartleby drew his 0.312 laser rifle and pushed the top hatch of the Tortoise open, climbing out of it. To the anterior of the rumbling vehicle, the second gunner, an elf judging by the pointed ear tips, was spraying enemy combatants with lasers when he glanced toward the Kithar that had appeared on the roof.
"Oi!What are you"-
Paying no heed to the gunner, Bartleby fired his weapon after the demonic bat in order to take it out before it hijacked the other gunner.Several of his green lasers had missed, but one had made its mark on the beast's leathery hide. Emitting a high-pitched shriek, the bat-like daemon released its prey and dove down toward the Kithar militant, its talons outstretched, but a streaking blue bolt created a massive hole in its chest. Viewing the vile beast plummet to the ground, Bartleby turned and noticed the second gunner had pitched in to save his life.
"Gee, thanks. However, I believe I could have-"
Engines as loud as a hurricane drowned him out, followed by an explosion that shook the area and partially deafened him. Bartleby and his savior turned to see a Wasp, its black and white design reminiscent of a stalking specter, beard down on the armored convoy. Its undersides flashed red and blue as lasers danced along the side and top of the Tortoise, causing Bartleby to leap out of the way to avoid the deadly fire. Suddenly, a bright purple cylindrical object had appeared from underneath the Wasp and shot toward them. The Kithar and the gunner ducked onto the APCs roof as the purple Aero-torpedo shot past them and connected with a orange tank a couple cars behind them. The resulting explosion brightened the approaching daybreak sky as the burning metal parts of the Fantine tank scattered into the air.
Felicia! That was a close one!
Crouching down on top of the green armored vehicle, Bartleby watched as the deadly SFF hovercraft zeroed in on their position. All at once, green lasers streaked toward it, punching through the tough exterior. Although, it wasn't enough to bring it down, the aircraft halted its assault and tilted away from them to escape the anti-aircraft turret fire. Suddenly, the portside of the massive hovercraft blew out, bursting into flames. Bartleby watched transfixed as it began its downward spiral of death until it made contact with a couple of buildings that were used to store food rations for the population. He glanced to the side to see Tarkhun manning the unmanned turret as Mikhail, Joey, and the rest of the gunners had their weapons trained upwards.
"We are fast approaching our destination." Mikhail pointed straight ahead. "Your comrades in arms will soon no longer be captive of the most vile and oppressive group in the world."
Sure enough, the blue and gray sprawling compound, surrounded by electrowire as well as a thermomite wall, lay spread like the wings of a Roc. Patrols of prison guards prowling the walls and the roof of the prison as well as snipers and machine gun nests scattered throughout the complex were extra sets of defense, but the orange and green camo-striped gunship known as the Albatross circling overhead had its gunners laying waste to the sentinel outposts. As Bartleby's eyes fixed on the Fantine gunship firing bursts at the SFF patrols, decimating them by the dozens, the APCs and tanks in their convoy slammed into the wall with a jolt that nearly toppled the Kithar off his feet. As soon as they entered the prison yard, the defenders fired all their weapons at them. Bartleby assisted by firing at the nearest machine gun nest, silencing it. Suddenly, two feathery Dynotaurs, orange eyes narrowed like felines, leaped on top of the vehicle and pulled pounced on an unsuspecting Infantry man and dragged him off by sinking their sharp claws and teeth into him. Eager to repay Fantine for the effort they made to liberate his countrymen and his nation from the iron grasp of the Survies, the Kithar insurrectionist leapt after him and opened fire at the two feathery lizards, causing them to disperse. He hurried over to the wounded man, his helmet off and clutching his bleeding leg.
"Thanks, mate." He mumbled in a Kanaberran drawl. "Head down!"
Taking the hint, the native resistance fighter ducked as the Kanaberran fired three successive bursts. The Kithar then glanced behind him to see two Stalkers, their glowing green eyes dulling like headlights, as well as their Riot trooper handled lying prone on the floor along with other mangled bodies and pieces of metal.
"Your welcome! Now, go on! The mission won't complete itself."
Bartleby felt himself smile. How far would he have come if it hadn't been for his Fantine benefactors? Two laser bolts. whizzing too close for comfort, woke him out of his reverie. Two SFF Special Forces soldiers in leering gas masks with glowing eyes ducked behind a wall or perched in top of the stairs, taking shots at the liberators. Suddenly, a shrieking sound was heard and several large explosions erupted around the compound. Once it cleared, Bartleby removed his hand from where he shielded his eyes and several large smoking holes blasted throughout the building. He glanced upward to see three Fantine Helis-Bees, he assumed- and realized that they had opened several entrances for them to infiltrate.
"Let's go!" the eager Kithar shouted.
"Now, Mr. Bartleby," Mikhail warned as he stepped over the corpses of Ryptars, SFF Marines, some fallen Fantine Infantry and shocktroopers, as well as unidentified vile creatures that were crushed by the fallen metal that had resulted from the bombardment. "We don't know what awaits us inside so we should progress carefully."
The hot-blooded rebel wasn't listening to his companion's warnings as he pushed on toward the complex where shrill alarms were balring with red lights. Behind him, several white and red shocktroopers grappled down from the roof.
"Attention all personnel! There has been a breach on multiple fronts! All units please respond immediately!"
Ignoring the feminine voice, Bartleby sped on as several armed skull-masked gunmen with metallic arms fanned out, flanked by striped SFF Marines.
This is where the fun begins!
Pew! Pew!
Mikhail, Tarkhun, and Bartleby hurried along the silvery blue corridor of the SFF prison as they traded fire with the SFF Riot troops and the military police force assigned with them. The director of Fantine X motioned for the Fantine infiltrators to stay under cover of the dividers and walls as they made their way deeper inside. Mikhail noticed a group of the red-patched Riot troops encircle Bartleby, Tarkhun, and several other Fantine troops as they tried to infiltrate the prisoner complex. He was certain most of the prisoners were only dissidents to the Survivalist's oppressive sovereignty.
Time to throw in a wrench.
Mikhail threw a frag grenade to where the prison troops were mostly clustered in and once a ghostly blue flash lit the room and several of the enemy were disintegrated while those who had survived the blast were disoriented. It provided the opening that they needed to dash over to the sliding door that was the only obstacle to the holding door area. The Director of Operations pressed the glowing blue and red button on the side, but to no avail. Frowning, he glanced back toward his surviving companions.
"Perhaps I am mistaken, but isn't this button our only ticket through the damned door?"
"If you prefer, my team can breach it with charges." Vold, one of the senior leaders of the shocktroopers under Heinrich, stepped forward. "Though it isn't guaranteed to-"
A yelp of pain cut him off. All eyes turned to see a Stalker clamp its massive jaws on Bartleby's leg while a second snapped onto his tail. Thinking on their feet, Vold and a few of his shocktroops blasted the mutant dogs. The result was the shaken Kithar was free from his captors. Before they could so much as breath, a Riot trooper, flanked by two MPs, rounded the corner and lunged at Mikhail. As they grappled, Mikhail grabbed the red-patch troopers arm and pinned it to the wall to prevent him from reaching for his weapon. To the Fantine leader's awe, the door behind them slid open.
"So that was what was required. It wasn't busted after all. It needed a Survy's touch. How shocking! Why didn't I think of that?"
Once he knocked out the enemy troop by bashing his head repeatedly against the metal wall, denting his jet-black helmet, Mikhail joined the others in entering the damp hall where the rows of electrical bars that separated the prisoners from freedom glowed a neon blue. Stepping over the corpses of the two military police that were pursuing them, the Skymarian swiveled his head side to side, observing the prisoners. Most were Kithars in military dress as well as public servants, including some police officers. No doubt they had resisted the occupiers and were in here as a result. However, he was not prepared to see not only some Fantine aviators or soldiers, but several men and women dressed in the garb of ambassadors from either the Capital or one of the Seven Kingdoms.
"Wow, the Feddies took no chances with them," Tarkhun muttered. "I don't doubt that they'd have been used as bartering chips or executed later on. Let's release these poor souls from their fate."
Thunk! Scrape! Thunk!
Mikhail glanced down the halls of the dank prison and noticed a ten-foot tall shape, gleaming from the blue light of the electrified prison beams, shuffle from around the cells and step into the spaceway not ten yards from them. The head peacekeeper observed that it was armored like a Britaniccan Knight, but knights didn't have a glowing red dot swinging from the slit between its face.
"Crikey! That must be a Guardian!" a Infantry soldier murmured in a mixture of fear and awe.
Mikhail tensed up. If that was confirmed to be a Guardian, then they were in for some real trouble. The red dot lit up a crescendo as it took a step toward them before Mikhail gasped in horror as he anticipated what was going to happen next.
"Evasive maneuvers now!"
A red beam burst from the slit that bisected its helmet as they each dove out of the way, making contact with the wet tiled floor and leaving a smoking trail etched onto it. The prison breakers all trained their weapons on the monolithic hunk of armor and concentrated their fire on it. Unfortunately, their attacks didn't leave a dent on it. In response, a second burst vaporized a Fantine armored coreman. Four shocktroopers decided to change tactics and fired from their rocket launchers. However, it only enraged the figure as it evaporated one of its assailants
"This is bad. How do we kill it?" Vold asked.
"That is what I'd like to know." Mikhail fired a few bursts from his weapon as they tried to keep it from attacking them again. The best way to do this was to keep it from concentrating on a single target by diverting its attention to confuse it.
"Guys! Look upwards! Maybe that is our key to defeating that robo-wannabe."
Mikhail glanced up to where Bartleby indicated to see a hooded figure in an emerald green cloak glance down at them with equally green eyes as it raised a hand and chanted in an eerie way.
"Great!" A shocktrooper grumbled." We have an enchanted golem to fight, not to mention it being near impossible to trash until we take care of the magic man up there."
Mikhail, curious to try out a theory, picked up a rocket launcher from the fallen soldier and shot an arcing rocket at green mage. It erupted over the magical being's invisible barrier, revealing it through a brief blazing oval.
"It is as I feared. He has erected a barrier that can't be penetrated with projectiles. We will be not be able to mark him lest we get close."
"How do you suppose we do that?" Vold countered. "Walk right up to him and slug him right across the sucker?"
"Not to mention that we have to get past that metal moron!" Bartleby motioned to the towering prison guard that was almost upon them now.
As Mikhail tried to concoct a last ditch plan to help them escape with their lives, a small blast echoed across the cramped cells. Everyone froze and glanced up to see a small hexagonal breach shining in the light of the waning night where a small squad of Kithars wearing ski masks had broken in. The mage, startled at the sudden intrusion in his space, was thrown onto the the damp floor of the prison. As he rose to retaliate with his glowing green hands, Bartleby had hurled a grenade, which presumably was looted from a SFF soldier, which blocked the path of the green orbs, resulting in an explosion that incinerated the mage.
"Quick thinking there, Kitty boy!" Vold patted the Kithar's head. "Now we can possibly take down the walking metal foil that has been dogging our progress."
Mikhail had reloaded his round launcher and fired a projectile as the Guardian stood still with no one to direct it. The mini-missile then made contact with the armored head, turning it into molten metal. Each of the combatants moved to the side as it toppled to the ground in a broken heap. The glowing electricity that served as the bars were discontinued and the gaunt-looking captives hesitantly but gradually left their cramped and unembellished cells.
"Colonel Paus! Sgt. Claude!" Bartleby ran over to two of his kin who were dressed in torn and shabby officer uniforms. "Thank Felicia that you are still alive!"
That was when the ski-masked insurgents that had saved the loves of the strike team had walked over and removed their masks.
"Are you alright?" an orange and cream felinoid asked. "I am Tubbs, the organizer of the local Underground cell. We appreciate what you are doing for us. Consider what we did a return of favor."
"Pleasure to meet one who possesses the courage, analytical skills, and capabilities to resist your occupiers." Mikhail shook his hand. "We will now be making way to where this Jorji is. From what I hear, he only earned his position as viceroy by pledging fealty to SFF."
"Of course." Tubbs sighed. "You are looking for the Den. Follow me and we shall arrive there in no time. Let's find that Survivalist pawn and put an end to this folly."
"I am with you on that, but where will the prisoners go? Among them are high military officials and ambassadors from other lands. They shouldn't be left on their own as they seem like they need urgent care. Besides, the remaining Survivalists may choose to hunt them down."
Tubbs smiled. "No worries, consider them in good hands. Besides, we have several underground refuges that will care for them greatly. Each will be served some hot soup and will have their wounds treated as well."
As several Kithar insurgents led the prisoners away, their new ally led them to the roof through the hole they had entered from. A couple of Fantine helis hovered above them where the shocktroopers that had accompanied them grappled down. Tubbs pointed ahead.
"Your destination is ahead over there nestled between a medical tower and school. Be aware that the medical tower was cleared out by the stinkin' S double effs to be used as a bunker and a weapons storage facility. My fellow enlistee in the military there, Bartleby, can attest to that."
Down the battle-torn street strewn with bodies, craters, and metal parts, was a five-story building glimmering gold and white like marble. In front of the wall that served as the courtyard's entrance was a fountain that had a marble cat dressed in an ancient robe and headdress pouring water out of a gourd. The entrance was also adorned with two golden anthropomorphic cats standing guard. Too bad those couldn't hold off the Survivalist advance nor would it hold them back either. Mikhail grabbed his transmitter and contacted the others.
"Heinrich, Strygar, Scottie, do you read?"
"Loud and clear!"
"You got it!"
Mikhail felt a surge of adrenaline through his veins. " Let's congregate outside the Hunter's Den. It is time for the final push. Sentery, you have an eye in the sky , right?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Let's move it!"
"Viceroy, the invaders have surrounded us on all sides. Once they decide to push into the compound, we will be trapped like mice. Please advise our next proceeding."
From inside the Hunter's Den, as the Government Offices of Kithar are referred to, Jorji, the Survivalist figurehead installed by Devolle after the brutal incursion, glanced up at his adviser, Mr. Kloud, as the rumblings of artillery, hissing of lasers, and the occasional sound of an aircraft flyover filled the approaching dawn. Throughout the night, the white-furred governor of Kithan had been forced to stay awake, coordinating battle plans and strategies for the defense of their nation against the Fantine invaders. He couldn't afford to slack off now as the Survivalists would have had him shot for dozing off or pulling a sloth. He had no doubt that the Skeletal Guard unit, their black or blue armor having the outlines of a skeleton in addition to the skull masks, was posted outside his room for that purpose, despite Sgt. Devolle assuring him that they were their for his protection. Anyhow, the adrenaline from the nightly events made sleep impossible at the moment.
He cleared his throat and addressed his adviser. "Order all available units of the militia to congregate around the Hunter's Den. They will defend it until the last drop of blood!"
"At once, sir!"
The gray and blue Kithar hurried off to relay the order as Jorji, surrounded by his own guards, tracked the progress of what might be the final battle of Kittypolis's defense. The hallways were filled with the sounds of boots as the militiamen, those from either the military, police, or other walks of life in Kithar who were sympathetic to the Survies, hurried out with their rifles clutched to their chest. Once the flashes of brown, tan, beige, orange, and yellow uniforms had disappeared, the viceroy turned his attention back to the screen. The feed didn't look promising as Fantine troops, clad in green camo or the red, white, or green armor of shocktroopers, pressed onto the courtyard, pushing back the Survivalist troops, the Gamran mercs, as well as what was left of the loyalist militia amid a flurry of lasers and explosions. According to the feed, it seemed that the foe was the only party with air support available to them at a moment's notice.
Dargh! Isn't Devolle or his blasted comrades going to send reinforcements? I need them more than ever now.
Despairing at what he felt was a losing battle, the corrupt Kithar rose from his seat and paed around his room under the watchful eyes of his cat-like guards. Jorji took in the dark gray wooden walls of his office, adorned with ancient relics of his people from the days of the Expansion or the Feral Wars as well as paintings done by several famous Kithars from centuries ago. He stopped between two golden statues of crouching Shadow Panthers, their eyes made of emeralds. As he admired their work, a loud crashing sound in the courtyard caught his attention. The puppet then heard the shouts from outside succeeded by streaking sounds of laser fire.
Oh Felicia, have they broken through already?
As his militia guards raced to the window, the white-furred Kithar accompanied them and glanced out from behind them to see three APCs and a tank spread out over the courtyard amid broken bronze composites that used to be the wall. As Kitty and Survivalist military gear and vehicles blazed on like campfires, troopers in fatigues and helmets as well as in full body armor poured out from the ruined wall and took up positions from beside the armored vehicles. The situation looked like it was not in his or the Feddies' favor at all.
Shi'et! Will I end up like Hunt and his lackeys? Or worse once the troops storm the Den?
"Attention Viceroy Jorji! We have you surrounded from all sides, including both the ground and the air! This won't end well for you and your staff unless you surrender to us peacefully. Renounce SFF, abdicate your position of power, and come quietly through the front entrance of the structure. No, your Survivalist masters won't bail you out of this one so if I were you, I'd come out with your hands ups. Bear on mind that we are more merciful than your Survivalist masters."
Jorji strained his neck against the rectangular window overlooking the courtyard and saw that the gruff male voice was coming from a cylindrical antenna on top of one of the armored vehicles. Its top guns were pointed at his window on the second floor as were every opposing weapon in the courtyard.
Damn, this really sucks! I need to request reinforcements like now!
As the Survivalist puppet hurried back to his desk, he recalled a similar situation when he was an aide to Governor Hunt. The Survivalists had broken through the Den's defenses like a blade through a sheet and had massacred the governor and everyone else who hadn't pledged allegiance to their organization. Now he was in Hunt's shoes not even a week later.
It is not my time yet!
Once he arrived at his desk, his snow-colored paw barely reached the big red button hidden on the side panel of his desk when the screen of his computer started to shriek with white noise and static. Startled, he tried to use voice command to open his panel, but it wouldn't budge. He tried to pry it loose, but he received an unpleasant shock as he did so. That was when a feminine giggle resounded across the room. Jorji glanced around frantically, trying to pinpoint its location.
"Guards, comb this room for-"
"That won't be necessary, Jorji. You'll never find me. I am back in the comfort of the Control Room in Fantine's base of operations jamming all your comms. Don't bother with trying to wait for reinforcements. Your best chance of redemption is to surrender yourself to the Fantine and Kitty forces that will enter your office shortly, although that will determine how deep your collaboration with SFF was. Yes, everyone knows you plotted with their Intelligence agents to bring Hunt's downfall."131Please respect copyright.PENANAxJooBc1BUa
131Please respect copyright.PENANAMGUg6yMnYL
As the feline humanoid rooted himself on the spot in astonishment, gazing at the screen that showed a glowing globe with lightning rotating, the doors burst open and five blue and black armored SFF soldiers of Death squad 13's Skeletal Unit poured inside, their scoped-rifles scanning the room. Jorji felt a surge of relief at seeing the skull-faced Survies.
"Thank Felicia you are here! What took you so-"
The Death squad troopers then fired red bursts around the room, downing staffers and Kitty militiamen loyal to Jorji. The Kithan governor's shock turned into outrage at seeing his men being slaughtered by the troops assigned it protect him.
"You dolts! What are you-"
One grinning skull balaclava-clad soldier, his visor glowing bright red, turned his weapon onto him . That was when it hit him like an ice spear from the Iskartan Royal Guards. These troops weren't here to defend him, they were positioned here by Devolle to dispose of him should things run south.
What a fool I was! Why did I accept their bribes? Was I that much of a power hungry nitwit?
Suddenly, the sound of glass breaking was heard and a sickly green mist called the Phantom Screen enveloped the room. Jorji remained rooted to the spot as the Skeleton guard's red eyes scanned the room. The sounds of laser shots in succession were heard and the skull eye had disappeared. Soon, the mist cleared and the five SFF executioners were lying prone on the floor among the dead Kithar. Standing in the room, each clasping grappling hooks, were Fantine shocktroopers in armor scarred with battle. Then various troops poured in through the door or the holes in the wall, both Kithar and Fantine, weapons, aimed at him. A man equipped with dark gray armor then strolled in the room, the soldiers moving to the side to let him pass.
"Mr. Jorji, I presume? Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mikhail, Director of Operations at Fantine X. As you can see, you are surrounded and half of your staff and guards have been slain by those you thought accepted you as one of them. However, you should think about those that are still alive yet wounded."He motioned to Mr.Kloud holding his singed arm." And your future. You will still have to stand trial for your part in the subjugation and deaths of many of your people as Mr. Bartleby, Tabbe, and, Tubbs want you to do." He motioned to the three glowering Kithars behind him. "But I assure you that we will be as lenient as possible given the level of your cooperation. What will it be? The choice is yours."
Coming to a decision almost immediately, the vanquished Jorji stepped forward to make his choice.
"If you vould follow me, you vill see vhat the fruit of our efforts came out to, thanks to the hard vork of our design team, including the scientists and engineers that had defected from the nation or organization they vere previously employed in to join the team that offers them more than the Capital or the seven Great Kingdoms could provide. By accepting the offer, they are living in not just security but in a luxury they vould never see in their previous lives. Our Research Division is already a force to be reckoned vith!"
S.I.N. gritted her pointy teeth as Dr. Armin, the coordinator of SFF's Research Division hailing from Ausland, rambled on. He tended to have a habit of ranting whenever it wasn't necessary and people like him that disclose more information than is needed irritated the Cyborean to no end.
"Are you done?" Her eyes glowed a bright red as she hissed at the scientist. "I want to see the results for myself rather than hearing some obsessive anorak maunder on. "
"V-vhy y-yes, of course, dear leader." The Auslander nervously shuffled his feet as he adjusted his glasses." Come this vay."
He lead S.I.N's entourage, including four of her fellow Cyboreans, four Sanguines, her subordinates Mithros and Skritsk, and finally her imposing bodyguards covered from head to toe in blue and red armor and bearing glowing purple electro-swords. Their only source of vision was a t-shaped mask on their visor. As he lead the High Command toward the lift in the metallic dark gray, azure, and black underground facility inside the Bunker, SFF's head honcho glanced at the few Intelligence guards in SFF's signature ebony or navy blue armor posted near the walkway and the lift. Their eyes glowing bright red behind the visor of their facemask, they glanced up and raised their fists as the group passed by. S.I.N. smirked in pride as they arrived at the lift door and waited for it to arrive.
I am really proud of how my force turned out. Now, if only Armin's claim of Project Silent Killer is verifiable, then SFF will have risen to the next level of unstoppable. Soon, the dastardly Capital and its lackeys will tremble before our might.
After waiting a few moments by the guarded silver double slide doors lit by a bright white light, a beeping sound indicated that their ride into the top secret research facility of the Survivalists had arrived. The guards stepped to the side as they entered the large telecabin that operated on Polar Magnetic power. Soon, the doors slid shut and they were traveling downwards toward the site of SFF's major project. From the transparent viewport behind them, the Supreme Leader herself saw that under several glowing red and blue lights along the cracked dark walls that resembled igneous rocks, rows of scientists in baby blue EVA suits along with gas masks with luminescent eyeholes set to work as Intelligence guards patrolled the aisles. As soon as the lift shuddered upon a sudden halt, the doors slid open, letting in the chilly atmosphere of the secret lab.
"If you vould follow me, Dr. Narvid vill meet us in the display room to unveil the prototype of the Silent Killer."
Straightening her dark trenchcoat over her half carbonic, half metallic body, S.I.N. walked alongside her retainers and guards after the coordinator. The scientists, engineers, and guards stopped their work to briefly salute the Cyborean and her entourage before going back to work. Dr. Armin reached the corner of the room where two blue-patched guards through visored helmets viewed their identification before keying in the pass to open the trapdoor to the secret room where SFF's secret project was being kept. As soon as they stepped into the dark room, the floodlights gradually shone onto a massive warplane as black as the eyes of a Kindock and with a wingspan that stretched over 50 yards and could easily dwarf a squadron of Hellhounds. Its menacing presence really pleased SFF's Supreme Leader. Footsteps echoed across the room as the researcher in charge of Project Silent Killer himself revealed himself.
"Here I present to you, my colleague Dr. Narvid, the brains behind this vondrous project."
The Jayachandran smiled at the Auslander. " Thanks Armin, I will take it from here." Behind him, rows of engineers, designers, inspectors, and scientist fanned out in straight rows. The balding director motioned to hulking new warplane behind them. "Behold, the first prototype of the Silent Killer, the first of its kind. It is the first aircraft in a new generation of aircraft with camouflage technology. It can meld with any background in any environment due to the beauty of Squamaton. Not even the Capital or those Fantine mutts have made headways like our Research Division."
"You say you utilized Squamaton in order to create a warplane with this unique ability, correct?" Commander Mithros crossed his arms. "How did you manage to harvest an element of that caliber? I heard Chameollan works as well and is just as abundant as Xenon."
Dr.Narvid's smile grew wider. "Ah yes, let's just say I had some good contacts in Di'hem which let our researchers collect our due in the mines."
Skritsk narrowed his glowing orange eyes, which resembled burning coals. "Can these contacts of yours be trusted? We are not sure where their allegiances lie. For all we know,they could have put one over you. "
The director of the stealth plane project chuckled. "Of course they can. Provided that they are paid the correct amount of Dough."
The warlord shook his head, his black headress adorned with silver skulls that gleamed in the dull light. "To me, those who can be bought aren't to be trusted. After all, what's to stop a crime syndicate like Blood Dawn or Red Star from buying them off? Or worse, maybe one of your sources is spying for Fantine or the Capital, to name a few of our enemies. Then we will have been compromised."
Narvid raised his hand "Fear not, I have not used uniformed messengers from SFF. I made sure to take great care in covering my tracks when working on a project with a potential breakthrough as large as this one."
"That's pleasing to hear." S.I.N. had spoken out for the first time in a while. "My question is that how many crew members are needed to operate this machine?"
"Glad you asked. It takes four pilots to aviate it, as for the crew-"
A transmission broke through on S.I.N.'s communicator. The Supreme Leader glanced down at the device on her wrist that resembled a silver bracelet and selected the answer option.
"Sgt. Devolle, proceed."
The director of the Outer Strike Team continued to debrief his superior."Great Leader, I am afraid I am the bearer of some dire news here. Our ally Jorji had been captured by the enemy, thereby stamping out any semblance of control we once had over the land. I believe that we have lost Kittyopolis."
Somber expressions appeared on the faces of all those present, but S.I.N. pressed on. "Did you send in any reinforcements?"
"I had authorized several led by Guraff and Breda en route, but neither had made it in time. Should I recall them?"
A devious sneer passed on S.I.N's olive face. "No, please order them to proceed with their march.In addition to them, I want Ulric and his best pilots to provide air support as Fantine's infamous air force must be that formidable in order to put our exceptionally tested troops to shame. "
"Should I request our Kaneen friend Lupin to assist in bulking up our forces to regain the lost ground?" Devolle asked.
"Please do." S.I.N. narrowed her eyes. "Failure to do so would result in his dismissal and those dog-faced humans will no longer be in control of their pathetic nation. Moreover, is there any relevant information you gathered about this sizable Fantine force that so easily overpowered you?"
"It seemed that the bulk of the Fantine force was involved while we were minimally prepared. Their leader, that Skymarian buffoon Mikhail, led the operation."
"I see." The Supreme Leader frowned, tossing her brunette hair to her side "Send for the Hangman. He is to target Mikhail and the rest of the top level commanders of those Fantine dogs!" Her eyes then landed on the looming warplane, its menacing shape the size of a Mountain Dragon, and smiled. "Dr. Narvid, I believe now is the time to test your project. I expect to see results-for your sake."
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Above is the concept for the concept for Mikhail's military escorts. Also, it seems that SFF has invented a new type of aircraft that will spell trouble for it. Who is ready to see it in action? Also, is SFF the only party in the conflict that had acquired camouflage on their aircraft?
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