The morning light was bashful, not even piercing through the tiny gaps in the blinds. I yawned and got out of my bed. I peered through the window; it was a cloudy day.
"Huh... maybe it'll rain."
I began my morning routine, washing myself and brushing my teeth before putting on a fresh set of clothes. Considering the conditions outside, it was a better time than ever to put on my jacket. Though, I would've put it on regardless of the weather.
I grabbed my keys and left my apartment room. Breakfast was going to start soon, and I wanted to make sure I had the best food from the get-go. I already made it into the dining hall and was the only one there.
"Good morning, Kenny," one of the lunch ladies called.
"Good morning. Are there any eggs on the menu?"
"Sure are."
"I'll have those, then."
I received my meal for the morning and sat by a table. The residents slowly made their way into the kitchen. I made sure to sit in a faraway corner. Not because I wanted to avoid a conversation, per se, but because I had a lot on my mind.
"...Transporting a letter, huh?"
Mulling over it last night made sleep difficult, but I had a much clearer consciousness now. I was anxious about the operation, to say the least. Not so much because it was important, but because of what failure would entail.
N-Nevermind, it probably wouldn't be so bad, would it? Still, though, I haven't had to do a mission where I needed to travel to a different city, and this is the first mission that I've ever had to cooperate on.
"These nerves are killing me."
Mission this, mission that. I ruminated over it for so long that my food grew cold. I ate it quickly then left the cafeteria and the apartment complex.
"...Alright, let's do that."
I figured that doing a warm-up mission would ease my nerves, so I traversed to the combatant's guild, trying not to heed any of the looks I was getting. Arriving at the guild, I pushed the doors open. It was a bustling place at this hour so nobody's eyes were on me, fortunately. I walked up to the job board, looking for something challenging, but short.
"W-Woah, is that Bison Frost?"
"I think it is! Watch out, don't make him mad."
Ignoring the other combatants scouting the board, I kept reading the pinned papers. My eyes stopped moving on the one right before me.
"This is perfect."
I tore it off and jogged to the receptionist's desk. It was the same woman as always, wearing a different, more modest outfit.
"Ah, good morning Kenny. Or, 'Bison Frost', as they say."
My face morphed into a deep frown.
"I'm just teasing ya. So, you've got a job you wanna do?"
I handed the paper and my license over to her. She went through some papers and stamped the request and put a sticker on my license, handing it back to me.
"Take care, and go easy on them."
"Of course. Have a good day."
I waved her goodbye and grabbed my stored supplies from the combatant's locker room, quickly leaving the guild after acquiring my things.
If my memory serves me well, this marked the fifteenth time I've left the capital. I was in the vast badlands, still able to see the city of course, but in a harsh environment nonetheless.
This particular section of the badlands was as sandy as they were rocky. Traversing it was a pain, but due to how cloudy it was today, I could take solace in the fact that the sun wasn't around.
Large boulders were sprawled around the field, making seeing from a distance nigh impossible. What was surprising though were the few bits of greenery sticking out of the rocks. I didn't know what kind of plants they were, and frankly, calling it greenery was disingenuous, but it was plant life nonetheless.
"So... what am I looking for again?"
I pulled out my combatant's license. A short description of the job was in a box to the side. It was a feature of the license; the words in the box would magically change depending on the job an combatant took. I had no idea how this was possible, but I chose not to question it.
The description was simple: "Return a Bearded Draco, dead or alive." I was informed that these Bearded Dracos rested in the sandier areas of the badlands. They must've been quite rare, though, because I've yet to see or hear one of them moving around.
"Then again, these rocks are obstructing me."
I sighed. Regret for accepting this mission began to seepl but I quickly dispelled it with a firm shake of my head. It was bound to be annoying, but the day was still fresh, so I was sure I would find one of these things before long. Before resolving myself, I sat beside one of the boulders, taking a sip from my gourd.
"...I should've changed my clothes. This outfit is terrible for the desert."
I hung the gourd back on my backpack and sighed. It was too late now of course, but complaining eased my mind a little.
"Ya got a good point there, kid. I ain't ever seen someone wear autumn clothes out here."
I jumped and on my feet, facing the holder of the sudden voice that spoke to me. On top of the boulder I was against was a man with a grungy bucket helmet, completely obstructing his face aside from the wide slint for his eyes to see through. The few tiny holes at the lower half made his voice not as muffled as one would expect. Also, I mentioned that he was on top of it, but really, he was in the process of climbing the boulder. It was an obvious and awkward struggle.
"Hah, damn, I'm gettin' old. Can't climb these things like I used to..."
Now that his whole body was in view, I found myself more confused than alarmed. He had gray sweatpants on and seemed shirtless at first, but his shirt was tied around his neck like a mock cape, a knot being formed from the lengthy sleeves. He also had a blade attached to his hip, and it came with a complimentary belt.
"...Who are you?"
"'That's what I'd like to ask,' Is what I would've said, but yer face and name became pretty well-known 'round the capital. Bison Frost, they call ya, eh?"
I scowled. He clicked his tongue and 'ooo'd.
"I take it ya don't like that name? My fault, my fault."
"Seriously, who are you?"
"Right right. The name's Juke. Honor to meet ya."114Please respect copyright.PENANAlVLyOId2mD
114Please respect copyright.PENANAsPWGvIuitB
"Just Juke, huh..."
The man jumped off the rock and landed in front of me, offering a hand. I stared at it with prudence. His demeanor might've been amiable and disarming, but appearing out of the blue still made him suspicious.
"You're taking a long time. Is the heat getting to ya? That's what you get for wearing a jacket, I guess."
"No, it's not the heat. If I may ask, why are you here?"
Juke tilted his head.
"Huh? I'm here on a mission. I was gonna ask ya that too, actually, but greetings usually come first. Yer a weird one, breaking the order of things."
"I'm strange? You're using a shirt as a cape and have a lone helmet on your head! What's even the point of that?"
"Now yer just asking too many questions. I told ya my reason for being here, so what's yers? And yer name, too, don't forget that."
I sighed. I failed to mention that his behavior above all else was strange, but it would be pointless to say it now. So I just took his hand and shook it.
"Call me Kenny. I'm here to hunt a Bearded Draco."
"Woah, that's why I'm here too! Ain't that a crazy coincidence?"
He said it in a saccharine jovial tone. I'd be a fool not to see the sarcasm. It made me feel more at ease.
Still, I had to ask–
"Were you stalking me?"
"Nah. What kind of creep would I be, stalking kids?"
"You already look plenty creepy; I wouldn't put it past you."
"Yikes, ya got bite. Fine, ya caught me– but I was just following ya, not stalking, alright?"
"So, what are you doing here? Surely it's not because you're just bored, is it?"
"...Boredom's part of it. But this time, I'm just curios."
"Curiosity? You want to 'gauge my abilities' or something?"
"That's a bad omen."
I sighed and rubbed my hair. I wasn't the superstitious type, so it wasn't as if I was going to run back home, but I couldn't help but frown.
This stupid nickname and status have been causing me nothing but trouble.
"I'll help ya find the big lizard. I imagine yer not used to the badlands. The jacket gave it away."
"Can you stop focusing on the jacket? This isn't my first excursion out of the city, for the record."
"Yer calling these things excursions? Yer crazy weird."
I could feel my eyes twitch.
"You say you want to help me, right? Well, scram! I like working solo, and I have no patience for your antics."
I made a brushing motion with my hand and walked away from Juke. I didn't hear him following me, which was surprising, but I was grateful for it.
"Ya know, ya might work best solo, but there'll probably be a time when ya gotta work with others, right?"
I stopped in my tracks. Sadly, I couldn't help but listen to him.
"Since this is just an excursion for ya, why not take my help? Might be a good lesson for ya, good to learn them while yer young."
I thought of the incoming mission and the prince's words. He told me distinctly that I was going to have others working with me. I wasn't against the idea of course, but even then, Juke made a good point. If I couldn't collaborate with people on a simple mission, then what good would I be on something so important?
I didn't want to screw up then.
"...Alright. Since you want to help, let's collaborate. Do you happen to know anything about the Bearded Draco?"
"Wow, that didn't take a lot of convincing. Uh, I know they're pretty big, walk on four legs, and got something akin to a beard under their chin. Ya'd recognize 'em when ya see 'em, don't worry."
I nodded, thinking of what to do while intaking this new information.
"Well, being able to recognize them easily is nice, but how do we go about finding them? These boulders make it impossible to see."
"Ah, ya seem to be mistaken. They're our greatest asset."
"Watch this shit."
Juke walked back to the rock and began to climb it. A minute of struggling later, and he stood tall and proud, using his hand as a visor.
I understood then exactly what he meant. I punched my open palm.
"Of course! How'd I not think of that!?"
I knew I was inexperienced, but this made me feel plain stupid. Still, I had no time to waste mulling over it. I kneeled on one leg and began mana expulsion, creating and raising a stone pillar under my legs. I made the pillar taller than the rest of the boulders, enabling me to get a view of the whole thing.
"...They weren't lying 'bout your magical abilities, were they?"
Juke made a comment that sounded like it was for himself, but he spoke it loud enough to where I can hear it.
"They know I'm a magician? Actually, that's not surprising."
It was difficult to discern anything at a distance, so I just watched for any movement. I did notice that there was a field void of rocks nearby. However, nothing was moving.
"I can't spot anything."
"Ya serious? If ya can't see it then I got no shot– well, shit."
"What is it?"
"I see something bobbing over there!"
He pointed in the opposite direction I was facing. Indeed, something was moving, though I couldn't tell what exactly. It was beside a similar open area to the one I saw.
"If that's our target, then we ought to hurry!"
The stone tower slowly crumbled. I jumped off and landed on the ground and broke into a sprint.
"Hey, slow– ah, never mind."
Juke caught up and then ran past me just as fast. Considering our height differences, it wasn't a surprise, but something about his gait miffed me.
I managed to follow him through the rocks just fine. He stopped before the field, and I stopped by him.
"There's our target," he whispered. I followed his gaze with my own and landed on a four-legged scaly beast. Judging from the spikes on his back and the flouncy mush below his neck, it was the Bearded Draco.114Please respect copyright.PENANA1o19C8HTNI
114Please respect copyright.PENANA18aHOKJvaJ
"Do you think he noticed us?"
"Probably. These guys don't like to move very much, but they're very finicky. Just don't do anything rash."
I eyed the beast, trying to judge the best approach. We were in his field of view, but whether or not he could see us was a whole other matter.
I crouched down and took out the tendril, producing a Freeze-Dry from the tip.
"The hell is that!?"
"My tendril."
"That's one crazy Endowment– is that flower freezing the air?"
I concentrated the mana into my tendril and aimed the Exotica at the lizard. A second later, the entire field was coated in ice, and the lizard was entirely encased in it. I caught a jerk from his limbs before he was trapped, but it wasn't enough to escape.
"...So that's where ya nickname's from. Shit, you're brutal."
I was panting on my knees. The amount of mana I had to suddenly drain for that speed made me feel like I just got decked in the chest in addition to being exhausted. But, the mission was over now, so I indulged in the moment of respite.
"Ya alright?"
I stood up and walked to the frozen lizard.
"Wait, what're ya doin'!? Don't move!"
I turned around with a raised eyebrow and gazed at Juke. Except, I wasn't looking at Juke anymore. What overtook my vision was a blur of blue and then a sea of beige.
Huh? What's going–
When I felt the coarse sand rub against my back, I knew what was happening. I looked back the other way. I was sliding down a sand pit.
It was so sudden I couldn't even think. I slid and slid, not doing anything but descending into the crater. When my mind processed the situation, I stuck my heels into the sand to break my speed. It hardly worked, which wouldn't have been an issue ordinarily, but something popped out from the bottom of the pit.
Jaws– thick jaws the same color as the sand emerged from the bottom and rushed towards me. A second later, I noticed the creature's pincer, and then I began to identify what it was that I was descending upon.
An oversized, famished insect.
My instincts took control. I began mana expulsion, creating a spear of stone as I fell. But, I could tell– I could tell by the time it even formed into a coherent shape, I'd be torn asunder by the insect's teeth.
I didn't know what to do. I didn't have the time to figure it out. I kept sinking, and sinking, and sinking, and sinking, and sinking, and sinking, and sinking, and sinking, and sinking, and–
The scene changed– the angle too. I was no longer glaring at the maw of the beast, but I was still looking at it. Only, it was from the side, and it was upside down.
The spear was still being manifested before me, so on top of my disorientation, I could hardly see. But, even through the thundering of my heart, my ears functioned perfectly.
Steel against steel. That's what it sounded like. But, as I continued to plummet, I got a glimpse of what it was.
Juke was there with one hand on his broadsword, the blade of which was stuck between the pincers.
I surrendered all thoughts, no longer in control. The piece of earth before me didn't turn into a majestic, intricate spear, but an obtuse clump of rock that blocked my vision entirely.
I didn't care if it was inefficient, or if rushing the process like this would drain my mana like a faucet. I couldn't care, frankly. But I could, and did have desire.
I wanted to see that thing gone.
And so–
I shot the rock, obliterating the head of the insect, and making a grave laceration in the very world.
And then, I landed on the ground.
"Ack– pluh pluh, blah!114Please respect copyright.PENANAvJRLVJTdEo
114Please respect copyright.PENANA9U39AutJMl
The sand worked to my detriment and benefit. It cushioned my fall greatly, meaning that I didn't sustain any injury. However, I was now spitting intrusive sand out of my mouth, and my eyes vigorously watered, trying to kick out the grains that have found their way under my eyelids.114Please respect copyright.PENANAJqHFTEVPLM
114Please respect copyright.PENANAAlKlBB95C6
Needless to say, it hurt. Goodness, did it hurt.114Please respect copyright.PENANAjDAHPVVYPB
114Please respect copyright.PENANAHH28tuqsBi
"Blah! Ah, crap!"114Please respect copyright.PENANAki5wX3vzoF
114Please respect copyright.PENANAiqCF7U9mPy
My first instinct was to wash it away, so I began making an orb of water, but the thought of even moving my eyelids and the ensuing pain paralyzed me for a moment. Still, gave in, and unleashed the water onto my eyes. I felt relieved for a moment, and I tried to forcefully blink out the sand. Eventually, the pain subsided, but I was still affixed to terrible discomfort and refused to move my eyes again.114Please respect copyright.PENANAw6HE9IQTCR
114Please respect copyright.PENANA9JVMhnYZqj
"Yo, are ya alright?"114Please respect copyright.PENANA9SBPorcxZ9
114Please respect copyright.PENANAtUh03jBWoc
"Eh? Juke, is that you?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAcuS7hqR0SO
114Please respect copyright.PENANAJFNgEkmfPJ
I felt something on my shoulder. Juke likely put his hand on it–114Please respect copyright.PENANA6pY1pYkcEg
114Please respect copyright.PENANA6wRlBeCdrP
I froze. Juke put his hand on my shoulder, which meant one thing.114Please respect copyright.PENANAY2lYxIUkaK
114Please respect copyright.PENANA98Emj3eepM
"You're alive! Bleh, ack, are you okay?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAJUWMiScxYp
114Please respect copyright.PENANAU14dd0rez3
"Am I okay? Ya strong folk always ask the craziest things– look at yourself! Ah, ya can't, can ya? My fault."114Please respect copyright.PENANAThDu4gucAo
114Please respect copyright.PENANApodflzzEMW
I didn't like his attitude, but the fact that he could dish out such brazen sentences meant he was alive and well. I felt relieved.114Please respect copyright.PENANAcJG6LcoN7H
114Please respect copyright.PENANAOuZlVtyMDW
"Did sand get in your eyes?"114Please respect copyright.PENANA094zfShaIs
114Please respect copyright.PENANAYRTqdtJ3Dl
"Y-Yes... I'll be fine, they'll wash away eventually."114Please respect copyright.PENANAONyM9UaOnQ
114Please respect copyright.PENANAET8pKNzqKB
"Phew, had me worried. The thing you did to that Lion Ant was crazy, by the way. You blasted it to shreds! I thought for sure I was a goner, or that I had to get a new helmet at least, so thanks."114Please respect copyright.PENANAYpz5eKiPqn
114Please respect copyright.PENANAOw0s18Qp1o
For a moment, I was lost, because the person who put me out of harm's way was now thanking me. But I didn't argue with him, I just took the words in stride and eeked out a response.114Please respect copyright.PENANAjf5VxtCCQr
114Please respect copyright.PENANAOYiok6JO7Y
"T-Thanks for saving, Juke. I was sure I was going to die just now."114Please respect copyright.PENANA0nWKu9vwiS
114Please respect copyright.PENANArd1pu5k3DS
"Ah... yeah, I did save ya, what the hell? The strong are supposed to help the weak, aren't they? What are ya doing, breaking the order of things?"114Please respect copyright.PENANA5azqE8gttw
114Please respect copyright.PENANA0za6EtUHYK
I didn't respond. I rubbed my eyes a few times, then gently opened them. The sudden burst of light blinded me– it looked like the sun snuck in a ray through the clouds.114Please respect copyright.PENANArMWOz6kIQF
114Please respect copyright.PENANAH1ofBn4mSx
I let out a breath. I was alive, Juke was alive, the beast was dead, and best of all, the Draco was–114Please respect copyright.PENANAHNlfLJYhQ7
114Please respect copyright.PENANApfkvu4Qu9D
"...Wait, what about the Bearded Draco?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAAhgYamuIkl
114Please respect copyright.PENANAfzqByL0875
"Eh? Ya probably killed it, those things hate the cold."114Please respect copyright.PENANASAENgcxmF6
114Please respect copyright.PENANAfhdAfbqxS2
"I-I see..."114Please respect copyright.PENANAoVfrlisoW1
114Please respect copyright.PENANABXlEDxMsfB
Somehow, this news was disheartening to me. I leaned against the sand and gazed at nothing in particular.114Please respect copyright.PENANAz3SrcDZwXI
114Please respect copyright.PENANAkVxvjKtP1B
"Was it supposed to be alive? If so, then ya really screwed up, didn't ya Kenny?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAJbGIHwWBAi
114Please respect copyright.PENANA304cvtqksm
"I-I didn't screw up! I was just supposed to retrieve one, it didn't matter if it was dead or not."114Please respect copyright.PENANAUrHSZyAotj
114Please respect copyright.PENANATLTwjSSrPF
"Ah, if ya say so. Are ya eyes back and runnin', by any chance?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAjdC0QRwL5C
114Please respect copyright.PENANAioN55cib1X
"That's a strange way to phrase it, but yes."114Please respect copyright.PENANAucWsAb7ZLr
114Please respect copyright.PENANA1kNVGrZ7xZ
"How about ya get us out of this pit, then? I can't use earth magic, and I know sand ain't a good rung for climbing."114Please respect copyright.PENANAuPJB3QkVoe
114Please respect copyright.PENANAaDOsDs2jAM
"Right. Getting out sounds good, yeah."114Please respect copyright.PENANATiGIVWuuuQ
114Please respect copyright.PENANADWpUfoJMIY
I tried to stand on my legs, but I had difficulty. My legs were rocky, so I bent my foot harshly a few times before I could stand on my legs.114Please respect copyright.PENANA68etHSVEbv
114Please respect copyright.PENANAbmV5KkbhBh
Before I began any mana expulsion, I took a gander at the insect's corpse. Juke's description was proven to be accurate; the head was missing completely from the body, but a few strands of flesh and chitin were sticking out, making seem like it was haphazardly torn off the body. The sand had already covered the hole I made in the earth. The sight shook me, and I suddenly felt quite light-headed.114Please respect copyright.PENANANc2fIAoaqq
114Please respect copyright.PENANArs1wLhuf30
It was a hard prospect to entertain– that I, really, was that close to dying. I remember being told before that near-death experiences were indelible, and when I sifted through my memories, encountering the vomit of anxiety and despair, despite its briefness, I understood why. I was shuddering. I was truly shuddering, because, how couldn't I? How– how could–114Please respect copyright.PENANAcU0CVukX64
114Please respect copyright.PENANAPGbcVoCKwu
"Gah, what's wrong with ya now?"114Please respect copyright.PENANA9FhfsBeFbH
114Please respect copyright.PENANA7mbZg48BHf
The strength in my legs was suddenly sapped, and I promptly fell on my butt. It knocked me out of my haze, but now I was smitten with a wave of exhaustion. Juke's irritated inquiry made me ask questions myself, and I blurted the answer instantly.114Please respect copyright.PENANA0BOwXdVzGl
114Please respect copyright.PENANAoKLsGyWTvZ
"...I think that spell drained my mana."114Please respect copyright.PENANAwuDHNDG1ec
114Please respect copyright.PENANAFX6F2qopbT
"Huh? It was just a rock, wasn't it?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAQu7Hicd6AK
114Please respect copyright.PENANAkKSAW5Heaj
"Yes, but I rushed the process; the spell was inefficient, and I'm paying the price for it now."114Please respect copyright.PENANAgckhqfRmT0
114Please respect copyright.PENANAtazz6atP2N
"Ya gotta be kidding me..."114Please respect copyright.PENANAk13RHp6Nb6
114Please respect copyright.PENANAPrUl8ReTwZ
Juke sighed and fell on his butt himself, clasping his helmet in one of his hands.114Please respect copyright.PENANAnaSNAqQ1tD
114Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2LsHevE3X
"I'm sorry. I just–"114Please respect copyright.PENANAuRy5n8HCDF
114Please respect copyright.PENANAwzn2g2Or4W
"Nah, don't be. I could've become grub for a creepy-crawly if ya didn't blast its head off. But for goodness sake, how're we supposed to get outta here?"114Please respect copyright.PENANABR4fZKTomM
114Please respect copyright.PENANAWThyKOu7wM
I widened my eyes. His concern was, well, something that I adopted myself. If I had to gauge, my mana bank was empty. Before I could even make another pebble, I likely had to wait a few hours.114Please respect copyright.PENANAN8j3ERhvVr
114Please respect copyright.PENANAWweVjud9Wz
"I can use wind magic at Grade 5, but that's it. Ya got any bright ideas?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAyH8K133SYe
114Please respect copyright.PENANAuxvLJPIY83
"...N-No, I don't. I-I'm sorry, but this isn't a situation I've had to deal with before..."114Please respect copyright.PENANAn82bLcjKIw
114Please respect copyright.PENANAofpOdS1TeG
He sighed again and looked to the sky. The clouds cast over the sun yet again, making the atmosphere even more gloomy. I stared at the ground. The shuddering from before returned, and my mind projected images and thoughts of the worst– how my body would've looked had I been caught, how it would've felt being crunched by the thing's teeth. Imagining it gave me goosebumps. I couldn't–114Please respect copyright.PENANAA4svECfUC0
114Please respect copyright.PENANAPAtdtCWfSl
"--W-Whaa?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAZBVBZSsyed
114Please respect copyright.PENANAx1RhGkYQzZ
Two hands were clasping my shoulders, one hand for each limb. I was stunned for a second but then looked at the cause of this sudden touching. Juke's eyes gazed into mine, and despite the darkness cast over them from his helmet, I could see them– they were a light brown.114Please respect copyright.PENANAneycM8SA2g
114Please respect copyright.PENANAXRER6rScFK
"Ya gotta relax, Kenny. I dunno what's wrong with ya, but yer strong, aren't ya? They don't give ya a bigshot nickname and look at ya with awe for nothin', right?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAsb3LOuat1K
114Please respect copyright.PENANAqwDGMRTkht
"W-Whaa?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAB6dxWuwxTV
114Please respect copyright.PENANALx7aLJIJWY
"Calm the hell down, that's what!"114Please respect copyright.PENANAAARB8gUkwR
114Please respect copyright.PENANAOEXYh4dRE0
He suddenly, and violently shook me, stopping only when I grasped his forearms with my hands. I felt dizzy and furious.114Please respect copyright.PENANAoScIlft3ZP
114Please respect copyright.PENANAUQ8jI3lghH
"What was that for!?"114Please respect copyright.PENANA5igJnPMnMJ
114Please respect copyright.PENANAioYt4SEI2U
"I'm tired of seeing ya sulk. Get the hell up and start thinking of what to do– shit ain't just gonna solve itself. Yer alive, ain't ya?"114Please respect copyright.PENANA5SYaWTk5Eh
114Please respect copyright.PENANA3LKYGyEfG4
"Y-Yes?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAvZe0BfplaV
114Please respect copyright.PENANAc492qqoOI2
"Good, now are ya gonna waste yer blessings and freeze like a dumbass, or are ya gonna get up and do something!?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAOy0zWYbl7u
114Please respect copyright.PENANAVqNpNv0Uoe
"I–"114Please respect copyright.PENANAgZxTGzfmA3
114Please respect copyright.PENANAOHkuJWjYWV
I cut my sentence short. I had no response. But there was merit to what he was saying. I found myself agreeing with it, though it took a moment.114Please respect copyright.PENANAfrNtNrFROh
114Please respect copyright.PENANAEe54svCVSw
A weak smile found itself on my face. An image of my brother flashed in my mind.114Please respect copyright.PENANAm5anXhHARo
114Please respect copyright.PENANA8wyrvGF2hK
"You're right. Thank you."114Please respect copyright.PENANATttwFSPSRl
114Please respect copyright.PENANAmrUELQG88M
"Thanking me ain't gonna get us outta here! Ya got any ideas? Any?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAirgCmBVT3b
114Please respect copyright.PENANAA0MldmAl3k
"Well, we could wait for my mana to return–"114Please respect copyright.PENANAt6SL6Jpy6m
114Please respect copyright.PENANAhhiXTzTA5s
"Nah! I gotta take a piss, and I ain't gonna do it in front of a kid. Think of something else!"114Please respect copyright.PENANAV1dytZZZm8
114Please respect copyright.PENANAbD1jtBD4fK
I was taken aback by the sudden vulgarity, but he undeniably prompted me to think faster and clearer. I didn't have mana, the sand was impossible to climb, and when I thought about it, the idea of Juke taking a leak anywhere near me was disturbing.114Please respect copyright.PENANABBhKobHCxa
114Please respect copyright.PENANAqfFOumRvBj
Therefore, I came up with a half-baked idea. I didn't know how effective it would be, but I tried regardless.114Please respect copyright.PENANA1FZrrDKJgS
114Please respect copyright.PENANAJnJakpW4yJ
I took my tendril out and stood up. I couldn't produce any flowers from the tip, meaning that I was entirely dry on mana. But, after a second of testing, I found out that I could still extend and retract it just fine.114Please respect copyright.PENANAczNe7u3Ip2
114Please respect copyright.PENANA7adewTU306
"Ah, yer weird wood thing! But how're ya gonna use it to get out?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAFc4Rm2YGxP
114Please respect copyright.PENANADbUKZjfCiI
I shrugged.114Please respect copyright.PENANAvJZV5RhsDJ
114Please respect copyright.PENANAAqAqPVJkwJ
"I didn't think that far. I'm surprised I can even pull it out."114Please respect copyright.PENANAxlBZhqXCCq
114Please respect copyright.PENANAVIph9ttXaL
"Eh? Why? Ain't all Endowments something independent of mana?"114Please respect copyright.PENANA8kvo1o66Tm
114Please respect copyright.PENANAcZYp9rL9E1
"...I don't think all of them are. After all, in some aspects, this one isn't."114Please respect copyright.PENANAepZD5rcu20
114Please respect copyright.PENANAd5psw4NUS5
"That's crazy. I just learned something new from an underage brat. I'm ashamed of myself."114Please respect copyright.PENANAW1eamxsTBG
114Please respect copyright.PENANAUKK04ALYOj
"Shut up."114Please respect copyright.PENANAIFV2gysfbp
114Please respect copyright.PENANAaevnN6sZWS
Looking around, there wasn't anything I could wrap the tendril around by the ledge of the pit. There was no way to use the tendril as a rope.114Please respect copyright.PENANATOLvQuulnU
114Please respect copyright.PENANAPI7YbaqAUZ
"...Wait, Juke, do you think you can climb my tendril?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAyblL33dsMk
114Please respect copyright.PENANAwIchZyZkTP
"I'll give it a shot, but ain't it too short?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAKSV6xg8opG
114Please respect copyright.PENANAyXeLsMmGop
I extended the tendril to its limit, which was just enough for it to stick out of the pit. Juke made a sound of surprise and amusement then gripped the tendril.114Please respect copyright.PENANAfOZejb4rpp
114Please respect copyright.PENANA1rzIs3t8m4
"Even if I get up there, how are ya gonna get out?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAluTcTr5AR3
114Please respect copyright.PENANAn4u5iWlcGI
"Uh... maybe pull me up? You look like a strong guy."114Please respect copyright.PENANAqQtXPxLhS8
114Please respect copyright.PENANAsE6h6lp24x
"Pff, you've got the worst impression of me, I tell ya."114Please respect copyright.PENANAtpymTkRoU4
114Please respect copyright.PENANAnYlZLX2am2
Neglecting to specify that I was talking about his muscle, I just sat down and watched as Juke used the tendril to stabilize himself as he ascended the sand. Miraculously, and despite the few times he lost footing, he was able to make vertical distance. It was strenuous on my tendril, and admittedly painful, but I was able to maintain it for long enough for him to make it to the surface.114Please respect copyright.PENANA14z4MZisUY
114Please respect copyright.PENANA7bJBqDzlRw
"Ha, holy shit, I'm out– ah, hell nah."114Please respect copyright.PENANAgdgo15ejAZ
114Please respect copyright.PENANAZNbajQoSNg
"Huh? What's wrong?"114Please respect copyright.PENANACwWAVoql3l
114Please respect copyright.PENANA7aMQ0vNWcG
Juke turned and looked down at me.114Please respect copyright.PENANAq3jBawAcWs
114Please respect copyright.PENANApRMOLftSS4
"I got some bad news for ya, Kenny. The lizard ain't up here."114Please respect copyright.PENANAxbMlqhnVbk
114Please respect copyright.PENANARjWoUCtfcH
Even my ears weren't ready for the volume.114Please respect copyright.PENANAe4PWSelDyU
114Please respect copyright.PENANAwvhQsRjTTX
"WHAT!?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAh6Q8OhoPBE
114Please respect copyright.PENANAt0DHoUJ3fO
Juke's muscle strength was surprisingly enough to get me out of the pit. When I reached the top, I looked around to confirm his words. Sure enough, the landscape was bereft of any lizards.114Please respect copyright.PENANAl8DKjRPkKP
114Please respect copyright.PENANAEgEDe7kg3f
I groaned and fell to my knees, more out of exhaustion than distress, but to my knees all the same. Not only did I have no mana, but now my progress in completing the mission regressed entirely. I thought of quitting. It was the only option that seemed to make sense to me at this point. All embarking on this quest did was–114Please respect copyright.PENANAgaYtd0QMzE
114Please respect copyright.PENANAcBhuYcD10M
"Gack! What–"114Please respect copyright.PENANAJMhOFLfK5e
114Please respect copyright.PENANArBa8OLF9AD
"Come on, the thing couldn't have gone far. He was still frozen solid."114Please respect copyright.PENANAMOnqAVPBd0
114Please respect copyright.PENANAYvICailpcc
After slapping my back, he presented me with a good point.114Please respect copyright.PENANAosMVPfTsbV
114Please respect copyright.PENANALmbFWbqPYO
"Remember: I'm here to help ya. It's all a weakling like me's good for, helping the strong."114Please respect copyright.PENANA0DUGtyZzxs
114Please respect copyright.PENANAyWl4dU2a8r
"...Huh? You, a weakling?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAXlKlh1VgBH
114Please respect copyright.PENANASMbOVbudzk
"Yep, ya heard me."114Please respect copyright.PENANANSAE33oinV
114Please respect copyright.PENANAhk41vS1sGf
"Are you sure? I'm the one who's barely able to stand."114Please respect copyright.PENANAeRibw4ctyj
114Please respect copyright.PENANAWNJErmMoTs
"Yer also the one who took out a Lion Ant with a single spell."114Please respect copyright.PENANAYjOBrCISja
114Please respect copyright.PENANAoPcb5pXORj
I didn't retort, more because it was pointless rather than me lacking one. I chuckled and got on my feet.114Please respect copyright.PENANAoqHGkCwXQe
114Please respect copyright.PENANA6XuSINpKJm
"Alright, thank you. Let's move."114Please respect copyright.PENANADUJPHE1nrT
114Please respect copyright.PENANAQyeMTA7C5C
I followed him through the valley of sand and boulders. And, as if reality was following his predictions, the Bearded Draco took only a minute to find. The creature managed to climb into one of the rocks, clinging onto it like the floor was made of deadly poison. Juke and I were hiding behind a boulder, sparing glances at the beast.114Please respect copyright.PENANAao1KAnkpMq
114Please respect copyright.PENANADBvZqqUp9Q
"It's completely still."114Please respect copyright.PENANA1h9JnKXABp
114Please respect copyright.PENANA1MevoAS67j
"It must be tryna warm up. Poor bastard, it just ain't its day."114Please respect copyright.PENANA8S2ebtOfT0
114Please respect copyright.PENANAJ9eeIu3N2b
The moment we moved away from the boulder, the beast would likely spot us and run, or worse, attack. My tendril wouldn't be able to reach it at this range, meaning that I've found myself in a deadlock.
"I can't do anything to it from here. What about you?"
"Do ya have faith in my accuracy?"
"How could I? I've never seen you use magic before."
"Ya really suck with words."
I gave him a deadpan frown.
"Alright, then don't miss."
"Ya really suck with words."
He took a step away from the boulder and raised his hand, beginning mana expulsion. A barely visible gust of wind was forming in front of him, and soon he turned it into an elongated vertical blade. Juke sent the blade soaring across the sky, and then–
A cloud of dust burst from the boulder, obscuring the status of the lizard. Juke and I broke into a sprint. By the time we arrived at the rock, the dust had settled. The boulder had a giant dent in it, but the lizard was nowhere to be seen.
"Crap, it ran away!"
I huffed in frustration, scanning the boulder once again as if it would magically make the beast reappear. It didn't of course, but I did catch something unnatural; it was a red liquid, slowly dripping into the boulder's newfound crater.
"Juke, you injured the Draco! We can follow a blood trail now!"
I circled the boulder, finding more blood on the other side and even a missing limb. It was still writhing, which unnerved me a little, but I shook it away and followed the trail, Juke tailing me a few feet away. I caught a glimpse of the lizard between the boulders. The speed it was moving at was astounding, especially considering its missing appendage.
"This bastard's slimy!"
"Just keep chasing it! It will bleed out eventually!"
Though I didn't have the stamina nor the desire to chase it until that happened, it was a safety net that encouraged me to keep pushing. The trail of blood grew darker and thicker as time went on, meaning any second now, we would find–
A stream of white water suddenly flew past my head, causing me to trip and fall on my butt.
"Haaa, what was that?"
Juke caught up with me, panting.
"That was the Draco's magic! Ya almost got yer head lopped off!"
"Did you have to word it that way!?"
I gave a curt reply and got back on my feet, successfully suppressing the swelling anxiety and breaking into chase again. Another stream of water came from my left, but I managed to duck right before it hit me.
"Wait, if it's from my left...!"
I sprinted in that direction. As expected, the Draco was but a dozen meters away. Once he noticed me, he turned in the other direction and swiftly limped away.
But I didn't let him make meaningful distance.
I extended the tendril to its limits and slammed the lizard, pinning it down. I had trouble keeping it still with all its squirming; though it was getting noticeably weaker, the way it thrashed around caused me a great deal of pain.
He ran right past me with his sword out, and as soon as he arrived near the lizard he stabbed at its neck, over and over. It was difficult to discern precisely what was happening from the angle I looked at, but in less than a minute, the lizard became stock still.
I sighed, retracting my tendril back into my chest, and fell onto the ground. Juke came back to me with his body and blade slathered in blood.
"Do ya mind washing me off?"
"I'm out of mana, remember?"
"Ack! I forgot."
Juke rubbed his helmet as if it was his head and sighed. I got back on my feet and walked toward the fallen Bearded Draco.
Its head had been cut off. The severed neck was periodically spewing out blood like a broken pump. The sheer amount left me dumbfounded, completely unable to move.
"What's wrong this time?"
"That's a lot of blood."
"Does it bother ya?"
"...And it doesn't for you?"
Juke simply shrugged.
"I see. I suppose it just brought back unpleasant memories."
I took out my tendril again, absentmindedly wrapping it around the body.
"You grab the head. Let's just transport this thing to the city."
Juke nodded and scooped the head into his arms, shaking it a few times to remove leaking blood.114Please respect copyright.PENANAIXgrMBFDfn
114Please respect copyright.PENANATA4BHqur4b
"Ya know, ya don't look happy about completing yer mission."114Please respect copyright.PENANAMd1BKWR45F
114Please respect copyright.PENANA1lYVdKxHdN
"...How do I look like, then?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAqOkFDqx1Uh
114Please respect copyright.PENANA4vSfusRcJD
"Tired for one, but also dreary. It ain't a pleasant look on a young face like yers."114Please respect copyright.PENANAs6cpKx2TVQ
114Please respect copyright.PENANADZrQozG2tj
"What– never mind. I am tired, and I suppose seeing the lizard in that state damaged my morale."114Please respect copyright.PENANAxHauc5WHDE
114Please respect copyright.PENANApyJRPV0P8z
"Looks like a lot more than just damage to morale."114Please respect copyright.PENANAbsuvxdZxyf
114Please respect copyright.PENANAATuqAZzxkr
"If you insist on making assumptions based on my face, you should at least have the courtesy to show your own."114Please respect copyright.PENANAK7E47pnB3a
114Please respect copyright.PENANAlzYjCv6LEh
"Ha, the hell's that even supposed to mean?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAbuS3Zbr7bH
114Please respect copyright.PENANAMN9vIrllbI
"Why are you wearing that helmet, anyway? It's stained with blood, probably smells terrible, is clunky, and so many other inconvenient things."114Please respect copyright.PENANA5yGTJK0eyw
114Please respect copyright.PENANAjCMu15CH64
"That's cuz I have an Endowment of my own, and I can deal with clunkiness if the helmet's sturdy. This one is."114Please respect copyright.PENANAgGXq5GsPav
114Please respect copyright.PENANAWOIH1cbTj1
"An Endowment? What does it have to do with your helmet?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAZkETxIVM3q
114Please respect copyright.PENANAZBXDPPN2X7
"Damage redirection. Ya know, I was planning on telling ya this in the future, but I guess the sooner the better."114Please respect copyright.PENANAajc0GgFQ5N
114Please respect copyright.PENANAvqiHlbW7Pq
"What are you on about?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAJizkC2s9ww
114Please respect copyright.PENANAXaHI7jrJQ0
"It's nothing. Ya holding up the lizard well?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAJvB5yxn9yM
114Please respect copyright.PENANAy6EnQEX0tq
"It's like I'm carrying an overweight backpack coated with tiny pricks. And then, there's my actual backpack."114Please respect copyright.PENANAncCvmjhj2U
114Please respect copyright.PENANAgSmdo1fDnf
"I could lighten yer load if ya want."114Please respect copyright.PENANAjmiXYXAClk
114Please respect copyright.PENANAaoLIF1Owx9
"Sure. Here, take my bag."114Please respect copyright.PENANActnnBgLG57
114Please respect copyright.PENANAhd7kfIwLgl
"But yer tendril– ah, I guess getting rid of it works."114Please respect copyright.PENANA01GYZd9d4D
114Please respect copyright.PENANA1VZwqIr8Eh
"Here."114Please respect copyright.PENANAyhgd0j7cg5
114Please respect copyright.PENANAZKb7bLF0Z9
"I gotcha. Let's keep going. We're almost there."114Please respect copyright.PENANAiuUAqsGkp7
114Please respect copyright.PENANAhpnyKPOpB2
"Uh-huh."114Please respect copyright.PENANAM64hIfSJhl
114Please respect copyright.PENANAbKl1zIG5w2
"..."114Please respect copyright.PENANAgSzJ7CVSMP
114Please respect copyright.PENANAMx8ZJFBRd7
"..."114Please respect copyright.PENANAqwm5gUu5oW
114Please respect copyright.PENANAplmc1WTqCM
"..."114Please respect copyright.PENANAC0wRWUgzve
114Please respect copyright.PENANAFBmpJhdzdH
"...Hey, Juke, I have a question for you."114Please respect copyright.PENANAvhRpuStbkc
114Please respect copyright.PENANAEujSxRMwDj
"What?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAq48eGMK4Rj
114Please respect copyright.PENANAu2d7PogGD0
"Did you really tail and help me because you wanted to 'gauge my ability?'"114Please respect copyright.PENANAQFhDvxvQT6
114Please respect copyright.PENANAQzvCY6VeN7
"--I didn't tell ya a lie. But I guess I didn't tell ya the whole truth either."114Please respect copyright.PENANAiuLvCBSuZA
114Please respect copyright.PENANA3nHbE3Oh7u
"What?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAKH0An7WtKl
114Please respect copyright.PENANAS1DH0GvAyg
"Yer gonna find out eventually. I can't wait to see yer face when ya do."114Please respect copyright.PENANAlrduT7OOR0
114Please respect copyright.PENANAIPD12fPrLb
"...What?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAcm5EQ5Epc2
114Please respect copyright.PENANA3DR77fj8vC
"Quit asking me what. Can't ya see where we are?"114Please respect copyright.PENANAp6CSbjOXri
114Please respect copyright.PENANAMBOsF0mNxv
I looked up in front of me. It was a big gate. It was the entrance to the place my whole being registered as my second home.114Please respect copyright.PENANAHg1kyG5KB4
114Please respect copyright.PENANA5IU2Dik3L0
"Huh... we made it."114Please respect copyright.PENANAVvFas5AUNF
114Please respect copyright.PENANANoA5GP0l9P
"So, did ya like the mission?" He asked, a hint of anticipation in his voice.114Please respect copyright.PENANAxZ1hcfWuoc
114Please respect copyright.PENANA5BEsX53nBd
"...It wasn't mollifying at all."