I awoke to the stone-cold ground and a repugnant, musty odor. I struggled to move or see at first, but after a few seconds, I was able to get into a sitting position. The room was dim. There was a large wooden door with metal outlines. It had a barred circular hole, and faint orange light was emanating from it.
"...Where am I--cah!"
I suddenly broke into a coughing fit. The air in this room was nigh unbreathable. Upon closer inspection, I noticed a rusty metal bed frame and moss and other greenery growing in the corners.
I was in a ramshackle prison cell.
"They could've at least put me on the bed frame."
I stood up and rubbed my head, wondering how it is that I even got into this mess. Then I remembered the beast, and the haze, and how Kim passed out in battle. The same must've happened to me.
But that raises the question: where is everyone else?
I walked up to the door and squished my face against the opening.
"Hello! Anyone there?"
I waited a minute. No response. Crap.
My first instinct was to bust this door down, but I stopped myself. If I were to make a ruckus, then that guy with the monster would come down and corner me. I couldn't escape the place by breaking through a wall either, since I was likely underground. If I were to escape, then I'd need to do it quietly. With that in mind, I let out the tendril and grew a miniature Dragon-Maw.
"Alright Dragon-Maw, serve me well."
Dragon-Maw Jr. did as he was told. He immediately shredded through the bars and then went for the wood next. Three minutes later, only the edges of the door remained. I stepped over the little piece at the bottom.
Where did all the wood and metal Dragon-Maw ate go? I didn't care. I was now in a narrow hallway with similar doors. I checked them one by one through the hole, and only when I reached the third one did I see somebody.
It was Victoria. She was lying on the ground, likely knocked out. Crap, that means the haze got to her. And Flinty.
Wait, where is Flinty?
I checked the other doors. Flinty and Kim were here. They were unconscious too, but I was relieved to see them. I let Dragon-Maw Jr. shred the door to Flinty's room and ran in.
"Hey. Hey, wake up."
I gently shook her. She moaned as she opened her eyes and let out a big yawn.
"Huh... Kenny? Where are–"
Suddenly, she broke into a coughing fit. I patted her on the back a few times.
"We're in some type of prison. Vikky and Kim are nearby, let's go get them."
I released and woke up Victoria and Kim. They were disordered, and they also had coughing fits, but a few minutes later they were up and healthy. Kim was missing her sword, but otherwise, we had all our belongings.
"What do we do?" Flinty asked.
"I think we should assess the situation before we leave here," Kim said.
"Do we even know how to get out? And what about that m-monster, how do we take care of that?" Victoria asked.
"We'll find an escape route after the assessment."
They were taking being locked in an underground cellar surprisingly well. No, only Kim was. Victoria was chewing on her nails and Flinty looked distressed. Victoria walked up to me and put her hands on my shoulders.
"Kenny. You're a mage, right? You have those weird plants, right?"
I nodded.
"Please, bust us out of here. The air is one thing, but that monster..."
She began to shudder.
"I'd happily bust us out, but–"
"Then do it! DO IT!"
She started to shake me. I had to put my hands on her shoulders to get her to stop.
"Hold on, Victoria. If we do anything rash, then we'll make a lot of noise."
"I don't care! I want to get out of this forest, and I want to do it fast! I mean, Kenny, you saw that thing, right? Right?"
Indeed I did. The creature was the stuff of nightmares, I couldn't deny that.
"It's because of that creature that I want to be quiet!"
I raised my voice and Victoria stopped shaking. She slowly let go of me and slapped her cheeks.
"Sorry. I was freaking out."
"It's fine. Let's just find the exit."
She nodded. Victoria looked at Flinty and apologized to her. Flinty could barely get a response out, but she still had that determined look on her face.
With that, our investigation commenced. The first order of business was to find escape routes. We found one almost immediately. It was a metal door with a keyhole but no knob. I put my ear against it and knocked on it, and I could tell that it was dense.
Busting through this thing would require a considerable amount of firepower. I could penetrate it with my earth magic, or freeze it and try to break it that way. Kim also proposes melting it, but thirty seconds of keeping up fire magic gave us the impression that it was burn-proof. Considering how both actions I could take were noisy, we held off on escaping through the metal door and searched for alternatives.
Looking through the remaining cells revealed virtually nothing to us. There were a few metal poles inside one of the doors. I proposed the idea of lockpicking with it, but that obviously couldn't work.
Flinty suggested drilling ourselves a hole to escape via earth magic. I tried it, and though it was working, it was obvious that we would die before ever reaching the surface.
We were in a deadlock. We waited beside the metal door in silence until Flinty spoke up.
"I think... we should try breaking the door down."
"What?" I replied, "But then the guy and the monster's just gonna run down here!"
"I'm with Flinty," Kim said, "it's either we bust it down and get out or wait for someone to open it on the other side. The latter is unlikely to happen."
I wanted to continue my rebuttal, but I sighed instead. Victoria took their side as well, and now the three of them were looking at me with anticipation.
"Can we... compromise?"
"Compromise!?" Victoria said, "What compromise? Let's just get out of here!"
"I-I get what you're saying, but maybe just wait another half hour and see if someone shows up? I could also keep... fine, I'll do it."
I couldn't keep talking under the pressure of their glares. As much as I didn't want to do this, I didn't have much of a choice. I stood before the door and cracked my knuckles, then stretched my fingers for good measure, and began mana expulsion. And then, something made me stop.
I heard rattling from the other side of the door. Someone was mumbling to himself. I heard a click, and then the slow metallic creak of the door being opened.
I walked back. I was beside the others, channeling my spell with bated breath. I stared at the door as it slowly opened. A shoe appeared from the little opening, and following a grunt, the whole door swung open.
I was just about ready to shoot, but Victoria of all people put a hand on my arm. The man who opened the door was panting. He didn't notice us yet.
"Alright, is anyone... awake?"
His eyes were wide open and his mouth stood agape. He stuttered as Victoria walked over to him. And then, in a flash, Victoria punched the man in the gut, turned around, wrapped her arms around his neck, and flung him over her shoulder.
The man hit the ground with an echoing slam. He groaned and whispered "sorry" over and over. Victoria's mouth made a V-shaped frown. She brushed her hands together. As she walked towards us, she kicked the man in the shin and muttered "freak" as his groaning grew louder.
I skidded a few steps away from Victoria.
"So, what do we do now?" She asked.
Kim stepped up to the man and crouched beside him. She dangled a bottle of green elixir over his head: a healing potion.
I started to feel bad for that man.
"If you talk and get us out, I'll happily make your pain go away. Otherwise, she'll keep doing that until you bleed."
The man lifted his head and gazed at Victoria. She punched her open palm.
"A-Alright, I'll talk."
I took no part in the interrogation. Neither did Flinty. She seemed to be just as intimidated by our teammates as I was. At least they were on our side, right?
The man had no hesitation in complying with our demands. In fact, he apologized for putting us in the cells.
"I-I thought that, should you recover, then I'd be arrested and e-executed."
It was an exaggerated fear, but I couldn't help but understand it. After the interrogations were over, he agreed to escort us out of here, but under obvious conditions.
"First," Kim started, "you need to vow to never participate in monster-creation magic and abandon the forest. Second, you must either learn to control or eliminate the beasts you've created. And third, you must disclose all your research to the Kingdom of Zariel."
The man nodded to all conditions, but he still had a nervous expression.
"I-I'd happily comply, but there is one slight problem."
"What is it?"
"I'm not doing this alone, and my partner is... a bit difficult."
I understood immediately. We have a psychopath on our hands, don't we?
"Then, how do we deal with him?"
For some reason, his face relaxed when he was asked.
"Oh, you four are my heroes. But, be warned, he is a dangerous individual."
"So how do we deal with him?"
We finally made it out of the underground cellar. A spiral staircase greeted us. I was walking at the very back behind Flinty.
According to the man– whose name was Ng, spelled exactly like that –we were in a structure akin to a compound, just much wider in scale. His partner, whom he refused to name, was currently on the highest floor of the building.
The mission was simple: get to the top, get the man, and have him arrested. Ng would be exempt from any punishment.
Of course, I claimed it was simple, but there were too many hidden factors that worried me. For starters, Ng agreed to cooperate far too quickly. He gave this whole story about how terrible his partner is and whatnot, and though he sounded distressed, it was still suspicious. Secondly, Ng made little mention of the monsters, claiming he would simply "handle them."
I wasn't alone in my doubts. Kim was practically breathing down Ng's neck the whole way up the stairs. She seemed like a capable fighter, so some of my stress was alleviated.
Now that I mention it, I was acting far too calm in this situation, wasn't I? Well, that was thanks to Flinty.
She was gripping one of my hands as we ascended the stairs. It was cute, sure, but she had a very assuring grip. Though I'm sure she was doing it more for herself than me.
"We made it to the top," Ng said.
We were on a flat surface. Ng took out a keychain and opened the door. Exiting the staircase, I found myself on a grassy field surrounded by trees. Just how deep underground were we?
"Alright, just follow me now. Be wary of any stray beasts, they've been escaping more and more frequently."
We traveled down a path and arrived at a fence. There was an imposing gate before us. Ng advised us to hug the walls and we did. He loudly knocked on the gate.
"This is Ng! I'm returning from prisoner inspection!"
Silence ensued. Ng was impatiently tapping his feet on the ground, which I thought was a strange gesture considering his situation. But, on second thought, he might be trying to come off more naturally.131Please respect copyright.PENANATgmw68BxNh
131Please respect copyright.PENANA5cXUEQqSzU
Kim, Flinty, and Victoria leaned over to watch the scene. Ng, sensing no response, knocked on the door again.131Please respect copyright.PENANAGXjTzlONFH
131Please respect copyright.PENANAXB6c12b0Kg
"HEY! OPEN UP!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAt3urc4mF9o
131Please respect copyright.PENANAMj8jeKwXyW
He was acting quite bossy for someone so afraid of his associate. My trifling suspicions were turning into full-fledged doubts.131Please respect copyright.PENANAq1OiDUrl6o
131Please respect copyright.PENANAnsX8nwpJdi
"Something about this is fishy."131Please respect copyright.PENANA6nOjttGq9x
131Please respect copyright.PENANAx6u4U10JOu
I looked at the other three. They nodded in agreement.131Please respect copyright.PENANAozixnoMJ4s
131Please respect copyright.PENANAUF3Cd8z3b5
"What should we do then?" Flinty asked.131Please respect copyright.PENANASMQ4PS5NnS
131Please respect copyright.PENANA8jHyYJQlgE
"Kenny," Kim started, "take out your tendril. Prepare for anything unexpected."131Please respect copyright.PENANAKpNmPOObyT
131Please respect copyright.PENANA4infC58Qjs
I did just as I was told. I eyed Ng intently. He started rubbing his forehead and then looked at us. Right as he opened his mouth, the earth shook below our feet.131Please respect copyright.PENANA7xpS9CA19v
131Please respect copyright.PENANAggIKK3SUNF
It happened again. And again. I realized quickly that it wasn't an explosion or something else, but rather, something big was walking. The image of the monster from before entered my mind.131Please respect copyright.PENANAKASLFggr1U
131Please respect copyright.PENANAJNmPAlPpET
"Oh, that's Jeremiah. Jeremiah! Open the door!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAkWqM1fGsTV
131Please respect copyright.PENANAPfJfWk4nJY
Jeremiah? Naming something like that, is that some type of sick joke? I would've cackled if it wasn't for me trying to be stealthy. The walls were tall enough to where I couldn't see what was on the other side, but I could already imagine. The gates slowly opened, and Ng fixed his posture and had his hands behind his back.131Please respect copyright.PENANAPa5Hqpaep5
131Please respect copyright.PENANAqHehSZyGz0
And then.131Please respect copyright.PENANAGwkuHiqTTc
131Please respect copyright.PENANA3KS9hCmSP2
**SMASH**131Please respect copyright.PENANAFMw5iWHdPf
131Please respect copyright.PENANAPjFLFyMF9c
The gates burst open. Dust and debris scattered throughout the field I was thrown into an intense coughing fit. I couldn't see anything concrete, but I could see silhouettes, and I saw the figure of Ng being grabbed and pulled.131Please respect copyright.PENANAH3PazmnXrM
131Please respect copyright.PENANALg3DUKM3qE
"AH! WAIT, WHAT ARE YOU– NO, HELP! HEEELP!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAa1jKG3LRo2
131Please respect copyright.PENANA5kadrH1KoF
His wails ceased upon a distant slam. Looks like he made it into the compound.131Please respect copyright.PENANAJkcJi7G0qi
131Please respect copyright.PENANAZJHQfZdcUo
"..."131Please respect copyright.PENANAKrsuof8RAi
131Please respect copyright.PENANAz1nkqq2iyL
What just happened? I looked at the others, and it was clear from their faces that they didn't have any answers.131Please respect copyright.PENANAL3EnlhPfsc
131Please respect copyright.PENANAkgdnX69Apl
When the dust cleared, I took a deep breath and crept to the busted gates, then leaned over the edge of the wall. All I saw was the building, standing three stories tall. Nothing was unusual about it. But then, the front door sprung open, and a four-legged beast resembling a wolf sprinted across the field. I quickly hid behind the wall, almost tripping despite barely moving, and I saw the wolf dash past me and run into the woods, howling more like a twisted man than an animal. And then, there was silence.131Please respect copyright.PENANAIScKxn3FFq
131Please respect copyright.PENANAb4XtDeU7Sy
"..."131Please respect copyright.PENANASFwU5GvsHk
131Please respect copyright.PENANA2qCcioXPox
I looked at the other three. I struggled to keep a clear line of sight; my body was practically convulsing. I eventually noticed the looks on their face. All but Kim's, of course. If I had a mirror, I'm sure mine would've matched theirs.131Please respect copyright.PENANAjpWPAq4Kny
131Please respect copyright.PENANApY04qCf7Te
I looked into the woods. Dozens of trunks were separated from their trees. The wolf beast was gone, but the destruction it brought to the forest made his presence known.131Please respect copyright.PENANAB3f0hlpv6S
131Please respect copyright.PENANAlHwapxJfxL
I took a deep breath. With the wall as support, I got back on my feet.131Please respect copyright.PENANAFekOl9JHV1
131Please respect copyright.PENANAA5L61yUoRY
"We're getting the hell out of this forest."131Please respect copyright.PENANAlwXlPARYeA
131Please respect copyright.PENANARpFUrFGaTx
I walked back to the group. Flinty was shaking on the ground. Victoria was surprisingly standing. Kim was the same.131Please respect copyright.PENANA432pgYDH4m
131Please respect copyright.PENANAoVW4d5rPnn
"We need to leave. This is– whatever just happened, it's out of our league."131Please respect copyright.PENANA9BHxImZUJt
131Please respect copyright.PENANAkxJkCtsVUb
Victoria nodded with me. Kim looked at me and began to speak.131Please respect copyright.PENANAaHWAQPznJ6
131Please respect copyright.PENANAb9AtuLlprQ
"Before anything, let's get away from the compound and formulate a plan."131Please respect copyright.PENANAizEpYS0XjG
131Please respect copyright.PENANAHMqR2MZeFj
For once, I heard a little fragility in her voice. Victoria picked Flinty up and hung her on her shoulder. Kim led us to the nearby trees. We walked for about five minutes before Kim stopped us. We settled down, taking off our bags. I turned my head around just to make sure the wolf beast wasn't nearby, and sat down, rubbing my face.131Please respect copyright.PENANALgTu8IvcFK
131Please respect copyright.PENANAb1owsvq0GA
Shit. This was too much. Nothing could've prepared me for this. So many thoughts were racing through my mind– where was the wolf? How do we leave? Was Ng's partner a maniac? How much danger were we in? I couldn't pause to even ponder the questions. My mind was in a numbing haze, and all I could do was stare at the grass as I breathed.131Please respect copyright.PENANAbyPGGTPU74
131Please respect copyright.PENANAarAPjAH26G
"-enny. Kenny. Kenny!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAA7FPLY2bmD
131Please respect copyright.PENANAunhaWFs9tC
"Huh?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAj3GhJDqQKa
131Please respect copyright.PENANAhnWsAvauuD
Kim was calling my name. It brought me back down to Earth.131Please respect copyright.PENANAzzX9glQJLK
131Please respect copyright.PENANAXKobNKF13O
"What is it?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAjlqnIew3Hn
131Please respect copyright.PENANArTTB8WkK3k
"You're the one who has the most firepower out of us. I know what you're thinking, you want to get out of here, don't you?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAqdqu25CgA0
131Please respect copyright.PENANAwlbelGrP0e
"O-Of course. Not just for my sake, but because Flinty shouldn't be here anymore."131Please respect copyright.PENANARcu3DNuIUn
131Please respect copyright.PENANAbJnyynIiCY
Kim nodded. Victoria budged in.131Please respect copyright.PENANAcZCRxGMxJh
131Please respect copyright.PENANArUAi2jPM7G
"I-I agree with Kenny. I thought we were just finding and arresting some crook, but it's a group we're dealing with, a-and the monsters..."131Please respect copyright.PENANAPPf2Fc3hhO
131Please respect copyright.PENANALg4tJAcYna
She stopped talking and looked at the floor, clenching her fist.131Please respect copyright.PENANAYnCDMhlwtb
131Please respect copyright.PENANAZtO2AwHpxw
"I understand your concerns," Kim said, "and I agree, from what we've seen, this is probably too much for Flinty. And Victoria, you're good in hand-to-hand combat, but these monsters are inhuman. They aren't your specialty."131Please respect copyright.PENANA1GIJjqo0IY
131Please respect copyright.PENANAp74bs7bwrV
"Never in my sixteen years did I see something like that," she replied, "I don't even know how to start fighting it."131Please respect copyright.PENANA9ARJF1i4yn
131Please respect copyright.PENANA0OFMy1mF4l
Kim nodded. She sat criss-cross and put a hand to her chin.131Please respect copyright.PENANA15q4jK3J94
131Please respect copyright.PENANAehcrmwuMo3
"I know you two will disagree with this, but I think we should still try an infiltration."131Please respect copyright.PENANAZfHV4bxMXO
131Please respect copyright.PENANAiWgNUff2CJ
"W-What?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAe1dxQBRzVA
131Please respect copyright.PENANAnB3yCcgvCb
"Are you crazy!?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAzk5GZcjZ3w
131Please respect copyright.PENANANw59M03hKP
We both yelled. Victoria continued.131Please respect copyright.PENANAm5vsWDFjjj
131Please respect copyright.PENANAypbF3Vgdoh
"I'm not going inside a foreign building where that giant and god-knows-what else is calling home! I-I mean, even if we do, what are we going to do about Flinty? I'm completely against it, we need to get out of this forest and get reinforcements."131Please respect copyright.PENANA029iNqPEx7
131Please respect copyright.PENANANpasWxMQga
I nodded to her reasoning. The idea was absurd. But Kim immediately started her rebuttal.131Please respect copyright.PENANAjRzuG6JfTP
131Please respect copyright.PENANA7Eqa0iNyk3
"Getting out of this forest might be more dangerous than getting in the building. Whatever that wolf monster was is in the woods, and outside of the compound. Just judging from the destruction, it's a much more difficult threat to handle than Jeremiah."131Please respect copyright.PENANA32b4SSvVn5
131Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4QZXOntjX
God, Kim, why were you calling that thing by its name?131Please respect copyright.PENANA5ExNLhGgNd
131Please respect copyright.PENANAUb2gbLcxKA
"The two men responsible for these creatures are weak themselves. Maybe Ng's partner is a bit more formidable, but considering how rampant the beasts are, he shouldn't be strong enough to sedate them, let alone control them."131Please respect copyright.PENANAcqgaFF3jYf
131Please respect copyright.PENANAaPewKmHs6F
"Are you saying we really have a fighting chance?" I asked.131Please respect copyright.PENANAC24d4ls3tk
131Please respect copyright.PENANArGgjmdfoGH
"I'm saying we have much more than a fighting chance. We could obliterate the compound right now if we use your power, Kenny."131Please respect copyright.PENANAHHJFvULLLq
131Please respect copyright.PENANACKaYB75oNX
"I think you're severely overestimating me. I have nothing in my arsenal that can level a building that sturdy."131Please respect copyright.PENANAaqAowlMhpo
131Please respect copyright.PENANAJoZm4Xcvcj
"Maybe not level it, but you have something that'll encase it, don't you?"131Please respect copyright.PENANA1PuqCYg7Ta
131Please respect copyright.PENANAYNPnEK55wc
I tilted my head in confusion.131Please respect copyright.PENANA8l2EpKH6jT
131Please respect copyright.PENANAMS681FmpAw
"Your ice. I'm sure if you tried, you could cover the whole thing in ice. Alternatively, we can use it to get straight to the third floor, where Ng's partner is supposedly hiding."131Please respect copyright.PENANAsF7LwEbVqx
131Please respect copyright.PENANAKwaKlHD4qB
Nothing about this was sitting right with me.131Please respect copyright.PENANAt9LUM8TL3w
131Please respect copyright.PENANAI6aBx2SECE
"W-Wait, Kim, we don't even know if Ng was telling the truth! For all we know, that whole thing was just an act set up by Ng to get him back in the base!"131Please respect copyright.PENANA2uoIZxgNYx
131Please respect copyright.PENANAfgLu5EV1cF
"Do you really think Ng has any ill will towards us?"131Please respect copyright.PENANA2lDb7L48yL
131Please respect copyright.PENANArNEt7VvJgZ
"Of course I do!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAsR0OoE1v1Y
131Please respect copyright.PENANAQPsyYWVwxu
"You're wrong. When he went down to the shelter, he didn't bring anything with him. No weapon, no potion, no wand, no monster, nothing. Either he's a complete moron or someone who truly felt sorry about what he's done. And I've dealt with enough morons to distinguish the two."131Please respect copyright.PENANAF97spzLsiF
131Please respect copyright.PENANAXvBpSfDEQE
"Y-You... Victoria, back me up here!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAR1lOh2Pn40
131Please respect copyright.PENANANuzcCd1GMe
"Right! Even if Kenny could destroy the building, or get us to the third floor or whatever, what about the monster? You two tried killing it and passed out entirely!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAjG6Mfdv8tr
131Please respect copyright.PENANAQj2wrSAEhm
"But Kenny didn't use his ice. That was because of me, right Kenny? That was because I was in your line of fire."131Please respect copyright.PENANAMb18DeWjxT
131Please respect copyright.PENANAyWigWNhrey
I didn't respond, just averted my eyes.131Please respect copyright.PENANAlRe1MPK0uO
131Please respect copyright.PENANAOlhbu2bxAh
"B-But why don't we just leave the forest, huh!? And what about Flinty?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAdbdfukHMTj
131Please respect copyright.PENANA6epTAxstqE
"If we leave the forest now, then we deal with the wolf, and we risk the chance of more dangerous monsters festering. It's best if we strike now and capture and eliminate what we can. As for Flinty, I believe she's been on my side since the beginning."131Please respect copyright.PENANAWZ2UFSCSJn
131Please respect copyright.PENANATzEcmoiiDG
"Huh?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAJuPK9Ua4Ey
131Please respect copyright.PENANADmMP3vbtUl
I turned my head to her. She was still shaking, and yet, her eyes. Her eyes were the same as before. She raised her head and looked at me. No response, just a singular, stern nod.131Please respect copyright.PENANApkrz8o0pp3
131Please respect copyright.PENANAElcIviBMa8
"Flinty? Are you serious?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAr2kD5Ca7Rc
131Please respect copyright.PENANAXWa0tcePQ4
"I-I know I won't be very helpful, so I'll try to stay out of fighting. But, at the very least, I want to support you all."131Please respect copyright.PENANAeMbnyYcXFF
131Please respect copyright.PENANAWiX95wkEdx
She stood up and slammed her chest a few times.131Please respect copyright.PENANAe95YpTu6bZ
131Please respect copyright.PENANAespId0UiaU
"Leave me in charge of our stuff. I'll defend it, I promise. A-And if anything goes wrong, then I'll just yell really really loudly."131Please respect copyright.PENANACAzKZNIkeC
131Please respect copyright.PENANAAdqC48jmSg
She stopped shaking. Sweat was running down her forehead, but her words were earnest. I couldn't even believe it. Who did this? What happened to Flinty?131Please respect copyright.PENANAuEwjT7pGTy
131Please respect copyright.PENANA1kbmVcoGU7
"B-But, Flinty... what if... what if..."131Please respect copyright.PENANAgxjxpy9zE8
131Please respect copyright.PENANA0RKHZVtC3i
Victoria couldn't voice any rebuttal. Flinty was the final nail in the coffin.131Please respect copyright.PENANAohReEk57iy
131Please respect copyright.PENANA1hLTREWV66
I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. It was Kim.131Please respect copyright.PENANA9YOTjMIHuf
131Please respect copyright.PENANAwSyd8k4OWg
"Kenny, all of this hinges on you. I know you're inexperienced, and I know you're frightened, but success can only be achieved with you. Please."131Please respect copyright.PENANAIKe6Lifycv
131Please respect copyright.PENANA20p7ohxVs6
Adding pressure to this already stressful circumstance wasn't what I needed. All of this hinged on me, huh? Something about that thought brought back ugly memories. Regardless, I nodded.131Please respect copyright.PENANALekAAV5w0T
131Please respect copyright.PENANA1YCrtg96SS
"You and your words... I was right about being suspicious of you."131Please respect copyright.PENANAysGnIfEih5
131Please respect copyright.PENANAZgsdDwCbZf
"I'm sorry. I promise you'll be compensated for your efforts."131Please respect copyright.PENANATeiQastJUs
131Please respect copyright.PENANAjfuL15nE3g
"...With money?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAANQo4Y6MR4
131Please respect copyright.PENANAbhcDRl9bLN
"With money."131Please respect copyright.PENANAxuAUOUewzJ
131Please respect copyright.PENANA0Q6KjqQT8c
"...I can't say no to money."131Please respect copyright.PENANAu4j3MD9A9v
131Please respect copyright.PENANANuTLI88kn4
For a second, I caught a smile from under her cloak. She offered me a hand and helped me stand up.131Please respect copyright.PENANA7TKpHOtRNn
131Please respect copyright.PENANAoURGFQxZtJ
"Then that's settled. What about you, Victoria?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAe1BaenJqmp
131Please respect copyright.PENANAhGT0A4h9Rj
She was still on the floor, giving us a pensive look.131Please respect copyright.PENANAgTQughGOa0
131Please respect copyright.PENANAkvAOFtOfN7
"...If we're doing this, then I'll fight anything that isn't the blob."131Please respect copyright.PENANAbr1OTZWXEm
131Please respect copyright.PENANAKbCN8RvBHV
"Alright. Then Kenny and I will help."131Please respect copyright.PENANAcLXQzK812P
131Please respect copyright.PENANAisfUpbjxFD
Kim helped Victoria to her feet. I felt something touch my back. It was Flinty, she slapped my shoulder.131Please respect copyright.PENANA5Yfqkl41z7
131Please respect copyright.PENANAQrnMY5S6SN
"Let's do our best okay?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAwKwdlwzwsf
131Please respect copyright.PENANAxlMpZ6bVoj
"..."131Please respect copyright.PENANAF1EzULS2G5
131Please respect copyright.PENANAzzURNF4MFN
I still had one more concern.131Please respect copyright.PENANAJz5emYOdCF
131Please respect copyright.PENANAsWm8fCjnKL
"Flinty, if the wolf gets to you while we're inside, what will you do then?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAM731K88I53
131Please respect copyright.PENANASIVYTYpVCG
She averted her gaze.131Please respect copyright.PENANAk74aVItfk9
131Please respect copyright.PENANAWRphTz8xx0
"I'll... if I need to, then I'll use the fireball. I'll use one like the one at Mister Freed's shop."131Please respect copyright.PENANABZBBhgey8c
131Please respect copyright.PENANAVnXRRrcRXq
"I see."131Please respect copyright.PENANAPqN3PVGvSR
131Please respect copyright.PENANAie16NCFyLc
I unbuttoned my coat, took it off, and offered it to her. She looked it with apprehension, awkwardly raising a hand to her mouth.131Please respect copyright.PENANAE31A9gIcMM
131Please respect copyright.PENANAzFAYpNONZY
"K-Kenny? Are you sure?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAhTZjx1Qv1n
131Please respect copyright.PENANA5aWYfsPDcM
"Uh..."131Please respect copyright.PENANAq4Zf6V4iLO
131Please respect copyright.PENANAdIh78l5Jt0
Crap. My cheeks were tinted rose.131Please respect copyright.PENANAF1HTK1SOwZ
131Please respect copyright.PENANAIqVsCUiduC
"I-If you're going to use fire magic, then take this, since it's fire-proof. Cover your head with the hood when you do. I don't think your fireball would be strong enough to blow any limbs away, but I think it's fine if you just lose your legs."131Please respect copyright.PENANAbPOIz16wyM
131Please respect copyright.PENANA1xs0MWbrmM
She nodded and accepted my coat. It was a size too large for her, so a lot of excess cloth covered her legs. Perfect.131Please respect copyright.PENANAM13ydhwNgO
131Please respect copyright.PENANAOMTjgmpcS2
"This is really cozy, no wonder why you always wear it."131Please respect copyright.PENANANWmjphWKOO
131Please respect copyright.PENANAEOSLcz0EAL
"Heh. Anabelle is a good weaver, isn't she?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAmfRDAotIYV
131Please respect copyright.PENANAA9l7hfYA4Y
She nodded. I felt slightly naked now, but I still had long sleeves covering my arms. I would be fine.131Please respect copyright.PENANAAby0CVOLLR
131Please respect copyright.PENANAnjkVqAehSO
"Alright," Kim said, "are we ready to form a plan?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAXvUSE2n8Gk
131Please respect copyright.PENANAGLg0VsrinK
–131Please respect copyright.PENANAKgXZr4UdR5
131Please respect copyright.PENANAWWvo6QJlpd
Stationed behind a tree, on the left side of the compound. I had a clear line of sight on the third floor. There was a large opening before the balcony, likely there due to carelessly leaving the door open. Victoria was behind me and was carrying a healing potion in the breast pocket of her dress. Flinty was ten meters behind us, guarding our supplies as she said she would. I've been in this position for ten minutes. Kim just returned to our position.131Please respect copyright.PENANAonRwPYtNOQ
131Please respect copyright.PENANAEEXo8JdNhe
"How does it look like?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAfQJSdAcz6E
131Please respect copyright.PENANAcgUCZknUYu
"Clear. I heard some ruckus coming from the building. They're likely occupied with whatever that is."131Please respect copyright.PENANAvyj6KL5lt1
131Please respect copyright.PENANAwM4WXeyDBV
Ideal conditions have been met. I took in a breath and released the tendril. A Freeze-Dry bloomed from the tip.
"Are we ready?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAWEj1C6NZwa
131Please respect copyright.PENANAL5CRDIQB4N
"We're ready."131Please respect copyright.PENANAoSA7tNdYwv
131Please respect copyright.PENANAvdDEgmMguU
I never imagined myself taking part in a siege mission. I would make peace with it later.131Please respect copyright.PENANAHMb7W9Kftg
131Please respect copyright.PENANAJpoJgXLrsS
The first order of business: infiltrating the third floor. I carefully started making a ramp of ice but got smacked in the head before it got a meter tall.131Please respect copyright.PENANAgInILaFELD
131Please respect copyright.PENANA8fdNVEh4Vs
"How are we supposed to scale a ramp of ice!?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAWMs8qH9a70
131Please respect copyright.PENANAyeho2YbFJh
She had a good point. I was a bit flustered.131Please respect copyright.PENANAUEgaViSa8t
131Please respect copyright.PENANACcFoKL8pP1
"Then what do you propose I do!?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAzt4ciMt77f
131Please respect copyright.PENANA4aiRtar390
I could see Victoria's brain at work. I racked my mind for a solution.131Please respect copyright.PENANAiTbYfenfmB
131Please respect copyright.PENANA3E20hgqC2r
"Just make little steps," Kim interjected, "and as we hop on them, make the next one bigger."131Please respect copyright.PENANAtjHnIGyq8G
131Please respect copyright.PENANAg5zl58mLSr
Genius! I did just as I was told, and though it took a long time, we eventually made a bloated staircase to the top. We hopped over the balcony. I was ready to rush in but was stopped before walking through the doorway.131Please respect copyright.PENANASG2bdfdRuW
131Please respect copyright.PENANA13c1A9n6l9
"Before we enter, let me inspect how it is inside."131Please respect copyright.PENANA54Fxltri6u
131Please respect copyright.PENANAcDytJixHwD
Kim leaned over the edge. She motioned us to move in and went inside. Of course, I made sure not to be too loud. The room we found ourselves in was spacious. The floor was surprisingly made of wood, and there were a couple of blankets and pillows, but otherwise, the room was empty.131Please respect copyright.PENANATYFeXeTC5U
131Please respect copyright.PENANArCYzSV5Hdd
They slept in conditions like this? They didn't even have a mattress. I almost felt bad.131Please respect copyright.PENANABdtpvRnqtq
131Please respect copyright.PENANAk8bA4uY1Ho
Since the room was clear, our infiltration continued. We found a door and went through it. The room was large and coated in sunlight. One look at the left told us why; up a wide set of steps, a giant oval window was right before a flat surface. Standing beside it were two men. One was kneeling, and the other was standing in front of him. Immediately recognizing who they were, we went low and closed in.131Please respect copyright.PENANAutYEjH0i6F
131Please respect copyright.PENANAEUFNlbYvoj
"Ng, come on. I know you know better."131Please respect copyright.PENANALNmdpHn1Qp
131Please respect copyright.PENANA7fU6WDFyW6
The guy in front of Ng had a raspy voice. He sounded old, and he also sounded like a drunkard, but that was neither here nor there.131Please respect copyright.PENANA39y9Wv4beh
131Please respect copyright.PENANAsA3BQnYJ6p
"Y-Yeah. I know."131Please respect copyright.PENANAB6l8pgKOCj
131Please respect copyright.PENANAjsvckXb41a
I was in range. I stuck my hand out and began expelling mana. A stone formed in front of my palm. I aimed it at the head of the guy.131Please respect copyright.PENANA7P2LfmMkZp
131Please respect copyright.PENANATrzEVPBEqW
"Then why did you let the prisoners out? We can't have our location disclosed to–"131Please respect copyright.PENANAzIMPY6xrrQ
131Please respect copyright.PENANAZUtfQhtKqz
**SHATTER**131Please respect copyright.PENANAQO1IFkALyQ
131Please respect copyright.PENANAOHtAtxn046
I fired the stone. I made sure to put enough power to where it wouldn't kill the man, but at least incapacitate him.131Please respect copyright.PENANAlVWWcwv4Ic
131Please respect copyright.PENANA124Jh1KQTM
I missed and hit the window, shattering it completely.131Please respect copyright.PENANAZCgXR0UCAx
131Please respect copyright.PENANAgYPxKSNMH0
Ng and the man turned to us. I didn't have anything to say, I simply returned eye contact.131Please respect copyright.PENANAcr3q390cnd
131Please respect copyright.PENANAuKGKeUEO5W
"Now!"131Please respect copyright.PENANABzZaca3oHM
131Please respect copyright.PENANAYkwH8wvwbZ
Kim and Victoria rushed ahead. The two men didn't fight back, they started running away. I knew Ng was in on this!131Please respect copyright.PENANAXYwfKGqG0j
131Please respect copyright.PENANAbQr7gJHLyj
The two of them were racing down a wide staircase. Kim stopped at the top, took a wand out, and began creating fireballs while Victoria kept rushing at them. I followed Victoria, creating another stone bullet to fire as we made it to the second floor. Kim reached it and fired her fireball, but The two men split up and entered opposite doors. Victoria followed the man, but I was stuck at the crossroads. Kim stopped right before me.131Please respect copyright.PENANAOGQQcQelLV
131Please respect copyright.PENANAsspzKpDwnv
"What are you waiting for?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAAnbojNcPOi
131Please respect copyright.PENANAvXQV4073zY
"I still don't trust Ng."131Please respect copyright.PENANAp4Ubx7FuFI
131Please respect copyright.PENANAs7I6qmiFsw
"Fine, then go after him!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAKrzqtVesuI
131Please respect copyright.PENANAGTdQvislPH
I nodded and rushed through the other door. I saw another set of stairs and Ng was already making his way down them.131Please respect copyright.PENANABjshnDat06
131Please respect copyright.PENANAC1AUmxUPR2
"Stop moving!" I yelled. He didn't comply. I ran down the stairs myself. Now on the first floor, Ng was running to the front door. I shot my bullet before he made it. I missed it again, but when he noticed it whizzing by him, he stopped in his tracks and turned to me.131Please respect copyright.PENANAN2mSmYHbbG
131Please respect copyright.PENANAeFoYtym4su
"O-Okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Just don't hurt me!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAM9T6wgypt4
131Please respect copyright.PENANAOMZdgRQNdJ
He was already down on the ground with his head glued to the floor. I rushed towards him. Ng was... crying?131Please respect copyright.PENANAG4YWMjZ12v
131Please respect copyright.PENANAsyjrI2Tfh4
"Are you seriously crying?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAybsPOr9VN9
131Please respect copyright.PENANAsBA9oJewV2
"Huh?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAx8CjTRU2D2
131Please respect copyright.PENANAzxajKhAKnf
He tilted his head up to me.131Please respect copyright.PENANA0U0bSCUcQc
131Please respect copyright.PENANAMBgYAc6TFC
"N-No, I'm not crying. Aren't you going to kill me?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAcGF6wHKlQQ
131Please respect copyright.PENANAkrH9LS16Is
"K-Kill? I wouldn't go that far... Geez, get up already."131Please respect copyright.PENANAttLeQYyIoh
131Please respect copyright.PENANAOphtEA7df1
He did as he was told. He had a look of sincere confusion on his face. I didn't let that fool me, though.131Please respect copyright.PENANAHG0J0gUkfX
131Please respect copyright.PENANA2Kw90Uwoha
"You, are you really on our side?"131Please respect copyright.PENANATpNhCQDRUf
131Please respect copyright.PENANAGfdX8z6twj
"Of course I am! If my words aren't enough, then I'll happily take an official oath!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAsa5XpNQzVj
131Please respect copyright.PENANAypMtnLotvz
"Nobody's here to witness it, you moron! Nevermind this, just take me to your teammate already!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAOaSajRjuu1
131Please respect copyright.PENANAmNlCWXNWS0
"Yes sir!"
Ng took me back up the stairs. Before entering the main room on the second floor, Ng nudged the door open and scanned the room.
"What are you being so careful for? I thought you could control the beasts."
"Control? Oh no, I can't control them at all. It would be better to say that I just make suggestions."
I nodded. Apparently, the coast was clear, so we entered the room. We were walking to the opposite door until it suddenly flung open.
"Ha! Ah, Kenny, so you caught that guy too!"
Carrying the man on the side of her stomach was Victoria. The man looked to be on the brink of unconsciousness, but when he saw Ng, his whole demeanor shifted.
"Huh? Ng, what are you doing!?"
"...I'm sorry, Panz, but I can't keep going like this. Especially when unrelated people are getting caught up in this mess."
"Unrelated!? But they're from the Zariel kingdom! They're all– ack!"
Victoria struck Panz in the neck, and his rant was over. Kim appeared from behind Victoria.
"I'm sorry, but if children are involved, then we've gone too far."
Ng crossed his arms and blew through his nose. Despite his awkward bowl cut, he looked cool. I need to say something like that in the future.
"So, is that it?" Victoria asked.
"Let's leave quickly," Kim said. I nodded at her suggestion. We walked up the stairs. Before returning to the first room we infiltrated, I spared a glance at the window I broke. I didn't think my accuracy was that bad. I blamed it on the pressure of the situation and gave myself a satisfied nod.
"What are you doing, Kenny?"
"Sorry, I was just thinking."131Please respect copyright.PENANAqaOpPalcNB
131Please respect copyright.PENANAo7MnZ4l5Zj
I rushed back to the others. We all stood before the door, but only Kim moved to open it. That is, until Ng put a hand on her shoulder.131Please respect copyright.PENANAhafdJmn6jw
131Please respect copyright.PENANASYccWXrDBP
"Miss... I advise you to not open that door. It's best if we step away."131Please respect copyright.PENANAjFAA0duDtU
131Please respect copyright.PENANAXJv3OKTGyR
No questions were asked. I felt as if we all knew what he meant by that. Suddenly, a giant thud resounded from behind the door.131Please respect copyright.PENANA3ygYERHe0s
131Please respect copyright.PENANAnUAR1jaxxA
"Panz! You, what do you think you're doing!?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAa6dJZleDry
131Please respect copyright.PENANAfqVYtkNkot
Panz, who was apparently still awake, feebly lifted his head and cackled.131Please respect copyright.PENANA0wnRFCJypv
131Please respect copyright.PENANACjziVCADJ4
"As if I'd let you betray me like this so easily! I'll make you pay, Ng– ack!"131Please respect copyright.PENANABPl87kY3OJ
131Please respect copyright.PENANAntQtfEh4Gb
Panz was struck again, and it looked like he was finally out cold. With him out of the picture, I eyed the door as the thuds shook the building.131Please respect copyright.PENANAwtuScbGanu
131Please respect copyright.PENANA69Bw9BZYrm
There was a pause. It wasn't silent though; there was foul snarling on the other side of the wall. I tightened my fist and grew a Sunlight-Blossom and loaded a seed.131Please respect copyright.PENANAUYO0UXnIk8
131Please respect copyright.PENANAtJzOj2tOhE
And then, suddenly–131Please respect copyright.PENANAyvkvYHeOfa
131Please respect copyright.PENANALFFRgA8UWb
**SMASH**131Please respect copyright.PENANAicUO9IJo9G
131Please respect copyright.PENANAScFvuuQHI0
A beast nearly twice my height burst through the wall with an overgrown leg. The creature, of gray fur, had a head in the shape of a deer skull.131Please respect copyright.PENANAxAwJgaCkGB
131Please respect copyright.PENANAnWLMiiJrzA
By all accounts, it was a demon. Immediately, I shot the sunlight blossom at the creature's head. Half of its face was blown away but the screeching didn't stop. The creature stomped the ground with its oversized legs, and I noticed a crack forming in the stone floor.131Please respect copyright.PENANALax1chPGve
131Please respect copyright.PENANAVsJecVPIqK
"Crap! Everyone, be careful!"131Please respect copyright.PENANA1FW8zBNHHn
131Please respect copyright.PENANAZQjvw7LPFg
Kim rushed in and started slicing at the beast. As formidable as its size was it was sluggish, and Kim had exceptional agility. She cut its chest, and the beast swung its arm and missed. And then Kim cut its arm, not quite decapitating it, but inflicting a wound severe enough to where the beast had to console it. And then Kim tried striking at its left leg. Her sword shattered immediately.131Please respect copyright.PENANAScLFolvVqw
131Please respect copyright.PENANAlfilMGuQf9
"H-Huh?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAOzCftE6Mny
131Please respect copyright.PENANA96wGKi7wCA
The beast lifted its leg and tried kicking Kim away. She narrowly avoided the strike. As the beast was about to follow up I struck it with another Sunlight-Blossom seed. I loped its left arm off and eviscerated its shoulder. The beast wailed and struck the floors again. At this rate, the third floor would break apart entirely. Kim noticed this too.131Please respect copyright.PENANAiob2sx9prK
131Please respect copyright.PENANAjOj1DpX2Lr
"Victoria! Kenny! Ng! Head to the second floor!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAiATEXGDLwH
131Please respect copyright.PENANAvVNFd2XMpm
We did just that. The beast kept rampaging, and as we made it to the second floor, we heard the sound of the floor giving way. Since the second floor wasn't aligned with the third, the beast didn't fall to us. I quickly ascended the steps to access the beast. He was stuck in a roofless concrete box. The beast looked up, and we made eye contact. I shot another Sunlight-Blossom seed at it but he lifted his leg and blocked the bullet entirely. And then, he crouched. I knew immediately what was going to happen.131Please respect copyright.PENANA0ZQllK4CEc
131Please respect copyright.PENANA88Fg6tiAAm
I began to run down the stairs. I felt the beast leap from behind, and the place he landed was just a foot away from where I was. I tumbled down the steps and landed awkwardly– I might have sprained my ankle. I looked up at the beast and Kim had begun flinging fireballs at it. I loaded another seed and began accumulating power.131Please respect copyright.PENANAylOl2ZqbrC
131Please respect copyright.PENANAxskE97gaOj
"Ng!" I yelled, "Can't you control that thing!?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAf9piZz0hWS
131Please respect copyright.PENANAhElg3jrGlM
"No! I am unable to resummon the creatures Panz has created, I can only do ones I have!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAlhbA8oPuS5
131Please respect copyright.PENANANVJ61RB1jW
"Like what!?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAaLfZ5lxE32
131Please respect copyright.PENANAgCkU335vMN
"They died last night!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAoHv1a8yVRr
131Please respect copyright.PENANABnDGOjQLy6
Oh. I knew what he was talking about. This situation was growing dire. The beast slowly descended the steps, seemingly unbothered by the barrage of fire. I shot another seed at it and claimed its left arm Crap, I missed the nick. The beast wailed yet again and jumped in place, destroying the staircase instantly. Our escape route was now blocked off.131Please respect copyright.PENANA2B3cGGrfvm
131Please respect copyright.PENANAprXhc3tWo3
Wait, escape route, of course!131Please respect copyright.PENANAPnteRJkX9c
131Please respect copyright.PENANAuQNvEFKcbt
I produced a Freeze-Dry from my tendril and began mana spinning. The beast was keeping still from the constant attacks. I let immediately let out as much ice as I could. In a flash, half of the entire second floor was covered in ice, and the beast was immobilized.131Please respect copyright.PENANAXWLm0FwRqQ
131Please respect copyright.PENANAQDTVQwMbhu
"...Did I do it?"131Please respect copyright.PENANATduGOrsLLM
131Please respect copyright.PENANA5YVbUKcGho
Kim stopped hurling fireballs. The beast stopped moving. Being covered in ice like that shouldn't have killed it. Considering the girth of its legs, it should be able to break out easily. I remained vigilant and eyed the frozen beast, but a nudge from my right broke my focus. It was Victoria.131Please respect copyright.PENANAvbIzeHXeQw
131Please respect copyright.PENANA4ofYicpAnB
"H-Huh?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAtz0WpuhahN
131Please respect copyright.PENANA3wxdw066Ls
She offered me her healing potion.131Please respect copyright.PENANAJcWlysqF0S
131Please respect copyright.PENANAaddHOQfgVd
"Here. For your foot."131Please respect copyright.PENANAjAflhYe7t5
131Please respect copyright.PENANAsZpammG7PE
"A-Ah, thank you."131Please respect copyright.PENANAMvRIcFlwLo
131Please respect copyright.PENANA4k1E7uIRg9
I took the glass and gulped it down. It was the most effective intake for injuries like sprains, though the taste admittedly made me want to vomit.131Please respect copyright.PENANAbB4TPqVBwr
131Please respect copyright.PENANAFZi7CDw7IU
"Haaa, ugh."131Please respect copyright.PENANAr8W2dpKe6B
131Please respect copyright.PENANAK1p5uN0ciI
I stood up with help from Victoria.131Please respect copyright.PENANAt5a4iUrAgW
131Please respect copyright.PENANA2aO3eoKNTM
"Sorry. I didn't do anything."131Please respect copyright.PENANA4tx7pZ3EKN
131Please respect copyright.PENANABCxSOrQ0OQ
"Please, don't be. Even I don't feel like I did much."131Please respect copyright.PENANADtrWFca6U7
131Please respect copyright.PENANAf6kS9yXSxC
"Haha, you're too humble, Kenny."131Please respect copyright.PENANAddn0p8cvah
131Please respect copyright.PENANAX2LH8LJlup
She was noticeably shaken. Still, she held onto the unconscious Panz like it was nothing. I was beginning to relax.131Please respect copyright.PENANAcXsaqxeBFZ
131Please respect copyright.PENANAsynurFWpNh
"Don't let your guard down yet."131Please respect copyright.PENANAkhNo3iK1Uy
131Please respect copyright.PENANAMGGVoaPEgD
I looked at Kim who was pointing a large ball of fire at the beast. Looking at the encased monster, I noticed it fidgeting.131Please respect copyright.PENANACFUXwL8S8K
131Please respect copyright.PENANAbAxpdfSB8c
"Crap. Crap!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAjQ6r9fnou3
131Please respect copyright.PENANAAF7BDlDLdq
The Freeze-Dry was a dud. With the Sunlight-Blossom and Freeze-Dry already used, I switched to the last combat plant I had in my arsenal; Dragon-Maw Jr.131Please respect copyright.PENANAIfzoxqCBD2
131Please respect copyright.PENANAnTJJZEySRg
I didn't wait for the beast to unfreeze. I ran closer and extended my tendril. Dragon-Maw Jr. snapped at the thing's head, but it was too big for him to encompass it. Still, Dragon-Maw Jr. was able to tear off a chunk of the beast's face. The instant he did so, the beast broke out of the ice and screeched. The yell made my ears ring. Dragon-Maw Jr. Bit at its chest and tore off a sizeable chunk from there. The beast, at a speed I didn't think was possible, kicked at Dragon-Maw Jr. A portion of my tendril soared across the room and collided with the wall.131Please respect copyright.PENANA0gGFuNb9Ty
131Please respect copyright.PENANAMhaeMLh3O6
Even though it was separated from my body, I felt a sudden sting coarse throughout all of it. The tendril retracted immediately and I fell to the ground.131Please respect copyright.PENANAI0lfKbrW8G
131Please respect copyright.PENANA95be6LFzwz
"K-Kenny!? Shit!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAAALNXYz47b
131Please respect copyright.PENANABjVr6SynVH
Victoria grabbed me by the shirt and hung me over her shoulder. She yelled at Kim, though I struggled to decipher it. My vision was fading in and out.131Please respect copyright.PENANAmkHi6brqQv
131Please respect copyright.PENANANMxilM7KfU
This pain... it was like my own arm was ripped off. I was more shocked than anything. I let out a weak laugh. I had no idea the tendril was this intertwined with my nerves. I felt a liquid permeate my shirt. I reached into it. It was coming from my chest. When I looked at my hand, I didn't see blood as I thought I would, but a deep purple.131Please respect copyright.PENANAJlBBqzzrm1
131Please respect copyright.PENANASRiH8jgU6Q
A sinister curiosity crept within me. It was awfully nostalgic.131Please respect copyright.PENANA5Pjm3Whr4c
131Please respect copyright.PENANAiD0ZGEfU2Y
"Kenny! Kenny, are you awake!?"131Please respect copyright.PENANARe6ZJlo5Xj
131Please respect copyright.PENANAyrg2AZs2Kv
"Huh? Y-Yes!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAJJFsudaNAu
131Please respect copyright.PENANAkyuirDJOPe
"If you can, support Kim!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAYdZSh1tt55
131Please respect copyright.PENANAxHRlfJl0F7
Victoria dropped me on the ground. I grunted but regained my focus as I saw Kim. She was in an inelegant dance with the beast, dishing blows while narrowly avoiding receiving any, and each subsequent counter-strike from the beast only grew closer and closer to hitting her. I could tell that she couldn't keep up. I began to form a rock in front of me, then made it bigger, and bigger, and then thinned it and turned it into a spear.131Please respect copyright.PENANAhMYPnDdCax
131Please respect copyright.PENANAKHWitJVaQQ
"W-Woah..."131Please respect copyright.PENANAYyNFdKYwH0
131Please respect copyright.PENANAo4VDd9nnda
I spun the spear. I could swear I saw smoke emerge from the tip. I didn't think anything of it.131Please respect copyright.PENANAODQoCru9YM
131Please respect copyright.PENANAXm1h7yDwrs
"KIM!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAXB3MEzNFw4
131Please respect copyright.PENANA51FW6mFV78
"Right!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAX5wtgaVe42
131Please respect copyright.PENANAWntTsCyG9V
She backed off. The beast was entirely by itself. At this rate, I didn't care about being accurate, because I knew it would be obliterated the moment I hit it.131Please respect copyright.PENANA2JnievFoqO
131Please respect copyright.PENANA4mBa5YDGRd
And so, I released the spear.131Please respect copyright.PENANA15JBMRFZ3y
131Please respect copyright.PENANAyJ4eX7BPvk
**SMASH**131Please respect copyright.PENANAbJHYt5b1J5
131Please respect copyright.PENANAJMYLjer0te
The spear traversed the room in a blink of an eye. I struck it square in the chest. A hole formed in its chest, and it grew to such a size that anything from the shoulders up separated from the rest of the body. Then, the wall behind the beast was torn down, almost as if it was blown up.131Please respect copyright.PENANAA4vteSCgjc
131Please respect copyright.PENANAa9usO3NpMo
Needless to say, the beast was slain. It faded away a second after. Right, it was made of mana, wasn't it?131Please respect copyright.PENANAbkjvTiegp5
131Please respect copyright.PENANAclMx8HyRKs
"...Good job, Kenny," Victoria muttered. Kim ran towards me. I was still wincing, and that purple goop was still being expunged from my chest.131Please respect copyright.PENANAkpQY7DW9om
131Please respect copyright.PENANANb72rJy2W7
"Kenny, out of curiosity, what is your earth magic grade?"131Please respect copyright.PENANAsPpUA9yUIb
131Please respect copyright.PENANAOhZne37eAx
Was now seriously the time to answer such a question? She sounded giddy asking me, so I decided to humor her.131Please respect copyright.PENANALYXpLZ8mhT
131Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4wyNbrwMz
"...Three. But, as I've learned today, my accuracy probably lowers it."131Please respect copyright.PENANARwYVkFXF4w
131Please respect copyright.PENANABj19c9h1GP
"No, what you just did was incredible."131Please respect copyright.PENANA57nBbrY2dS
131Please respect copyright.PENANApzE7rds7dr
"Okay, fine, thank you, geez."131Please respect copyright.PENANA1aSlvllYBa
131Please respect copyright.PENANAo5L9161Mx5
I averted my eyes in a pout. Using the tendril for so long, abusing the Freeze-Dry so, and then creating such a powerful earth spear almost drained my supply. At least we were–131Please respect copyright.PENANAVMZ7kWDEdt
131Please respect copyright.PENANAxAZh0GwVFe
"I'm afraid that wasn't the last of them," Ng said.131Please respect copyright.PENANAUjyDDXrLJ3
131Please respect copyright.PENANAl4UwAB7GHr
"Huh? Are you serious!?" Victoria yelled.131Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5Gwr1KnAi
131Please respect copyright.PENANArkdeO0rHoz
"Unfortunately."131Please respect copyright.PENANAAGwvadn9Zz
131Please respect copyright.PENANAqr0dqFLAKD
I shouldn't have been surprised. But, what did surprise me was the speed at which the next monster struck. Instantly after Ng's utterance, a putrid hand burst through the floor. It slammed its palm on the floor, and it just so happened to hit Kim. The arm wrapped its fingers around her and retracted back into the ground.131Please respect copyright.PENANAbyD22Qfn3a
131Please respect copyright.PENANA8MMQPlz1o0
"Kim!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAvlDUsknn1H
131Please respect copyright.PENANA3iLdn7oBj1
Victoria dropped Panz and rushed to the hole, but backed away once she looked inside. The arm returned and tried to grab her. I released my tendril and smacked at it. Somehow, it was enough to ward it off.131Please respect copyright.PENANA8Xog0ei6kM
131Please respect copyright.PENANADFF7ZbAtQL
The tendril was bleeding purple.131Please respect copyright.PENANArzn8ejuwYz
131Please respect copyright.PENANA3OwSa6NXjg
"Kim! Ah, Kenny, we need to–131Please respect copyright.PENANAEzz5AzfX4k
131Please respect copyright.PENANAPPWVeZiwJk
**SMASH**131Please respect copyright.PENANAvf9Xjrxdkm
131Please respect copyright.PENANAi846TCTKT5
The hand created another hole, and this time it slammed the ground right beside me. I thought I was lucky to narrowly escape it, but really, it was just grabbing onto Panz.131Please respect copyright.PENANALRcJxaosfQ
131Please respect copyright.PENANAwTg0yvpC6y
"It's Jeremiah! Kenny, you need to–"131Please respect copyright.PENANApcwaJYMczV
131Please respect copyright.PENANAvZQbidNq2w
I looked Ng in the eyes. He stopped talking. I still couldn't stand. I could hardly form a spell. I could hardly even keep myself awake. I couldn't even keep the tendril out before I succumbed to an oppressive pain.131Please respect copyright.PENANAtcm4VaA38R
131Please respect copyright.PENANAM0SPqdgLwf
If I had to guess, Ng could make all of that out from my gaze alone. He grabbed a hold of me. I coughed out some of the purple goop. Victoria was standing around, dazed and lost.131Please respect copyright.PENANAOqwMop1KR6
131Please respect copyright.PENANA1fEsfucCKp
"Victoria!" Ng yelled, "We need to escape! We can't fight Jeremiah now!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAu3bFydid6E
131Please respect copyright.PENANAG62nt0XZ6Q
Victoria didn't fight. She spared one look at me and nodded. The stairs leading up were broken, so we had to leave by another means.131Please respect copyright.PENANANITVsWcPpF
131Please respect copyright.PENANAUsk2BBtXfc
Ng carried me to the room from before. We ran down the stairs. Jeremiah was there with two human-sized arms gripping Kim and Panz respectively. It had no eyes, but I could tell it was looking at us.131Please respect copyright.PENANAy5sRh5NI8c
131Please respect copyright.PENANA0yz5ux90GH
"...Ngh."131Please respect copyright.PENANA5xuVfdrCCR
131Please respect copyright.PENANAiY6utmchz5
It was moving at us. With the last of my mana, I created a ball of fire. It was hardly anything, but I shot it anyway. It was enough to stop the monster in its tracks. Victoria busted down the front door. We ran across the field. Jeremiah slid a few meters out of the entrance but then receded into the compound. Ng and Victoria stopped running. They were panting profusely.131Please respect copyright.PENANADyDSv1iSNz
131Please respect copyright.PENANA9FrfokeVuQ
"Haaa, haaa, shit, shit! Shit!"131Please respect copyright.PENANAk2S4DIy7au
131Please respect copyright.PENANAECIL2OPOsz
I knew how she felt, that Victoria. I couldn't focus at all, though. I had too many afflictions, I had too much fatigue, it was overbearing, everything was overbearing. I almost began to cry.131Please respect copyright.PENANAzUXsiJzPfJ
131Please respect copyright.PENANAGfW2euj9N6
But, through the stormy mess that was in my mind, one thought came to the forefront.131Please respect copyright.PENANAK8n2wSZwp2
131Please respect copyright.PENANAHsyaZRIdyv
The infiltration was a failure. Our ally was compromised. I failed completely.131Please respect copyright.PENANASWCVhDt1Qd
131Please respect copyright.PENANAAKbhXtsxa5
I felt like I was going to die.