The Communication Pillars: A group of three buildings, serving as the cornerstones of Kommunikatsya. Each building was relegated to a specific purpose. There was one for domestic, foreign, and business communication, respectively. Considering the nature of our mission, Rover and I were naturally heading towards the Foreign Pillar, which just so happened to be the furthest away from us, on the opposite side of the city where the stables were.
I didn't curse my luck. In fact, I relished in the noisy, yet calming stroll such distance provided me. Even Rover seemed to have eased up, her face returning to her neutral– and thus, joyful –expression.
But, as tranquil as our stroll was, deep inside me was an anxiety in the form of a knot, one I couldn't untangle no matter how hard I tried. Even after Rover's inspiring words, I still couldn't help but worry about the unaccounted factor; that thing that's resting in the city, festering like a nest of wasps until it bursts and causes everyone grief. Though, from the way I felt, calling it a nest of wasps was too kind.
I chomped on my finger. It eased the tension in my body, it made me feel secure. In a moment of clarity, I realized how correct Flinty was.
This was a bad habit I needed to quit.
"Hey, what are you bleeding for?"
"You phrase things in the worst way possible. Don't mind it, alright?"
She raised an eyebrow far more inquisitively than I've ever seen.
"Bleeding out of nowhere is pretty bad, you shouldn't be so stubborn."
"You... it wasn't out of nowhere. I just bit on my finger too hard."
"Eh? What are you biting on your finger for?"
Truly, I held no good response to this question. Simply avoiding it would just make her ask me harder, and that would do a number on my patience and mood.
"It's a good nerve-killer."
"Blah, a good one? You're just hurting yourself! I'm sure a pint of beer will help you more."
She looked taken back as I snorted at her sentence.
"What!? Are you making fun of me!?"
"I'm not drinking age anyway, and neither are you."
"Hmph! I knew that!"
I kept walking while occasionally chuckling to myself, indifferent to her brash attitude. I didn't bother to question how such a tragic misunderstanding befell her—not knowing made it all the funnier.
"Well, at least you look better now."
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
She turned her gaze to me and stuck her tongue out, continuing to walk like normal after the quaint gesture.
"Wait... was that an intentional joke?"
The prospect was ridiculous, yet I couldn't dismiss it. And then, I started to believe it, and I became dumbfounded.
The title of "Pillar" grew more and more appropriate as Rover and I crept to the tower. In many aspects, simply calling it that would've suited it better.
The street around the Pillar didn't move. Rather, it was cramped and stagnant. An entourage of transporters and lettermen alike were waiting outside Pillar's base. The crowd was thick, but not suffocating, making the task of weaving through them perfectly manageable.
Aside from one tiny factor–
"Excuse me! Outta the way!"
Rover put no effort into botherlessly moving through the crowd. She walked in a straight line that I bashfully followed, apologizing to everyone who she budged.
We made it to the front with a surprising lack of resistance. There was a myriad of space between the rim of the crowd and the entrance of the pillar. There was a single guard there behind a haphazard railing that went up to my chest, inspecting those who wished to enter. Before we butted into the front, he turned away a duo of people, much to their dismay.
"That guy looks uncooperative," I muttered.
"So what? You have the note, right? It shouldn't be a problem."
"I suppose..."
However, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go awry, and I still needed to reprimand Rover for her inconsiderate behavior. Nevertheless, we were already at our destination, so I took the letter out of my pocket, unfolded it, and showed it to the guard.
"...What is this?"
Rover and I quickly exchanged looks. She nodded at me and I took initiative.
"It's a letter with King Zariel's name, detailing our reason for being here. I heard from a little birdy that this matter is urgent enough for access to the Pillar, despite the sudden security increase."
The guard began to read the letter. His eyes darted across the page but his expressions remained stern, causing me to gulp. His eyes stopped at the bottom of the page and stayed there. They stayed there for far too long, and then, he looked up from the page and at me.
"...By all accounts, this signature looks legitimate. I doubt that a couple of kids could forge something this complicated."
I felt relieved but also a tad offended that his mind immediately went to forgery.
"However, it's because you're a couple of kids that I can't let you inside."
"What!? Are you kidding me!?"
A fuse blew right behind me. Rover stomped and bared her teeth, staring sharpened daggers into the guard's eyes. The guard, however, looked entirely unfazed.
"If you two can bring somebody who... is more likely to deliver the package, then I shall let you pass."
"But you read the note! We're legitimate and you know it!"
The guard's expression became pensive and, frankly, sad. I could tell that he wasn't doing this out of spite or some other petty intention, but because it was simply part of his job.
Because of that–
"Hey, Rover, drop it."
I tugged at her sleeve and she turned her infuriated gaze in my direction. I almost winced when I saw it, but her mein relaxed quickly.
"Are you serious? Why aren't you mad at him? This is so stupid!"
"It's not worth getting mad over. It's stupid, I agree, but if we make a scene then it'll only cause problems."
I tried to drag her away, but her feet wouldn't budge, and I obviously lacked the strength. I was more than prepared to pull out my tendril and wrap it around her, as useless as doing it would likely be. However, it didn't look like I would have to do either.
"Let me ask him one thing before we go."
I raised my brow at that, but I didn't see any inherent issue with it.
"Alright. It's not like I'll be able to stop you anyway."
"Heh, you get it."
She walked up to the guard, took the package out of her bag, and showed it to the guard.
"When we do go in there, how do we get this delivered?"
"...Considering the potential contents, I'd entrust it with the Pillar's Dean. He would be the most trustworthy and reliable person to hand it to."
"I see. And where is the Dean?"
"...He is stationed at the uppermost floor. Flash the letter at any of the faculty, and they'll lead you there."
"You're saying all this shit, but you're still not letting us go?"
Rover's voice dropped a tone. Suddenly, the atmosphere turned dense. I had a terrible premonition and was prepared to act on it. I began mana expulsion, but–
"Yes. Now, are we done? There are others in line."
Nothing happened. I stood there, shell-shocked and motionless as Rover grabbed my arm and pulled me away. The guard disappeared as a flurry of people entered my vision.
After I processed the situation, I could only sigh in relief.
"Rover, stop here."
"Huh? Why?"
"I need to talk to you."
She stopped walking and let go of my arm. I rubbed it before continuing.
"We're not turning back," I declared, "Our abode is too far away. The longer this package is in our possession, the closer we are to facing danger. It's as you said."
Rover widened her eyes, confusing me.
"A-Ah, well, nothing. I'm on the same page here. Thanks for restraining me, by the way, I was close to socking that idiot."
A sweat bead ran down my brow. My interruption was done purely on impulse. I thanked my former self for that.
"Do you have any ideas?" I asked.
"...We could beat the guy up and jump the fence."
"That's a terrible idea! We'll just look like the people they're watching out for in the first place!"
"That's a good point, I didn't think of that."
I didn't want to admit that I just came up with it as well. But, indeed, it was a good point.
"So should we just jump the fence?"
"...Yeah, we should."
"Eh? You agreed with me?"
I crossed my arms and slowly nodded, much to Rover's astonishment.
"What's so surprising about that?"
"Well, the guard will probably stop us. If we wanna jump the fence then we gotta do something about him, right?"
"No, we don't."
Her astonishment only grew in volume. It was then that I realized that River likely didn't pick up on the hints.
"You saw his face the whole time he talked with us, right? He looked like any more pressure would've been enough for him to let us go."
"...I don't get it. He just looked like a prissy, overly proper jackass."
"That he did, but, well, what I'm trying to say is that I don't think he'll stop us if we just try to barge in."
Rover crossed her arms and stared deep into the crowd, pointing her eyes toward the fence.
"That sounds really stupid, but I get what you're saying."
"Phew. We should come up with a contingency plan just in case I'm wrong, though."
"It means backup."
She released a lengthy "ah," leaving me to ruminate and devise a strategy. I looked at the situation at hand, accounting for all factors present. The crowd was thick and irritated, so if we brazenly jumped over the fence, it would cause a scene. There was no guarantee that the guard would cover for us, and honestly, no guarantee that he wouldn't break into pursuit. Outwardly fighting the guard would cause an outrage, or worse, for us to be criminalized. There was also the possibility of knocking the guard out secretly, but that relied on his aloofness. Fortunately, his exhausted tone and constant bickering with upcoming citizens likely meant his attention was hazy.
"...Then again, if he randomly gets knocked out, the crowd will freak out in that situation, too."
"I think I have an idea."
Rover suddenly spoke, muttering something shocking.
"Huh? Really?"
"...Nevermind, it's dumb."
"You might as well tell me. I'm short on ideas myself."
"Fine. I thought that... maybe I could offer a formal challenge and get him to admit us in that way."
In no universe did I expect such a proposal. It wasn't just absurd, but I was confident it would only lead to a disastrous ruckus. However, I wasn't so foolish as to immediately dismiss it.
"What do you mean, formal challenge?"
A smirk found itself on her face. She raised a finger.
"Come on, I thought you'd at least know that! In the realm of combatants, they call it... a duelle."
"...I think you mean a duel."
In an instant, the smirk was washed off her face.
"H-Huh? Isn't that what I said?"
"From whom did you learn your pronunciation? You're making me appreciate my education more by the second."
"Who cares about that? What do you think of the idea?"
"Well... I don't know the culture behind duels. Do you earnestly believe it'll work?"
She slammed a fist against her chest.
"Of course! If he's as spineless as you said he was, then he'll have no choice but to accept. I'm more than sure that I'll win, too."
"I never called him spineless... I see what you mean, though."
She nodded sternly, and I shrugged. We walked back to the front of the ground, far less obnoxiously than before.
"Besides," Rover started.
"I've been itching to punch his face. If that guy thinks we're just a couple of brats, then I'll only have to prove him wrong, right?"
To my unpleasant surprise, Rover's plan had succeeded. Rather, so far, the first part had. I didn't expect it to go swimmingly, but even with my expectations low, I despised the outcome.
"Here's the deal," Rover had said, "I challenge you to a duel. If I kick your ass, then you'll let us pass. And if you win, then we'll comply with your commands."
"...This deal does not benefit me in any way."
"U-Uh, yeah it does! I'm here to prove my strength to you so you know how wrong you were! I'm being lawful about it, aren't I?"
"...I understand your frustrations. But, please, for your sake, provide a reason."
"...Crap. Kenny! Help me out!"
She frantically swung her gaze my way, putting me in a tremendous amount of sudden pressure.
"What am I supposed to– never mind. Alright, Mr. Guard... if you win, then you'll have a clear conscience."
"...A clear conscience?"
"Right. You won't feel bad about turning us down off some orders, even though we really should be passing through."
"...You're misunderstanding a few things. But, you've convinced me. I accept the challenge."
"Alright!" Rover yelled, pumping her fist, "Kenny, you be the referee!"
"W-What!? I don't know the first thing about being a referee!"
That complaint didn't help my situation. Without my consent, I was appointed referee of the match between Rover and the stoic blonde guard. Their weapons were sheathed. Rover and the guard stood about a dozen feet apart from each other in the empty ground before the Pillar's entrance. Despite being a referee, I was still behind the fence along with the rest of the crowd. The crowd itself, however, had thinned considerably. Those who left likely thought the wait to not be worthwhile, while those who stayed probably just wanted to watch the fight.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested as well.
"So, what's the winning condition? Until someone says they give up?"
"...No. When one of us loses all weapons, then the other wins."
"Huh? Ah, giving yourself a handicap?"
The guard smiled. It was an expression that fit his face surprisingly well. He didn't respond to Rover's question, which only served to irritate her.
"I don't like being looked down upon. I don't accept your conditions!"
"...Are you in a position to make such demands? I'm not the one who needs to enter the Pillar."
"Ack! Fine, fine! Be that way!"
Rover reached for her holster... and took out her dagger. The shock was immediate, but it wasn't just the crowd who experienced it. The guard looked bewildered.
"...Very well."
The guard pulled his sword out. It sparkled in the wake of the sun; it was a lustrous blade, but by no means did it seem frail.
"Mason Kommuni Stone."
"Rover Dagny Berta."
And upon the utterance of their names, they brandished their respective weapons. It was a simple motion, and the two fighters didn't move afterward, yet the whole spectacle rendered me awe-struck.
And then–
"Here I come!"
Mason rushed forward with both hands on his sword's hilt, holding the blade on his shoulder as if it were a piece of luggage. He swung down at Rover. She performed an effortless leap back, avoiding the swing. The sword's momentum didn't falter, though. The tip of the blade hit the ground and bounced off–
While leaving a sizable dent in the ground.
"W-What the hell!?"
My surprise was immediate and my theorizing galvanized even quicker. A blade of such size and width shouldn't be able to dent the ground by just having the tip smack it.
It was either magic or deceptively heavy.
"The hell's that sword made of?" Rover yelled as Mason struggled to raise it back up.
"...It's a creation of my own making."
"So what, did you use your blood?"
"Please, don't be ridiculous."
He put the blade over his shoulder and charged in again. He did another diagonal swing, which Rover dodged just like before, but instead of sluggishly reeling the sword back into a stable position, he suddenly lunged forward and swung his sword upward. The move caught Rover by surprise and dropped my jaw by a foot.
She managed to avoid having her arm struck by a hair, but even though it was a close call, her expression showed no urgency or worry. It was a stern, focused face.
"...You're a nimble child."
"Hah, you've got some neat tricks yourself!"
Rover assumed a tighter, belligerent position, flipping her dagger and holding it backward. She narrowed her eyes at Mason, taunting him with her eyes. Mason's demeanor didn't show it having any effect, but he charged regardless. He looked as if he would repeat the same attack, and indeed, he did swing down diagonally. However, instead of dodging the strike–
Rover challenged Mason's blade. She was pushed back a few meters, eyes opened wide. Sparing a glance at her wrist, she noticed how it was shaking. It was evident that the strike affected her, and the beads of sweat forming on her face told of her acknowledgment.
"...What was your plan there?"
"I'm just testing the waters."
Mason narrowed his eyes and dashed toward Rover. Again, he held his sword in both hands and again, he performed another diagonal swing. Strangely, Rover swung her dagger in the trajectory of the blade, stopping it from accruing any momentum. Though Rover was forced to slacken her posture under the weight, she didn't slide away after a strike this time. Rover acted on her favorable position quickly. She threw out a dextrous kick, hitting Mason right on the pelvis and staggering him. Rover didn't relent there; she punched the guard in the suplex, forcing him to release his air and step away haphazardly. Rover took advantage of his disorderly state and delivered another swift kick, striking Mason square in the jaw and sending him rolling away.
The crowd cheered and clapped at the spectacle. I didn't know how to react but I knew that whatever was happening was incredible. Many people started chanting her name, and eventually, I joined in with them.
"How was that, ref?" She asked, throwing me a thumbs up and pulling me out of the hysteria.
"Uh... he's still holding his weapon! The fight isn't over!"
Mason was also standing back up, but I felt like it would be unfair for me to point it out.
I also really wanted to keep watching.
Mason rubbed his bruised jaw a few times and cracked his neck, gently smiling at Rover despite the beating he had received. Rover assumed a position like that of a cat in a hunt and rushed at Mason. She hopped and attempted a direct kick, which Mason blocked... with one hand.
The sudden change didn't go unnoticed by Rover. She tried to go away but her heel was just barely snatched by Mason's free hand. She tried to kick it away, seemingly by instinct, but Mason's grip didn't lessen. In a feat of inordinate strength, Mason swung her over his head and onto the ground.
"Gack! Ahh..."
When she hit the floor, she bounced. Her back took the brunt of the damage, and pain permeated through her whole being. She was stunned, too, unable to move as Mason moved his hand to hers.
But right before he could snitch her weapon, she jerked, smacking his hand away and spinning herself into her stomach, kicking Mason in the process. Rover got to her feet quickly after but didn't catch a break as she was forced to block an oncoming strike with the dagger. She slid nearly a dozen feet across the ground, her wrist arm shaking so badly that she had to switch the hand she was holding her dagger in.
"...Will you use your other weapon now?" Mason asked, pointing his long sword at her. Rover scoffed in reply, coughing a little.
"No, as far as I'm concerned, this is all according to plan!"
"Really now."
Mason lowered his blade and began rushing at Rover yet again. He swung, and Rover dodged, and then he swung again and again. The interval between swings was steadily waning, and the speed compared to before was outrageous. Despite this, Rover was able to dodge them all, but for one particular swing, she hopped back several times. Mason didn't allow her a chance to rest. Instead, he lunged at her, performing an overhead swing. Rover avoided it, but not by hopping away. She simply leaned away; the blade grazed her jacket, but Rover paid it no heed as she connected the side of her dagger to the base of the blade's hilt.
"It's my win!"
The next sequence of events happened in an instant; Rover swept her legs in front of her, catching one of Mason's legs off guard, though the other blocked her foot. The next second, she grabbed the dagger with both hands and, as if she were in a match of arm wrestling, heaved it in the opposite way she swept her leg. The motion made Mason lose balance instantly, and for a split second, the grip of his sword loosened just enough to where Rover could pry into his palm and claim the blade as her own.
Indeed, as Mason's head unceremoniously struck the ground, that is what happened.
And then Rover's arm holding the sword also sunk to the ground. She was forced to let go of it instantly, and as she did a thud reverberated in the environs. However, it didn't matter that she lost it now.
"The referee has decided! Rover is the winner of this duel!"
The ensuing ensemble of excited clapping, cheering, chortling, and more deafened me, but Rover was ecstatic to be the target of it all.
Except–102Please respect copyright.PENANAEeJDmlQoxJ
102Please respect copyright.PENANAC2hKDGakhs
That didn't give me an excuse to idly stand by. After all, Rover and I were on a mission.102Please respect copyright.PENANAczby6UH4Xx
102Please respect copyright.PENANAdJvPKduMkb
Therefore, in a flustering attempt to hop over the fence– one where I had to kick the air to reach over the threshold, and I ultimately ended up awkwardly falling –I intruded upon the battleground, jogging to Rover and the fallen Mason. She turned her gaze to me musingly, tilting her head as if to ask a question.102Please respect copyright.PENANAj7ouc4TrNL
102Please respect copyright.PENANAepsxKE3gD5
"What are you doing here?"102Please respect copyright.PENANAsPCH2nirXP
102Please respect copyright.PENANA9wiNcShOJy
"You beat the guard, didn't you? Let's get going, then; we're on borrowed time as is!"102Please respect copyright.PENANAeLvDFKeg0F
102Please respect copyright.PENANAnQgwDfxa7R
"Oh, that's a good point. But!"102Please respect copyright.PENANA6CmY4Hx0yw
102Please respect copyright.PENANA9MCF1O9e09
She raised a palm, cleanly sheathing her dagger with her other hand.102Please respect copyright.PENANAYc3ihno8az
102Please respect copyright.PENANABpITSUtCJ9
"I need to talk with Mason before that."102Please respect copyright.PENANAHTMdHnnBGj
102Please respect copyright.PENANA8OVPgHojje
I blinked a few times, wondering what her intentions were.102Please respect copyright.PENANARPv5j9VTXK
102Please respect copyright.PENANAz2r2rW8LEz
"...Huh? Why?"102Please respect copyright.PENANAJI1QC9d1c0
102Please respect copyright.PENANAPidz77HOZE
"Because... that's just what you do after a duel! You talk so, you know, no hard feelings or something."102Please respect copyright.PENANA94CqF6rV3i
102Please respect copyright.PENANAKUqtLPG1oz
"I don't get it."102Please respect copyright.PENANAZkJYvflYWW
102Please respect copyright.PENANAJIA34FwFgu
She huffed and furrowed her brows, clearly irritated.102Please respect copyright.PENANA04g91CfEXX
102Please respect copyright.PENANATywJKfpMgE
"Whatever, just wait a few minutes!"102Please respect copyright.PENANAMtX7tC9Rga
102Please respect copyright.PENANAPI7BkyNbbm
Then, turning her gaze away from me, she looked back at Mason and crouched down. I knew very well then and there that any further bugging would be useless, so I took a seat with indignation and watched the unfolding conversation.102Please respect copyright.PENANAywCbuVXznr
102Please respect copyright.PENANALHTL7Bptq9
"...That was quite a terrible defeat I've experienced."102Please respect copyright.PENANAwQtIcfmUVN
102Please respect copyright.PENANAtTcrw2bquw
Mason sighed and began to slowly raise his body, gently rubbing his wounds as he stared at the ground.102Please respect copyright.PENANAh1YOBe6wyG
102Please respect copyright.PENANA6ybNy6EV32
"Come on, it was a good fight! You have a lot of cool tricks up your sleeve; I'm sure I would've–"102Please respect copyright.PENANAabd8CWAkdk
102Please respect copyright.PENANAeBBwAx4GGQ
"Please, don't insult me. I'm wounded losing to a child as is."102Please respect copyright.PENANA0HXWJPZ7fH
102Please respect copyright.PENANAOyLWoRNj5q
Rover nervously laughed at his response, which left me confused.102Please respect copyright.PENANADXB3xqpx88
102Please respect copyright.PENANAQ80Tg9HlQD
"What do you mean by 'insult?'" I asked. Mason turned his head to me.102Please respect copyright.PENANAQoJ6QRdmIy
102Please respect copyright.PENANAJ4x6LGWBxE
"She wasn't fighting at full strength, nor was she treating the battle seriously. She likely only did this to show off."102Please respect copyright.PENANApfQm6t7g7V
102Please respect copyright.PENANACJ832J8XIr
"H-Hey," Rover interjected, "I was taking that seriously! But I was also showing off, you know, just to teach you a lesson."102Please respect copyright.PENANAis23Berov2
102Please respect copyright.PENANAXUcLasM5Cy
Mason and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Under the pressure of our glares, Rover's visage crumbled. She just sighed and looked away.102Please respect copyright.PENANAHD8FWSS4yr
102Please respect copyright.PENANAhZJ8wc2xmH
"I don't know anything about duel etiquette, but that's rude, right?"102Please respect copyright.PENANAcqjKsYAPFU
102Please respect copyright.PENANAFk72ywmakn
"F-Fine. I'm sorry, alright? I didn't mean to insult you or whatever."102Please respect copyright.PENANACwsuJKrHTA
102Please respect copyright.PENANAvmBpaoYIBK
I widened my eyes. The gesture was noticed by Rover, and she looked at me accusingly.102Please respect copyright.PENANAZw4y5AJogT
102Please respect copyright.PENANAOEeGnIp9k2
"W-What?"102Please respect copyright.PENANAemO2pCPf4a
102Please respect copyright.PENANAO9GTeRJhXb
"You... apologized by yourself, wow."102Please respect copyright.PENANATfXJZmtiJh
102Please respect copyright.PENANACGVAaRxN4m
Suddenly, she got on her feet.102Please respect copyright.PENANAKJ3PdKVfzH
102Please respect copyright.PENANABDFaJfKZf7
"What are you saying!? Haven't I apologized to you before plenty of times!?"102Please respect copyright.PENANALVy7HMfjXJ
102Please respect copyright.PENANAyhc0iaaL1S
"...Yeah, you have. It must've slipped my mind."102Please respect copyright.PENANAcq3cObaXod
102Please respect copyright.PENANA0kX9StElAA
"You–!"102Please respect copyright.PENANAj023YFOYup
102Please respect copyright.PENANA4VE8OHgrv4
She sat back down and furiously rubbed her brow, groaning.102Please respect copyright.PENANA6ZKor6jqwD
102Please respect copyright.PENANA6QgxrHfaQN
"...I believe you two should go now, right?"102Please respect copyright.PENANA4MqX1zakTA
102Please respect copyright.PENANAuXj0w8OqOm
Mason spoke up, uttering something that Rover and I both found surprising.102Please respect copyright.PENANALIAY0tLYcK
102Please respect copyright.PENANAodTqbxneAs
"I have lost. Per our agreement, you are allowed to enter the Pillar. I take it that you two are in a rush?"102Please respect copyright.PENANACy3UwhkxuV
102Please respect copyright.PENANARcwobeLnPH
"We are, but... I still need to ask you some things! This isn't how a post-duel conversation should go at all!"102Please respect copyright.PENANAK8R8Ii8fmh
102Please respect copyright.PENANAO0HIHyCtN0
"You are a peculiar girl."102Please respect copyright.PENANAa1ggsCTlqa
102Please respect copyright.PENANADCp388uzFW
She narrowed her eyes at Mason's remark. I smiled, taking advantage of the disposition Mason's words brought about.102Please respect copyright.PENANARZlLsa0aWh
102Please respect copyright.PENANARHM98EOiqu
"He's right, Rover. Let's get going before we regret it."102Please respect copyright.PENANAqIzH4WksG9
102Please respect copyright.PENANAgbfv0eQn8M
"B-But... agh, fine, fine."102Please respect copyright.PENANAyGtwog6sjy
102Please respect copyright.PENANAfih6P594VQ
She helped me stand up. I wiped off the dirt on my pants.
"...Before you two leave, let me just warn you; the security is especially tight inside, so meeting the Dean will be an exceptionally slow process."102Please respect copyright.PENANA72JMTzEDEi
102Please respect copyright.PENANAkaesckkrjD
"Thank you for the heads-up. Have a good day, Mason, and I apologize for your wounded pride."102Please respect copyright.PENANAYTEpPQ5rkz
102Please respect copyright.PENANA381ZR0f50F
He narrowed his eyes at my comment, making me think that I fumbled my words. Using the excuse of being in a hurry, I avoided any rebuke by running to the Pillar's doors, Rover following behind me.102Please respect copyright.PENANAda6QzyVagJ
102Please respect copyright.PENANAFhzUIFc04H
–102Please respect copyright.PENANAzMBTw5McGu
102Please respect copyright.PENANAFObJBDOtVm
The two children burst through the Pillar's doors. The sound of them opening pained his ears terribly, forcing him to cover them with his hands. He suspected that the numerous strikes to the head he'd received only exacerbated his sudden sensitivity.102Please respect copyright.PENANA7nknjH9gaJ
102Please respect copyright.PENANAOfpUW8KPSA
When the ringing stopped, he let go of his ears. He stood up and stretched his back, groaning at the aching of his body. It was just a nuisance, nothing extreme, but Mason still nagged about it in his mind, wishing that the girl would've eased up on the beating.102Please respect copyright.PENANA0uEVajPxbi
102Please respect copyright.PENANATO61DcVkNZ
...Though, it's my fault for picking such a specific condition.
Mason picked up his sword and sheathed it, returning to the fence and ready to continue his dull routine. However, he noticed that the endless crowd had vanished. Not a single soul was standing beside the fence. Mason stood still, unsure of what to think of the situation.102Please respect copyright.PENANAVO2mF8XCdM
102Please respect copyright.PENANAZicVkhcHHD
"...It looks like those kids gave me some time off."102Please respect copyright.PENANAZOl3n4kzVr
102Please respect copyright.PENANA1mw1m9mIEk
He smiled. Even though it was unintentional, he thanked them in his mind and figured he'd purchase them something to eat next time.102Please respect copyright.PENANAvyiKO7H8Aa
102Please respect copyright.PENANADzZnRM5rfh
"...Those two foreigners couldn't have been the assassins. They're too young and kind for that... I hope the ones inside realize that too."