Karma packs everything as he can't hear a single thing in the house ' Sigh well it's gonna be lonely anyways ' Karma stretched and takes the car to the airport as he looks at his strengths .
' I could ask Isir to open a portal to Akasha but it's best for me to go to the island ... But if I want to make moves I'll have to disguise after all if something bad happens I might be smitten by thunder because I accidentally revealed the presence of god before revelation '
Karma's phone rang again as Isir called " Hello boss " " Oh do you need anything " " Not really for me but you just wanted to be clear what were the subjects you were going to nail ? " Karma thinks for a while and says the set of names .
" So it's them well when god spoke that time I found that he didn't intend to let any of the demons in even if they were redeemed " " Oh well that means I need a change of plans " " I should have told you this earlier "
Karma thinks about it and the knowledge he just learned and feels more confident to take on the task of reenactment and the candidates for the centerpiece " Sure I think I could find another subject for crucifixion and as for the other thief well I guess it's becoming more the original right ? "
" Yeah " " Then let's take Abaddon and quicken the search " " You want to find Abaddon ? Well he was depicted for some as an abyss of disinterest " " Yep and letting him go to heaven is equivalent to initiating Revelation you said that we were almost at the end of the first seals right ? "
" Yes we were " " Hmm then after I visit Behemoth I'll go find Ziz be careful when you search for Abaddon " " Yessir I will simply send copy-paste sinners to find him " " Okay " ' Maybe just Maybe god knew I was going to be crucified well I don't have to be the one right ? But then again ' Karma wonders about that possibility .
' what if Isir has data about souls with a great capacity to help not like the infernals who were just sinning because they absorbed miasma but what if I could create some nails that could steal the rewards of merits . After all a fallen angel is still an angel '
" Isir do you think you can find a way to make nails that those something else ? Like instead of redemption ... Make it so that the angels will fall " " Ehh why would you do that ? " " Didn't god say they won't go to heaven ? If so we can just clip their wings permanently they wouldn't need it afterall think of it as payment for crucifixion "
" Is it okay for others to learn of this ? " " Probably not but then again you could try to take the method to make the nails using sins and try to apply it with merit " " But that isn't enough how about I completely copy-paste the Nephalem who makes it and try to tell them to make a different nail ? "
Karma wonders about it " Possible but I guess if you want to do that we need more supercomputers right ? " " Huh that's true it was much harder to replicate sinners with longer years in life than those that were young it's like a really complex code "
" Don't worry I've been sending orders to make more supercomputers to accomodate that " " Thanks boss " " I don't exactly like the idea that you might die " " Ehhehe boss you're too kind " " Well for now don't be in a hurry because we will technically initiate revelation best not to do something we aren't prepared for "
" Got it boss I will prepare by a lot " ' Speaking of preparations I have to make sure I still own Behemoth Island I'm sure there was a clause about ownership ' Karma recalls it from the number of laws of ownership .
"If someone has invested in a property long enough one is legally owning it such as an undeveloped land can be owned by someone after they completely improved its conditions" ' Reminds me of the rule that gets rid of a person's property right to a land by having a third party invest a lot on the land '
" All it does is protect the hard work of someone like an adopted child can't be taken from their biological family because their adoptive family taught them well without receiving money from the biological family "
Karma checks on the criteria for it and uses Leviathan's memories ' Let's see Behemoth Island has been transformed by a lot after I made it my personal garden and hidden facility . Such facilities already house my blood banks but nobody suspects a thing mostly because the only one working there is just one person '
Karma makes a call to the researcher " Hello boss ? " " Jane how much blood have you stored up ? " " Quite a lot sir although I'm not sure if this will actually summon that giant thing you talked about "
Jane Jarvik a researcher who was told the existence of a giant entity and is skeptical because all Karma told her was from the diary that she assumed was an imaginary friend that lasted till the end of someone's life .
' She still doesn't believe me that's okay after all I wouldn't believe it either if I didn't have proof ' Relating it to the heaven and hell skepticism Karma continues talking .
" I want you to move location " " but I have a few projects I haven't finished yet " " I have a new location you can go to also can you set up the blood bank production to the highest " Jane didn't ask any questions about it .
" Yeah I will " ' I can already tell she doesn't want to be involved in the occult ' Karma was grateful either way he didn't need Jane entering the back scenes .
' Someone who prefers a selfish life doesn't need to risk herself but because of that she is the least of my worries and isn't tied to me for loyalty but just money '
Karma wonders what Reed's attachment to his friend ' Hmm probably a deep friendship ' he thinks about James and Jane as both having the same kind of connection to Karma being that they listen to him because of his almighty dollar .
' But then again I have been very generous with their salaries so I doubt they'd do anything to betray unless , of course , god decides to do the dirty move however he doesn't seem to need any ' Karma takes a look at the souls at heaven still willing to work outside god .
' The goodman is the organization of good people who have high merit and simply help people because they like it I recall they did send me an invitation what did it go again ? ' "We would like to help you with entering this place we don't ask anything for return as you will only be participating in classes that are held on schedule"
' It was suspicious but now I feel bad for suspecting them knowing the members who are famous figures who advocated for things like freedom , women's right , education and all are non-profit well they do make some profits but all go back to livelihood and the goodwill organizations '
Karma looks at the basic cases and sees some that are still ongoing ' Clean the atmosphere I do want to see the stars ' Karma arrives at the airport and continues to read the website for Goodwill and wonders if there is something he can do about it .
' I got it now I can invite them to watch this place after all one of their hobbies is to watch over plants ' Karma makes a call as a girl answers it " Hello Sally here ? " " Hello This is the Goodman right ? "
" Yes are you here to register for a class ? " " Nope I'd like to allow you to make use of a venue " " Ehh okay can you tell me where ? " Sally gets ready to write it down . Karma smiled and simply said " Behemoth island " Sally's pen fell on the paper as she heard it loud and clear .
" I-I'm sorry " " This is Karma Count " ' I didn't just call you because I want some gardeners ' Karma recalls the list of names ' So how will Behemoth react ' " Why do you have my body " Karma wondered if the voice was supposed to be the same .
' Oh that makes sense ' " Why is Behemoth a girl ? " " Shut up if I'm a guy everyone has some expectations for me and I already finished my job " ' So Sally is just some name Behemoth made up '
" I did see your name is there a reason for you to put it there ? " " I just wanted to relax this Goodman organization is meant to take a slow pace there is no deadline in the first place anyways "
" Oh so you want to come to this island or not ? " " If you are trying to get me to work I don't want to " " It's a gigantic smart resort that does everything for you except , If it's chores you don't have to do it because I managed to automate everything "
" It's my body it would be awkward to go there " " I use several relaxation facilities on this island I only come here once a year but if you like it you can stay there for the whole year it's hard to be seen since I set up an investment to not look at the island via satellite so you have a lot of privacy there as long as you are alone "
Behemoth or Sally drools as Karma continues " Of course there is a price I want your knowledge and the power you have " Sally wipes her drool " What ? Do you want that ? " " I mean if you use the contract making it's not that hard isn't it " Sally felt as if her worry was misunderstood and pointed it out .
" But aren't you worried about being overloaded with information that your body dies " ' Not at all , this body already had a lot before it was born ' " It's fine I made a contract with Leviathan and got his knowledge I know very well that your bodies contain power which I don't know how to get since I haven't gotten Leviathan's body yet and since I officially own yours there's all the more reason to get it "
" But I already did my job " " Do you want to upgrade to a premium resort or not " Sally recalls how she has been trying to get a place to stay and that she had to do everything on her own despite having the prestige and fame as the land beast .
However , the status was hindrance as it caused many to search for her help " Okay I will do it " " Thank you then please Sally give me all your powers and knowledge as the land beast " " Sure sure but if you get Leviathan's knowledge does he know who I am ? "
Karma smirks as Sally realised that fact " Who knows he was pretty desperate when I made a contract with him plus it's not like you need to be the land beast anymore so isn't that whole identity of yours useless "
Sally wonders who she is talking to and if this is a human or the devil " You are not lying right ? " " Yep I'll get your knowledge as Behemoth and you can have what I like to call lifetime access to any luxury on the list "
" List ? " Karma smiled as he sent the list of the investments he was willing to give away just to get the entirety of Behemoth's power . Sally looks through it amazed by how much is going to be given to her if she gives away all her knowledge and former power .
" I'll do it " " Good good good " Karma smirked " How about we meet at evening ? I'll even prepare some wine for you " " To get me drunk and sign to sell my soul ? " " I wouldn't do that the wine is for celebration for getting two sets of memories originating from the two beast "
Sally was cautious of Karma as the call ended and Karma looked out at the sky from the ground waiting for his private flight and heard some small whispering " Come out Count " Karma didn't recognize the voice but the way it reached his ears reminded him a bit like Gale who unfortunately has been evacuated .
" Ziz ? " " Correct " " What do you want ? " " I heard your deal with Behemoth or as he has turned to Sally and a part of your soul has Leviathan's " Karma whispers to see the extent of Ziz's proficiency with the wind .
" So that's what it looks like to you guess that's what happens when you use a contract to get knowledge " " Give it back to Leviathan " " I'm sorry but if I do that he'll kill me " " Then would you prefer I kill you first ? "
" Sorry but I don't think I recall there being a rule I wasn't allowed to plus I made Metatron promise me that no harm will befall me when I was ignorant of the rules " Ziz being a master of the wind could tell Karma wasn't lying .
" Tsk " " How about you hold yourself back Ziz you might get hit plus I'm not harming anyone Leviathan wants to go to heaven and even god allows me to do it " Karma felt Ziz's stare as the beast's glare were like a predator intent to kill their prey .
" You better not cross that line mortal " ' Line huh well if I think about it what Line does Ziz mean ? The plan is to make Leviathan one of the thieves ' Karma chuckles as he now finds the second thief " Isir I want to ask for the nails can you make one with merit ? I have a person you can copy from "
Karma boards the plane as Isir gets the note and quickly goes to the Nephalem after getting enough copies " Hello Latara " The nephalem stares at Isir's figure terrified " I'd like to learn how you made the nails for the crucifixion . "
Latara stared at Isir and asked " Who are you ? " " Try not to pry so deep , I heard you can make the nails ? " " I can what do you want from me " Latara conjures a sphere of miasma and grace ready to fire .
" I just want to know how you did it " The whole area suddenly distorts at Isir's command " Not just a nail that can be used to redeem but also to make someone lose their status as an angel " Latara sweats as she senses the confidence and arrogance of Isir to wish for something like that .
" W-why is that ? " " I told you to not pry I understand how you could lose your merits and have an overbalance of sins if you tell me how " " I don't know "
" I believe you don't how to make nails out of grace but let me finish , teach me how to use it and I'll solve your hybrid problem of merit and miasma I heard quite a lot of demons and angels are like this right ? "
" Yes " " Then let's make a deal "I will help execute a plan to solve your hybrid problem and you give me the way to make the nails" " Latara had some senses that were screaming at her .
' Whatever they are doing it's bound to affect me if I can get rid of my involvement in it then I can avoid punishment '
Latara compiles all her knowledge as she summons the part of her soul and now all she knows is that the knowledge for making the nails is in here " Here I even included all the thought process for it "
" Ahh how generous " Latara was terrified as she shook the hand and saw marks appearing temporarily on Isir before being hidden through distortions " Thank you , you made this easy " Isir left the terrified Latara as she fell on her knees .
While Isir finally didn't have to be so nervous ' Oh god that was so terrifying good thing I covered myself with distortions this is so cruel face to face interactions with a stranger are so much harder than I initially remembered '
Our super shut-in hacker now has the knowledge and locates Karma as they used the technology to appear " BOSS I GOT IT " Isir said sounding like a college student who saw their passing grades .
" Oh you did ? " " Yep turns out I could just do this " " I mean I guess it would be hard to continuously maintain a copy of a soul for you " " Yeah sorry boss if only I could hold on for longer " " Stop blaming yourself you did a good job making a different solution "
' Yep having to stay very close to a stranger for extended periods of time takes too long plus we are going to take all the sins away anyways ' " I made a deal to solve their hybrid problem " " Well I guess we could include their sins "
" Ehh you would ? " " Well sins are technically power right the more the merrier " " Ehh but would that be okay ? " " Yep after all , I would like to have more sins the more I can redeem the more merits I get "
Isir thinks about what Karma said " You changed your plans ? " " Yep Lucifer can keep the ring I don't need him to pretend to be the son , the plan was to have all seven princes redeemed but I figured that wouldn't be good after all the story went that only one thief who had a conversation with the son nailed to the cross went to heaven "
" Oh and god already said they wouldn't go to heaven but rather their relatives " " Exactly we will take this oppurtunity and change it Leviathan will be the first thief and the second " Karma smiles as he absorbs the soul as he creates nails with merits .
Isir looks at Karma's phone and reaches out as they consume the information Karma went through " So those two huh " " Yep Isir go power up or something it doesn't look like your ability to change information is reliant on sins so I'll be taking it away " " Got it boss "
" Well for now we do have to be careful about Ziz although with you here I'm sure you are actively distorting the information for me " " Ehh I have to stay here from now on ? " " Why not ? Ziz might pester me so it's best for me to have you around plus we are going to go on a vacation soon "
" Vacation ? " " Yep wanna join in the fun ? " " Yeah I have never gone out yet I wanna try street food oh and maybe that calorie place , how about the casinos I've learned a lot of tricks , Maybe we can sit and throw pillows at each other " " I don't know about the pillows it's not really something fun "
" It's okay after all it's just a suggestion " " Then we can start relaxing now after all I do plan to rest at the resort and a girl named Sally from heaven " " Sally ? She must be important if you are interested in her "
" She is the land beast herself " " Really , Is heaven not paradise ? " " Maybe it is for a good soul , but if you meet a celebrity wouldn't that make things awkward a person so famous and protected only viewed from far away suddenly appearing would make a lot of reactions not to mention someone that was only depicted in books "
Isir thinks about it nodding as Karma sees them agree " I gave the behemoth all sorts of access kinda like credit cards and memberships " " Ah I see so that's how you plan to complete it "
" Yep although it's fine if we have fun it's been a long week since my contact gotta rest for a while " " Okay boss I will use my new powers to make it enjoyable " " I guess you could make use of that considering how most of my vacations are secluded plus I do want to try some street food ones in a while "
Karma remembers watching videos of street food being cooked and drools " Honestly I feel like a prince who wants to smudge his mouth with barbeque sauce that came from the dirtiest part of the street " " Oh well there are a lot of novels like that where royalty wishes to attend to the commoners because it looked fun "
Karma thinks about his work being so hard " Then again I have been playing some games but ... " Isir pointed the term " Was it an otaku ? " " Yep even worse if I play these games and rage quit at how hard it is it just means I suck at it "
" Of course , unlike business , the games that require skills need you to instantly make decisions , It's not like our current situation boss but because it's like that , You breeze through society very easily " " I see " ' I mean I could've died when I went to the natural demon's home '
Isir then points out for Karma " But boss if you were to play a game I would always assume you would go only after thinking everything thoroughly and even have countermeasures in case an unexpected variable appears "
" Like what ? " " Well isn't there Ziz if that sky beast aims to kill you you would have some protection on you " " Oh yeah like the scales of judgment and the promise I made Metatron promise me to grant protection , Ziz tried to kill me after they heard about my conversation with Behemoth and a part of Leviathan's soul with me "
Isir thinks about the part of Leviathan's soul and figures out Karma's plan " Oh so does Leviathan know he is Leviathan ? " " Pretty sure memories are just used to temper a person's personality the loss of it is just forgetting and I'm pretty sure Leviathan still knows other memories of it plus "
Karma recalls the diary entry of what Reed and Count talked about "Memories are just a small part of me they will eventually be forgotten and then molded to something different as I continue to live it's why they like me even when I sometimes forget somethings"
" But if you sell your soul wouldn't that mean you are stuck in hell " Karma felt like he was being dissed " I'm not the devil that's Lucifer ain't it ? " " Yeah but is that okay ? " " Yeah I mean didn't god tell Metatron to let Leviathan go to heaven moreover these are memories that Leviathan willingly gave and memories "
" So even when you reenact crucifixion you can still send Leviathan to heaven ? " " Correct but I do need someone to sit on the throne and carry all the sins I could choose a powerful prince but I already planned to use it to start the revelation with it "
Karma smiles " By the way I found Abaddon but I didn't move him yet " " Well that's good even though the crucifixion will be a bit crude we found a replacement for the son right ? " " You want to use him ? "
" Yep I'll send the two thieves to heaven first then " Isir thinks about how far Karma has been reenacting the crucifixion and said " Boss you kinda like the son " " I am ? " " Yeah you plan to reenact the crucifixion and even act as them "
Karma recalls all his past deeds that can be perceived as the acts of the son " I mean I have been giving second chances but then again it's not entirely complete , isn't it ? " " Yeah but it's close enough "
" Well yeah after all even though the two thieves will repent for what they did later on , Apollyon or currently Abaddon is being resurrected in three days after that ... it's quite fast , isn't it ? " " Yeah we might have to delay the crucifixion if we have very little time to prepare "
" Well , we could always delay it after all our fallen sinner has yet to arrive " " Oh yeah so how long will that be ? " Karma thinks about the length of time as the sun starts to set .
" If we consider the items we have to be careful about during revelation , like the four horsemen which means we need to take care of the plagues in the ices , Solomon's ring in Lucifer's possession , the divine sword that split the language which the only likely candidate for War guarded by Ziz according to Leviathan's memories , Cain who possessed the power of bring famine and the scales used to control it and the last one death ... we have quite a tight schedule , of course , we could at least relax on the way "
" So how long ? " " Starting tomorrow a week perhaps ? "
Countdown until revelation : 7 days starting tommorow 176Please respect copyright.PENANA7dCtYNDMFx
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