" What is wrong with this body it ate an entire part of the library I was making " Count complained as they tried to fill it up feeling some parts of their body being absorbed " HEY DON'T GET MY UNFILTERED MEMORIES "
155Please respect copyright.PENANA6HtqAoC32z
" Is what it showed before I woke up to this filth of a woman hadn't made my morning stressful " " " I see so it wasn't complete but it sounds like you made Reed's friend do a lot of work " " Yep a lot of work "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAD2aj291hX2
Karma made a big sigh as Isir said " Hey boss aren't we going to that poor country " " Oh yeah I have some cash somewhere at my old house you should be able to get it " " Okay " Isir disappears and Karma turns to Sally .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAuuOwNQdigs
" COUNT YOU BETTER TAKE BACK THAT DEAL YOU MADE WITH SALLY " ' I see then it's time for us to blackmail ' Karma whispered something as Sally was curious but without her former power she could only rely on reading the lips .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAINTDfFxqc3
But Karma had to cover his lips before using the information he knew " By the way Sally are you fine with eating street from the dirt cheap corners of the earth ? " " You are going to treat me to that kind of food ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAKxEFOyjkMQ
" Yeah after all I never stated when I should give you the luxury pack " Sally was flustered by her blunder " But trust me I will hold our deal " Sally saw as the words Karma spoke were etched into a stone gablet with glowing light .
155Please respect copyright.PENANASUSojxtfRK
" See I even promised to do it " " Fine I'll wait " " Good cause I also want to try some " Karma licks his lips as Isir returns " I got the money " " Okay then let's go " they appeared behind some alleys and exited .
155Please respect copyright.PENANATUCx97d0DI
Sally noticed her clothing " Uhm why does it look a bit torn ? " " If it isn't , we won't look like locals " Isir said " Oh over there " they each bought a tall cup filled with skewers of barbeque filled with vinegar sauce .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAoF72s8MtRc
" So tasty " Karma said as Sally couldn't bring herself to eat chicken " Hey are you trying to make me break up with Ziz " " It would be better though if I could get rid of your relationship " Sally looked at Karma with disdain .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAzX1TP3lwsO
' Is it because you slept with me ? ' " But you were the one who hasn't noticed that they were cooking chicken so I didn't plan for it and it was the nearest stall from here "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAGHTENZrvq4
" I'm gonna throw it " " Now hold on " Isir said as they pointed out " Unlike other countries this place has good food moreover there aren't any locals who would waste food here "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAFDejcf0uHM
Sally tilts the tall cup as Isir grabs her hand " What do you think you are doing ? " " I don't want to break up with Ziz " " don't worry Ziz doesn't know where we are "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAWAeLPtQgQf
Karma said trying to break the awkward mood " This isn't the only reason I don't want to eat this dirt " Karma turned to Isir who understands .
155Please respect copyright.PENANA2EtP7Fs2zr
" Why is it because you think you are filthy rich so you shouldn't eat this dirt cheap street food ? " " No it's because it has a part of pestilence in it " Sally's eyes widened as Karma said .
155Please respect copyright.PENANA8VLpzUXdCr
" You said something really interesting haven't you ? Then the source of all these waters must be were we can find the arrows of pestilence " " How did you know they were arrows ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANApZ4SALMXVx
The two smiled at Sally " Thanks for confirming that they were arrows looks like we just have to get there and get it ourselves " Isir said as Sally couldn't believe how easily she danced in their palms .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAVHOR5nm5Zd
" You what are you planning ? " " Oh Isir I just can't have that dangerous weapon around the unfortunate and least privileged I would be too cruel to have to not help you know ? " Karma said poking at Sally's conciousness .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAMr0nmQ3plz
" Hey don't ignore me " " So Sally our former behemoth can you please tell me where you can feel the arrows ? " Sally turned away as Isir followed her gaze " Come on Sally just work with us a little I'm sure you could use the merit for money "
155Please respect copyright.PENANArxH1Ez64Px
" No God gave me a lot of retirement money as a reward I don't need more " " So are you going to ignore people in need " Sally felt even more pokes at her consciousness " Well how about I take those food off your hands "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAwdfRabA4Hs
Karma took it away as Sally noticed him calling someone " Yep I'd appreciate it if you could give me that ... Sure just that much is good enough ... Uh huh , Yes I got it prepared I was already going to tell him about it "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAWqaFdYgyF0
" Who are you calling ? " " Oh well that's not really my problem plus I'm sure his powers include that " Karma hung up the call as Sally asked while he ate her food " I was talking to one of the hellborns serving Belphegor I got them to send me some of Belphegor's spare power that he left aside "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAmBRLWjK3Mj
' This man is dealing with demons like reserving a table at a restaurant ' " What did you ask ? " " For Belphegor's power of not needing to put in the time for more exercise or effort , for me it's useful because I get to save time but I don't get any muscles and I basically just dumped the money I spent for food into the bin because I technically don't use the energy supplied to me "
155Please respect copyright.PENANASh2psJBAgo
Sally couldn't believe how casual Karma is " Do you know you could be poor from that ? " " Yeah but I'm not really wasting much money if I have a lot to use anyways "
155Please respect copyright.PENANA5oOocNlovD
" That's true even demon's powers will end up less demonic and evil with times changing In fact wasn't there something about giving a lazy person a job so they would find an easier way to do it "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAki0EEtm7l6
Isir said excited to be able to hold some conversations in person " Oh yeah like making the computer do all the repetitive task " Karma recalls how Isir would do the same but in a more complicated manner .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAv7t7kpgL9m
" Or like when I made those sinners collect sinners for me " " You know Isir you make everyone feel so inferior to you because of how good you are with the computer " Karma was the only one eating as Sally felt starved ' How long is he gonna eat ? Is it because he's talking ? '
155Please respect copyright.PENANAaDTZov3sLy
" What do you mean boss ? You also make others feel inferior despite how little you seem to know at times everything you do is always the correct move , Like you easily made the stock market go up without even looking at each company's statistics and just offered them equipment and connected them to other companies "
155Please respect copyright.PENANA2u7cAkbEM1
" Yeah I mean I do have a lot of knowledge in my head thanks to my body but there is only a lot I can remember sometimes I even forget who I was in the morning " " I can relate to that too . Sometimes I would have a dream and it would take me a second to remember I was in bed "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAZBNpOn0fun
" Hey can we go to the next stall and for the record I want to eat beef " Sally said as Karma finished his food and threw the trash "There are no expensive things like that but they do have imitation beef it's made with pork and spices to make it taste like beef "
155Please respect copyright.PENANA85Tr6L2vbh
They got burgers as they ate yet Sally was too hesitant to eat " Come on Sally your appetite is not even good right now don't you think you could at least help us claim the arrows of pestilence " Karma said trying to get the tools of plague .
155Please respect copyright.PENANApGNTezWjSp
" No I won't " Sally said stuffing her face on the burger as her eyes sparkled " Holy " " holy holy , Is the lord god almighty " Karma continued " What was that ? " " I recall there were those words in the bible was it the seraphim who did it ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAiNpDEydBaO
" yes they did but I was too busy to enjoy retirement to participate , But why did you have to ruin my apetite ? " " How did I do something like that ? " " Because the seraphim is meant to keep anyone that is dirty or sinners away from the lord "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAKjd6vjUWxu
Karma and Isir recall that part of the bible " Oh yeah there was that part of the bible about angelology " Isir said " So how does that ruin your apetite ? " Sally was surprised how closely Karma was sticking to a stupid question, to the point that he didn't mention the arrows of plague .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAyo8zdN0ULi
" Hey ! Why aren't you asking me about the arrows of plague ? " Sally asked with much suspicion " I'm genuinely curious why it ruins your apetite , even Lilith was curious why I was interested in her marriage "
155Please respect copyright.PENANA39AUEy4aOD
Sally was surprised while Isir was already accustomed to Karma sometimes asking such weird questions " I just think I should enjoy myself and ignore work " " Me too me too " Karma didn't talk any further as Sally was even more surprised .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAXM746q0YDy
' What is this ? Why is it so quiet ? ' ' So there are a lot of similarities of mortal's to even superior creations like Behemoth huh ? By the way , it seems like her boyfriend is Ziz and the fact they turned into a girl should that mean they were a guy before ? Are they gay for each other but one is a girl ... but then they used to be a guy ... And it turns out Sally was a virgin so does this mean they are straight ? '
155Please respect copyright.PENANAJ6k82sehXv
Sally was confused looking at Karma's poker face expression wondering what kind of thoughts were going through this mortal's head while they are eating .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAGqxery5zz2
' What is he thinking about ? ' Shower thoughts were going through Karma's mind as he already drifted to the territory of Lilith's marriage instead of the two beasts' dating relationship .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAMLZyrsM6lT
While Isir was entertained by watching things in live ' What is Sally thinking exactly ? It's true that it's weird to see boss out of work but he usually does these kinds of things all the time ' " Isir what should we try next ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANALQLAkEPABH
Sally was more confused and Karma looked at her burger " Hey I know I ate the food you didn't want to eat but you already took a few bites out so I won't be touching that , just throw it in some alleyway or something " He goes closer and whispered to Sally .
155Please respect copyright.PENANApmGQqv2Icb
' What kind of secret is he gonna tell me this time ' " Some poverty-stricken kids will at least take the food and not let it go to waste " A vein popped at Sally's head " I will eat it okay ? " Sally held the burger in one hand and gobbled it .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAGYrAYKNll9
" Isir do you know how many screws are loose in this woman ? " " Boss I think it's your fault she's like this " " What ? " ' Boss sometimes you should remind yourself you are seen as the most hardworking and most influential person '
155Please respect copyright.PENANABXJ2bilrdM
" Oh right , I remember " Karma said with a similar reminder as Isir had thought of " Let's ignore that , now Sally can you tell me more about the arrows of plague ? " " Finally the Count that I know " " What do you mean by that ? Damn women ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAsjDgeOlMqN
Sally ignores Karma's slight anger toward her and answers his other question " The arrows manifested in the southern part of the planet that place is colder when no sunlight reaches it the arrows will be much easier to search " " Oh yeah the south pole does experience polar nights " Isir said .
155Please respect copyright.PENANArx8ysuaVI4
" I remember visiting a place with a lot of day time I have a resort there although I had to bring some dark curtains , I prefer the dark and cold parts of the south , because the atmosphere was clear enough to see the night sky unfiltered by anything "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAT9KVRsLkwi
Sally wondered what the night looked like as she missed the memories where she could see it clearly " You know you could see a clearer glimpse of the beyond at the resort there " " Oh I remember you sent me a picture "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAavqaR40gBg
Karma smiled as Isir obtained the picture , Sally only took a glimpse to see the beauty of the region " It's beautiful " " Obviously I spent a lot of money to keep this atmosphere like that it's a clear patch of the ozone layer "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAcXNBAsVb0G
The amount of money to create a night sky like this seems impossible a lot " How do you earn money from this ? " " Transparency " Sally looks at Karma trying to understand his joke " Are you making a joke because you commented on the clear patch of ozone layer ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANASvcv3Bs57k
" Not at all the only reason the Count family is rich is because of how transparent we do business I don't overprice the value of my products but I also don't make them cheap , I make a reasonable price because I have nothing to hide "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAjPVTkZNMGl
" That doesn't explain it " " of course it does because I brought that nice everyone wants to go star gazing whether it is for an expensive date , observing the stars or just appreciating the beauty of the sky "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAJX3Z9xuxwp
Karma said " Is this included in the luxury pack ? " " Did you even read the entire list ? " Karma asked as Sally shook her head " Only about halfway through " " How ridiculous of you anyways Isir is back "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAGWFihW1xuP
Isir hands Karma a cup of frozen treat " When did you leave ? " " Doesn't matter " Isir drank their slurry as Karma scoops the frozen treat ' But to think the arrows of plague are over there if I want to get all the weapons I have to get the ring from Lucifer too '
155Please respect copyright.PENANAlIBLToqORX
Karma grabs Isir letting Sally enjoy her treat " Isir what do you think of the devil ? " " You mean you or the biblical one ? " " Lucifer " " Well I think his character is depicted inconsistently while the bible said stuff about Lucifer being an evil guy he seemed to be more unfortunate when it was the humans who were being held in favor by god and that his angels were just servants to them "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAJ2ZovghcxT
" One of the interpretations " " It was the devil who tempted them to eat fruits , the one who started a war during the creation of the world after god created the first man Adam but does that mean that we never actually evolved from apes ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANALLI8cfi4bq
" That evolution theory may not be wrong but if god created Adam how can he talk and moreover how was adam already an adult ? " " What's the answer ? " " Adam was born with experience or age "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAGENzonsQzV
" Ahh I get it that's why god was able to create mature humans instead of defenseless babies in his garden " " Are you talking about the garden of eden ? " Sally interrupted the two " Care to tell us ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANA068ypPzYs0
' May as well ' " It's basically like a floating island , but it is concealed like heaven from earth " " What do you mean about heaven ? " Karma asked and Isir asked a more specific question
155Please respect copyright.PENANAiCIkXpgjUG
" Yeah I thought heaven was from another realm ? " " Heaven has visited earth many times , during the creation of Eden and the Babylon Tower but after splitting the language it ascended to a more celestial realm "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAuKWQH4oiyN
Karma became more curious now " What happened to the tower ? " " Ziz is guarding it at god's order " " How nice Ziz represents the skies which the tower failed to reach is it ? " " Weird interpretation but yes that could work , Ziz is the beast of sky , Leviathan was the beast of the sea and I used to be the beast of the land "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAqoocteSnO0
Sally stopped herself and realized " Wait you have my memories why am I telling you ? " Karma smiled " Played you for a fool but I do like the fact that I got your memories " " Then why did you make me find the arrows you could've found it yourself ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAEpDD5vb7yB
Sally was mad because of how Karma made her dance like a fool " Anyways Isir take note that the South Pole has the arrows we can figure out the relationship she has with Ziz tommorow " " After you took my virginity I don't think this will be a good trip for you . "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAh2MBirTwIo
Karma grabs the tool Sally used and uses it " Huh ? " Sally couldn't believe the result " To think Sally a land beast loyal to god would lie about it " " Hey I didn't lie " Sally said " Oh Isir this damnable woman is pinning the blame on me that I made her misunderstand "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAS9vo1rLtni
Karma said as he pretended to faint leaning on a wall " Oh how could you land beast even if you are a woman it doesn't allow you to blame a man " Karma used the water from the outside of his chilled plastic to make a fake tear .
155Please respect copyright.PENANANJIIVBMYfk
Isir wanted to laugh but knew that they should let Karma direct the conversation " By the way I know I blackmailed your boyfriend with this information but he was the one who did it we just drank and I guess he had the assumption that I would do it but I didn't "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAd5vOcJ81FQ
Karma said as Sally popped a vein " That damn bird " Karma saw her clench her fist " Oh come on just because he ruined your romantic relationship by committing a crime , Although I'm not sure how that's possible is it because we were at the peak ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAqBEVH6krfX
" Enough please " Karma raised his hands up and retreated to Isir " Boss do you think Sally would leave us and go to her boyfriend ? " " Not sure but since she's a little angry we might have to meet with Ziz tommorow "
155Please respect copyright.PENANA4GNYpHCH3g
" Makes sense women are like that " ' I'm not sure if you can relate ' " But we do have to be careful about the facts that Sally can still remember important details of her memory " " Do you know why she remembers ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAIvl2JOcPwZ
" The most likely explanation would be that she still has opinions of it , I only asked for her knowledge not her reactions so it would make sense that she still remembers her understanding of it "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAfbnZgqbYjN
Isir nods as they both watch Sally trying to call Ziz " Did he block me ? Good I'm going to give him a day to reflect " ' Is it because she misses him ? ' Isir thought as Karma was also thinking the same .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAClomEMsR0g
' But according to Sally's memories about the garden of Eden and the Babylon tower , those two are close to each other so despite guarding the sword and passage to heaven , Ziz also lives in the Garden of Eden or is Eden heaven itself ? After all the forbidden fruit is grown there '
155Please respect copyright.PENANARQOnWX4mHT
Karma was still busy looking through the memories chronologically ' This is gonna take a while but I have confirmed the location of Pestilence and War as for death well it's a bit hard it seems Behemoth only knows about Pestilence and war famine I already have Cain carrying it I'll have to find some way to get it ... '
155Please respect copyright.PENANA8wk1pJ9stx
Karma already had an idea of what to do with Cain " AHA " Isir was surprised by Karma as he took them away from Sally " Isir I know what to do next so first we " Karma whispers his plan while Isir continues the distortion of information .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAOytqTntyNe
" That does work but are you sure ? " " Yep after all even though I'm reenacting Crucifixion I am editing it a little " " Will god be okay with this ? " " Who knows he is the god with mysterious ways "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAoIOqSeZZO4
155Please respect copyright.PENANAZAwD116CHu
Ziz visited a confession room and said " My God, I am sorry for the recent sin that I have commited . In choosing to do something wrongful to the one who was faithful to me , I have sinned against whom I should love . I firmly intend to repent for what I did "
155Please respect copyright.PENANA4HVy1Qs69H
" You are forgiven , there are always reasons for you to sin " " Yes I let my feelings cloud my judgment and in a rage , I have committed against my love " " And thus you will learn to be patient "
155Please respect copyright.PENANA5817gNkVqa
" Yes I shall , I was unfortunate not to see that and lose my patience " " Then you will repent by asking for forgiveness to whom you have wronged " " Yes I will confess to them and accept the punishment for my sins "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAS01fK0KeOx
" Are there other sins you would like to confess ? " " It is false accusation I have let my impatience cloud my own judgment and I shall find a way to seek forgiveness through it "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAUdhgWAfzDD
" Accusations may lead to injustice to the accused may you seek for a way to take the punishment they have received should the accused be punished before you could admit you have beared false witness "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAWtDAjSrFDE
" I shall " " Do not go and try to beg for forgiveness for you may not be forgiven give them time to seek you and then you shall have the opportunity to repent "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAnI8hwarbQU
Ziz exited the confession room , he eventually stood on the unfinished Babylon tower recalling how Sally accused Karma of his crime and being the actual criminal ' He even knows but I have to wait ' ... " He " Karma snickered as he learned about Ziz going to confession .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAfvwiKiGcAw
" Really ? Is that it ? He has to wait that means I can take advantage of this situation huh ? " " Boss if you planned this doesn't that make you the criminal ? " " I mean I'm not a liar if my words are perceived wrongly and I'm the one being accused here aren't I ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAEdzj5yNSyW
Isir wonders what kind of scum Karma is but " You're so funny boss even if you say "vegetables are tasty" It's only based on your experience so it would be your opinion but others might think it's a fact "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAdurS37Ko4J
" Exactly I'm innocent for speaking my opinion I'm not giving wrong information because I do think vegetables are tasty ... but it's not like I referred to all the vegetables " " Ahahaha boss that's so true "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAJWpmhtkMnZ
They both laughed as Sally wondered why she agreed with these two maniacs ' I'm not going to Ziz he'll have to reflect ' Sally looks at Karma and at a stall " Hey Count you still got money right ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAiOujEXFL7S
" Ahh yeah I do " " Give me some I'm going to buy more chicken food " Karma gave her some money and told Isir " We should go for the next destination how about that Cabin near my previous house ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANArucY0PTkhp
" Oh you mean that place you met your angel ? " " Yep I plan to give him some gifts " " Aren't you treating him like a relative ? " Karma recalls having some very distant relatives whom he has never had a proper family connection because they have little interaction with the Count family .
155Please respect copyright.PENANABFHsfQVcXy
" I do I have a lot of cousins but we never actually got close when we meet , I was already mentally an adult so I sometimes feel left out by the fact that I worked much harder while they were still kids I'm sure they are working very hard after all Reed did his best in raising his kid and imbued a lot of values about Family in the Count family "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAuKptd6MaPB
Karma thinks for a while and looks at Isir " Hey do you think we could kill one of them and make them a part of the witch court ? " Isir thinks for a while " AHA " Karma was surprised by Isir " Yes it's possible "
155Please respect copyright.PENANA1LBBkh9AC3
" Is this payback ? " " For that time when you wanted to do something that may offend god ? " " Yes " " not really I was probably as genuinely surprised by the idea of killing your cousin and turning them into a witch "
155Please respect copyright.PENANA69uqmi4qrZ
" Yep so we can visit her university " " Oh the best university in the world ? I remember making a presentation there " " Yep and We'll take Sally with us maybe we can offer her a trial entrance to the college and make it so that I can teach her some manners "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAaxzzZIenvb
" You just said something rude didn't you ? " Karma turns to Sally carrying three recycled popcorn containers with fried chicken " Yeah so what ? Isn't it good to get an education ? "
155Please respect copyright.PENANAYngN89YvDE
" Just eat these " they each took one as they ate the last part of their breakfast .
155Please respect copyright.PENANAg7MvDKQdU2