Michael looks down watching everything occur in the world as he turns to Metatron " We need to get rid of your promise Metatron " " I know he blew a trumpet and he wasn't actively trying to trick people he must've his own gain from blowing it "
Michael could tell how much Karma's actions affected Metatron " The Count always seems to have an ulterior motive all the time so I'll go down and force him to fight " the third trumpet sounds .
Wormwood fell and the cities now dubbed the Marked cities closed off any freshwater supplies as they quickly turned to prior filtration devices ' Did boss want to use this thing as a bargaining chip ? '
Jane wonders how Karma would make use of it as Karma walks to where wormwood fell ' It's a plant although in the form of a star ' he assumes it's a type of herb as one of the herbs was said to be very bitter and the size of the star in front of him might mean the overdose of a herb .
He reaches out as a sword touches his neck but not close enough to bleed him " I'm sure I'm not doing anything illegal " " I know the gimmicks you use to accomplish the condition of ignorance Count "
Karma sighs " I got caught already , even though you would eventually find out how " Karma turns to see six other angels as he eyes Remiel more closely than the rest " Oh I see that's what you plan to do "
He looks at the angels " Terminate Metatron's promise or we will destroy the Marked cities personally " Karma looks at them with a sigh " I guess I'll have to defend it one way or another huh ? "
Karma looks at Wormwood still intending to stay " Alright you got me I'll tell my military to prepare for the angel's assault " Karma looks at them as they place a great shield on him which he can't carry before departing .
" Hey you know there are four kinds of ways for sins and merits to transfer , the crucifixion of the messiah which is salvation to take all the sins of everyone and receiving the merit for carrying the sins , The scapegoat when Azazel was forced into the body of a goat and forced to received the sins by the will of the people while the less recorded ones , Giving credit to someone a perfect transfer of merit and then the forceful claim of merit the damnation "
They wonder why Karma said that but ignore him as he snickers viciously , the angels see it as a way to strike fear ' Looks like I'll be able to complete it ' he could feel the chains of the shield they gave him .
" Wow this shield is dense " he wonders if he could replicate this dense merit somehow for his benefit and calls Jane " I'll never get used to your more futuristic portal " Karma told Jane .
" Boss are you just stuck there ? " "Yeah they condensed the very light material merit so much I don't have the strength to lift myself up " Jane looks at Wormwood taking a sample to study " It's the same kind of wormwood I know of but a different variant "
" Can you make use of it ? " " Yeah this wormwood may as well be a bunch of herbs inside one big block " Jane pushes the water away to keep the wormwood from completely dissolving " Should I move this or something ? It's super dense and heavy "
" No just grab a few samples , Study them while I try to create a copy for it " Jane wonders if this wormwood star was one of the things Karma can use his bloodline ability on " Alright I'll send the data for you to read "
" Good " ' it's almost Moirai's first birthday , although it's strange to do that if he was conscious for a while during his conception ' he could tell very well that he can't think of a good gift .
" Giving the boy some property sounds like I'm some terrible parent thinking he's an adult but he already has the graduate level academic grade "
Karma decided to put it aside " I'll just say that my gift is a world where he can grow without the big worries like the end of it " he compares this kind of gift to the birthday cake that a parent would use as a gift for their child's birthday party .
Bael gathers information about what is occurring through the flies as he senses the locust inside the abyss " This meeting is the ongoing seven trumpets " Isir projects a screen showing what has occurred already .
" The first trumpet rained fire , the main reaction of the common was how they became aware of the existence of heaven and hell , fortunately no one has recognized the possibility that the fae exist "
They watched a video showing the news of the marked left eye , burning of a third of nature , the great depression rates , the people who didn't give up and etc.
" How are the training Bael " " It's going well currently with Count's involvement we were able to do more than before it's difficult to put it entirely with words but every fae is getting more and more capable by the day "
Diana was just getting used to the innocent-looking children of magic becoming less and less adorable as she watched a small adorable child turning their bunny ears into a wolf's jaws but with less fur and more flesh , blood and teeth .
" These are the statistics of how they are increasing more proficiently " Isir prepares for the next trumpet seeing Karma blowing it .
" Now for the second trumpet , I watched it first and seeing how the blood came out of Behemoth island I'm assuming that Karma planned for the third of the sea to turn into his blood " " Does that mean ? "
Isir nods " Yeah there's gonna be a huge battle there , I suggest not going " " We do have to go " Bael said " We don't know the odds of the battle the best way for us to be able to ensure that god loses "
" There are some updates for the third trumpet , currently wormwood was discovered to be a mix of several herbs , Karma was forced to stay in one place " Someone posted a question " Why is The Count forced to stay somewhere ? "
" He said that Metatron's promise of granting Karma protection is getting in the way , so seven angels connected to the seven virtues will likely attack " There was a change in Bael as he waits for Isir to finish .
" May I suggest that we watch this closely " " Sure it's possible to get something close to live but with the distance , it might have a little bit of a delay I assume it would be at least a few days give or take if the connection is stable "
" Bael why the hurry " Asmodeus asked " The seven virtues are strong since they are close to god " Isir looked at the words that filled them with doubts " It's true they are strong considering their position "
" Not much is known about them " Diana said " That's true the four significant archangels are part of it and not much is known about the other angels " Bael said while Isir took out important data for them .
" But I got some while Metatron was snooping around my past I explored their data for a bit , Remiel is just another angel that guides human souls more specifically the faithful she has a thing or two about the thing on gratitude so she's like a support but it works so that she has to actually be grateful with the angels "
Diana wonders why Isir made it feel like they are talking about some game mechanic " Cassiel is just a very disciplined angel , but the biggest deal is that they each have powers corresponding to the virtues they present , but they don't get affected by the virtues instead they reinforce these virtues instead "
" It's completely different than the sins " Asmodeus said " It does work similarly the virtues are the center piece of the definition of merits , concord for those who fixes the problems , Charity for those who help the unfortunate without desire for a thing in return and etc. "
" So everything is just about being good ? " " Yes that's what I gathered , however the definition of merit is purely decided by god which is why Idolatry is considered a sin while Faith in God was considered a virtue " Isir said .
" That is a great insight to get to know more about the other angels " Asmodeus said and the meeting ended as everyone collected their notes and some files Isir made while they returned home carrying a gift for Moirai " Happy birthday Moirai "
" E " " Here is your birthday present " Moirai looks at the gift " Papa ? " " He's not here right now but I'm sure he thinks of what to give you " Isir said as they heard Moirai make a sad sound " Don't worry we'll meet him soon ? After all the Fae are getting ready to fight for the battle "
The seven angels look down at the marked cities as they waited for the trumpet to blow . Azrael waited patiently for everyone as he stared down without his scythe needing not the weapon to do the work .
The other angels also stood in the skies looking down as they looked at the armies standing and waiting for them . Uriel could see how everyone in the army was in no way going to die like sitting ducks .
Everyone was armed with weapons supplied from hell and the weather started to rain down as thunder struck in all of the Marked cities . Children huddled inside fearful of what they heard from the adults knowing they were at the end of times .
They also prayed but not to a god they prayed to their parents to the capable adults who didn't succumb to despair and decided to try to at least keep their children safe rather than blame .
Metatron tries so hard wondering why Karma just let them go to fight an army that has no experience against angels .
" Did he succumb to despair too ? " he was anxious trying so hard to see if he had missed something but nothing came to mind so far , he kept pacing back and forth trying to answer questions as he was constantly doubting his actions , decisions as well as the decision to mess up the intended prophecy .
He faced the angel who was about to blow the trumpet as James was standing looking at the angels remembering the past when he was also full of despair knowing he could die ' It feels familiar '
" Are you scared ? " His close friends asked " Of course I am but I know this feeling of rushing into certain death where I would never wake up is something I constantly have why else do you think I make sure everyone I kill is surely dead ? "
" Yeah it would be strange for us who are ready to be killed to be afraid of being killed when we had gone through situations where we knew we might die and never live this is no different " James wonders if the feeling of death being close is what numbed his fear of death .
" Death's our friend " " An angel of death is up there why don't you go say hi ? " they joke to earn a laugh from each other as Azrael looks down with very cold eyes " It's annoying how boss had to make the weather like this is he trying to distract the angels ? "
His question was never answered properly as someone jokes " Maybe he's watching from somewhere watching it like some teenager watching a movie "
Isir watching with everyone thinks it's possible to win as they held Moirai with them " Did you give Moirai memories about the world war ? " " Yeah that and surgery also torture " Isir answered as Bael was worried what may happen when the angels attack at the sound of the trumpet .
As they waited the trumpet finally sounded as darkness enveloped the whole world the sun no longer to be seen and the stars covered like all the light they emitted from light years away was consumed .
James looked up as he prepared his weapons only to suddenly be killed by Azrael as his body was felled by the angel . Azrael didn't stay to wait and so did the other angels as soon as they got their first kill .
They continued to slaughter more and more soldiers quicker than anyone would've reacted as their souls quickly fell into hell .
James and everyone in the army felt so much fear as soon as they woke up in hell " How were we supposed to win against that ? " " Dang boss you are fighting a losing war "
While everyone had learned despair Isir looked at the screen as they slowed the speed of the footage to catch a glimpse of something dark .
" That looks familiar " They said as Moirai shook asking for their attention " Oh don't worry about it Moirai " Isir's casual and relaxed tone couldn't be more than appreciated by Asmodeus as Isir continues .
" He always has something important right Mihr ? " Mihr nods as the angel is now without any wings like Lucifer .
' So this is what Merit and sins are like , sins are a kilogram of iron while merits are a kilogram of feathers the only difference is the form they take the weight is still the same , the reason merit is light is that it's made of feathers which are then used to make wings '
Karma looks at the shield that was used to protect Karma as he smiles waiting for the angels to come . Michael appeared holding the head of James " Oh god why would you bring that here ? " Karma complains .
" Give up Count , the role of the Antimessiah should go to Lucifer " " I'm not gonna hold a conversation if you keep holding that thing in front of me and can you at least clean yourself up ? "
Some were surprised that Karma could still stay calm despite the angels crushing everyone's spirits as Michael complied with his request knowing he needed Karma to willingly surrender the promise to them .
" Break Metatron's promise and we won't hurt you and your family " Michael demanded and prepared the promise " Yeah the thing is I will do it but I don't think that compensation is enough " Michael wondered how far Karma's greed went to wish for more compensation .
" It doesn't matter we give you one last choice " " Ah yes I still have a choice because I have two options remember that riddle that uses the word and algebra with x that means choices ? " " Stop saving yourself from the embarrassment Count I know you are buying time "
" Yes I am buying time how nice of you to guess but it's not for the purpose you think I am buying time for " Michael wondered what Karma meant as he coughed .
" There it is " the rest of the angels started coughing up as Karma was glad that the shield was keeping any of what they coughed out from falling into him as they gathered into vials without mixing .
" Wha cough is this ? " " Me " Karma said happily " Or a meaning of my name well I'm not sure what it actually is but it's like cause and effect you damage a business they will demand a compensation , but what you are experiencing right now is just damage that you dealt to all the armies "
Remiel and Raphael try to heal the damages but they just keep coming back into them as they all keep coughing more and more golden blood " It's kinda annoying to just watch so I'll just tell you what happened "
Karma takes out the scales of famine " You know who these belong to ? " Michael was just about to answer until he coughed again " Oh well I'll just have to answer for you " Karma retrieves the scales .
" To send Cain to heaven I had to carry his punishments his sins were the only ones I carry right now " Karma's crown of thorns appears as he continued .
" By taking his punishments I was able to get the completed weapon of famine and bonus I got his sevenfold payback which was also a punishment "
The angels found the answer to why they couldn't stop coughing up blood " Now as for why this benefits me ? I told you I wanted compensation right ? " Karma grabbed each of their virtues as they were surprised that he didn't disintegrate from holding them .
He returns them back to their original form as he holds the seven virtues in his hands reaching for the virtue of faith and destroying it before absorbing the virtues " Thank you so much for not knowing my plans "
Karma feels something as the promise he made for Metatron is now gone as Metatron appears and stabs Karma as Karma walks out of the blade " That's painful " Metatron was surprised how Karma isn't dying yet .
" Looks like I did what you wished although it's too bad Michael quickly retracted that promise it could've been convenient " Metatron looks at Karma wondering why he isn't a dead man yet " Don't you want to get the keys and the weapon ? "
" I do need that for the fifth trumpet and the sixth ? " " I do and we will take it " Karma raises his hand " Then I'll hope you give me some time and promise me you'll turn the sea to the blood of mine then ? "
" Fine , I will uphold that promise " a promise was made after one was broken , Metatron wonders what Karma wants with dying in the sea as the keys and famine floats into him .
The seven angels faint upon hearing that they succeeded in getting the items to continue revelation " See you in heaven Metatron and just ask Leviathan for the book "
Karma waves to the departing angel and bows to the people watching as he faces them with a six in his right eye this one glowing bright white more visibly as the one on his left starts to lose all of its colors .
Everyone was amazed to witness Karma recover from the attack of Metatron who they knew was known as the little god from the published apocryphal texts .
The seven angels who slaughtered the entire army fell without Karma doing anything and finally Karma's success in restoring the spirits of the people .
As the army described their experience in hell which was more different , it was just like the city they knew except more luxurious with the addition of the infernals working 24/7 31 days a month through the whole year .
Jane holds the vials of angel blood with her as she analyses them " What an amazing effect these are boss you have really outdone yourself " several researchers were working terribly curious about the blood and their effects " It's completely golden and bright "
Karma was holding a beautifully crafted vial Golding the glowing blood as they were written in the language that was first used to name the angels " I can't tell the application for these but those things you call merit should be related to it " " of course it is too bad I don't get the blood of demons "
Karma wondered if he could get it as he used a small needle to draw blood only to see it as red instead of black " Too bad I took out Lucifer " " It's okay boss we don't need to study more about these demons' blood the sinners' will do " Jane takes a sample from a sinner to compare them while Karma leaves it to her .
Meanwhile in hell , several souls were continuously fighting sinners just doing it so they could prey on angels and watch a new kind of blood flow out .
' They'll be back on their feet soon although that video about me damaging the angels and causing a new mark to appear at the right eye is confirming my role as the antichrist '
He wanted to wait for the fifth trumpet so that he could show the feasibility of going against god ' Soon this place will be flooded with locusts but if I control the location for where the locusts will appear '
Karma moves the tower of Babylon making it stand on where the angel would use the key of abyss ' Now with this I can keep the locust from eating anything in hell ' he looks up checking the news as he holds a copy of the original bible and uses the gift before babylon to read .
' Looks like the seal of god is appearing it should mean it's the end of marking , now there will only be those with the seal of god and the marked man ' he checks the conditions of the beast that he prepared to unleash as soon as he needed .
He stares at the virtues thinking of what he did to the six sins ' It's too bad I can't use these who knows what will happen if I throw them into hell with the infernals ' he wonders what he should name the creatures of virtue .
" Ahh too hard I'll just call them the Virtues " Karma creates a creature of virtue as he picks out a mother's happiness as she slowly goes to work ' I'll get diligence later ' an animal appears as it hops out seeing the infernal realm .
" Come back here this place is not for you " Karma lets it go to heaven as he is glad that his practice of turning the dense shield of merit into feathers helped him as black feathers appear when he manifests sins .
' Now there will no longer be the limits of the weight of the sins ' Karma spreads dark feathered wings as he looks up and flies to the skies of hell to reach the living world as the wings retract back into his soul .
' It does feel less suffocating now thanks a lot angels '
Bael sits back after watching the footage watching the seven angels he was worried lose from falling into a trap and Karma surviving Metatron's blade " To think he'd survive that " Moirai was just really happy to see something that wasn't red as he watched the angels cough gold .
" Looks like we do have a chance " " It will be perfect to increase morale " " God is still a problem but I'm sure we can leave it to Count " " Yeah our parent is very big we just need the blood to be able to bring out their true body "
" Count can do it on the sea right now but is that enough ? " " I'm sure having a third of the oceans with his blood is more than enough but it's pretty unstable " " That's true unless his blood is gathered more closely without any impurities "
They discussed how they could unleash their parent's true body to the real world " You guys sound like some worshipers of some eldritch god " " We are their children though " Asmodeus pointed out .
" Yeah but from the works about cosmic beings the strongest one is the sleeping god whose dreams is the reality or our reality is their dream " " I know Isir " Asmodeus said as everyone else continued their discussion about bringing the fae to fight in revelation .
" But they're different , no one dreams of them they just appear in that perfectly astral world wandering they probably were like our older sleeping siblings before they got enough memories "
" You want to delve into your parent's lore ? " Isir said " It's fun although I'm not sure how they were able to wake up you said they needed a lot of memories where would those memories be ? "
" In a black hole " Isir said " You know about that " Asmodeus asked , sad that they didn't know and Isir never told him " Sorry it's not like it was important the memories just gather to place with more gravitational force and souls "
" At least I know now " " Exactly so you don't have to be disappointed " Isir said as Moirai sleeps " I'll be leaving soon I'll have to prepare footage for the fifth trumpet .
Isir carries Moirai along as they watch some fae practicing their transformation into forms that should not be seen in children's cartoons as Isir wonders if that can keep some people away from them or not .
' It's weird and all ' Isir finds Reed sitting beside their house " I was just looking for you " " Oh sorry I was in a meeting " " No worries although I do want to ask for something " " What would that be ? "
" Can I get my diary ? " Isir realizes that it is time for Reed to have known " Alright I guess that's what I have to do , It's nice for you to get back your memories again Reed " " You know a lot " Reed said taking this situation so calmly .
" Of course I do , now I'll get it for you , you can read it here if you want " 123Please respect copyright.PENANAigCiUPiefY
123Please respect copyright.PENANAtmWtzoYuhW