Author's note:
- Short chapter introducing my OC.
- Based off Space Between from Descendants 2.
- Again, plagiarists will be keelhauled!
*Voice from the other room: "Ally!"*
*Me: "Fine Lucinda!" "Plagiarists will be reported blah blah blah".*
- Bad grammar is here on purpose. Our protagonist, Catriana Millicent Balderdash, is six and three quarters. What does one expect?
- Word count of chapter: 808.
"Is that it?" my papa asked. We were loading everything we owned into a cart and were leaving Elfatopia.
Elfatopia was the only home I'd ever known, but I was a human. Or half anyway. My father was one and my mother was an elf. I had slightly pointy ears and my elder brothers John JR and Gibson's were worse. I'd gotten lucky I guess, because my baby brothers Cliff and Mason's were already shaping up to be pretty pointy.
Catriana Millicent Balderdash, I'm six & three quarters. My papa calls me clever, but I don't know why. I think it's cause I like usin' long words. Ya know, the ones that stretch out on your schoolbooks like a snake? Those.
My mother was rather angry at my papa because she loved it here. This was her home, she had never been to the human world or anywhere else. None of us had.
But papa was a restless soul. His family were all sailors and pirates and explorers. He discovered Elfatopia twelve years ago and semi-settled.
I was kinda mad as well because I had to leave my two best friends, Lorili and Luke Featherson. We were all the same age, as they were twins.
Now, they were walking up to give me my final farewell.
"Do you really have to go?" Lorili asked.
I nodded.
"I would never stop you, but we will miss you!" Luke said.
"Papa thinks there's this Space Between all the realms. This, the rest of Earth, everything. We can meet there he says." I said.
"I like that." Luke said.
"I'll never really be out of reach, you're part of my heart." I said.
"Not much has to change, right? We can write letters & send telegrams!" Lorili said.
"Yes, we get letters from my grandmother all the time." I then hugged them both.
"Go & find your place! Even if we're worlds or dimensions apart, you'll never be alone." Lorili continued.
"Goodbye Cat!" Luke said, biting back tears.
"Bye!" I was also biting back tears.
Then we set off.
"Bye Alvara dear!" my grandma said to Mama.
She hugged her.
Everything spun.
We landed way off in the country somewhere in the human world. I'd also lost the pointyness in my ears.
"So, what are we doing, John?" Mama asked Papa.
The horse, which had been a unicorn, was hitched to the cart & papa reined her in.
"I think we should buy a boat." Papa said. "A fine ship, so we can explore uncharted waters."
"Whatever." Mama answered. She rolled her eyes. I could tell she still wasn't too keen on this whole moving thing.
Papa didn't seem to notice as he tapped the reins against the horse & she began to walk, pulling the cart. The year was 1897 & I was relieved to know that time works the same on Earth. Well, to be specific, Elfatopia is a realm of Earth.
"Where are we papa?" my eldest brother, who was ten and named John JR Or JJ, asked.
"The Mainland, JJ. Specifically, the Southern portion. Somewhere in the Midwestern United States Of America." he answered.
We spoke with Americanized English accents, as my father came from England.
"Are there dragons here, Papa?" my other elder brother, or my younger elder brother, Gibson, who was eight, asked. My two younger brothers, Cliff and Mason were three and almost one.
Papa looked back at him and said "No son, they don't. They got most what we do though. Horses, like our unicorns, but without the horns. Cows, but they never give chocolate milk. Chickens and geese but they don't lay chocolate and golden eggs. Stuff like that."
"Can we go home now? I don't know what I'll do without chocolate milk!" Gibson whimpered. 145Please respect copyright.PENANAttIzSQvkDw
"They 'ave it 'ere, ye just make it for yerself!" he said.
So there we started.
We were riding in the cart, going West, to the coast.
Now, lulled by the gentle rocking of the cart & by Clairese, our horse's easy whining, both Mace & Cliff were asleep & I couldn't say I was too far behind. I knowed right now this was gonna shape up to be the funniest day ever & maybe even a real adventure.
I was almost asleep when I saw something. Something shiny, in the distance, but I dismissed it as a dream... ✨😎