Thought I would try something new with the perspective. Haven't written in a while and I could use some exercise on the matter. Summer holiday is about to end in 3 weeks and I'm actually looking forward to school. Gonna start my last year of high-school in a jiffy and I want to start writing more. Please leave a review if you can, if not well thanks for reading.
What wonderful way to fill your stomach in the middle of the day than to eat a hearty meal of delicious juicy hamburger accompanied by a cup of soda and side fries. That is of course, if you actually have decided which establishment to purchase said burgers from. Instead you argue with your friend on which burgers are better and why you should eat there.
On an empty stomach…
Oh boy…
“You know, their Houston burgers are the BOMB. I mean like they have those sour and hot jalapenos and they have some great bacon cheese fries!” you said with enthusiasm about the hot and spicy burger of your dreams.
The girl opposite of you begs to differ. Having her tongue seared with the hot flames of hell wasn’t in her best interest, instead in her mind rests a simple yet delicious sandwich of her own liking which is less hot or flammable, “yeah and if you take the bacon and cheese away you’ll just have some stale fries, I’d rather have salted fries and a filet o’ fish, yeah that’ll hit the spot.”
You slumped back on your chair and heaved a sigh. The reminder that the fries aren’t that great if you put the toppings away hit you hard, especially because it’s the truth. But that won’t get you to back down from your wonderfully hot Mexican wife. NO! You MUST have the delicious green pepper inside your currently watering mouth and nothing, NOTHING, will stand in our way. Not even your travelling-partner.
Instead, you take the map your teacher gave you. The map showed a number of locations inside the area you and your partner were in. it suddenly just hit you to try and see which burger joint is the closest to your current position. This was your chance! Your chance to shine in the glory of the green peppery pepper! And not on some damned simple fish sandwich.
You slam the map onto the table, forcing some glares to react. Your partner stares in confusion towards the crumpled paper, “Umm… what is that?”
Putting on a smug smile, thinking that you’d win the battle because you remembered seeing the map before and it showed that your delicious burger is just a corner away from where you two are having a rest.
“Oh nothing, it’s just the map that our teacher gave us, and it’ll tell us which place to go!”
“And how is that possible?”
Your index finger taps on the map, showing the position you are in, “It’ll show us which place is closer to us and which burger we’re going to eat! And it shows that the closes burger joint is none other than… DING DING DING! Yup, mine. Okay now come one let’s skedaddle and eat some Houstons.”
“Wait a minute, yeah it looks like it’s close but,” your partner stopped you from leaving with a tug on your hand. She pulled you down to your seat rather intensely. You hear a grumble coming from below. It’s your stomach, it can’t wait any more than it already has.
You cock an eyebrow and gave her some of your attention, the other half being directed to your empty belly, “What is it now? Come on! I’m hungry, you’re hungry, we’re all hungry, let’s just eat at the nearest burger joint and be done with it, and according to my calculations the nearest one would be my humble establishment. Come on, sweet lovely jalapeno is waiting for me!”
“What I’m trying to say is, your place looks close but actually this road is blocked, don’t you remember? We passed here already and there were some kind of construction going on, which leaves-”
“WHAT FFF WHAT?? No no no this can’t be true but! But-“ you suddenly remember the construction site where you found a dirty pair of underwear and the hobos who kind of stole them from you when you picked it up.
“Oh! Look! My choice is just around this corner and across the bridge, meanwhile, yours have to find a second route which is walking 3 blocks away, that means I win!” your partner gleamed with satisfaction. A smirk had planted itself on her face. Damn if she wasn’t a qt and not a girl you’d up and hit her head, but alas she’s a girl and she’s cute that means no face-hitting. Instead you wallow in despair upon realization that your jalapeno wife is yet again growing further and further apart from you.
At the establishment of your partner’s choice you droop on your chair and nibble on a piece of fry, it was indeed as she said, well salted. Your partner on the other hand is absorbed in enjoying her delicious fish sandwich.
You grumble a dissatisfaction which made your partner to react, “Come on, cheer up, it’s not your fault you can’t read maps well.” Her comforting words weren’t as comforting as they seem, given the smirk that was still on her face. But seeing her happy is giving your heart those warmy feelings. But you thought that if you had that jalapeno burger your heart wouldn’t be warm, instead it’d be hot, hot with fiery feelings of love towards pickled jalapenos. Damn.
“Well how was I supposed to know that there was a construction symbol in the middle of the route, they should make guides for this map!” you excuse yourself in disbelief.
“But there is, right beside the map there’s a list of symbols and what they’re supposed to mean,” she fired your complain back in a soft manner.
You grumble yet again, munching on some fries.
“Come on, I said cheer up! Here have a French fry,” she comforted you, poking your cheek with a piece of fry.
You took it and eat on it quite fiercely. Your eyes dart to the singe milkshake on the table, at least the milkshake was good.
“At least the milkshake is umm satisfying,” you tried to find some positive sides for this situation.
“Come on! It’s great!”
“But why do we have to share the milkshake?”
“Well a certain someone forgot to bring his wallet on a trip like this one, but gee, I don’t know.”
It was you. That certain someone was you. And you had to make a girl buy lunch for you, pathetic. BUT! You get to share a milkshake with a girl, that’s a plus right? Sure it is!
“and don’t complain, I already bought you a burger, and you’ve gobbled it already!”
“Err… right… thanks, yeah it was uhh g-g-“ your tongue wants to say it but your brains decides to stop it in its tracks. You have too much pride to consider losing to her. But she saw this as a chance to squeeze you dry of your pride.
“Eh? What's this? Are you actually going to admit that my choice of burger was excellent?”
Your pride can’t stop you from succumbing to the fish sandwich and its sour tartar sauce, “g-GOD FINE OKAY! Yeah! It was good, pretty great… happy?”
You finally admit your loss. You decide to lean onto the table and drink the shared icy vanilla milkshake. God damn that’s some good milkshake.
“Yup,” the girl opposite of you said with a smile as she bites the straw mere inches from yours and starts slurping on the milkshake.
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