“I hate you”
She said after she was fed up with my teasing. Nonetheless I still teased her to my heart’s content. I played with her blond pony-tail. The smell of French vanilla traced around her entire body.
I said, still fidgeting around with her hair.
We were sitting on a bench in the public park. She was wearing an unbuttoned red-white and blue flannel on top of a white graphic shirt with washed-out denim shorts. Her T-shirt had a picture of a happy cartoon sperm-whale. It was cute, just like her.
We sat there for hours having our daily chit-chat. She would tell me about her annoying roommate who had to wake up at 5 in the morning just to do her daily jog.
“It wasn’t because she was noisy, believe me she was as silent as a fox, but her alarm clock? Oh man, imagine yourself living in a duck-invested pen, now imagine every single duck holding a loudspeaker and quacking every single day at 5 am sharp even though you don’t have any classes until 12”
She ranted, flailing her slender white arms to and fro. I merely embraced her shoulder with my right hand and pulled her onto me. Her anger subsided for a moment before she retracted herself from my warm body.
“I’m still mad you know”
She pouted at me. The frown on her face only made her look cuter than she already was. She crossed her arms and legs and turned away.
“Yeah sure, whatever you say”
A light punch landed on my shoulder. I rubbed the spot that got hit and pat her head.
“Come on, it’s just a joke”
“Well it’s not funny”
“Okay I’ll buy you ice cream to make up for it”
“Double scoop?”
“Double scoop”
Her face suddenly brightened up and she hugged me.
We got up from the bench and walked to the afternoon streets. The pavements were dry thanks to the summer heat.
“Can I have sprinkles with my ice cream? Y’know, the rainbow ones!”
She said, looking up to me. Her hands were wrapped around mine. Her folded sleeves exposed her white skin.
“What are you, ten?”
She tugged at my arm.
“Hey! They’re good you know! Especially with some blueberry sauce, yum”
“Well I don’t like them, too sweet for my tongue, but the blueberry sauce is a good choice”
She stuck her tongue out. It was incredibly red.
We walked down the street. There weren’t many people out, maybe the occasional old ones or rushing office workers, other than that it’s pretty much empty.
At a distance we saw an ice cream shop, it was surprisingly crowded, not too crowded though. We went to the counter and chose our flavors. She chose vanilla and cotton candy, I chose a scoop of mango sorbet. She had her rainbow sprinkles and blueberry sauce while I had caramel sauce.
“Why do you like sorbet?”
She asked me while licking her two story ice cream.
“It’s refreshing”
“It’s sour”
“That’s why I got caramel sauce”
“You’re weird”
“You love me though”
She flushes and hits me on the shoulder, again. She has a habit of hitting me on the shoulder when she’s embarrassed, mad, happy, actually whatever emotion she’s feeling, if she wants to express it physically she would just punch me. A violent girl she is.
We got a seat on a table by the window. We sat there enjoying our cold dessert quietly. Surprisingly she finished hers before I even got halfway to mine. Of course I enjoy eating ice cream slowly, what’s the fun in finishing something so quickly.
“I still want to eat something”
“We can order a salad”
“Blegh I want sweet stuff, my sweet tooth demands it”
“Yeah, your weight demands it too”
“Shut up”
She growled, now sitting quietly. She folded her arms again. Her gaze now falls on the window and what lies across them. Her attention was fixated on a couple walking their dog. She was always fond of animals of any kind. I remembered she had a goldfish once, had.
“I want a puppy”
“I could buy you one”
Completely forgetting about her past anger she sprang up excitingly. I nodded slowly, still savoring the sour mango and sweet caramel. Such deliciousness can only be achieved in heaven.
“Yup, only if you can take care of it”
She pat her chest, releasing dedication and happiness on her face.
“Of course I can! I’m the best babysitter in the neighborhood back at high-school!”
I chuckled at her confident recognition, still remembering her goldfish.
“Remember Mr. Chuckles the goldfish?”
She suddenly fell down on her chair. Confidence all gone she traced back to when she had Mr. Chuckles. Poor fish, he didn’t do anything wrong, of course if he’s actually a he and not a she. She would just go to the store and shout the name of the animal she’s going to buy, regardless of gender.
“H-hey! It wasn’t my fault Mr. Chuckles didn’t like soap”
“Well if he’s swimming in soap water he wouldn’t be able to breath now would he?”
“I guess not…”
She suddenly fell into depression. She’s so cute even though she’s depressed. It’s either she’s always cute or I have weird tastes. Hopefully it’s the former.
“But I can buy you a kitten”
“R-really? But you said that I was bad with animals”
“I never said such a thing”
“B-but you implied”
“Maybe, besides if it’s a cat I’d take care of it too, I love cats”
“You do?”
“I have four of ‘em back at my parents’”
“What? You never told me!”
“Never asked, didn’t bother”
“Give me one!”
I thought about giving her one of my favorite cats but the thought of them dying in her flat was not a good sight. I cringe at the thought of Popo dying. My favorite lazy-ass cat.
“Nope, not a chance”
“But why?”
She cried out to me.
“You’re bad with animals, but I can give you a kitten, and then we’ll take care of it together”
She thanked me over and over again. I said that we could go see some kittens at the pet shop tomorrow morning since we both don’t have any classes.
I finally finished my sorbet and put down my cup. I looked up to her blue eyes.
“So, still want that dessert?”
“Apple pie!”
“It’s either dessert or a cat”
“W-what? Are you serious? After all that you were gonna make me choose?”
She was surprised at my sudden change of strategy. Of course I was just joking about the choices. I want a cat too. I was only trying to make her confused, she’s cute too when she’s confused.
“Pick one, fast, the clock is ticking”
I said as I made a ticking sound.
“I-I can’t choose! Fine! Uhh… dessert! Apple pie!”
“Just kidding, only wanted to see you frustrated”
I said as I poked her right cheek. It bounced back even though it wasn't chubby.
“Ugh, I hate you”
“Love you too”