Three days had passed and I was now at the airport, saying goodbye to Mia.
"I'll be back when I'm eighteen. I promise. And you know I never break my promises." Mia whispers into my ear before kissing my cheek.
"I know." I whisper back, pulling her into a long hug. "I love you so much, never forget that."
"I won't. I love you too." I pull her into a kiss, my hands tangled in her hair.
"Flight 136 to Los Angeles, California is now boarding."
Groaning, I stop the kiss and pull her in for a hug again. "Don't forget about me."
"How could I ever forget about you, Jay?" I smile and kiss her forehead before allowing her to leave with her family. I watch as she walks through the gates and I don't leave until she's out of sight.
. . .
Four hours later I get a text message from Mia saying that they had landed safely.
I text her back a thank you before falling asleep, dreaming about what could've been.