I wake up by the sound of my phone buzzing right next to my ear. Groaning, I look at what it says and notice that it is a FaceTime request from Mia. I press my thumb on the Accept button and wait for it to connect.
"Jay! You need to tell me what to wear. I don't know where we're going and I need to dress appropriately." Mia says right as the phones connect.
Laughing, I reply. "Just wear jeans and a t-shirt. Honestly Mia, you look good in anything and the place we're going to is nothing special."
"Okay, I'll see you in a few. Bye."
"Bye, M." I walk over to my closet and pick out a grey shirt and a pair of jeans. Throwing them onto my bed I shut the closet doors and put on some new boxers before pulling on the jeans and shirt. Afterwards I walk out of my room, heading towards the closed bathroom door.
I try opening it but find that it's locked.
"I'm on the potty!" The voice of my 6 year old sister announces from behind the door.
"Okay," I laugh and go out into the living room to wait. A few seconds later the door opens and Olivia comes bouncing out of the bathroom in her Minnie Mouse outfit. I swear she was absolutely obsessed with anything Disney. It was probably our fault for her being Disney obsessed though considering we only lived an hour away from the Disney parks and went almost every weekend when she was younger.
"Hey, Liv. Did you wash your hands?" I asked.
"Yep!" She answered before skipping into her room. I made my way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.
Once I was finished getting ready I exit the bathroom and grab my phone from my room. I send Mia a quick text.
Hey M. I'll be over in 5 minutes. Don't bother eating anything; we're stopping to get Panera on the way.
Pressing send, I close my phone and shove it into my pocket. I grab the keys to my white Mazda3 and yell a goodbye to my parents before walking out the door. I hop into the driver's seat and put the key into the ignition, starting the car. I buckle my seat belt and reverse down the driveway.
Making a left I pull onto Mia's street and go down a few houses before pulling into the driveway of her house. I walk up the sidewalk leading to her front door and right as I was about to knock it opens, Mr. Smith standing in front of me.
"Hi, Mr. Smith. I'm here to get Mia."
"Hey Jason. Mia's up in her room, you remember the way?"
"Yeah," I say before heading up the stairs. Once I reach her door I knock and wait for permission to come in.
"One minute!" I hear her voice say faintly from behind the door. "Okay, you can come in."
I enter her room before running and belly flopping onto her bed. I turn over and move up to where the pillows are and stretch myself out.
"Jason! Your shoes are getting my bed dirty." Mia complains, trying to push me off.
"M, c'mon. You know you're not stronger than me." I laugh, watching her try to push me off.
"Just get off, Jay. I literally washed my sheets yesterday. You're getting your boy germs all over them."
"My what? My boy germs?" I ask, trying not to laugh. Slowly, I get off her bed and corner her so her legs are pressed up against the end of the bed. I quickly pull her into my arms and throw her over my shoulder. "Would you like to rephrase that?"
"Jay!" She shouts, laughing. "Put me down!"
"No, I'm good. The view is pretty good." I joke.
"Jason, I swear to God if you don't put me down right now!"
"You'll what? Hit me?" I ask, scoffing.
"Nope! I'll call for Bella."
At that I immediately stiffen. I did not want to deal with her older sister this early in the morning.
"Alright, alright. I surrender." I say, putting her down and holding up my hands. Mia smiles and grabs her phone from her nightstand where it sat charging.
"Okay, I'm ready." I take a moment to see what she's wearing. She has on a black crop top that has a compass on it in white and denim shorts, along with her white Keds.
"Good, I'm starving." I grab her hand and pull her downstairs. After saying goodbye to her parents we exit the house and get into my car. I start the engine and pull out of her driveway once we're both situated.
"To Panera!" She cries out happily, doing the Superman pose. I laugh at her silliness and pull onto the road. Mia connects her phone to the Bluetooth in my car and plays her Shawn Mendes playlist which consists of the songs from his album Handwritten (at least, that's what she told me).
Ten minutes later I'm pulling into a parking space right in front of the Panera Bread entrance. Mia and I exit the car and walk inside. Surprisingly it's not as busy as it usually is this early in the morning. We walk right up to the counter to order and I motion to Mia that she can order first.
"Umm, I'd like an Asiago Cheese Bagel. Sliced and toasted with plain cream cheese, please." Mia says politely.
"Anything to drink?" The lady behind the counter asks.
"A medium hot coffee," She answers before stepping aside so I can order.
"I would like an Asiago Cheese Bagel with Bacon, Egg, and Cheese, please." I say.
"And to drink?"
"A medium hot coffee." The lady rings up the order.
"Your total adds up to $10.00, even." I take out a ten dollar bill and hand it to her. I give Mia the Styrofoam to-go coffee cups, letting her make our coffees while I waited for the food to be ready. After thanking the lady who gave me the tray of food I walk over to where Mia is sitting and give her the plate with her bagel. She spreads the cream cheese on it while I take a sip of my coffee.
We both finish our food in under ten minutes, looks like we were really hungry. After throwing away the remains, I grab my coffee and head out to the car with Mia following behind me.
"You better get comfortable, we have an hour drive ahead of us." I tell her before pulling out onto the highway.