We make our way into Tomorrowland and I end up having to pick Olivia up since she was too busy watching everything to look where she was going. We had all finished our pretzels awhile ago and were now ready to enjoy the rush of adrenaline that Space Mountain gave everyone.
"Are we there yet?" Liv asks.
"Yeah, we're here." I say as we arrive at the entrance. "Shoot, I forgot to check the height requirements. Let's hope you're tall enough Liv."
We walk up to the measurement stand and Liv stands on it, allowing one of the workers to check her height.
"She's good to go," the worker said. "She's an inch taller than the required height."
Mia and I both send the worker a smile before each grabbing one of Liv's hands. We walk to the FastPass side and press our bands up to the MagicMickey's for the last time. Once the MagicMickey turns green we make our way inside, moving somewhat quickly. Twenty minutes later I'm sitting in the back of a three seater rocket-shaped vehicle while Liv is in the front and Mia is in the middle.
"Make sure to hold onto her," I tell Mia for the millionth time.
"I know what to do, Jay. I won't let anything happen to her, promise." Mia reassures me for the millionth time.
Three minutes later we're being shot through an energy tunnel that's pulsating with blinking lights. We then ascend a high mountain before being launched into the darkness of the universe. The mysterious sounds of space and galactic music are being played around us. As we zoom around we pass shooting stars, wayward comets, and streaking orbs of light. Then the push and pull of gravity surrounds us as we soar into a swirling wormhole which brings us back into the control tower.
It takes a few minutes before we get to the exit and once we get there the safety bars lift. I get out and help Liv out of the rocket before I take one of Mia's hands and help her out. We walk through before coming to a flat escalator. We get on and start walking towards the exit, arriving in a gift shop.
"Jay Jay? Can we go on Buzz Lightyear?" Liv asks me once we're out of the gift shop.
"Sure Liv. We can get some lunch afterwards since it'll probably be lunch time." I say, motioning towards the long line of people who're waiting to go on Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin.
We walk towards the ride before entering the roped off section that was put outside to contain the line. An hour later we finally make it to the front of the ride.
"Okay, Liv you're going to sit in-between Mia and I. You'll be able to control the spinning handle while Mia and I shoot the bad guys." I tell her as we make our way onto the moving walkway.
"Okay!" She says, waiting for me to get into the spaceship. Once I'm in Mia helps Liv in before getting in herself. The bar lowers over our laps and we're brought into Buzz Lightyear's world to defeat the evil Emperor Zurg.
As soon as we're aloud to start spinning that's the only thing that Liv is concentrated on doing. Mia and I try our best to shoot the lasers but it was hard because every time we focused on a target we were turned the other way. A couple minutes later we're brought to the end where we can see our scores, Mia and I both only being Space Cadets. We hop off the ride and make our way into the gift shop.
"Can I get an alien?" Liv asks, pointing at the wall that holds the stuffed green aliens.
"Wouldn't you rather get a Stitch?" I ask her, knowing that she'd be asking for her favorite Disney character later.
Her eyes widen at my words. "Yeah!"
"Okay, then we'll wait and get you a Stitch later when we leave. Along with your Minnie Mouse balloon."
"Okay Jay Jay!"
"Good," I say before turning to face Mia. "Time to get some food now?"
"Definitely. I think we're all starving." She says, looking down at Liv.
"Okay, let's go eat at Pinocchio Village. We can go on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad afterwards as our last ride. Then we can get Liv her plush Stitch toy and Minnie Mouse balloon and then go back to the hotel and swim for a while."
"That sounds good. Now let's go eat."
. . .
We had just finished eating and were now making our way towards Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. When we arrived I took notice of the digital sign showing how long of a wait there was. After looking at the sign we quickly got into line. An hour and a half later we were standing in the loading area, waiting for the next mine train to come in.
The mine train came and the doors holding us in opened, allowing us to step into one of the mine carts. Olivia was sat in between Mia and I again and once we were all situated I pulled the safety bar over our laps. It took a few minutes before the mine train was ready to go and soon enough we were making our way up a mountain.
We were twisted, turned, and dropped for three minutes before pulling back into the station. The safety bars were lifted automatically and we got out of our mine cart.
"Okay Liv, we're going to get your plush Stitch toy and Minnie Mouse balloon now before we go back to the hotel to swim. Is there anything else you want to do before we go?" I ask her, knowing she'd throw a fit about us leaving if I didn't.
"Nope! I'm ready to go swimming!" She says, excited to go swim at the hotel's pool. This would be her first time swimming in one of the Disney Hotel's pools since we never stay at a hotel because we live so close.
We walk towards the Emporium on Main Street, U.S.A and enter, walking towards the wall of plush Stitch toys. I reach up to get the biggest size they had and hand it directly to Liv once I got it. She immediately hugs it close to her body and we walk towards the cashier.
"I have to take your Stitch real quick Liv so the nice lady can scan it. I'll give it right back to you after she's done. Okay?" I tell her, carefully taking the Stitch out of her firm grip. Once the lady rings it up I hand it right back to Liv. I pay for the Stitch and we walk out of the store, the receipt in my hand just in case anyone tries to stop us. We then walk up to one of the balloon people at the very front of the park and I buy a Minnie Mouse balloon, handing it to Liv as well.
"Thank you, Jay Jay!" Liv says, hugging me.
"You're welcome, love. Now let's get going so we can catch the next bus back to the hotel."
. . .
"Jay Jay, come on the water slide with me!" Liv calls out.
We had been at the hotel's pool for about an hour and a half now and without even questioning it I got up and raced Liv towards the water slide. I could hear Mia laughing us as we ran, trying to beat each other.
Liv beat me. But I let her beat me.
There were only a few minutes left until my mom was coming to pick up Liv so the water slide was the last thing she'd be able to do. I had already let Mia know so she could gather Liv's things, allowing her to be ready to go when my mom came.
I went down the slide first, floating off to the side once I reached the bottom to wait for Liv. Once she splashed into the water I helped her to the stairs before grabbing one of the hotel towels. I wrap it around her, being sure to dry her off completely. Mia then takes Liv to one of the bathrooms to help her change into a dry outfit. They come out a minute later, Liv dressed in one of those things that's a dress but not a dress (A/N I'm talking about a romper, he's a guy so I doubt he'd know what it is).
"Come on Liv, mom's going to be here any second." I say, taking one of her hands in mine and her bag in the other. Mia follows behind us as we walk to the front of the hotel. Seconds after we arrive my mom pulls up, getting out to take Liv and the bag from me.
"Have fun at the rest of the parks, kids." My mom says. She gives both of us a quick hug before hopping back into the car and driving off.
"Let's go back to the pool for a bit. We can get something to eat for dinner after."
"Alright, I'll race you." Mia says, running off right after she finishes speaking. Grinning, I run after her, barely making it before her.