"Come on Mia!" I yelled out. "Let's go play on the swings!"
"Okay, Jay!" Mia exclaimed, and ran after me towards the swings.
"Hold on guys! Go stand out by the water first so I can take a picture for this years Christmas card." My mom said as she took out her camera from the bag.
I took hold of Mia's hand and we ran over to the dock. "Okay Jay, put your arm over Mia's shoulder and face the water."
"Momma! Only Mia can call me, Jay." I pouted
"Okay, sweetheart." My mom said, laughing.
I smiled happily and put my arm around Mia's shoulder. We both turned to face the water.
"Alright kids, go and play now."
"Yay!" We exclaimed together and ran over to the swings.
"Jay Jay? Can you push me?" Mia asked, sending me a smile.
"Yeah!" I laughed, going behind the swing.
"Wee!" Mia yelled out happily. After a few more pushes she told me to stop. The swing slowed down and Mia hopped off. "Your turn Jay."
"Okay!" I laughed. I hopped onto the swing, waiting for her to start pushing, and, since she's younger and a little weaker, I pumped my legs to help out.
"Jay Jay, no! I wanna do it myself." She cried out after noticing I was helping her.
"But I wanna help you!"
"Please, Jay Jay?"
"Fine!" I say, giving up the fight. I knew there was no point in trying to fight with her since she always got her way anyway. Mia pushed me a bit more before my mom called us, saying it was time to go.
"Coming momma!" I yelled, jumping off the swing and running over with Mia by my side.
. . .
"Mr. Connors," I hear a voice say. "Mr. Connors please wake up this instant!"
"Huh? What? What happened?" I asked, groggily.
"Is my lecture boring you, Mr. Connors?"
"No, sir." I mumble.
"Detention after school." He says and goes back to teaching the lesson.
I groan and put my head in my hands when a piece of paper hits me in the back. I turn around and see Mia raise an eyebrow at me.
Jay? You alright? We'll talk after class, okay. There are notes on the back from when you were sleeping.
Mia X
I turn around and give her a grateful smile. She smiles back and then turns her attention to Mr. Ray who was starting to talk about the importance of correct grammar. Thankfully there were only a few more minutes left of class.
I jumped out of my seat, collecting and shoving the papers into my binder. Before I could get out of the classroom Mr. Ray reminds me of my after school detention and I roll my eyes when I get out of the classroom.
"Jay?" I hear Mia call out. I ignore her.
"Jason Xavier Connors!" She yells at me. I stop knowing that she's serious and slowly turn my body to face her.
"What, Mia?"
"What is wrong with you?! You did hear me call your name right?" She glares at me.
"Yeah, I heard. I'm sorry; I have to think of something to tell Coach. There's practice tonight but I have to go to Mr. Ray's after school detention instead." She gives me an apologetic look.
"Right, sorry. I'll see you later, okay? Are we still on for tomorrow?" She asks.
"Yeah, we're still on for tomorrow."
"And you really can't tell me where we're going?" She asks, giving me her famous puppy dog eyes.
"I really can't tell you. It's a surprise, remember." I say, pulling her into a hug.
She returns my hug and laughs, shaking her head. "Alright. Can you at least tell me what I should wear?"
"Whatever you want. You always look beautiful."
"Shut it, Jay. You know that's not true."
"But it is. I'll pick you up at 8, okay?"
"In the morning?" She asks, groaning.
I laugh, "Yes, in the morning."
"Ugh. You're lucky I love you."
"I know," I reply smirking. "I'll see you later, Mia."
"Bye Jay."