"Come on! Come on! Get up!" I hear a six year old yelling in my ear. I open my eyes to see Olivia right in front of my face.
"Alright, I'm up," I say groggily.
"Good! Now get dressed we have to go eat with Mickey Mouse before we go to Magic Kingdom!" Olivia says before bouncing off of the bed and running out of the room.
I turn over to see that Mia is already out of her bed getting dressed. Olivia had obviously woken her up first. Groaning, I sit up and check my phone. Before I do anything else I look at the time; 7:00 AM.
"Ugh. It's way too early for this." I grumble, getting out of the bed.
"Well you're the one who brought us to Disney. Now you pay the consequences." Mia said laughing.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I say moving towards the bathroom.
. . .
Twenty minutes later we're all dressed and ready to go.
"Okay. Does everyone have what they need? We're not coming back to the room after we eat, we're going straight to Magic Kingdom." Mia says looking at me specifically.
"I've got everything." I say.
"Me too!" Olivia says. "Can we go now?"
Mia and I both laugh. Nodding, I open the door and Liv is the first one to the elevator.
"I love your Rapunzel outfit, Liv." Mia says to the six year old. Liv smiles and takes Mia's hand into her own.
I press the button for Chef Mickey's and the elevator doors shut. Seconds later we stop and the elevator doors open again. We step out and into the restaurant.
"Hello, welcome to Chef Mickey's. Do you have a reservation?"
"Yes, it should be under the name Connors."
"Ah, I have you right here. Your booth is ready now if you'd like to follow me back." Mia nods and we follow the lady towards the booth. "Here we are. A waiter will be by shortly to get your drink orders and then you may go on up and fix your plates."
"Excuse me, missy." Olivia says.
"Who am I meeting today?" Liv asks, excitement showing in her eyes.
"Let's see. Minnie, Mickey, Donald Duck, and Pluto are all here today."
"Okay, thank you!"
"Of course, sweetie. If you have any more questions please don't be afraid to ask. Enjoy!" She says before walking away.
"Alright Liv, what do you want to eat?" I ask her, looking around to see how close the characters were.
"Mini Mickey waffles!" She says, watching Minnie Mouse intently.
"Just some pancakes," she replies watching Olivia with a smile.
"Okay. Can you stay here and order the drinks while I go up and get the food?"
"Yeah, what do you want?"
I give her a knowing look and she starts laughing.
"Right, of course. Coffee." She says, shaking her head.
I smile at her before walking away to get the food. Once I reach the kid foods I get a plate of Mini Mickey waffles, setting them on the tray. I turn to go over to where the adult food is and see that Liv is getting a picture and an autograph from Pluto.
'One down, three to go' I think to myself. I walk over to where the hot food is and grab two plates of pancakes, setting them on the tray. When I turn around I see that Mia had ordered the drinks and that Donald Duck was taking a picture with Liv and giving her his autograph.
'Great, now only Minnie and Mickey left to go' I think again, walking towards the table. Once I get there three drinks being placed on it. I place the tray on the table and give Liv her Mini Mickey waffles. I put a plate of pancakes in front of myself and Mia before putting the syrup and whipped cream in the middle of the table.
"Jason! You missed Donald and Pluto!" Liv exclaims, drowning her waffles in syrup.
"That's enough syrup, Liv. Save some for the rest of us." She pouts before setting it down and taking some whipped cream.
We start eating and right when we finish Minnie and Mickey walk up to the table. Olivia literally jumps out of her seat and hugs Minnie. Mia laughs, taking a picture of them.
"Can I get an autograph, pwease?" Liv asks, holding out her autograph book to Minnie and Mickey. They both nod their heads and each take a turn to sign her autograph book.
"Thank you!" Liv says, giving Mickey a hug next. Mia takes a photo of them and then puts the camera down. Minnie and Mickey then walk away, allowing me to call over the waiter so I could pay.
"Your total will add up to $90.97."
I nod and hand him my credit card.
"Jason, no! Let me pay for myself." Mia says, grabbing the card.
"M, just let me pay for it." I say, taking the card back and handing it to the guy.
"Jason I do not need you paying for me." She says, glaring at me.
"Well I am. If it makes you feel any better you can pay me back later." I nod towards the guy, allowing him to swipe the card.
"Alright, fine." Mia says, giving up.
I get my card back and we all head outside to the buses. We get on the first one we see that'll bring us to Magic Kingdom.