September 3rd, 2007, 7:30 AM
Today was going to be pretty stressful. Kumoniko Asashi had to wake up early to look good for the first day of his senior year. Usually, he'd get pancakes the first week of school, but not this time. The reason was a bit downgrading for him.
Last year he had punched a few boys at school for calling him a "gay fag." He had all the right reasons to hurt them. One, he wasn't even gay, and two, he had been trying to keep in the anger from all the bullying over the years, but he just couldn't keep it in the last time.
His mother and father had heard all about it, and they truly believed their son was in the wrong! Now his whole family thought he was gay, and they wouldn't even look at him the entire summer. He hated his whole life, but maybe he could wait longer to see if anything would change. If not, suicide was the way out. He didn't care if it hurt.
Asashi rushed down the stairs, looking in front of the mirror, readjusting his uniform. Hopefully today would be a good day, he thought. At least nobody knows me here. I get a fresh start.
He grabbed a piece of toast and ran down the street. After about ten minutes, he finally got there. Trying to find his locker took a long while, especially the class.
The day went by quite normal. He didn't speak the whole time, and always kept to himself. This went on for another few weeks, and after about a month, something different had finally happened.
His homeroom had a new student named Shion. Of course, she had to sit by him, and it was pretty awkward, but he felt lucky. She was probably the cutest girl he had ever seen! Though Shion had a pretty masculine name, Asashi didn't mind. The black hair going down her back was gorgeous, and her blue eyes were sharp. They both didn't speak much, so there weren't ever conversations at their table.
The two shared no classes, at least for the first trimester. If Asashi had more confidence, he would've spoken up to the girl.