Chapter 1
A Forsaken Future
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It was a cold day, like it generally was. Today felt especially saddening, it was as if, the sky was crying. It made me feel sad, a feeling Im constantly trying to avoid, but sometimes it was inevitable, as it always was in my life. This is a message from the future, to those who lived in a simpler time, if you think the world is fucked up now. Just you wait, to those who lived hundreds of years before now.617Please respect copyright.PENANAVqHnl4TWmj
My name, unimportant, as i've lasted 16 years without it so far, or at least, I think it's been 16 years. I've long since forgotten my name, my family dead, my name gone, the world apocalyptic. Call me Maxie, the name of what I believe to be my late father.617Please respect copyright.PENANAsuNmqhHlgZ
Im curious, how did you believe the world would end? Zombies? Black hole? Mass Insanity. Well unless you seriously studied biology, human evolution, and had a large imagination, you would have never saw it coming.617Please respect copyright.PENANAFsM8PNuUry
If you have any form of education, and not a total religious freak, you'd know that humans came from apes in a process known as evolution. It was a process that took a thousand years, now humans evolved again, but this time it happened faster, much faster, to a level many thought was impossible.Humans began to evolved in days, hours, minutes, and if you were really special it could've happened in seconds.617Please respect copyright.PENANAJaeduNoODB
Yeah that's what happened, that why the world is the way it is. Desolate, lonely, forsaken.617Please respect copyright.PENANAqtzrsWuEcE
The colder regions, like Greenland were hit first. The news came up about half a century ago, and man it wasn't pretty. Someone, one day went out side, and believed they saw a wolf, wearing clothing, standing on it's hind legs, talking. This person, whoever it was was taken to a government facility, and believed to be crazy.617Please respect copyright.PENANAxN1z5SVssi
The same thing happened in Alaska, then again in Russia, people transforming, they were scared and began to run, crawl, or slide depending on what animal they were turning into. If anything good came out of all of this, it was that normal people came together, they dropped all problems they had, whether it be grudges over religion, or economy, or war, they worked together against this new threat, and their first and only mission. Get rid of all of these "monsters".617Please respect copyright.PENANANoMPP16H8P
The world was also changing, continents like Africa began breaking into smaller islands. All important people, presidents, prime ministers, and kings/queens moved to the center where Africa used to be and pushed out all the poor people further, north, south, east and west. Their became a royal family and they became the undisputed leaders of humanity and the king whoever he was had declared this. "All of them, are to either be killed, or captured, we must stop these beasts from attacking us, whoever they may be.617Please respect copyright.PENANAf8azL5M5nz
They classified people like me as "Fiend". Man I hate that title.617Please respect copyright.PENANAzjyjOsIyyH
I am Maxie, and I am what they call a "Fiend", I fight to save other with my unique gift. All I want is freedom, but bounty hunters and the new Global Government which I nicknamed the GG keep coming after us.617Please respect copyright.PENANAkpAo2a3K5e
I guess you could say I've made a pretty big name for myself, They call me the "Grim Reaper". I guess it's because of my special "Fiend" trait. I had a large skull on top of my my normal skull that lied on my head. It wasn't a human one, though. It had really long teeth and if I had to guess one, I think it'd be a lion. it hasn't talked in years but I always knew it could. Plus certain parts of my ribs and spine are sticking out of my body. They were as visible as a persons teeth. I haver a bounty on my head for 530,000 eon, which was a new global type of currency. Which in my opinion, is pretty high.617Please respect copyright.PENANAcRrlutl8Ho
Right now I'm on a rescue mission with my friends Flint . He's a member of my team known as the RottenStars. He's easily the only person on my team I'd really call a bad person, but we'll get back to his personality later. He has an orange long sleeve shirt with a red vest on top of it. He himself is pretty well known called the "Red Fist" beast.617Please respect copyright.PENANAKQG6q8ppga
His "Fiend" trait is that in the upper right corner of his fast is furry like a wolf's, which is why he wears a small mask to cover it.
Also we brought along the new guy Brayden, who had silky brown hair, and wore sunglasses all the time, Im pretty sure under those glasses were eagle like eyes. He wore a really old adidas track suit he must've found somewhere.
We decided he should deal with the bounty hunters while I save the lost, whoever it was. "Hey you guys hows life". Flint said gaining there attention. I snuck around the tree's. Both of them were distracted by him, so I grabbed the large bag when they weren't looking. "Hey boss it's Red Fist what should with do?" The short, fatter one said. "Ain't it obvious this is our chance to get rich, kill him and take his head". The taller one with the mustache replied. "Then Brayden came in and drop kicked the taller one in the face. "Hell yeah this wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be." Brayden said with a smile.
The heavier one shot Flint in the arm, which was a bad move. Some Lost had the special ability, to evolve so that they were invincible to certain things. So now Flint was bulletproof and his super regeneration had made it seem like the bullet was never fired.
This fight was essentially over already. "Flint meet me back at the ship and don't kill them". I grabbed the large bag and went toward the ship, away from the fighting. I emptied out the bag to find a really large bird cage. Inside of it, I noticed a little girl, inside her mouth was tons of tissue, and she was blindfolded. She was completely naked, besides the t-shirt she was wearing, and had scars all over her body. She had been crying, a lot, I saw tear marks on her. I took all the tissue out of her mouth, then she completely began to wail on me.
"Please mister, please don't hurt me anymore! Just take me back to my mommy and daddy, if I pleasure you again could you please just take me back!"
If I had to guess I think she was living in one of the slum villages, she and her family found out she was a lost and tried to hide it. Someone told the authority which resulted in her being captured, and her parents either in jail or dead. Then I assume they decided to 'train' her like a dog, they tortured her, and raped her as well. Or maybe she did it of her own free will because they promised her to take he back. If she was any smart she would've realized she could never go back. Out here there are only three options for a lost, get captured and killed, hide out for the rest of your days, or fight back.
I didn't bother comforting her, or anything like that, nor did I tell her to shut up and relax, I simply sat there and waited for her to stop.
I still heard gunshots meaning Brayden wasn't done having his fun. Idiot, his recklessness was going to get him killed some day, which was exactly why I sent Flint with him.
"Hello is anyone there?" The girl in front of me had asked.
'Guess she's done with her outburst' I thought.
It was weird that I couldn't find anything on her body that even slightly resembled any animal. I'm gonna assume it was either on he back or upper chest.
I took off her blindfold to find two large green orbs. They were just like Brayden's except his were yellow. Tiny diamond-shaped pupils were looking at me, and I could tell a lot of things were going through her mind when she looked at me. Fear, confusion, anger, and despair just to name a few.
Then I noticed her blush at the site of me checking her with my eyes. She immediately covered that spot. What did it matter anyway?
"Here". I said giving her a blanket from my bag.
She remained silent, still sniffling. I know she's just went through some of the worst days of her life but would it kill her to say thank you?
"Hey what's your name?" I asked beginning to stand up.
"What's it matter anyways your just gonna use me, just like those other men did". Then she began crying again.
I was trying to recruit people for my team, hopefully a guy, who knew how to fight, wasn't to young but not over 30, instead I got a crying 9 year old girl. Isn't living just the greatest.
More gunshots and a scream, so they finally got rid of one of them, that's good.
I was beginning to lose my patience with this little girl. I gave her a slap across the cheek, although it wasn't to hard, just hard enough to get her attention. "Alright girl listen, I've got three things to tell you.
1. I promise, no matter what the circumstance's may be I won't abuse you like those men did, can't promise I won't hit you if you get annoying though.
2. My name is Maxie, but you will call me 'sir' me and my friends go around saving Lost like yourself.
3. If you don't stop crying, I'll hit you again.
Any questions?"
"Why did it have to happen to me, why did I become a Fiend". She said holding back tears. I definitely couldn't keep her, maybe leave her with Macbeth or give her over to Lust.
"Excuse me, Sir? May I ask your name?" She said still sniffling.
"Call me Maxie".
Her green orbs became that much bigger, as she realized who I was.
"Your that Maxie, you one of the Warlords, one of the Seven Sins Of The Sea." She exclaimed.
Now your probably a bit lost, the Sins are a group of people, who are easily the most infamous Lost ever. They cause the most trouble and/or the biggest threats to the GG so they were given the title of Sin. I am the Seventh and final sin, the Sin of Sloth.
"Please forgive me sir, I meant no disrespect. Did I mention, that the title of sin gives you a ton of respect. Generally when Sin decides to protect a certain person and add them into their "family" the GG will ignore them.
The GG doesn't mess with Sins most of the time. Which is why many weaker Hellions attempt to find protection under them.
I heard another scream in the direction of the battle. Meaning the final hunter was dead. "Alright girl lets go, but first what is your name?"
"Everyone used to call me Angel".
"Okay Angel, what about you makes me a Lost".
She paused, threw down the blanket and took off her shirt.
Revealing two large sparkling white wings.
"With them, I can fly for a couple minutes without straining myself, but ever since those men caught me, the kind of broke them to make sure I couldn't fly." The tried to withhold tears.
I went into my pocket to bring out an elixir, it was given to me by an old friend, I rubbed it on her wings bone's, they instantly came back together.
"Thanks that feels a lot better". She said with a smile.
She curled her wings and put her shirt back on, the the blanket and we began to go. Flint and Brayden should catch up eventually. We made it back to the ship. Where Akio and Grayson were waiting, two of my cremates and fellow RottenStars. "Hey Max finally, finally, finally back, hey whose your new friends, whats her name, did ya beat those guys, did ya. Akio rambled.
Akio was the shortest member of the team stand at 5'6. He had insanely wild purple hair that somehow managed to defy gravity. He never stood up completely straight, and stuttered more than that pig in that old cartoon about a rabbit and a duck. What was it called again?
He was a combination of a cheetah on the outside and some type of rodent on the inside. His feet and his legs up to his knee's were like a cheetah's legs. Which were easily noticeable because of the guys commitment to not wear shoes, and he wore shorts all the time.
The inside of his body was that of a rodents. His heart beat was 24.7 times faster than a humans. Not joking Imagine, you were so shocked about something, and your heart was beating really fast. Yeah his beats faster.
He was always eating something, and believe it or not, he didn't sleep. He doesn't need to and if he ever stopped moving he would actually die, as when you sleep your heart beat slows down and he would never wake up again. He had a bounty of 230,000 on his head, and he got it purely for running.
"Akio your giving me headache's quiet down" Gray said even though Im sure he knew it was impossible. He was Akio polar opposite in everyday. For one thing he was the biggest guy on the team standing at an astonishing 7'0. His heart beat was was way slower than the average persons.
I remember after a fight he was knocked out, so I told Akio to check his heart beat. Akio said it was beating impossibly low and that he was dead. Not a smart move on my part.
He had short brown hair, and rugged eye brows. He was dubbed the "behemoth" despite not being much older than I was. His signature animal was either a bear or a gorilla, I couldn't remember, while he was physically the strongest it took him hours to completely transform. It's not like he needed it though, he had super strength and at could deflect shotgun bullets at close range with his tough skin alone.
"This is Angel, she'll be staying with us for a while. Angel with Grayson, the big one, into Akio's the small one's room. Try to take out a pair of shorts." I told her.
"Hey why my room?"
"Your the only one of us who ever wears shorts, plus your the smallest".
"Okay but why does Grayson need to take her when it's my room.
"I don't trust you not to take advantage of her in her weakened state."
He gave me a fake look as if he had just been deeply insulted.
"I would never, we both know Im into older women, she's to small for me, unless I was really that horny, speaking of which when are we gonna get home, I have ton of babes waiting for me."
I rolled my eyes and was about to go to my room until I saw a figure jump onto the boat.
It was Flint, and he was carrying a dead Brayden617Please respect copyright.PENANAtQMzMGqrB3