Chapter 2571Please respect copyright.PENANAn7u7lJx1XV
The Doomsday Countdown Begins
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So Brayden died, and it was pretty much entirely my fault, he was still a newbie who did even have full control of his power. The bounty hunters fighting us were clearly amateurs. Apparently they worked for "Boo" who was an infamous bounty hunter who's supposedly managed to kill or capture hundreds of lost.571Please respect copyright.PENANA7tCAdzeYSy
I stayed out of the fight, just to see what Brayden could do, while his transformation wasn't fast he made up for it but moving fast, and abusing the fact that he could fly, but he had one fatal flaw. He played around way to much. He should've killed them quickly but no he had something to prove.571Please respect copyright.PENANAMWjfE4TlPK
Apparently he believe he was to fast to be shot or something, which resulted in a lucky shot reflecting off of a tree and hitting him in the wing. He hit the ground, and faster than I could move he was shot dead. Beyond dead, the first shot killed him, but the next nine shots were just for fun. So yeah both bounty hunters ended up dead when I lost it, Maxie told me not to kill them, but I doubt he believed Bray would have died.571Please respect copyright.PENANAYgWuw24J4P
I grabbed his remains and ran toward the ship almost immediately, only stopping to grab some berries. Once I made it back to the ship I saw Maxie mortified face, but he quickly changed it to a face of indifference. A fake face that none of us liked, but if a Sin looked weak, the GG wouldn't waste any time attacking.571Please respect copyright.PENANAdArnDebtHB
So we grabbed a coffin from downstairs, we had four down there, just in case all but one of us would've happened to die. We put him in and said some words, once we got back into our territory we'll give him a proper burial. He was a fool, but when you needed a laugh he was the perfect guy to go to.571Please respect copyright.PENANAcmE5t54UPH
After a while I figured with them so down, nothing would be broken so I decided to go to my cabin and get some quick shut-eye. I woke up to the sound of screaming. Low screaming almost like groaning, to low to be Maxie's and way to lows to be Akio. Grayson came crashing through my roof, my reflexes weren't fast enough as he crashed on top of me.571Please respect copyright.PENANAdPnhdsmWvr
He broke my bed and the floor below us, unsurprising considering he weight at least 500 pounds and that was me being generously nice. It took all my strength but I succeeded in throwing him off me. I ran upstairs quickly leaving an unconscious Grayson, not like I could lift him upstairs by myself. I saw a shark with arms and legs chasing around Akio, but not with much luck. We knew like three shark people, and non of them were very friendly.571Please respect copyright.PENANAX10XMbhuyF
I quickly jumped and punched it in the nose, which was easy because it was the highest part of it's body in the air. It was surprisingly easy. I looked around, how could this guy beat Gray and Maxie? "God dammit Kai you bum why'd you sneak attack me." Now it made sense, this guy was "Suckerpunch" his bounty was 440,000 back when he was a fish man. Now he's just sharked with human limbs.571Please respect copyright.PENANAMnyH4bgu3X
"Sorry I needed one of you guys to punch me, my transformation was taking forever". Kai said while changing back to a human, or as human as he could be. He had the figure of a human but, he had webbed feet, webbed hands, scales and no ears.571Please respect copyright.PENANA97Ubyz3MxY
"Why are you here anyway I thought you'd be with Wrath and his army right about now". Maxie groaned as he got out of a pile of rubble. "Well yeah, you see I was you know bored with Wrath so I took a leave of absence for a while you know?" He said with a nervous laugh. "Im calling your bullshit Kai we know you were to scared to confront him or any of the battleships in his fleet. Maxie laughed and we all joined in. "Whatever man you guys can go to hell………by the way which side are you guys on?" I looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked beating Max to the punch by an instant. "Well the sides you know of the war……. "War!" Max exclaimed. "No one told me anything about a war. Kai dug his hand into his mouth and pulled out a newspaper. It may seem soggy but there's no saliva in my mouth so you shouldn't worry. All four of us charged for the paper determined to get it first. (Grayson had just come up the stairs). But Akio got it with time to spare, then he dashed into a corner and sat on a barrel.
"No Way"
"You can't be serious"
"This is huge".
Akio said all these things and added in a couple of "Oooh's and "ash". He was doing it on purpose, but was this really so big.
"Hey you guys newspaper."
I looked on the side of the boat to see SeaCrawler. SeaCrawler was a black haired stoner, who did nothing but drift across the sea on his back. His trait was that he had a large shell like a turtle coming out of his back.
He rarely had to eat anything so all he had to do most of the time was look up at the clouds. He can go to depths not other submarine and barely any other Fiend can go to. It's so unfair, he had absolutely no worries in the world, except giving a couple people a freaking newspaper and he couldn't even do that.
"Come on Sea it's like we've been living under a rock the past three weeks and it's not like this isn't the biggest even in generations." Akio said nonchalantly.
Alright my curiosity was killing me.
"It's not that easy, I have 10 other people to give this to, you know and you guys live on ships, and are constantly sailing you know how hard it is to find you". He said like he had rehearsed it.
I was about to get into an argument with him when I saw Maxie had a serious face.
"Here Flint, take this and once your done turn the ship around."
"I've rarely ever seen the captain so serious before.
I saw the headline and I immediately understood.
Daiyu Captured!571Please respect copyright.PENANAAVyQvUGU8f
Greed The Tyrant Vs The Global Government
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I didn't even read the rest of it. I passed it over to Grayson then grabbed the helm and change direction due north. Your probably lost right now. Greed's real name is Daisuke, Daiyu is Daisuke's younger sister and Daiyu and Daisuke are both Maxie's adoptive older siblings. Get it? So now the GG is picking a fight. Not only that but Greed will at the very least, lose a considerably piece of his army, now the two sins Wrath and Pride will fight over his territory and those two are considered the strongest in the world.
Daiyu's execution is in exactly three years. July 17th 2217, speaking of which isn't that Daiyu's birthday? That's just cruel.
This was bad on so many levels, if Greed dies, the Sins will be missing a member, Pride and Wrath will be busy fighting each other, Maxie will jump in and probably get himself killed, Lust hasn't been seen in years, Gluttony is crazy and Envy has apparently been preoccupied lately.
The GG are taking a huge risk but if all goes on as planned they might be able to exterminate all the 'Fiends' off the face of the Earth. This must be their plan. This was really bad, the next five years will decide everything.
"Maxie where are we going?" I asked gaining no reply. Akio was hysterical saying he was going to have a heart attack which I think he's past at this point, and Grayson was either on the floor saying he wouldn't see age 20. Forget that we might not even make it to 18 at this rate.
"Alright you guys are still coping Im gonna go ask to join a Sins army". Kai said grinning off. "Which one?" I asked. "Well definitely not Wrath or Pride's or Gluttony's. Maybe if I can find Lust. He said jumping of the ship in a hurry.
Then I turned to SeaCrawler and asked him what he was going to do. "Well Im gonna live life the way I always have and if the GG come after me, then I'll transform fully and live life with the turtle's.
I nodded at this, it was unlikely and took a lot of skill but some Lost have entirely dropped off their human DNA to become normal animals, the GG decide to leave those ones in peace or maybe they just can't tell the difference between them and a normal animal.
Still I respected Crawler's decision, not many people would agree to loss all their humanity and live life as an animal, but maybe that's just what this world needs.
"Um Flint sir?"
I saw Angel the little girl we saved coming out of the Maxie's cabin.
"What" I said irritatedly not wanting to deal with a little girls issues.
"Well Maxie is in his bed, lying down crying."
Now I can believe in a lot of things but Max was not the guy to cry. He even told me when I first met him there's never a reason to cry.
"Or maybe he's whimpering I can't tell". She finished
Whatever it didn't matter at this point.
Either way I knew Max would take part in this war, he loved Daiyu and although he'd nee admit it he cared for Daisuke. This war will be the biggest one between the two species ever. A war that will decided everything.571Please respect copyright.PENANAKmYq8ixhen