Chapter 3
The History of A Star
Saturday, 24th 2214
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"We have reason to believe that it was quite a gruesome battle." The new reporter said. "The Cardinal Vice of Sloth, also known as the "Grim Reaper" and one of his soldier "Red Fist" were believed to be fighting two bounty hunters. Here they killed two innocent men and saved one of their fellow 'Fiends'.
I seriously doubt anything they said was true. Maxie would never kill anyone, Flint maybe but Maxie couldn't be.
"Serenity how long will you sit there and do nothing".
It was my grandmother, who was a Commander-In-chief of the most prestigious army in the world. Meaning she was the 8th Leader of one of the 13 unit fleets. "Serenity your a naval cadet start acting like it".
Yes I was a naval cadet who in a year would officially be old enough to join the Global Government, and once my grandma retires she says I'll be in charge of her fleet. Meaning i would be one of the twenty five most powerful people in the war.
To be completely honest with you, I detested fighting, and/or any form of it. It just felt wrong you know? To hurt someone else how could that ever possibly bring someone happiness.
"Don't worry Grandma Im just surveying any enemies that were found in this area recently".
"Who have you found then? She yelled loudly
Maxie and my brother!" I yelled back.
I sighed, she maybe old but I know she wasn't deaf, she knew damn well who I was talking about.
"Sloth and your grandson!"
"Sloth and who?"
I sighed once more, thinking about arguing with her, but it was kinda a sore subject between us.
"Sloth and Red-fist".
"Oh okay".
My grandmother hated when we didn't call "Fiends" with bounties by their given nicknames, she found it unprofessional to call them by their real names. So that's what's up with the Maxie business.
Then in Flint's case, well he's my brother, or as my grandma says was my brother. Flint turned out to be a 'Fiend' so in order to protect my families image my grandmother said my parents found Flint on the doorstep and he was adopted not knowing where he came from.
My mother was a great soldier till she died and we didn't want to taint her legacy. Regardless, all living members of the family were tested. me, my dad, and granny and once it was found we were indeed human we were set free.
It's kinda hard to believe that we aren't related, we all had pale skin, with red hair, but apparently it was all a coincidence. I don't believe that for a second Flint was adopted, he's my older brother and we both came from our mom.
Mom died fighting against 'Fiends' and I know it would crush her if she found out her son was one, but unlike grandma I knew she would protect him.
Even with the circumstances neither granny nor I hated Flint, but man did grandma ever hate Maxie. Granny and Maxie are pretty similar, both of them wanting to protect Flint. Granny thought she could lessen Flint's sentence by saying he could pass for a normal child as he was calm and didn't hurt anyone, and due to my family's legacy they actually considered it.
Till one night, back when Flint was 14 and I was 12, Flint scared of himself and what he had become was running away, but he hadn't made it ten feet from the front yard before me and grandma called him back. When he heard us call his name he looked legitimately scared, with an expression I've never seen nor understood.
Grandma tried to convince him to comeback saying he could be saved, but I could tell from Flint's expression he wasn't changing his mind, and maybe granny knew that too.
About twenty feet from us were two no three boys. One the shortest not counting his large purple hair, who had a big toothy grin on his face, one in the back who was larger than the others and who wore shackles, maybe a slave with brown hair, In his eyes pure hatred. I also noticed both of them had tails one was orange, with spots and the other larger with more brown respectively.
The a third who was in front, he had a skull sticking out of his skull, but the most amazing thing about him were his piercing blue eyes. It felt almost as if he was peering into my soul.
Right about know Grandma began spitting out threats. Like how if Flint left he could never lead a normal life ever again and that how he'd die before he hit fifteen. One of them the blue-haired one began to move past Flint and come toward us, while Flint just kept walking toward the other to.
Even when grandma pulled out her sword, he kept moving toward us. He stopped five feet away.556Please respect copyright.PENANAsExtGQ55PZ
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"Please just hear what I have to say for five, no three minutes."
Grandma screamed profanity but she basically said no. The faster than I could blink he was carry me bridal style right behind grandma. "You little bastard, your going to hold a little girl hostage. "He looked up but did not reply. Flint along with the other 3 were closer as well.
"Alright fine come in". She said opening the door. I was surprise she accepted so easily, maybe subconsciously she really believed this was better for Flint.
The other 3 stayed by the door but not Maxie, he made himself right a home he sat down and sighed and began to tense up. His eyes even changed color from emerald to put white as he surveyed the area looking for ways out just in case, even when he had put me down he never once let go of me.
"Sorry about this, and I'd hate to use a pretty girl as a hostage but it's a last resort."
Grandma sat down and passed both me and him a drink.
He was weird but he wasn't stupid and grandma was still a soldier, but he whole-heartedly drank the drink.
"Please". He said after he finished. "Flint's better off with me."
Grandma's face turned to pure rage.
"Tell me what makes you think that".
"Well I understand you believe that the government will accept Flint due to your families past history with them but, do you think other kids will?" In the safety of their home people are willing to say things people might try to kill him, people who aren't with the government.
"Then Ill protect him, your saying he's safer with you than he is with the GG a combination of all the worlds strongest nations!" Now grandma was up and flailing her arms everywhere.
His grip on my hand got tighter I could tell he didn't enjoy all of her sudden movements.
"I didn't wanna use this but here. He let go of my hand for a brief second and pulled something out of his pocket a tape recorder.
"I was in the vents above where you guys were debating, you know just to make sure they meant it."
"Sir, I know it's not my place to talk but can we really leave the boy".
"No he is far to dangerous, leave him and we'll get complaints, so we'll say we'll take the boy in for tests then states he died because his body couldn't cope with it's transformation".
"Yeah they die from that a lot don't they?"
"Then were all agreed".
The video recording ended there.
Grandma looked mortified.
"I know a group of children isn't exactly the most practical option but It's the best one."
"I can assure you he won't be safe here nor will I take advantage of him. Think about it, Flint lives here in a large city, he's never been out on his own. leave him be he'll be dead in a week and if any lost do come around they only ant him for there own benefit.
"I broke into the GG's main base twice, without anyone noticing. My bounty of 100,000 zeons doesn't lie, I am strong.
His grip was so tight it began to hurt. "Please let me take him, ill protect him! I'll teach him to be so strong he can come back someday, when we've changed this world!"
He was standing now. "I vow to you!"
My grandma seemed conflicted.
"But your to naive, you drank that drink without a second thought, I might have poisoned it you know?" She countered.
"Maybe but I know subconsciously your a good person, and you believe him coming with me is the right choice."
"And besides". His emerald eyes turned ruby for a split second. Im immune to whatever poison you could gather on such short notice."
"Cocky brat". She replied.
"You make a good argument, but you said it yourself people only help others when they want something, tell me what do you want?".
"I want Flint to help me change this world, to one where both our kind and humans live in harmony, no a world where we are considered human."
"Alright, but please just let him stay the night".
"Okay, but don't go back on your word, Flint go to bed, Akio, Gray, were going on the roof."
They all complied and went to the roof.
I followed them up while Grandma went to talk with Flint.
"Hey" I said climbing up with a ladder.
Maxie who was the closest replied with the same word.
"Say why?"
"Why what".
"Why fight for peace?"
"I mean your an orphan right"?
"Describe the word Orphan".
"Someone who doesn't have parents".
"Where's your mom?" He said changing the subject.
"Dead". I replied crestfallen.
"Tell me are you an orphan?"
"What no my dad's isn't dead he's just not here".
"Answer the question."
"Then neither am I".
"I don't remember much about my family, I have an older brother, and older sister, a mom and a dad, and all of them are alive, somewhere waiting on me to catch up and I will and prove to them Im deserving of a family, but Ill change the world to.
"Who knows someday I may even make you my wife. I blushed furiously as my grandma called me to go to bed.
I said goodbye and lied down, I didn't notice how tired I was until my head hit the pillow.
Early in the morning I was woken up. Grandma had pack Flint a very large bag full of half the stuff in the house. "Why are we up so early". I asked tiredly.
"Sorry Queeny but Akio informed me there's a mob coming this way probably coming for your brother, so as soon as he gets back were going."
Seeing as the brown-haired large one was still on the roof sleeping I assumed that the purple haired short one was Akio.
"Yo Grayson, get your fatass up it's time to go".
"Maxie! It's impolite to use such language." I scolded.
"Well then your grandmother is the most impolite person I've ever met."
Then we both began to laugh.
"Plus his ass is fat".
I tried to keep a straight face but I couldn't and I began to laugh again.
"Say is he that size because it's his trait"? I asked curiously.
"Yep that's why he's so big he's signature animal was a bearilla".
He saw my puzzled face and began to explain.
"A crossbreed between a bear and a gorilla, he has traits from both animals so he can be a tank and a brawler."
"Akio's is a cheetah so he can run really fast, great for being a scout".
"And you?"
He began to think for a moment, why he couldn't remember this was unknown to me".
"Well my first animal was a tortoise but provided I see it for a couple seconds and touch it, I can transform into any animal." He explained.
"Maxie that's amazing". I complimented.
"Yeah but I can't turn into the animal I want to turn into the most". He said while his eyes began to water.
I began to rub his back. "Really what is it?" I said hoping to encourage him.
"Human". He said, before getting up and beginning to walk away.
"Maybe because you already are". I replied. He turned around with a shocked expression that eventually turned into a smile. Then he kissed me.
"Thanks Queeny".
I always wondered why he never called me that, but I never once complained about it. Flint came out of the house along with Granny obviously over prepared for the journey.
"Flint can you run"? Maxie asked slightly concerned.
"I don't even think I can walk.
Maxie sucked his teeth.
"Gray take the damn bag and begin walking north, we should be able to catch up to you." Maxie ordered.
He grunted but grabbed the bag and began walking at a steady pace. We watched him until he disappeared into the forest. Just then Akio appeared.
"Maxie we've got like a minute before the mob is here lets go!" The boy quickly said. "Where's Grayson?" Maxie pointed toward the forest where Akio quickly followed. I could hear his heartbeat as he did.
"Is he ok?" I asked half serious half jokingly.
"He has more lives than a litter of cats". Maxie joked.
We could hear the mob coming after them. With signs and guns.
"Bye" they said together but Flint looked back at us longer and was crying while Max was looking forward. Toward the future.
"That boy, he's lost all hope". Grandma said going back inside to prepare for the mob.
"Who Maxie what are you talking about."
"About changing humanity, he says that but I don't believe he believes, I want to, I really do, maybe they will change the world.
If Grandma really wanted to believe, they must be special.556Please respect copyright.PENANAHwibmH2534