BY 2:20 A.M., DELANNOY was at his wits' end. He had very clearly told Coralie that he wanted a call to his private cell phone when the task had been completed. What part of that had she not understood?360Please respect copyright.PENANA083iU8pCwX
He nursed his Scotch, his cell phone in his other hand. He sat in his love seat and pondered his future. It'd be bright, after this. He'd had all kinds of aspirations of climbing the ladder at the Ministry of Justice and Liberty, but he'd never dreamed of the good fortune that would befall him when Mischa Barton walked into his life.
But dammit, she'd been difficult. If only she'd confessed, she could have lived. This was, ultimately, her own doing. 360Please respect copyright.PENANAQcIw4zigfT
He jumped as his phone rang. But not his cell. His landline. His home phone was ringing?360Please respect copyright.PENANAre9tZcl5wZ
He picked up the phone in the bedroom. "Hello?" he cautiously answered in French. He looked at his reflection n the dresser mirror.360Please respect copyright.PENANAOdYyrzrcIy
"Sir, this is Isabelle, the AC on duty right now."360Please respect copyright.PENANAX0oU6wjZFo
The administrative commander who went by the nickname Liz. Sure. Coralie must have forgotten to call. But no matter now. They'd found Mischa, obliviously. Someone had turned on the security camera and found her swinging from the ceiling by a bed strap. And now they were dutifully calling the warden.360Please respect copyright.PENANAPGuh2SVUJV
"Yes, Isabelle."360Please respect copyright.PENANA6m100vFvIV
"Sir, I have some bad news."360Please respect copyright.PENANAoYi4bSbyvP
And Delannoy would be sure to treat it as such. Shock, indignation, the works. 360Please respect copyright.PENANABbXlwiDDyh
"It's Mischa Barton, sir."360Please respect copyright.PENANAmR6VneThpT
"I see," he said. "Tell me what's happened." How calm and commanding he sounded. A leader in control during a time of crisis. No doubt for this prisoner there would be inquiries tomorrow morning, and he'd accommodate the media by making himself available for them. He'd already picked out the suit and tie he'd wear, a new orange Hermes tie.....360Please respect copyright.PENANAL3PxuTnA9W
As he listened to Isabelle, his blood went cold.360Please respect copyright.PENANA1WvA2rqBmk
He closed his eyes and felt a catch in his throat, tension immediately forming above his eyes.360Please respect copyright.PENANAJ6hywzIXuk
"Tell me----you're joking," he said to his hand.360Please respect copyright.PENANAQvUskcAYeH
It was a moment before he realized that he'd dropped the phone. 360Please respect copyright.PENANASOIxLk7Bho