I’m surrounded by darkness, but ever so often my eyes open and I can see people standing over me. I can hear Darius’ panicked voice, barking orders, telling me everything is going to be okay.
As I dance back and forth between consciousness and unconsciousness I’m greeted with bouts of nausea. Sometimes I wake up vomiting, other times…I curl up in a ball wishing I were dead. How long I’ve been like this, I have no clue.
When I’m finally able to open my eyes without feeling nauseas, there are I.V’s sticking out of my arm. A face comes into view and it takes a moment to recognize her. Helena. Her mouth is moving but I can barely hear a word she says. Then she disappears from view altogether. Moments later a medic is hovering over me, flashing a light in my eyes and waving his finger in my face.
“What’s going on?” I ask, my voice hoarse.
Helena and the medic make way for someone and then Darius comes into view. He sits next to me and takes my hand into his. He doesn’t look like his normal vibrant self. He looks exhausted, angry and like the weight of the world is on his shoulders.
Darius takes a deep breath then forces a smile to his face, “You’re pregnant Giselle.”
I gasp, quickly sitting up, “What?” Did I hear him correctly? “How can that be, we were safe.”
“Not this last time,” he turns away from me, “I got caught up in the moment and…and I forgot to use protection.”
The room seems to be spinning now that I’m sitting upright, but all I can focus on is how guilty Darius looks. He looks worse than I feel. “It’s not the end of the world Darius. It’s a baby,” I gently caress his face. “I mean, I hadn’t planned on having one so soon, but we’ll make it work.”
“It’s more than that,” he sighs, “We now know what Asher and my uncle have been planning. They’ve been secretly plotting to get us removed from power by aligning with our enemies. A month ago, they started a petition to remove us from Lordship of the Eastern Americas.”
A month ago? “I’ve been unconscious for a month?”
“Yes,” he nods, “It’s normal for a human carrying one of our children. The body goes through a lot in the first month trying to accommodate for such a child. Everything about it is foreign to your body so it takes some time for it to find the right balance and a whole lot of your resources.”
There’s a feeding tube sticking out of my arm, which explains why I haven’t wasted away yet. At least I’m still alive.
“Can your uncle even do that? Can he remove you from lordship?”
“He can, and if they succeed, we will become regular citizens. I’ll no longer be a lord and you’ll no longer be a lady. We’ll answer to Asher and his family,” he rakes his hands through his hair, “They’ll be given control over our territory, and as for the how...they’re hoping to make a deal with Frederick. After you made a fool of him in public, he may just decide an alliance with Lucien is more conducive than an alliance with my father. An alliance with my father might make him look weak after what you did.”
In other words, if this petition succeeds, I will have cost Darius and his family everything. Now the fact that he can’t look me in the eye makes sense. He’s angry with me. His father probably wants me dead, only now that I’m carrying his heir, they can’t kill me. Knowing Viktor, he’d find a way to make my life a living hell anyway.
“I didn’t mean…I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know…”
“How do you feel?” Darius changes the subject.
He hands me a glass of blood and tells me to drink it. I do as I’m told. As soon as I have my strength back Darius helps me into the shower. Once I’m dressed he checks to make sure I’m all right for the millionth time before escorting me to the dining hall for breakfast. When I enter, Jackson and William won’t even look at me. It’s only Viktor who looks at me as if he’d like to slit my throat.
Swallowing my pride, I turn to address them all, “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize my actions would call into question your rule.” I apologize to them all.
“You delivered us into the hands of our enemies,” Viktor speaks first, “I should’ve killed you after the first time you spoke out of place.”
“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” William speaks next. “They want to send my father on a suicide mission. They want to send Jackson and I on a wild goose chase, and Darius…Asher wants to make him his personal servant.”
My stomach twists into knots. Asher plans to make Darius suffer, to humiliate him and get them out of the way so Lucien can have what he’s always wanted…Esme. But it’s more than that. Asher doesn’t just want Darius out of the way, he wants him to watch while he takes what Darius covets the most…me. I look across the table at Darius and he offers me a comforting smile.
The dining room door opens, and to my surprise Aria comes strolling into the room. She’s never eaten with us before, but that doesn’t stop her from taking a seat next to Darius, lacing her fingers with his. “Good morning. I see you’ve finally woken up now that you’ve practically destroyed everything Darius and his family have worked so hard for.” Aria can’t resist kicking me when I’m down. “It’s a pity. Your child would have inherited a kingdom if you’d learned to stand there and look pretty instead of running your mouth.”
Normally her words would hurt, but it’s the fact that Darius is still holding onto her hand that has my attention. He realizes what’s bothering me and removes his hand from hers.
Addressing Darius, I ask, “Why is she even here?”
Viktor answers for him, “Because if you insist on not knowing your place, I insist on having the company of someone who does,” he levels me with a glare.
“I never intended for this to happen, I just wanted to help my people,” I sulk.
“Do you want to know what we find interesting?” Jackson chimes in.
Something tells me I’m going to regret asking, but I do anyway, “What?”
“Although Lucien wants to strip us of our titles, there’s one person whose title as Emissary of the human population that will remain in tact. We will all be demoted if this thing goes through and yet you’ll be left unscathed. Why is that?”
All eyes fall upon me. Asher. He did this, but it isn’t an act of kindness. He’s hoping that by being ostracized by Darius and his family, I’ll come running to him. I would never give him the satisfaction, nor will I give up on my marriage to Darius.
“It’s no secret by now that Asher has a thing for me.”
“Or you helped him set us up,” Darius speaks from across the table. His a
“I would never do that to you.”
“I’m still debating whether an heir is even worth keeping you alive,” Viktor adds.
“Look, whatever you want me to do I’ll do it. If you want me to play the docile wife, I’ll do it. If you want me to grovel at Frederick’s feet, I’ll do that too,” I beg, “If he chooses to side with Lucien, its only because he has an interest in the well being of the human population. One that you all do not share. Lucien does…or at least he appears to. Show Frederick that you have an interest in the human population and the tides will turn.”
Viktor gaze slides from me to Darius and the two of them embark on a private conversation. After several minutes of silence, Darius’ eyes slide to mine, “Frederick has expressed an interest in meeting you. We believe Asher and Lucien fuel his interests. “Frederick will be here tonight and we only have one chance to gain his favor.”
“The human plight is what concerns him most. I implore you to appeal to that side of him if you want him on our side.”
“Of course you’d say that,” Aria scoffs, “And I guess the fact that it mirrors your own agenda has nothing to do with your suggestion, does it.”
Aria hopes to pit Viktor and I against one another, but I can honestly say we both want the same thing. “You’re right, it does. But it’s more than that. This is a loss for us all if Frederick decides to back Asher. You all lose your fortune and I lose-”
My eyes flicker to Darius, but I can’t find the strength to say the words. My trailing voice and glance in Darius’ direction says enough. Now they know my vulnerability. Darius is my weak point.
Smiling, Viktor turns his attention to Darius, “It’s nice to know my son hasn’t lost his touch,” Darius and I exchange glances. Aria is quick to lean into him and offer him comfort. His eyes quickly shoot to mine and he leans away from her. “I was beginning to wonder.”
“He knows how I feel about him.”
“Do you believe he feels the same?” A loaded question. One I know better than to answer outright.
“He’s definitely in love with her if that’s what you’re asking,” Aria throws us both under the bus. Darius’ eyes snap to Aria’s. In betraying me, she’s betrayed him, but he doesn’t deny it. “Don’t look at me like that. This isn’t what I signed on for when I agreed to marry you despite your already being married.”
“Indeed it isn’t,” Viktor agrees, “As a matter of fact, now would be a good time to make sure we’re all on the same page, specifically you Giselle.”
Confused I ask him, “What do you mean?”
“Your marriage to Darius is a business arrangement. Your usefulness exists as long as you perform up to my standards. Submit to my son or you’ll find that your place in his life no longer exists.” My eyes shoot to Darius whose already watching me, and then back to Viktor.
“Anything else?”
“Yes,” he smirks, “Aria is his primary wife in every way except publicly.”
“But-” I open my mouth to protest. He levels me with a glare, daring me to test him, but I shut my mouth instead. My eyes slide to Darius’, but his eyes are boring into the table in front of him.
“As we speak your things are being moved to the room adjoining Darius’. Unless the three of you plan to share Darius’ chambers together, then it’s only fair that you and Aria are on equal ground. There will be no catering to your…privileged ways either. Darius will see you at his discretion and any act of defiance will not be tolerated. There is a reason for order in our culture. Darius is the head of your family and you will treat him as such. You will also show Aria an equal amount of respect. There will be no more excluding her from our meals or gatherings. She will be free to come and go as she pleases. This is not a democracy it’s a dictatorship. One where I hold all the cards.”
In other words, everything Darius promised me, his father is undoing. He hates me. That’s the only logical conclusion I can come to for what he’s doing to me. Again I want to protest but I know I can’t. I nod, acknowledging his rules.
My eyes flick over to Darius who seems relieved. Aria laces her fingers with his again only this time he doesn’t stop her. Our eyes meet, but only for a second. Aria pulls him into a kiss and I turn away. This is the life my father has sentenced me to. A life where I’m no more than a high lords human pet.
Servants enter the room with breakfast, and not a moment too soon. I need a distraction from the fact that I now have to deal with Darius openly showing affection for Aria. Viktor has done this on purpose. He’s trying to prove a point by taking away all of my comforts.
The servant closest to me sets a plate of food down in front of me. One whiff of it is enough to provoke my gag reflexes. Still, I force myself to eat as much of it as I can. Once I’m finished, I excuse myself back to my room.
As promised, guards, who motion to the adjoining room, block off Darius’ room. Reluctantly I walk into my room and tears form in my eyes. I pace the floor until pacing seems like a waste of energy then sit down on the edge of my bed. It’s hours before anyone shows up. I’m surprised to see Darius walk in. His hands are in his pocket and his eyes are downcast. He doesn’t look at me.
When he finally meets my gaze, my heart sinks a little. He’s not mine he’s hers…his father made that very clear. I’m just a consolation prize. I’m nothing. I’m vapor. I’m carrying his child and I’m still of no significance to these people.
“I can’t do this.”
“You don’t have a choice,” Darius sighs, “You can’t leave and my father isn’t someone you can say no to.”
“Is this what you want?” I ask, curious.
He hesitates and then he nods, “I want whatever he wants.”
“Even if it hurts me?”
“Yes,” he stands firm.
“You promised me I would never have to be around her. You promised.”
Again he looks away. It doesn’t matter what I say to him. Viktor’s word is law and we both have to obey whether we want to or not. I just wish it didn’t come at the expense of my happiness.
“Regardless of his methods, my father has a point,” Darius defends his father.
Of course he’d defend him. As lethal as Darius is, he’d never turn his predatory nature on his father. Viktor holds his leash.
Whether it’s the unspoken words hanging over us, or the fact that I feel like I’m losing him, a sudden wave of nausea washes over me. Darius closes the distance between us, sliding his hand underneath my shirt and resting it against my stomach. Instantly the nausea begins to subside. Great…yet another person in my life Darius has turned against me. My own child seems to prefer him to me.
I look up at Darius and my heart races. His thick, dark hair that seems to curl at the ends, his haunting blue eyes, and his full lips are just a few of the reasons I love him. Another is the child growing inside me who will undoubtedly share some of his features.
Darius meets my gaze. His lips tug into a crooked smile. “It’s a boy.”
“How do you know?”
“He speaks to me,” he explains, “He’s worried about you. He can detect changes in your hearts rhythm and your pulse when it elevates.”
I place my hand over Darius’ interlacing my fingers with his. Desire flickers behind his eyes and suddenly it seems as if we’re being pulled together like magnets. His lips graze mine, pulling in my bottom lip, which he bites without hesitation drawing blood. He tugs at my shirt, pulling me closer and for a moment I want to drown myself in him. Then I remember he doesn’t belong to me and pull away.
Confused, Darius’ brows purse together demanding an explanation. “It’s always going to be her, isn’t it?” He clenches his eyes shut, rests his head against and exhales slowly. The metallic scent of blood invades my senses.
“Right now, it’s you and our son. That’s all I care about.”
“And once I give birth?”
He doesn’t answer. He doesn’t need to. We both know the answer to my question. I’m just a surrogate. I’m a political puppet, I’m human, and I’m nothing. “Help us win over Frederick and I’ll do whatever I can to make this work.”
“Can you? Your father made it very clear that I have no place in your life.”
“I’ll figure it out,” he grips my shirt, pulling me back over to him.
My resolve falters under his gaze combined with his close proximity. “I don’t want to get hurt Darius,” I sulk, “My heart is wide open to you and I’m barely tolerated in your world.”
His lips press against mine, obliterating what’s left of my defenses. I kiss him back feverishly, my fingers racing to take off his clothes as fast as I can. We spend the next several hours with our limbs entangled. Eventually I drift off to sleep as he leaves a trail of kiss down my spine. My energy is all but spent, but he could go on forever. His insatiable appetite for sex is the only reason I’m grateful he has Aria. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad one. Probably the latter. I should be bale to satisfy him on my own, but he has an appetite that never ends. Exhaustion isn’t even a word in his vocabulary.