Asher and I returned home the next day. We lost at least 6 days of our honeymoon over Darius of all people and I’m determined not to let that happen again. I only wish my mind could stop playing tricks on me. I’ve taken full advantage of my freedom to travel outside of the comfort of my new home and started taking in the sights. Cara, Anya and I have ventured downtown to check out their clothing stores, to get our hair done at the local salons, and to have lunch at one of Anya’s favorite places. Everywhere we go however, I see Darius. One minute he’s there and the next he’s gone. It’s like he’s haunting me.
On a good note, Asher seems to trust me again. I can always tell when I’ve done something he doesn’t approve of because he becomes distant in an effort to guard his heart. Lately he’s been an open book, but like Darius, that can change at any moment so I’ve been choosing my actions very carefully.
“Mrs. Draven, Mr. Asher asks that you join him in his office,” one of our servants came to inform me.
I follow her down to Asher’s office and am surprised to see my family seated on one side of the long conference table opposite of Asher and his family. “What’s going on?” I frown.
“Please sit and I’ll explain everything,” Asher replies.
I look to my father who’s smiling. If he’s smiling it means this is a good meeting and not a bad one. Based off that I take a seat next to Eliza who gives me the biggest hug. God I miss her.
“As some of you are aware, Viktor and Darius have made moves against the human population that are considered detrimental to the well being of the human population-”
“Wait, what? What kind of moves?” I ask, confused. “Why would they want to undo all of the good that’s been done?”
“Because they’re end goal isn’t to revive the human population Giselle. They seek to enslave all humans,” Asher explains.
“You mean Viktor. Darius wouldn’t do that.”
“You also thought he wouldn’t leave you for another woman or take your son away from you,” He cruelly points out. “No offense sweetheart, but you’re not exactly a good source of information when it comes to Darius.”
Glaring at him I ask, “Then why am I here?”
“We’d like to launch a counter initiative to their proposal. One where humans thrive but where night-dwellers also get what we want.”
“And what’s that?” My father asks.
“Control over our food supply. Offerings have slowed to a crawl now that the human populations are thriving. Humans no longer feel the need to provide us with offerings since their lives have taken a turn for the better, which has resulted in a shortage of food supply for our kind.”
“That’s the real reason Darius and Viktor seek to undo all of the good that has been done. If what you’re saying were correct, then surely the blame would have been placed at their feet. It also means they’re under pressure to resolve the issue before they lose favor with the night-dweller population. A situation you plan to take advantage of by finding the solution first in order to dethrone your cousin and uncle from the positions they covet.” Asher, his siblings and his parents exchange glances. They’re surprised at how quickly I was able to catch on to their scheming. “Say what you want about my knowledge of Darius, but I learned a lot from him. Like what you’re suggesting is a complete takeover of their operation. I now also understand why you brought my family and I here. You’re hoping to use our human faces to market your political agenda. Not only will you gain the trust of the human population if you can find a solution to this problem where everyone wins, but also you hope to gain the support of those who already support Viktor and Darius by finding the solution first. Does that about cover it?”
Now my father, Elizabeth and Lucas are all staring at me in wide-eyed astonishment. I fully expect Asher and his family to deny all accusations, but they don’t. Amused, Lucien begins to clap and an approving smile spreads across his face. “I like her,” he smile deepens, “cut-throat and straight to the point. Why Darius would ever let you go is lost on me at the moment, but his loss is our gain.”
“Forgive me for saying it, but a betrayal by one night-dweller is a betrayal from them all as far as us humans are concerned,” my father chimes in. “Why should the human population trust you after what your extended family has done?”
“That don’t have to trust us they just have to see the benefit for them in what we’re trying to do. We’re not asking for trust, we just want to help.”
“Why?” Lucas asks.
“Because in helping you we help ourselves. We need a solution that will bring in more offerings while allowing the human population to continue to thrive.” Anya replies.
“What better way to do that than to go straight to the source itself and find out what humans hold the most dear,” Alexander, Lucien’s oldest son adds.
“Humans are no different than night-dweller’s in that aspect. Survival and success are what we humans hold the most dear.” The table goes quiet while everyone silently ponders a solution where everyone wins. Then it hits me and my lips curl up into a smile. “What if I told you there was a way to do exactly what you want with little to no resistance from the human population?”
Asher sits back in his seat. I can see the skepticism written all over his face and I try not to take it personal. I’m used to being discounted by now. It’s the story of my life. “Then as ambassador’s for the human population I’d give you and your family fifty percent of the controlling interest.”
“Put that in writing and I’ll tell you how.”
“Tell me how and then I’ll put it in writing.”
“I don’t think so,” I shake my head, “Unless you can read thoughts I’d suggest you put it in writing and sign it then hand it over to my father.”
Asher’s eyes wash over me, but it’s not anger I see in his eyes, he’s aroused. He snaps his fingers and papers appear in front of him. He signs them and then passes it down to the rest of his family to sign. Lucien hands it to my father who quickly goes over it to make sure everything is foolproof. My father nods and we both sign the papers as well.
“How do I know the moment I tell you these papers won’t just vanish into thin air?” I ask.
Asher smirks, “You don’t. I guess you’re just gonna have to trust me.”
“I don’t trust any man.”
“So I’ve noticed,” he laughs.
After another long awkward silence I decide to take a leap of faith. Asher is no Darius and so far he’s given me no reason not to trust him. “Alright fine. Human currency, the dollar bill…what if you introduce a new currency that would be more valuable to humans than the dollar bill?”
Confused, Lucien asks, “Such as?”
“Blood. In exchange for goods, services, etc…what if humans were to give blood. The more blood given the more goods and services humans can obtain. It will give the human population a sense of control over their own lives, humans will willingly throw their blood at you therefore solving the food shortage crisis you face, and since you’ll be the first to introduce such a lucrative concept you can corner the market making billions if not trillions for yourselves,” I lay out my greatest idea yet.
“And us, as fifty percent controlling partner,” my father adds.
“Holy shit,” Aiden, Asher’s younger brother huffs.
“You my dear, are a gold mind of ingenuity and vision,” Lucien added. His smile widens and he nods to Asher, excusing himself from the table. His wife Aelynn is in tow and she too is smiling at me.
I’m confused, but once they’re gone, Asher takes over again and we delve into dissecting my idea in order to establish systems to control it before Asher and his family can make a proposal to the public. This takes several hours. Asher has the kitchen staff whip us up some food while we brainstorm until there’s a bulletproof system of execution and control in place for this newest idea.
It’s late when my family finally leaves. They all hug me goodbye, even Elizabeth. If this proposal takes off as expected, my family will be financially independent once again. I will never have to marry another man in order to obtain my family’s wealth again. I’ll be free to make choices that aren’t based on fear or the threat of destitution.
“I wasn’t sure who was the mastermind of the family, but after tonight, no one can question that its you,” Asher slowly approaches me.
“You doubted me.”
“It wasn’t doubt. It was curiosity. I always reserve judgment until the very end.”
“And now?”
“Now I realize I’m the luckiest man on this earth. You’re everything I thought you’d be and more,” He smiles. “The very first time I saw you, Elizabeth was scolding you for your posture. It was obvious that you were irritated, but you complied with whatever she said. The moment she turned her back however, you flipped her the bird, you stuck your tongue out at her, and then you went back to the poor posture she was trying to correct. It’s that same defiant fire I saw in you earlier today sitting across from me.”
“You were there?” I frown.
“I told you, standing in Darius’ dining room wasn’t the first time we’ve met,” he smirks.
I blush. I wasn’t aware anyone saw me do that. I was twelve years old then. At first I wasn’t sure what to make of Asher’s claim that we’d met before, but how else would he know what happened that day?
His lips pressing against mine pulled me from my thoughts. He hands curved around the small of my back pulling me into him. I still feel a slight urge to resist, but I know I can’t. When we exchanged vows I made a promise to him. A promise I have to keep. Shoving my feelings aside, I embrace him and allow the kiss to take us where it will. It almost always takes us to the bedroom, and every time it does I feel as if I’m losing a part of myself to him. I try not to find pleasure in it, but I do. It’s confusing.
Asher’s already gone when I wake up the next morning. He never sleeps. None of them do. I take advantage of his absence and escape the house with Anya and Cara in tow. Cara and Aiden has become a thing out of nowhere and he’s given her a little spending money to spoil herself with.
Anya decides to take Cara to the best designer boutique’s in town to help her find something nice to wear for the annual night-dweller Gala coming up. There, Cara is hoping to initiate the change to become a full-fledged night-dweller. I’m sure Anya influenced that decision. Since arriving here, the two of them have been joined at the hip.
I decide to find a dress of my own to wear. One of the clerks provides me with my own private dressing room. As I’m changing the door to my dressing room opens. I’m expecting it to be Anya and Cara, but it’s not. It’s Darius. How the hell did he even find me? Or maybe this is just another one of my hallucinations. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, but when I open them he’s still there.
“Please tell me you’re a figment of my imagination,” I sigh.
“If you’re open to suggestion, the red dress looks best on you,” he replies.
“What are you doing here?”
“There isn’t much that goes on in this town without my knowledge, so when I received a call from Shiva letting me know you were here I had to come and see you.”
“You know why.”
“You can’t keep doing this Darius. You can’t keep interfering with my marriage to Asher. It’s not fair to me,” I sulk.
“He’s gotten to you, hasn’t he?”
“No, I just don’t want to end up on his bad side. He’s good to me.”
“And I wasn’t?”
“You were…you. He’s different though. He’s not wired like you are and he cares about me.”
“So…do…I,” Darius replies, irritated.
“You divorced me and you took our son.”
“I had no choice.”
“There’s always a choice Darius, you just weren’t brave enough to make the right one.”
After putting my clothes back on and hanging up the last dress I tried on, I turn to leave only to have Darius appear in front of me. I stumble backwards a few steps and drop everything in my arms. Before I can stop him his lips are pressed against mine, forcing me to regurgitate feelings I’ve long since buried.
Gathering my senses I shove him away from me, but he doesn’t return my gaze. His eyes travel behind me, and when I turn to follow his gaze I quickly understand why. Anya and Cara stand glaring at him from the entryway to the dressing room. Cara helps me pick up everything I dropped while Anya approaches Darius.
“Asher will have your balls for this,” she hisses at him through gritted teeth.
“Let him know his days are numbered,” he fires back.
“With pleasure. Giselle, buy your dress and get in the car,” Anya instructs, “I’ll join you in a moment.”
I do as I’m told. The last thing I need is for Anya to tell Asher that not only did she catch Darius and I kissing, but I also didn’t do as I was told.
Anya joins us in the car after a few minutes and I feel so ashamed for kissing Darius that I can’t even look her in the eyes. “Don’t worry about Darius, he’ll get what he deserves,” Anya scoffs.
“I’m more worried about Asher. If he finds out about this kiss he’s going to go ballistic. He may even stop talking to me and I’ve worked too hard to stay in his good graces to have this push me several steps back.”
“He won’t be angry with you. Asher loves you. If anything he’ll be angry with Darius. Their agreement was he would let you go and never attempt to contact you again. He keeps violating that agreement and Asher won’t stand for it.”