Characters: Phantom, Christine, Sebastian, Raoul, Ciel, Grell, William
Place: Royal Opera House, Phantom’s Lair
Christine begs Phantom to listen and try to understand. She almost cries in tears on her knees while the Phantom paces about uneasy, barely listening to what Christine says. Quickly turns to her angered and holds up her wrist with the bracelet. Christine winces in pain. Phantom tells that it does not matter and that she is always his and no else’s. Her voice and her love belongs to him as it always was. Like before the great the fire in East End.
Christine is afraid and confused. What fire? She begins to realize that the Phantom is not entirely sane as thought. In a sudden calm manner the Phantom tries with his words and memories to remind her of his time. Holding gently her hands while looking into her eyes.
Christine is speechless of the confusion and fear. Slightly shaking her head. “Oh God help me. Someone save me!” She cries helpless.
Phantom shortly notes that without a doubt someone will come to her call and then he will have some company to play and sniggers to the thought in delight. His surprise will end with a large “boom”.
Christine begs the Phantom not to kill anyone, placing a pleading hand upon his shoulder. He shortly holds it but quickly pushes it away and snares that she should not have met her friend at the park.
Suddenly familiar voices from a closed door cut in. Raoul noting of the firm locked door and what could lie behind it. Quickly the Phantom gestures Christine to step into safe distance while he stands directly behind the door with an ear to it. He places a hand on the handle while listening carefully. Shortly counts down and quickly he opens the door as the two gave the word to charge. Sebastian and Raoul run in and trip over, landing on their stomach.
The Phantom chuckles in excitement and notes what interesting guests have arrived. Raoul and Sebastian quickly gather themselves to their feet. The Phantom asks them while walking around them how they found his lair.
Sebastian explains that it was his idea with the white powder. He was the stage-worker to “accidentally” poured it across the floor of the Phantom’s box. Hence they left an excellent set of foot prints from the stage trap door to this location and grins “after all, I’m one hell of a butler.”
Suddenly Ciel, William and Grell enter from the other side into the lair and have the Phantom cornered with their weapons. Ciel quickly demands Raoul and Christine to leave while they can. Without hesitation and a word, they left.
“They are lucky to get away without knowing.” Sniggers a familiar voice and the Undertaker suddenly stands back to back with the Phantom, facing the others.
Music: Guess Who - TAEMIN
While music plays, the fight goes off.
Fights end so that the Undertaker has his sharp scythe at Ciel who points a pistol at the Phantom who is at the same time cornered by Grell and Sebastian. William had his scythe pointed at Undertaker. Undertaker makes a point that with his blade at Ciel to step back from the Phantom. William and Grell grunt of dislike while Sebastian does it without a hesitation and neutral expression. Grell remembers that the Undertaker is a deserted grim reaper and notes that the Phantom is long dead and his soul has gone missing yet his body reeks of death. How is that possible, and this time without any machine at sight?
The Undertaker reminds of the quote he shared through a piece of paper and followed with the chain that he gave to Ciel on the cruiser months back. Ciel remembers and reveals it slowly from his coat pocket that he always carried with him since. Undertaker begins with that many centuries ago and even now certain tribes believe that human hair have a certain power and would go lost if cut. The speculation is not entirely correct. The power remains in the hair no matter cut or still growing on one’s head. Besides containing a colour to each person unique along its texture of growth influenced of their nourishment and care. They contain memories and a part of the soul. Hence in the pendants contains lockets of hair from a person he adores the most. The Undertaker takes the chain into his hands. Wanting that person to return and relive the wonderful moments forever. Through her he learned the wonders of the human emotions, but since she is gone he can only feel cold, sadness and loneliness. He tried to cheer himself up but nothing helps. A joke does but only for a brief moment. What really cheers him is the thought of his beloved alive in his arms, hence he tried to revive the dead before with the machine on the cruiser Campania and it failed but it proved that there are still more possibilities to enable that. As many humans refer to “nothing’s impossible” and as all can see the Phantom here is an excellent example. It’s all in one’s hair and so he can’t let anyone kill him and won’t leave until he has the lockets to fulfill his one and only wish. He sniggers in delight.
Undertaker whispers into Ciel’s ear that it was all along Ciel’s mother, Cloudia. Although for many years was an informant to the Phantomhive family he learnt love and loyalty from her. Plus, Cloudia made him promise to keep her son, Ciel, safe and happy as she lay dying in his arms. He has obviously failed to keep Ciel safe since he made the miserable deal with the demon and making Ciel happy has not been easy since he himself is not happy either. Thought maybe through jokes many humans laugh and hence always required a first-class joke to make everyone happy besides providing information that was needed.
He has learned that laughter and happiness are apparently not the same. How complex the human emotions are. There is even tears of sorrow and tears of joy, it has been difficult for him to recognize which is which over all those many years since he has been retired.
Ciel fell into silence of awe as well the others.
After a moment of silence William clears his throat and wonders if Undertaker took any random person and oversee the consequences. Repositioning his glasses and kept his scythe pointed to the Undertaker.
The Undertaker laughs. No one does anything random. Not even an innocent child or a serial killer. “We all have our own logic, and hence, things never go the same way twice.”